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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
    *lol* Yeah I've met him too.... in London in October last year... at the Expo...during the weekend that he was there...
    Two photshoots, two autographs,,sitting through two talks... and chatting little to him during the signing... just such an AWESOME guy... talk about I was shocked when after like a whole day after meeting him the first time he remembered me and the little darn fact that I was from Sweden.... I wonder how in the world he does that...remember such small fact after meeting thousands of people...

    And sure didn't mind having his arm around me in the photshoots,,,or my arm around him for that matter

    And I've shown these to the Joe fans in the other I guess I can share with my J/T fans as well


    - you said he is quiet and reserved right but has a great sense of humor?
    or something to that effect. He probably observes and takes in everything that is around him. I do not know. I know that I speak for myself when comes to quiet and reserved around crowds and stuff but, I am aware of everything
    that is going on and what people are saying to me. So, that might why he remembered you were from Sweden and that he met you before. It's those quiet ones to watch for.. I found that point very intriguing. Thank you for sharing your pics with us. It was very nice to know that he did not seemed
    bothered with putting his are or letting you do the same. That is really very thoughtful. He sounds like he is very down to earth and "real".
    sig by Sci!

    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
      *lol* Yeah I've met him too.... in London in October last year... at the Expo...during the weekend that he was there...
      Two photshoots, two autographs,,sitting through two talks... and chatting little to him during the signing... just such an AWESOME guy... talk about I was shocked when after like a whole day after meeting him the first time he remembered me and the little darn fact that I was from Sweden.... I wonder how in the world he does that...remember such small fact after meeting thousands of people...

      And sure didn't mind having his arm around me in the photshoots,,,or my arm around him for that matter

      And I've shown these to the Joe fans in the other I guess I can share with my J/T fans as well


      Nina, you hot sexy lucky are you...and about Blue...Please, don't get her started! LOL

      all you need to do is write Joe Flannigan..and she's off!


      Don't mind me, I think the man is hot!

      Did anyone read anything about the Con? Wasn't it this weekend? guys are getting me all excited about Ruby's Complicated fic..Ruby, I hope you finish it tonight cause I"ll be busy for most of this week and not sure if I"ll be able to post and read as much fics....

      Scifan...sorry about your Kit. I know that I love my dogs, I'd do the same.

      Hope all turns out okay.

      Off to read fics!


        Originally posted by Elflinn View Post

        - you said he is quiet and reserved right but has a great sense of humor?
        or something to that effect. He probably observes and takes in everything that is around him. I do not know. I know that I speak for myself when comes to quiet and reserved around crowds and stuff but, I am aware of everything
        that is going on and what people are saying to me. So, that might why he remembered you were from Sweden and that he met you before. It's those quiet ones to watch for.. I found that point very intriguing. Thank you for sharing your pics with us. It was very nice to know that he did not seemed
        bothered with putting his are or letting you do the same. That is really very thoughtful. He sounds like he is very down to earth and "real".
        Remember those interviews up in Sci fi...well one of them is with David Hewlett and he describes each one of the main cast and when he describes Joe, correct me if I"m wrong, but he does mention that Joe is a person that really thinks before he says something but he's one that is always attentive to everything. Jeepers, I couldn't remember things that clearly. I have to be really engrossed in something to rememer things very well.

        I have a very short attention span.


        Anywho, it's interesting cause that is nothing like John Sheppard. He's more the spacey but very smart kind of guy that pretty much has to control his tongue many times but of course, when it comes to Teyla, he's tongue tie!


          Originally posted by Camy View Post
          Remember those interviews up in Sci fi...well one of them is with David Hewlett and he describes each one of the main cast and when he describes Joe, correct me if I"m wrong, but he does mention that Joe is a person that really thinks before he says something but he's one that is always attentive to everything. Jeepers, I couldn't remember things that clearly. I have to be really engrossed in something to rememer things very well.

          I have a very short attention span.


          Anywho, it's interesting cause that is nothing like John Sheppard. He's more the spacey but very smart kind of guy that pretty much has to control his tongue many times but of course, when it comes to Teyla, he's tongue tie!
          Oh Yeah. I remember that now. It was in the one that done not to long ago.
          It is fairly recent. Then, that would explain it. No wonder why I can relate to
          him like that. I'm guilty of that myself. I just do not look as hot as he does.
          I look better!! Anywho, that makes a lot sense to me. DH said something
          like being methodical in that way or something and also that he always turns heads and his wife is particularly pretty. It not verbatim but that is pretty close to what DH said.
          sig by Sci!

          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            Remember those interviews up in Sci fi...well one of them is with David Hewlett and he describes each one of the main cast and when he describes Joe, correct me if I"m wrong, but he does mention that Joe is a person that really thinks before he says something but he's one that is always attentive to everything. Jeepers, I couldn't remember things that clearly. I have to be really engrossed in something to rememer things very well.

            I have a very short attention span.


            Anywho, it's interesting cause that is nothing like John Sheppard. He's more the spacey but very smart kind of guy that pretty much has to control his tongue many times but of course, when it comes to Teyla, he's tongue tie!
            It's so rare to have a guy that is attentive, I wouldn't know who that feels. LOL His wife and kids must be lucky.

            Scifan...sorry about your Kit. I know that I love my dogs, I'd do the same.

            Hope all turns out okay.
            Thanks Camy and Elflinn, I hate posting my personal bad news. I don't want to bring the spirit down.

            But it's nice to have friends that show they care too.

            Nina. WOW. I think I've used this word before but I gotta do it..... THUNK!


              Awww... I can't believe the way you guys are talking about Complicated, it makes me feel all special! I'm glad you like it, and I hope the ending meets your expectations!


              Chapter 4 and the epilogue are up! Enjoy...

              By the way, words can not express how JEALOUS I am. I live in London, how do I not find out about these expos????

              That said, I really only got into Atlantis after Christmas (DVDs were an Xmas gift). Please god let Joe be in Vancouver!!!

              Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig





                I really feel for you. I have four cats and I love them all to bits. I'm still getting over my 17yr-old who died three years ago, because I'd had him my whole life!

                I really hope your cat's okay! xxxxxx


                Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                  Here's just a little backstory of accomplishing goals......

                  I starting to complete some of my prereqs for my surgery. One of the main things now is to make sure make foot is completely healed and it is well on it's way. I have to go through on vacuum wound therapy. Only because I am diabetic and I do not heal or feel feet due to nerve damage. But, once that is nipped I can proceed with scheduling appt. withe doctor and wait for insurance to approve surgery. This is why I will be in and out the next few months. I am actually going to have gastric bypass surgery. I am excited yet nervous at the same time. I know I am rambling but, I do not care. I'm ready. Hopefully, I will have my LJ set up where all of you will be to the before and after stuff. I might ask a lot question of you guys of how to go about layouts and stuff. Because, I want eventually to be where all SGA stuff is too. I really must say thank you to all you for making this an atmosphere where you feel like family. That is very comforting. It helps me a lot. So, I wanted to all of you know a little bit of what I have literally under construction!! ((HUGS))) to Everybody!
                  sig by Sci!

                  Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                    This is for you Mrs. B! I thought you might enjoy this. You had said you never
                    used this word until you came here...

                    Here you go:

                    angst (ängkst) KEY


                    A feeling of anxiety or apprehension often accompanied by depression.
                    sig by Sci!

                    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                      Ruby...I can't wait to read your fic..wooohhoooo! you finished it too, even better..I have to go cook something though...

                      just thought I"d let everyone know that YOGO completed her fic...not what I wanted, but what I expected....


                      she keeps her fics more to what would happen in the series.


                        Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                        This is for you Mrs. B! I thought you might enjoy this. You had said you never
                        used this word until you came here...

                        Here you go:

                        angst (ängkst) KEY


                        A feeling of anxiety or apprehension often accompanied by depression.
                        Have to admit I had no idea what angst was until I started reading fanfic...

                        Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                          This is for you Mrs. B! I thought you might enjoy this. You had said you never
                          used this word until you came here...

                          Here you go:

                          angst (ängkst) KEY


                          A feeling of anxiety or apprehension often accompanied by depression.
                          LOL Thanks Elf ..You're too funny

                          Now a J/T ANgst Definition (Ahem....)

                          J/T Angst
                          - the tumultuous drama surrounding the incessant need for john & teyla to be together

                          Ok just finished Ruby's fic - It was so goodddddddddddddddd especially the part
                          in the gym at the end when he wont let her out and asks her straight up if shes in love with him!!!


                            Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                            Have to admit I had no idea what angst was until I started reading fanfic...
                            I did not either. So, I decided for fun to look up actual definition and post it!

                            I did not know what whump was until I came here also. Then, found out hey,
                            I really like it!!

                            So, I can truly say not just for for learning!!
                            sig by Sci!

                            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                              I really have to go to bed now... I always turn nocturnal when I don't have a clear schedule during the day, but that's not good for tomorrow, as I has to be up early!

                              Much Sheyla love, Nighty night!

                              Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                                Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                                I really have to go to bed now... I always turn nocturnal when I don't have a clear schedule during the day, but that's not good for tomorrow, as I has to be up early!

                                Much Sheyla love, Nighty night!
                                Night Ruby!
                                sig by Sci!

                                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..

