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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
    Dude that would be awesome! Isn't that demon thing creepy!Well at least you'll know what to picture when you read it now
    I just love it! I think every fic should have their own cover! I made that a challenge in the Galleria. I might just go one by one to all the fics posted in or we could do that with just the new ones.

    Like I wrote, I"m busy today and I have to read the fic to get the overall idea. But I"m not good at layering. I wish GNB was here..she did such a gorgeous one..i Love that blue one of her with all those caps together. jeeepers, why can't I do something like that!

    I'm glad Teyllia liked her banner, but I need to practice more at this! LOL


      Originally posted by Camy View Post
      OH, another goodie! I"ll have to check this one out later!


      Here's another gift...

 and I have to get together soon and really do that goodie bag!

      maybe we should meet in the off topic CK Coffee Shop soon...and get everything together there! Let me know...nights are best for me!
      Ok Camy, Sounds good.What's a good time? Camy did you get my message about my fic. I fixed it, but I had to delete and reload. I lost your review. Sorry.

      Thanks Elf. I thought you guys would like that.


        Originally posted by Camy View Post
        I just love it! I think every fic should have their own cover! I made that a challenge in the Galleria. I might just go one by one to all the fics posted in or we could do that with just the new ones.

        Like I wrote, I"m busy today and I have to read the fic to get the overall idea. But I"m not good at layering. I wish GNB was here..she did such a gorgeous one..i Love that blue one of her with all those caps together. jeeepers, why can't I do something like that!

        I'm glad Teyllia liked her banner, but I need to practice more at this! LOL
        Dont sell yourself short, cmon man! You do awesome work, hell I even posted your stuff on my blog!
        Yeah GNB does do great stuff though most def
        I think you should totally go for the pic for each story thing, if you need help finding cool pics to add in (like non stargate pics) let me know if I can help
        Last edited by MrsB108; 01 August 2007, 09:02 AM.


          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post

          You know what this means....

          LOL! Thanks Elf.


            Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
            This is what the creatures in my story look like
            EW. EW AND DOUBLE EEEWWWW!!!


              Originally posted by scifan View Post
              LOL! Thanks Elf.
              You're welcome! I know it is one your faves!!...

              Hey do you think I'll make it to 2000 before S4? ....

              You and I are always right after each other when we hit a milestone that's why
              I love it when we do. It makes even more fun!!
              sig by Sci!

              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                Jeeepers, Scifan..didn't I just make you a sig with a new milestone last week and now you have another one!?

                AT this rate, you guys are going to catch up to me! LOL

                CONGRATS SCIFAN!!!!!!!!

                CONVERSION IT IS!!!!! I'll repost the Conversion caps in the Galleria!
                Thanks Camy and thanks for the clips.
                I guess great minds think alike. I did it last night.



                  So, are we not going to start posting caps of Conversion in the Fave ep ship thread thing until tomorrow since, WE voted for today?

                  And, also, since, we can only vote once a day?

                  I don't know how that exactly works..
                  Last edited by Elflinn; 01 August 2007, 09:30 AM.
                  sig by Sci!

                  Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                    Originally posted by Camy View Post
                    Okay..I'll share just this once cause I know most don't go to the Galleria as often....SHAME ON YOU!



                    I love the flowers on this one Camy. Great job.
                    Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                      Waves to all the great JT supporters.

                      Trying to catch up... looks like I have missed more milestones... congrats to anyone who has reached yet another one.

                      Hoping my computer will be fixed soon. Seems like the graphics card may have been causing the problem.. and I am having a new one sent in the post. I really miss not being able to do any artwork. The new card should arrive tomorrow and then I'll have to try and have it installed.

                      Going to check on the games... pity we just missed reaching 50 in the ship pairing episode game...

                      have we decided which ep we are doing next?


                        Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                        OASIS - PART 6

                        "Holy sh-" John started as he and Teyla scrambled away, their eyes glued to the inverted ceiling as it continued to dent inwards even further, groaning loudly, begging to give way.

                        "What do we do? What do we do?" screamed Rodney now wide awake and clinging to Ronon.

                        Ronon held his gun high and targeted the area. "I say...let them come," he replied smoothly.
                        Rodney released his grip and looked at him in disbelief." I say... you’re an idiot!"

                        Teyla snapped at them both "Enough! John, we cannot remain much longer. The ceiling will not hold."
                        John closed his eyes for a moment, trying to concentrate. "Rodney, can you use the energy detector to find the stargate?"
                        Rodney thought about it for a moment before replying," No. If it's not active, there’s no traceable current running through."

                        "Damn it!" John said loudly. The ceiling bent even further and he knew any minute now it would give way and whatever horrible creatures were out there would barrel through. Maybe there would only be five of them, or it could be a hundred, he couldn't take that chance, he thought.

                        "Ok we're leaving! Everyone get your gear; turn all your weapon lights on. Ronon take point, I'll bring up the rear. Stay together people. Head straight out the door and shoot anything that moves!"

                        Everyone rushed around finally clustering around the door. One more massive groan from the warping metal and it gave way, splitting right through its center.
                        Ronon removed the dead bolt from the door and the team readied to make their escape.

                        John suddenly noticed the tattered brown diary lying on the floor where he and Teyla had sat together. He looked up at the darkness beyond the large gaping hole in the roof and saw two bright red eyes staring back at him. He swallowed deeply.

                        He looked back to the book, then to the hole again, judging to see if he could make it. John grimaced as another pair of bright red eyes appeared. Ronon had the door handle gripped and was waiting for his signal.

                        John took off like a shot, gunning for the book, his heart racing in his chest. He could hear exclaims from Teyla and Rodney, yet he didn't look back, his gaze fixed. He skidded as he neared it, reaching down quickly and swiping it. As he turned on one foot and began his race back he saw Ronon had already opened the door and was leading the others out.

                        John heard the roar from behind him and felt the vibration as something jumped down from above landing hard on the floor. He didn’t dare turn around. His breath was dry and coming very fast as he flew towards his team, one hand clinging to the book, the other extended in air.

                        As he reached the door, his extended arm grasped for the handle roughly slamming the door shut behind him. To his surprise, he heard a great screech of pain echo from behind the door as he noticed three long brown fingers with nails as long as knives were twitching at his feet.

                        CAMY - That Sig is AWESOME!!!!!!!

                        OMG the suspense.
                        Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                          Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                          All right, Multiplicity is up and complete. There are a total of ten chapters...the link is to chapter 8. I hope y'all like the ending.

                          Now I'm taking a writing break.
                          I'm reading it now. I finally got a chance now that I'm stuck at my mom's work all afternoon due to a drs. appionment.
                          Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                            Originally posted by scifan View Post
                            Ok Camy, Sounds good.What's a good time? Camy did you get my message about my fic. I fixed it, but I had to delete and reload. I lost your review. Sorry.

                            Thanks Elf. I thought you guys would like that.
                            Hmm...How about tonight? Say....around...9ish! You are in my area so we have the same time...and anyone else who wants to join can come and help us put together the JT goodie bag for newbies....we need a couple of things....Black Panthers Summaries, Wikked's mini clips, some fics to get newbies started....sigs, welcome banner, the smiliesys...and anything else that you think we need....

                            So, let me know and then make the announcement here for others to join us. I"ll find the link to the CK Coffee shop and posted later.

                            Let me know!


                              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                              Dont sell yourself short, cmon man! You do awesome work, hell I even posted your stuff on my blog!
                              Yeah GNB does do great stuff though most def
                              I think you should totally go for the pic for each story thing, if you need help finding cool pics to add in (like non stargate pics) let me know if I can help
                              Aw, thanks! I"ll work on it....but others should as well..and this way you get your best choice!


                                Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                                Congrats Camy on 8700 Posts!!!
                                Loving the Wallies as well Camy, they are soooo beautiful!!!.

                                Congrats Linda on 300 posts!!!
                                I second that!
                                Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic


