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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Camy View Post
    Nicely said, Cyn.
    Again, I"m not against anyone's ideas. I just simply view her words, meaning Rachels' with a bit of caution.

    Rachel has eagerly wanted Teyla to experience love or some romantic endeavors and she has stated that whether from a character in the show or someone else, that regardless she wanted this side of Teyla to be explored to. So, if she's up for it, I think it should be good. Again, my fears or concerns are how it will coincide with the other plots that we are expected to see, her pregnancy and her crush.

    Did you guys also read that apparently David wrote in his blog something about
    the birth of a Wraith baby?

    And VB...I hope you know that my words are not meant to be with spite, you and I have always been very vocal about our opinions, and of course, I"m always right and you are always wrong...


    But on a side note, thanks for your words, they are encouraging. ALL OF YOU!

    Hugs Sweetie


      Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
      I don't think it's discouraging to say you have fears. It's understandable. I am not worried myself in the big picture. I agree with Trippy and VB and others in that I do fully believe it will all work out! I'm not planning to be eating my shoes anytime soon! LOL!

      But I do share your fears in that this could be done really right or really wrong, depending on how the writers address their established characterization of Teyla and of their established story arcs. But I do believe that whatever they do, it will bring about angst and realization and while may be painful during the process, will bring about a favorable end.

      I picture Sam and Jack at the end of it all fishing off that dock and smile. I was okay with the outcome of that ship, still am. The fact that RDA left the show made the following seasons an unavoidable outcome that doesn't apply in this situation.
      Have to agree w/you on this Steph


        I love that we can all speculate and discuss what we think will happen in a fun and mature way. In the end, we'll only know for sure when the episodes in question air. It's gonna be a LONG summer!


          Ah, totally agree with you SUZ...too long indeed!

          I just posted a question in Mallozzi's blog. I know he's not going to respond but maybe 1 of the 4 that I asked!


          I just know I"m going to feel for John and Teyla in the entire season. Guys, maybe we should order some John and Teyla tissue boxes!

          And Trippy, I PMed you! Send me those items over and I"ll work on it tomorrow night!


            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            I just know I"m going to feel for John and Teyla in the entire season. Guys, maybe we should order some John and Teyla tissue boxes!

            I'm in! Just as long as it doesn't get as angsty as Lee and Kara, I think I might be okay.


              Okay ALL!!!!

              MASSIVE updates at John Teyla Convergence! I've added all the new vidders and posted a note that the Fic Archive is getting more great author's all the time! Now, if we can just get all the GREAT AWESOME Graphic's you all make into the Graphics Archive, we'll be good!

              I've still got to file away all of BP's lovely Ep reviews, but other than that, I'm all caught up! YAY!!!!


                Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                Okay ALL!!!!

                MASSIVE updates at John Teyla Convergence! I've added all the new vidders and posted a note that the Fic Archive is getting more great author's all the time! Now, if we can just get all the GREAT AWESOME Graphic's you all make into the Graphics Archive, we'll be good!

                I've still got to file away all of BP's lovely Ep reviews, but other than that, I'm all caught up! YAY!!!!
                I already posted my Sunday wallie in the Archive. If you guys let me know which ones you like, I'll put them in as well.

                Ruby, I read the first 3 chapter of Baby Love. Great job. I'll read more when I get a chance. Today was a busy day. This weekend will be busy too.

                Whether things grow between JT this year or years to come. I'll still watch and wait.
                I did it for Jack and Sam, and we know how that's gone so far, but I'm still watching and crossing my fingers. Hee hee.


                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  I already posted my Sunday wallie in the Archive. If you guys let me know which ones you like, I'll put them in as well.
                  You should put them ALL in. That's what the archive is for. Now if VB would just update the format so that normal humans can figure out how to post their work there..... *ahem*.....


                    Just watched Vengenance. Made me think:

                    That what happens to Teyla's people in *Missing* may be connected to Micheal in some way. He seems to hold the biggest grudge against Teyla. I think he felt the most betrayed by her on several levels.

                    In the Seer, he reveals that Teyla's people are alive yet shrouded in darkness. Maybe that darkness has to do w/what Micheal was doing in V, and they are like or part of the bug army he is building, possibly more advanced. If so, this would also explain why Teyla said she was the last of her kind and why she would go dark.

                    Teyla's observations about Micheal to McKay have been often taken in the negative, but Teyla has always be able to view the long range and to view the situation from all sides(as in Irresponsible). This made likely be because she was and is leader of her people, a spokesperson in their contracts w/others. She was not support or excusing what Micheal was doing or had done, but merely understanding the reasons behind his actions (as she did in the Ark).

                    Again in reference to the pregrancy we are yet to only guess at the true reasons for actions behind Teyla's pregrancy and her need for secrecy , but we will have to *whimper, whimper*...wait and see.


                      Originally posted by Camy View Post

                      No, I"m interpreting things and you are twisting my words!

                      Isn't a secret something that you hide? What is the difference? Hiding, secret. Don't you hide a secret? isn't a secret something that is hidden? I don't get how I'm making up words by using that and then of course I also quoted the text as written in the article right after the fact!

                      VB wrote...

                      I didn't use the words, Rachel did. She used the word hiding. And my interpretation does make sense when you think about it. Did we not suggest in here constantly that John and Teyla might be "hiding" their relationship, is not in most of all the fics out why wouldn't it be the same for Teyla and another?...but if I interpret those words in that context that is exactly what it means....Teyla is having a fling and no one knows about it. I don't like it, but it does make sense. My question is with what time? How can you go from struggling to finding your people to having a hidden love interest? How can you go to a crush that hasn't been more than just that to now we are sleeping together, and I simply don't see Teyla that way. That's not the Teyla that I have been presented with. This is an entirely new Teyla if this is what the writers expect me to see. I asked Rachel when she first suggest a love interest and asked her if she sees Teyla have a fling, and she replied no. She sees Teyla committed to only one man. Now, that doesn't mean that she didn't have another love in the past that simply didn't work out, I can see that. But to jump from a crush to a love interest and to a baby in one season with the same person, That is WOW! Too much for me to handle from Teyla. Doesn't make sense. We are missing something.

                      Now, I also think you are interpreting my ideas as if that's what I think or want to happen. And it's not. It's simply how I interpreted those words. I like your ideas better and that would make more sense to me than my way but I just don't see how the word again, "hiding" can fit into what you are explaining, at least not how I am interpreting Rachel's words.

                      VB wrote.. [/spoilers]

                      Like I wrote, I wouldn't like that scenario either. Teyla should not have any relationship in hiding and yet the idea is no so proposterous because we have considered that to be with John. It shouldn't be anyone's business, but as the viewer, I should see the development onscreen and not be told that Teyla has been seeing this guy for awhile now but we just never knew it. I like your ideas better, though, VB.

                      here's my concern....
                      we have a father, a crush and a these three scenarios are going to play out are going to be very significant to me personally, how the writers make this work, how it will affect Teyla's character for me, and how it will affect the show and the dynamic of the entire team in the process and of course, how this is going to be good or bad in my view for Teyla and John.

                      I haven't seen anything like this either. I am a very passionate shipper. Yes, that is so obvious and I hide that from no one. However, I"ve always shared that my reason for being in this fandom is simply for John and Teyla. I don't ship any other ship, I don't care for any other character, not even John. And Teyla is my favorite character, but I don't need to be in this fandom to continue to like her role. The one that inspires my convos and the ones that I like in this fandom is John and Teyla. Hence, I 've said this before, my interest in this fandom extends to John and Teyla. The day that I see no John or Teyla or that their plot doesn't interest me, I have no reason to continue in fandom. If you consider that panicking, then again you and I disagree yet once again. But I"ve not seen anyone panic over this.

                      I want John and Teyla but I don't want the soap of John and Teyla. And again, this is too soon too many unknowns to even go there and that is not what I"m writing either. But I"ve also shared that I care not to see a Pete/Sam story again or anything like that.

                      Can I see a Teyla love interest and not affect it with John in the future. Of course, John has had his flings. I just think that all this stuff in one season might be a bit too much and if not done right, it could go bad for my personal feelings for Teyla's role. That's all.

                      VB wrote

                      I really wish I could be as optimistic as you. I don't have that much faith in these writers because I can't help but look back at what they did to Sam/Jack. So, I"m glad you do but I don't. I"m not closing the book on this. But I have to see Season 4. One thing is for sure, I think definetly ships will have to come out of this for sure. All this angst,

                      if there is anything that will flourish between John and Teyla, it has to be in Season 4. I"ll add one more thing, I can see the idea of an old love interest coming back and I hope you are right, I can even see someone charming Teyla a la Weir/Mike but that is highly unlikely when she's still going to be pregnant, so all these things simply don't add up as of yet. I just hope like LC wrote that the writers have taken all of this into consideration.

                      Please guys, don't think that my words are to discourage anyone. This is a huge blow to me. But it doesn't mean that I'm still not hopeful.

                      I'm not really going to bother responding to anything you've said here. Two points which I highlighted have pretty much unnerved me to the point that I can't be bothered. Sounds like the same stuff I hear from the anti's and shweir shipper, which always make me wonder why some people waste the time on the show and shipping a pairing.

                      So on that note, I'm done with this conversation. I'm not about to succomb to pessimistic ideas, when really nothing has identified it as such. This is just an added aspect of the character and I'm not the only one to see that. Me, Sanssong, Trippy and a few others see the benefit of this and see it far from being very JT in the end. Plus as I've said, RL has made several interviews dropping hints discounting a few negative ideas.

                      I'm not against negativity, but as I've always said negativity engages negativity. I see positive things from this and I have no problems with what's going on. I figured other people would be able to see that so many arcs in one story is part of the whole seasonal arc which might be pushed into S5, but people are just freaking out. And yeah, people are freaking out...I respond to comments like the above as such.

                      In any event, those who want to think along those lines of this is a disaster, JT might be destroyed and what not, go ahead. I've said it once and I'll say it again, if the two mains in a group aren't recurring or dead the ship is still alive and SGA is not going anywhere it seems for a while. If people feel it's a sinking ship, then get off the boat. Maybe, I'm also just tired of hearing anti nonsense.

                      *** On a last note...we know nothing, ABSOLUTELY NOTHING, about Teyla to know what she would do or has had. If we did, then we'd be able to make a clear estimation. Further more, this goes for John as well.
                      Last edited by vaberella; 15 June 2007, 06:33 PM.
                      Click statement above to read article.


                        Originally posted by jtjaforever View Post
                        Just watched Vengenance. Made me think:

                        That what happens to Teyla's people in *Missing* may be connected to Micheal in some way. He seems to hold the biggest grudge against Teyla. I think he felt the most betrayed by her on several levels.

                        In the Seer, he reveals that Teyla's people are alive yet shrouded in darkness. Maybe that darkness has to do w/what Micheal was doing in V, and they are like or part of the bug army he is building, possibly more advanced. If so, this would also explain why Teyla said she was the last of her kind and why she would go dark.

                        Teyla's observations about Micheal to McKay have been often taken in the negative, but Teyla has always be able to view the long range and to view the situation from all sides(as in Irresponsible). This made likely be because she was and is leader of her people, a spokesperson in their contracts w/others. She was not support or excusing what Micheal was doing or had done, but merely understanding the reasons behind his actions (as she did in the Ark).

                        Again in reference to the pregrancy we are yet to only guess at the true reasons for actions behind Teyla's pregrancy and her need for secrecy , but we will have to *whimper, whimper*...wait and see.
                        Good thoughts Cyn! We haven't really heard a whole lot about what happens yet. They seem to be pretty tightlipped overall with Teyla spoilers this year! Well, other than the obvious one, LOL! But that's a good thought. I'm still at work, but recorded the ep, so will watch again when I get home! I really enjoyed this one.

                        And this is slightly off topic for this thread, but I'm also really curious to rewatch the last three eps for the clue JM has mentioned for

                        Carson's return!
                        Last edited by LoveConquers; 15 June 2007, 06:40 PM. Reason: Grammar :)
                        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                          Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post

                          And this is slightly off topic for this thread, but I'm also really curious to rewatch the last three eps for the clue JM has mentioned for

                          Carson's return!

                          According to Wikipedia: OT
                          And I'm very roughly paraphrasing. Rise of the Googlions 1 and 2 are the eps that bring back Beckett. I don't know how true this is. We'll see if I get a response from JM. Googlion---McGuillion kinda looked the same to me. Maybe it has to do with both Becket and Micheal? Just a wild wild guess.


                            Originally posted by scifan View Post
                            According to Wikipedia: OT
                            And I'm very roughly paraphrasing. Rise of the Googlions 1 and 2 are the eps that bring back Beckett. I don't know how true this is. We'll see if I get a response from JM. Googlion---McGuillion kinda looked the same to me. Maybe it has to do with both Becket and Micheal? Just a wild wild guess.
                            Ohhh, I love that idea!!! And I never noticed the connection on the name like that! VERY cool! If it's not what happens, it darn well should have been! Such a cool twist on the names! LOL!
                            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                              Hey Sci, where's that story of yours? Don't think with all this discussion about season 4 that I have forgotten about it!
                              Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                                Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                                Hey Sci, where's that story of yours? Don't think with all this discussion about season 4 that I have forgotten about it!
                                *Head hanging low. In shame.*

                                I know, I know. I'm almost done. I was hoping I would have finish it by now, but today was not the day. I'm sooo close. I've been fighting with the idea of the end. I'll try to finish it tomorrow night. The day is going to be busy. I knew it was a mistake to mention it the other day. It always seemed that something either didn't flow with the story or something came up. Sorry.

                                I know I didn't have you beta it, it was so short, but a did a ficlet. It's Just Another Sunday. It was for Camy's ferris wheel challenge.
                                Last edited by scifan; 15 June 2007, 08:24 PM.

