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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Sheylafan87 View Post
    3 wallies featuring a pic from return and the first strike


    Really great ones...truly looking great together

    Originally posted by bluealien View Post
    Very nice Sheylafan...

    They make such a beautiful couple.

    If the writers continue to move their relationship in the direction of season three, I will be very happy. We have had some amazing moments between them and I am confident that season four will not disappoint us, particulary after the statements by the producers that they are not against doing relationships in season four, once it is a shown as a natural progression. Season three was very much a slow and natural progression of their relationship so I am looking forward to see it continue to move forward.
    I do sure hope they continue on the road as they have in season 3...we have gotten so many really wonderful moments between them... and I'll be happy to see it continue... it's been a slow and natural progression of their relationship in season it should be... I have never wanted to see something just thrown together and be done with it...I want to believe it and to see it grow into something truly amazing... and I see that between them during the seasons...and I love it...
    Sigs by Scifan


      More party stuff.

      CHALLENGE: Who Knows about John and Teyla. Well, Bates and Ronon but who else?

      CHALLENGE: The extras point of view.
      Pick any j/t scene from any ep and write 100 words on what a background character was thinking. Eg. Nurse, marine. Try and post a screen cap as well.


        The late Dr. Houston....I like this challenge Bella....but does it have to be 100 words? Can I make it into a picfic?


          Playing a little catch up……..

          Camy’s Challenge: John and Teyla are…(one word).

          1. Warriors 6. Unusual
          2. Teammates 7. Undeniable
          3. Friends 8. Unbreakable
          4. Lovers 9. Exceptional
          5. Connected 10. United

          Bella’s Challenge: 10 Word Date……(I decided to do 10).

          General idea: J/T are secretly seeing each other. This date is one of their stolen moments together.

          1. Teyla patiently waited on the balcony for John’s arrival.
          2. She gazed at the stars that filled the night sky.
          3. John silently admired her profile, something he rarely did openly.
          4. He found her beautiful, beyond words, beyond, thought, beyond reason.
          5. He slowly approached, careful not to give his presence away.
          6. Teyla stilled as his hand rested on her lower back.
          7. She leaned into his side enjoying his warmth, his scent.
          8. John smiled as she wrapped her arms around his waist.
          9. Avoiding dinner, they stayed there wrapped in each others arms.
          10. The night was theirs to enjoy any way they pleased.

          Comments on first Strike 1.2 (Or whatever they decide to call it..)

          You guys are getting me excited about 90 seconds of something that I seriously doubt we are going to see. (Well, at least not so soon.) Stop it.

          Who’ll admit their feeling first John or Teyla?

          That’s a toss up:

          Even with Teyla’s comments in Sunday and John’s emotional baggage, we see that if you put them in the right or wrong situation anything is possible; the more dangerous, the more unexpected. I seriously think this could go either way.

          Jtjaforever: ‘Crossing the Line’ was wonderful. If I read it before and didn’t leave you a review…shame on me.

          Bluealien & Sheylfan87: Beautiful wallies!

          Bella’s Challenge: Who knows about J/T? Give an extra’s POV in 100 words.

          The two full growns cared for each other. It was in their body language, in the way they looked at each other, even in the way they argued; if you could honestly call it that. No, a difference of opinion was a better phrase. Earlier they’d had one and though the Major didn’t agree with what she had to say, he kept her close. Teyla was continually by his side, listening, advising, and helping where she could. She reminded Keras of his wives; not necessarily liking his commands, but following them none the less. They were destined to become mates.

          ( I just love it when they disagree!)

          I think that's everything for now.......


            Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
            Playing a little catch up……..

            Camy’s Challenge: John and Teyla are…(one word).

            1. Warriors 6. Unusual
            2. Teammates 7. Undeniable
            3. Friends 8. Unbreakable
            4. Lovers 9. Exceptional
            5. Connected 10. United
            I love all of these.

            Bella’s Challenge: 10 Word Date……(I decided to do 10).

            General idea: J/T are secretly seeing each other. This date is one of their stolen moments together.

            1. Teyla patiently waited on the balcony for John’s arrival.
            2. She gazed at the stars that filled the night sky.
            3. John silently admired her profile, something he rarely did openly.
            4. He found her beautiful, beyond words, beyond, thought, beyond reason.
            5. He slowly approached, careful not to give his presence away.
            6. Teyla stilled as his hand rested on her lower back.
            7. She leaned into his side enjoying his warmth, his scent.
            8. John smiled as she wrapped her arms around his waist.
            9. Avoiding dinner, they stayed there wrapped in each others arms.
            10. The night was theirs to enjoy any way they pleased.
            Excellent - you could put all of these into a fic.

            Comments on first Strike 1.2 (Or whatever they decide to call it..)

            You guys are getting me excited about 90 seconds of something that I seriously doubt we are going to see. (Well, at least not so soon.) Stop it.
            I don't think we will get this in First strike 2 - but I am confident it will happen at some stage in season four.

            Who’ll admit their feeling first John or Teyla?

            That’s a toss up:

            Even with Teyla’s comments in Sunday and John’s emotional baggage, we see that if you put them in the right or wrong situation anything is possible; the more dangerous, the more unexpected. I seriously think this could go either way.
            I agree.

            Jtjaforever: ‘Crossing the Line’ was wonderful. If I read it before and didn’t leave you a review…shame on me.

            Bluealien & Sheylfan87: Beautiful wallies!
            Thank you.

            Bella’s Challenge: Who knows about J/T? Give an extra’s POV in 100 words.

            The two full growns cared for each other. It was in their body language, in the way they looked at each other, even in the way they argued; if you could honestly call it that. No, a difference of opinion was a better phrase. Earlier they’d had one and though the Major didn’t agree with what she had to say, he kept her close. Teyla was continually by his side, listening, advising, and helping where she could. She reminded Keras of his wives; not necessarily liking his commands, but following them none the less. They were destined to become mates.

            ( I just love it when they disagree!)

            Oh that is fantastic - again definitely fanfic material. Well done.


              Thanks Blue...


                Girl, you are on a roll!

                Now, that little 10 word have to turn it into a ficlet! YOU HAVE TO! that was...POWERFUL! Oh, they have to give me a scene like this in the show...they just have TO!

                That 90 minute should write it, DEE! for me...Pretty please!

                Hm....see, before Sunday, I always said that John should make the first move..and I know I"ve mentioned this here before that I like that idea...I like the idea of John making the first move.....he always has!

                and he still has! Now, after Sunday....*I really hate this* I still think that John will be the first to actually tell her, I could see Teyla secretly telling someone else, or I could see her telling John while he's on his deathbed or something like that...but now, I see something that I never thought before, Teyla will give him a hint or do something to get him going...I really believe that the whole scene in First Strike was one way for her to tell him to come out and say what he has to say...I think she took his comment as all of you have mentioned here...literal...and that sort of shocked John...cause obviously he wasn't really going to tell her the real reason why she had to be the
                Invisible Woman, but like you have all mentioned here, she was the obvious choice, it was him choosing Mr. Fantastic that caught him off guard....if you really think about it, she caught him twice off guard, first her comment about not being Invisible, and the meaning behind that...and then second, indirectly in her questioning why he chose to be Mr. Fantastic.....

                so, I really think that Teyla is going to continue doing little hints like these, until John finally somehow, confesses...but I think that Teyla wants and is ready for more, and John is holding, she's gonna have to urge him on to move forward....but I still think the confession between each other will come out of his mouth first!

                could be wrong.....


                  Camy- I would to love it if it was coming from John first... in a way I think I've always seen it like that and always wanted it to be him to confess first...

                  and the whole deal of Teyla hinting at thing when it comes to him...well it very well could be like that... in First Strike
                  He was taken back when she said she wasn't invisible.. and I took that as she didn't know what he meant by it until he started to try and make her see what he meant...then her comment on why he should then get to be Mr.F...she caught him off guard again..and this time he really didn't know what to say or how to get out of that one without blurting out the truth.. and then you have Ronon grinning like a fool beside them, ,,making me wonder,,just what is going on in his mind when he looks at his two friends going at eachother like that..and seeing John almost lost for words and have no idea how to get out of it... until the only way is to leave *lol*
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Originally posted by Camy View Post
                    Girl, you are on a roll!

                    Now, that little 10 word have to turn it into a ficlet! YOU HAVE TO! that was...POWERFUL! Oh, they have to give me a scene like this in the show...they just have TO!

                    That 90 minute should write it, DEE! for me...Pretty please!

                    Less than 90 minutes, but it's very well, this is what came to me so here it is. I'll name it later or Camy can. Hope you like it.

                    Teyla patiently waited on the balcony for John’s arrival. She gazed up at the stars that twinkled high in the midnight sky and let out a long sigh. It had been a long day, longer than usual. Her visit to New Athos had been difficult. Her people were beginning to lose faith. After such unfriendly treatment from the Ancestors and their defeat at the hands of the Asurans, many doubted of ever seeing an end to the Wraith and questioned Teyla’s continuing alliance with the people of Earth. She’d lost her patience and her temper, something for which she was deeply ashamed. She would need to go back soon. There were serious changes and decisions that needed to be made. And they would be, but not at this moment. This time was meant for her and John.

                    John leaned against the balcony doorway silently watching Teyla. He let his eyes caress the curves and lines of her face. It was something that he rarely did in public, not out of fear of being discovered, but simply to protect their privacy. He found her beautiful, beyond words, beyond, thought, beyond reason. He was most definitely a man in love. Not wanting to spend another moment apart, John slowly approached her, careful not to give his presence away. He’d missed her terribly and just the thought of touching her, holding her in his arms made his heart beat faster.

                    Teyla stilled as a hand rested on her lower back. She relaxed as it continued to her waist and finally came to rest on her hip. She leaned into John’s side enjoying his warmth, his scent and lifted her face to accept his kiss. All thoughts of New Athos and Atlantis faded from her mind. She needed this, his caresses, his strength. It, in turn, gave her the strength she needed to push on through her day. And she needed now more than ever.

                    John smiled; he could feel Teyla relax in his arms. She turned and wrapped her arms around his waist, squeezing him tight. He could tell that she’d had a rough day. And it didn’t appear as if she was ready to talk, so he wouldn’t push. Their plans had been for a quiet dinner and a movie, but it could wait. John rested his chin on the top of her head and gazed out at the night sky. The night was theirs to do with it what they pleased. And if they chose to spend it here wrapped in each others arms, so be it.

                    Camy, I just re-read your post. Is there a 90 minute Challenge that I overlooked?


                      Oh, Nina..that's easy...Ronon is so obvious! He knows! and it was confirmed to us in Sunday...from day one Ronon saw that John cared for this beautiful woman, which is why he decided to hold her hostage in Runner...he knew that she was key to getting John to do whatever he wanted.....

                      Ronon is going to slap some sense into both of, I wonder if Ronon would ever dare say something to Teyla...I think he's too scared of what Teyla might do to him...LOL


                        OH, DEEEEEEE I LOVE YOU!

                        THIS IS AWESOME! SO, damn quick....dang, girl you are good....

                        Okay...I have to think of a title...I must read it again!

                        *camy runs around in circles* BUMP!


                          Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                          Less than 90 minutes, but it's very well, this is what came to me so here it is. I'll name it later or Camy can. Hope you like it.

                          Teyla patiently waited on the balcony for John’s arrival. She gazed up at the stars that twinkled high in the midnight sky and let out a long sigh. It had been a long day, longer than usual. Her visit to New Athos had been difficult. Her people were beginning to lose faith. After such unfriendly treatment from the Ancestors and their defeat at the hands of the Asurans, many doubted of ever seeing an end to the Wraith and questioned Teyla’s continuing alliance with the people of Earth. She’d lost her patience and her temper, something for which she was deeply ashamed. She would need to go back soon. There were serious changes and decisions that needed to be made. And they would be, but not at this moment. This time was meant for her and John.

                          John leaned against the balcony doorway silently watching Teyla. He let his eyes caress the curves and lines of her face. It was something that he rarely did in public, not out of fear of being discovered, but simply to protect their privacy. He found her beautiful, beyond words, beyond, thought, beyond reason. He was most definitely a man in love. Not wanting to spend another moment apart, John slowly approached her, careful not to give his presence away. He’d missed her terribly and just the thought of touching her, holding her in his arms made his heart beat faster.

                          Teyla stilled as a hand rested on her lower back. She relaxed as it continued to her waist and finally came to rest on her hip. She leaned into John’s side enjoying his warmth, his scent and lifted her face to accept his kiss. All thoughts of New Athos and Atlantis faded from her mind. She needed this, his caresses, his strength. It, in turn, gave her the strength she needed to push on through her day. And she needed now more than ever.

                          John smiled; he could feel Teyla relax in his arms. She turned and wrapped her arms around his waist, squeezing him tight. He could tell that she’d had a rough day. And it didn’t appear as if she was ready to talk, so he wouldn’t push. Their plans had been for a quiet dinner and a movie, but it could wait. John rested his chin on the top of her head and gazed out at the night sky. The night was theirs to do with it what they pleased. And if they chose to spend it here wrapped in each others arms, so be it.

                          Camy, I just re-read your post. Is there a 90 minute Challenge that I overlooked?

                          WOW!! Devine - that was quick.

                          Excellent job - I LOVED IT - Thank you.


                            okay, I'm terrible with titles...

                            How about...
                            Faded Night
                            Wrapped in Each Others Arms
                            Midnight Rendevous

                            Oy, I'm horrible at this!

                            *claps madlly* off to read it again!


                              *blushes horribly* Thanks guys. Camy, I like them all..*coughs*..if that helps any.


                                Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                                Less than 90 minutes, but it's very well, this is what came to me so here it is. I'll name it later or Camy can. Hope you like it.

                                Teyla patiently waited on the balcony for John’s arrival. She gazed up at the stars that twinkled high in the midnight sky and let out a long sigh. It had been a long day, longer than usual. Her visit to New Athos had been difficult. Her people were beginning to lose faith. After such unfriendly treatment from the Ancestors and their defeat at the hands of the Asurans, many doubted of ever seeing an end to the Wraith and questioned Teyla’s continuing alliance with the people of Earth. She’d lost her patience and her temper, something for which she was deeply ashamed. She would need to go back soon. There were serious changes and decisions that needed to be made. And they would be, but not at this moment. This time was meant for her and John.

                                John leaned against the balcony doorway silently watching Teyla. He let his eyes caress the curves and lines of her face. It was something that he rarely did in public, not out of fear of being discovered, but simply to protect their privacy. He found her beautiful, beyond words, beyond, thought, beyond reason. He was most definitely a man in love. Not wanting to spend another moment apart, John slowly approached her, careful not to give his presence away. He’d missed her terribly and just the thought of touching her, holding her in his arms made his heart beat faster.

                                Teyla stilled as a hand rested on her lower back. She relaxed as it continued to her waist and finally came to rest on her hip. She leaned into John’s side enjoying his warmth, his scent and lifted her face to accept his kiss. All thoughts of New Athos and Atlantis faded from her mind. She needed this, his caresses, his strength. It, in turn, gave her the strength she needed to push on through her day. And she needed now more than ever.

                                John smiled; he could feel Teyla relax in his arms. She turned and wrapped her arms around his waist, squeezing him tight. He could tell that she’d had a rough day. And it didn’t appear as if she was ready to talk, so he wouldn’t push. Their plans had been for a quiet dinner and a movie, but it could wait. John rested his chin on the top of her head and gazed out at the night sky. The night was theirs to do with it what they pleased. And if they chose to spend it here wrapped in each others arms, so be it.

                                Camy, I just re-read your post. Is there a 90 minute Challenge that I overlooked?

                                Devine ....that was really fast...but wow I just loved it...such a sweet can't they have a scene like this in the show...
                                Thanks again...
                                Sigs by Scifan

