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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
    Yeah bring on Season 4 and more J/T!

    I've book marked your fic scifan... will read it tomorrow.


      Originally posted by Mayra View Post
      LOL! i wouldn't have either, i'm sooo bad with it as well. I'm just happy i know what "LOL" means and only recently Steph told me what "rof" meant!.
      Ok,what does rof mean?


        Originally posted by scifan View Post
        Ok,what does rof mean?
        Well, 'rofl' means 'rolling on the floor laughing', so wouldn't 'rof' just mean 'rolling on the floor'? I think? Well, anyway...

        I've just uploaded a new fic on It's called 'Complicated' and here's the link:

        I hope the link works! I'll finish it tomorrow. Good night!

        Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


          It didnt work ruby!!
          -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

          Thanks Camy!!


            Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
            Well, 'rofl' means 'rolling on the floor laughing', so wouldn't 'rof' just mean 'rolling on the floor'? I think? Well, anyway...

            I've just uploaded a new fic on It's called 'Complicated' and here's the link:


            I hope the link works! I'll finish it tomorrow. Good night!
            Ooops! LOL!!! i missed the "l" . Thanks for correcting it!.

            I'll check out your story right now

            Sig by Camy


              Hi, I"m back. I will try my best to catch up on these pages, but I doubt that I will be able to reply to most of them, so please don't take offense if I don't respond. Actually, I may not even be able to respond cause I"m doing a gizzillion things at a time. Here are some new caps that I"ve uploaded to our Gateworld Album in my photobucket account. These are simply to post in games and in the threads. For fanart, I suggest you get the good quality caps that can be found all over the net, but also remember that Wikked and I are posting all of John and Teyla high quality large caps in the new LJ for your use as well.

              I"ve resized these caps and these are caps that I"ve collected on my own from different sites.

              Enjoy! Did I read that Donna has another picture game?

              Here are some of the ones that I"ve uploaded.



                Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                Like many fans I am sad to see Beckett go, but I'm sure Paul McGillion had his reasons. As for Weir, Torri's contract could be up and she may not want to continue, or some family thing could be in the way like why RDA left SG-1. That's no reason to bash the show and other characters. I think Carter will be an excellent addition. And it's not becuase they want SG-1 viewers, I read an article that AT still has a year on her contract so they either give her a job or pay her for nothing. To say she isn't a leader is proposterus, she did lead SG-1 in season 8, and in my opinion did until the end. Some people just can't deal.
                Here's the scoup on all the actors. Paul and Torri were both written out of the show and let go. It was not their choice to leave nor were their contracts up. TPTB made a creative decision that SGA would be best served by only 4 main characters to write for and that the rest of the cast should be recurring. They needed to go in a different direction than the one having Weir as leader was taking them, they needed someone new - when they went looking, AT was at the top of the list. She did indeed have a OPTION for another year on her contract but that didn't mean that they had to pay her for that year, it meant if TPTB and she could come to agreement about more work, they would. They didn't have to pay her to do nothing. Atlantis needed a military and scientific leader with command experience, Carter has all those things, so yeah, to say she's not a leader is stupid in the extreme.

                As for writing Carson out, I suppose they could have put him to recurring, but I think there again, they wanted to do more with women on the show, so putting Jewel in the role was the ticket for them. She's only in 8 eps.

                As seemingly arbitrary as some of these changes are, its' the nature of the acting business and it is definitely no reason to bash the other characters who didn't get the axe this year. I think people are getting WAY over heated on the whole subject and acting like little children who aren't getting their way. It's sad.

                I'm for one am glad of the changes as I think it will benifit the characters that I love most. John, Teyla and Ronon. (okay, Rodney too!) These four are the reason I tune in every week.


                  Originally posted by happyatlantis View Post
                  What the...?
                  When I read this I practically blew my top!!
                  That is soooo not fair!!


                  And long live SGA!!

                  Well, you just have to understand that there are a LOT of people out there who don't do well when they don't get their way. They tend to throw major temper tantrums. Yeah, I hate that they act that way too, it makes me nuts, but in the end you can rest assured that JM and PM know what they're doing and why they made the cast changes in the first place. They are not impressed by grown adults who blow their stack and have fits on the internet. They don't live to serve the fans every whim- thank God!

                  I feel sorry for people like this, they are only hurting themselves for allowing themselves to get so bitter over make-believe.


                    I'm sorry but Joe slightly downgraded that kiss because he puffs out his cheeks and lips. Maybe he did it for impact but I hope that when (because it will happen) he kisses her again he won't do that.

                    Some great pics of RL on JM's blog and great pics camy!


                      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                      So I'm reading the comments for JM's next post and some
                      wrote about Shep/Teyla having no chemistry. Can I go kill them NOW please

                      Under the cut for OT
                      I've seen more of those kinds of comments lately since the season finale, I think people like that are just lashing out at our ship because they KNOW they are not getting theirs. It's silly really, but most people on the blog are pretty pro JT (and so is JM if you read between the lines) and they know these nutters for who they are. When these nit wits post I like to come back with a comment of my own saying something like- "Oh, Joe, I have to thank you and the writers for writing such GREAT romantic tension between John and Teyla, and I really love how Joe and Rachel make me believe that John and Teyla are really deeply connected to each other every week." It makes the the nutty posters crazy cause you're not responding directly to them, but you're getting your point across. I'm evil that way! I know!


                        Originally posted by Camy View Post

                        Enjoy! Did I read that Donna has another picture game?

                        Here are some of the ones that I"ve uploaded.


                        Ah... *sigh* some of my favorite moments.


                          Originally posted by Quania2007 View Post
                          I'm sorry but Joe slightly downgraded that kiss because he puffs out his cheeks and lips. Maybe he did it for impact but I hope that when (because it will happen) he kisses her again he won't do that.

                          Some great pics of RL on JM's blog and great pics camy!

                          I think it was so fast that it wasn't on purpose, mabye he always does it that way. I don't remember seeing anything weird when I watch the scene. John could kiss me like that ANYTIME! *giggle*


                            Originally posted by Quania2007 View Post
                            I'm sorry but Joe slightly downgraded that kiss because he puffs out his cheeks and lips. Maybe he did it for impact but I hope that when (because it will happen) he kisses her again he won't do that.

                            Some great pics of RL on JM's blog and great pics camy!
                            It was definetely not a tender kiss or a mutual one as in Teyla wasn't quite expecting it and/or responding to it. The way I see this kiss is that here we have another example that this was John kissing her. This kiss was a stolen kiss. It was not meant to be a two way thing. John wasn't acting on her behalf but simply on his own behalf and his own desires, which is why this kiss can be construed as controversial.

                            I remember my sister telling us the story of how on her high school graduation day, one of her male best friend on stage suddenly grabbed her and kiss her, in which she pulled back and slapped him across the face!


                            Then I remember my first kiss...*sighs* and well, it wasn't stolen, but I wasn't expecting it!

                            Mind you I was....moving on...

                            Point being, I didn't see the puffy cheeks, but I did see the squishy face tightly up against each other. Meaning, John was doing most of the kissing but Teyla wasn't backing off either and I think she was very capable of it, at the very least she could have attempted and she never did anything but towards the last bit there when she raised her hands up for him to stop and he did.

                            We've seen different things here. Some see that Teyla pushed him back, I see it that John reacted once her hands were up in the air and he pushed away.

                            In either case, this was not romantic. This was not a Chaya/Teer/Meira kiss where both parties were engaged. This was John kissing Teyla and in between and during she got to taste John and I personally think she was surprised as well just how good..*clears throat*

                            Moving on.

                            So, I agree with you that we need a better kiss. But one thing I love about that kiss...well two told me that John wanted "BADLY" to kiss Teyla. And Teyla, if anything, found that kiss "interesting" as well.


                              Originally posted by Camy View Post
                              So, I agree with you that we need a better kiss. But one thing I love about that kiss...well two told me that John wanted "BADLY" to kiss Teyla. And Teyla, if anything, found that kiss "interesting" as well.
                              Boy do we EVER need another kiss! But I love the way you put that John's motivations were overwhelming him! And unless I miss my guess, if he'd tried again the next moment, she just might have kissed him back! At least, JF and MG thought so!


                                Well, his actions before, during and after say it all! Btw, I was looking over the caps from Conversion but the ones for that last scene at the end there and one thing struck me that didn't hit me before.

                                John comes looking for Teyla and you see that he's neither ashamed, or embarrassed or guilty as his expression upon the doors to the gym open is one of joy and just glad to see her and that's before she smiles back at him.

                                If John remembered everything, he must have also remembered how she reacted and or at least responded to that kiss. And all I can think of is that if Teyla was in anyway disgusted or sickened by that kiss while he was kissing her, he would have somehow remembered that. A guy can feel when a girl enjoyed a kiss or not, right? I mean it's been so long..I mean, I kiss hubby of course, and he kisses me, but we've always...Ah, you know what I mean.

                                so my point, if this kiss was so awful or even against Teyla's wishes, John's post reaction afterwards, I would imagine would have been different as well. I mean all I can think of is if John felt anything wrong with Teyla and he remembered it after the fact, his conversation, his mannerisms, his words would have been different instead of him speaking lightheartedly and very comfortable. I mean, I think he was a bit embarrassed but he clearly demonstrated as Joe himself admitted, he wasn't sorry but most importantly, I think the fact that he wasn't sorry was because he didn't feel that Teyla was sorry for it either!

                                Does that make sense?

                                I think John is a gentleman in everything that he does and if any part of him would have felt that he did something horribly wrong to Teyla, he would have approached the situation a bit more serious and more apologetic than he seemed.

                                Gosh, I hope I"m not screwing this up and making some sense. It is hot today!

