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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by scifan View Post
    I have some to start. I'm sure there was more I forgot. I hope this is what you were hoping for.

    Season 1-Rising pt2, 38 Minutes, Underground, Home,
    Season 2- Runner, Condemned, Lost Boys, Hive, Epiphany, Coup d Etat,
    Season 3-Misbegotten, Sateda, Progeny,Common Ground, Phantom, Ark, Submersion.
    Oh thank you so much!!!! I'm reading the transcipts of these eps while I'm stuck here at work. I'm looking for material for a new vid. Thanks!!!
    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


      Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
      Oh thank you so much!!!! I'm reading the transcipts of these eps while I'm stuck here at work. I'm looking for material for a new vid. Thanks!!!
      Looking forward to your vid when you get done and I hope you get better soon.


        Q...I"m sorry to read that you are ill on your B-day. I"m glad my card brought a smile to your face, that was the intention.

        I'm off to see your vid after this..I can't wait! I was playing that song all day today and the Camitos got sick of it! LOL

        People, as much as you think that I posted the Sateda caps for your enjoyment, that was NOT the purpose.

        Already two couples have beated us in the favorite episode couples games. Go and post your Sateda cap, we only have 14 votes!

        Shame on you!

        EDITED: LOVE IT Q! THANKS!!!!!!!
        Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 02 July 2007, 08:56 PM.


          Originally posted by Camy View Post
          Q...I"m sorry to read that you are ill on your B-day. I"m glad my card brought a smile to your face, that was the intention.

          I'm off to see your vid after this..I can't wait! I was playing that song all day today and the Camitos got sick of it! LOL

          People, as much as you think that I posted the Sateda caps for your enjoyment, that was NOT the purpose.

          Already two couples have beated us in the favorite episode couples games. Go and post your Sateda cap, we only have 14 votes!

          Shame on you!

          EDITED: LOVE IT Q! THANKS!!!!!!!
          Thanks, I'm glad that you liked it! I voted in the fav ep couples game.


            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            Q...I"m sorry to read that you are ill on your B-day. I"m glad my card brought a smile to your face, that was the intention.

            I'm off to see your vid after this..I can't wait! I was playing that song all day today and the Camitos got sick of it! LOL

            People, as much as you think that I posted the Sateda caps for your enjoyment, that was NOT the purpose.

            Already two couples have beated us in the favorite episode couples games. Go and post your Sateda cap, we only have 14 votes!

            Shame on you!

            EDITED: LOVE IT Q! THANKS!!!!!!!

            Have voted .. but noone seems interested in voting for John in the H&H men of stargate game... John is still hanging in for 2nd place... its a given that Jack is the winner so taking points off him wont really make any difference at this stage.. but keep voting for John to come in second.


              For your challenge Camy ill post i in the galleria as well
              Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                I can't do fancy pictures, but here's a little something I threw together in honour of Quania's birthday. I hope you like it - I wrote it in about twenty minutes so it's not the best thing I've done...


                “I should have known I wouldn’t get away with it…”

                Teyla smiled as John joined her on the balcony. He had a glass of Zelenka’s best moonshine in one hand, which he sipped from, pulling a face.

                “It’s like something Hawkeye would make!” He said. Teyla frowned in confusion and John rolled his eyes. “He was a character on a TV show called M*A*S*H, which was set during the Korean war… which happened on Earth… anyway, he had a still in his tent –”

                Teyla still looked confused. He gave up and took another sip of his drink.

                Teyla smiled again. “Are you not enjoying your birthday party, Major?”

                John looked over his shoulder at the windows of the commissary, where most of the Atlantis expedition had gathered, to celebrate his birthday. He gave her a twisted smile. “Sure, it’s great,” he said. “But you shouldn’t have, really.”

                “It was Lieutenant Ford’s idea,” said Teyla. “I had very little to do with it.”

                “You had to distract me,” John said. “I was wondering why you were so interested in baseball all of a sudden.”

                Teyla laughed. “I had to think of something to keep you away from the commissary,” she said. There was a moment’s silence, before she spoke again. “Why are you out here, Major?” She asked.

                “Because you are,” said John. Teyla raised her eyebrows, and John backtracked quickly and not at all elegantly.

                “Er… I was just wondering where you were, you know, because you were in there at first and now you’re not…. are you okay?”

                Teyla smiled at him again, and John looked away, out to sea. He gulped down more of his drink.

                “I am fine, thank you Major,” she said. “I just wanted some air.” She leant forward on the rail and also looked out to sea.

                “In truth, the idea of a ‘birthday party’ is very strange to me,” she said.

                “Do you not celebrate birthdays?” John asked.

                “We do,” said Teyla. “But not in such a… big way. We mark the anniversary of our birth with a small family dinner, celebrating with our loved ones.”

                “No gifts?”

                Teyla smiled. “No,” she said.

                John shook his head. “Too bad,” he said. He grinned at her and Teyla laughed lightly.

                “Did you like the gift Lieutenant Ford and Dr McKay gave you?” she said.

                John grinned again. “They’re crazy,” he said. “Have you seen it? It’s a robot!”

                Teyla nodded. “I know,” she said. “I am glad you like it – they have been working on it all week.”

                “Well, I love it,” John said. “Though they haven’t stopped playing with it all night… I’m not sure they’ll actually let me keep it!”

                Teyla laughed and John gulped down the rest of his drink. “I think I’ll head back in,” John said. “You coming?”

                Teyla hesitated for a moment and then shook her head. “No, thank you,” she said. “It is getting late – I think I will go to bed.”

                “Are you sure?” John asked.

                Teyla smiled and nodded. “Yes,” she said. “Enjoy the rest of your evening.”

                John nodded. Teyla started to walk away, but paused. “I am sorry I did not have a gift for you,” she said.

                John rolled his eyes. “Don’t worry about it Teyla,” he said. “I wasn’t even expecting anyone to know it was my birthday.”

                Teyla smiled and then stepped forward. John stood stock-still as she placed her hand on his arm and leant up to kiss him lightly on his cheek. “Happy birthday, Major,” she said, and then disappeared through the door into the commissary.

                John watched her go and then, once he was able to breathe again, also walked into the commissary. Teyla was right about it getting late – the party was winding down and there were only a couple of dozen people left.

                Ford and McKay were still there, making his new remote-control robot walk along the table-top.

                John smiled. Between the party, the robot, and what had just happened, his birthday really hadn’t been that bad.

                Happy Birthday Quania!!
                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                I did this for Camy's football challenge on the galleria thread. It's really short, but I hope you like it.


                Football Lesson

                John convinces Teyla to sit with him to watch football and he even pops her some popcorn. He could see that it wasn’t something she really wanted to do. “Is something the matter Teyla?” he asks.

                Teyla looks at him to and chooses her words carefully; “I thought you liked watching this with Ronon?”

                “Well…. yes I do, but he really doesn’t like watching it either. He said for me to tell you that since you got out of playing golf it’s your turn to watch football,” he says with a smirk. “What is it that you don’t like about the game?”

                “Well to be honest, I do not understand why they have to chance one person to get a ball,” she confesses.

                “It’s for the fun,” he says with excitement, but he can see that she is still confused. He looks around, sees a small pillow and picks it up. “Ok, let me try to explain about it being fun. I’ll throw this pillow to you and you have to catch it. I know it’s a small room, but once you have the ball…uh.. pillow, you need to run and keep it away from me. My job is to stop you or tackle and to keep you from getting to far down the field and scoring. Are you ready?”

                Teyla nods her head yes and catches the pillow and starts to run around the room. As John starts chasing her she can’t stop laughing as he attempts several times to stop her. She eventually trips and he tackles her to the floor.

                “See what I mean about it being fun?” he says as he tries to catch his breath.
                Teyla rolls over and she is still laughing, “Yes, I do understand.”

                She wasn’t even aware of how close he was to her until she started to gaze into his eyes. They grew silent as he returns her look. All laughter disappears and they slowly begin to kiss. Time seems to stay still for Teyla as she savors the moment she was experiencing. John slowly pulls away and sits next to Teyla and she sits up as well.

                “I do not believe that they do this in football,” she says with a smile.

                “No… I guess not, but it was fun,” he replies with a satisfying grin.

                The End

                Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                For your challenge Camy ill post i in the galleria as well
                Ruby- What a great B-Day gift to receive!!

                Scifan- Loved the Football Lesson!! Now, that is one lesson I wouldnt
                mind having myself!!

                Donna- Spot on with the wallie!!
                sig by Sci!

                Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                  By a happy accident I learned on paint that I can cut,paste and layer when I was doing the "Don't Drink and Gate Wallie". These are S4 team wallies, but I hope you like them. Now I just got to figure out how to fade with paint and I'll be all set.



                    I've done my votings for the day but I need someone now to go and post Emmagan in this thread...NOW, please! the competitive edge in me is wild right now!


                    Daniel is almost out of the picture Blue! Only 3 votes more for sheppard and he's gone.

                    Won't be around much today, Mr. Camy comes home tomorrow so everything that I haven't done in the past two weeks have to get done today! LOL

                    Scifan...LOVE ALL THE ARTWORK!

                    And keep voting for our ship in the games and for both Teyla and John individually and together!

                    Have a great day!



                      Originally posted by scifan View Post
                      By a happy accident I learned on paint that I can cut,paste and layer when I was doing the "Don't Drink and Gate Wallie". These are S4 team wallies, but I hope you like them. Now I just got to figure out how to fade with paint and I'll be all set.


                      They are beautiful scifan...


                        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                        They are beautiful scifan...
                        Thanks Blue and Camy.


                          Originally posted by scifan View Post
                          I did this for Camy's football challenge on the galleria thread. It's really short, but I hope you like it.


                          Football Lesson

                          John convinces Teyla to sit with him to watch football and he even pops her some popcorn. He could see that it wasn’t something she really wanted to do. “Is something the matter Teyla?” he asks.

                          Teyla looks at him to and chooses her words carefully; “I thought you liked watching this with Ronon?”

                          “Well…. yes I do, but he really doesn’t like watching it either. He said for me to tell you that since you got out of playing golf it’s your turn to watch football,” he says with a smirk. “What is it that you don’t like about the game?”

                          “Well to be honest, I do not understand why they have to chance one person to get a ball,” she confesses.

                          “It’s for the fun,” he says with excitement, but he can see that she is still confused. He looks around, sees a small pillow and picks it up. “Ok, let me try to explain about it being fun. I’ll throw this pillow to you and you have to catch it. I know it’s a small room, but once you have the ball…uh.. pillow, you need to run and keep it away from me. My job is to stop you or tackle and to keep you from getting to far down the field and scoring. Are you ready?”

                          Teyla nods her head yes and catches the pillow and starts to run around the room. As John starts chasing her she can’t stop laughing as he attempts several times to stop her. She eventually trips and he tackles her to the floor.

                          “See what I mean about it being fun?” he says as he tries to catch his breath.
                          Teyla rolls over and she is still laughing, “Yes, I do understand.”

                          She wasn’t even aware of how close he was to her until she started to gaze into his eyes. They grew silent as he returns her look. All laughter disappears and they slowly begin to kiss. Time seems to stay still for Teyla as she savors the moment she was experiencing. John slowly pulls away and sits next to Teyla and she sits up as well.

                          “I do not believe that they do this in football,” she says with a smile.

                          “No… I guess not, but it was fun,” he replies with a satisfying grin.

                          The End

                          That was really think that special move of his was for a very special Teyla football lesson *lol*
                          Gave you a review on as well...
                          Sigs by Scifan


                            Awesome artwork...

                            Glad I don't have to have Camy breathing down my neck about the ship pic game ...
                            I've voted since it was not shame on me
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              I did this for Camy's football challenge on the galleria thread. It's really short, but I hope you like it.


                              Football Lesson

                              John convinces Teyla to sit with him to watch football and he even pops her some popcorn. He could see that it wasn’t something she really wanted to do. “Is something the matter Teyla?” he asks.

                              Teyla looks at him to and chooses her words carefully; “I thought you liked watching this with Ronon?”

                              “Well…. yes I do, but he really doesn’t like watching it either. He said for me to tell you that since you got out of playing golf it’s your turn to watch football,” he says with a smirk. “What is it that you don’t like about the game?”

                              “Well to be honest, I do not understand why they have to chance one person to get a ball,” she confesses.

                              “It’s for the fun,” he says with excitement, but he can see that she is still confused. He looks around, sees a small pillow and picks it up. “Ok, let me try to explain about it being fun. I’ll throw this pillow to you and you have to catch it. I know it’s a small room, but once you have the ball…uh.. pillow, you need to run and keep it away from me. My job is to stop you or tackle and to keep you from getting to far down the field and scoring. Are you ready?”

                              Teyla nods her head yes and catches the pillow and starts to run around the room. As John starts chasing her she can’t stop laughing as he attempts several times to stop her. She eventually trips and he tackles her to the floor.

                              “See what I mean about it being fun?” he says as he tries to catch his breath.
                              Teyla rolls over and she is still laughing, “Yes, I do understand.”

                              She wasn’t even aware of how close he was to her until she started to gaze into his eyes. They grew silent as he returns her look. All laughter disappears and they slowly begin to kiss. Time seems to stay still for Teyla as she savors the moment she was experiencing. John slowly pulls away and sits next to Teyla and she sits up as well.

                              “I do not believe that they do this in football,” she says with a smile.

                              “No… I guess not, but it was fun,” he replies with a satisfying grin.

                              The End

                              Sooooo cute!
                              Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                                Fly By Post........

                                Geez Louise that was a lot of posts to catch up on! You guys have been busy. Just wanted to add my belated 'Happy Birthdays' and 'Welcomes' to the list. Man, this thread is really booming. COOL!

