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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Thanx Camy.......

    Ha! I thought that was Joe and Fergus. That's a manip? Man, they're good. Too bad you can't actually see Teyla in the photo.


      Glance you say? Here's one that I would pay to know what Joe's thinking. Rachel too......


      And they say a picture is worth a thousand words. I have a feeling that a few of them may be unpleasant.


        Devine I like your thoughts on John and Ronan in Sunday


        I don't see John having to protect Teyla any more than anyone else. I see them all watching out and protecting each other and there is no weakness in doing this. There also seems to be a lot of discussion going on that Teyla seems weak too because she has been captured and whumped a bit over the last few eps. Again I don't see anything weak about her at all, it could have been any of them - and the fact that she shouted Johns name when the bug was inches from her neck was a very understandable reaction. I wouldnt have expected her to lay there all stoic, and I don't think John or Ronan would have either, if it had been them - Rodney would have been screaming like a baby.

        They were in a dangerous situation but they all had each others backs - thats why they are a team. John would do anything for any of them but I would never see him giving Teyla any preferential treatment, or being distracted watching her over more than the others. I think John is aware of all their strenghts, even though Teyla is a strong woman I don't think she would fight off a giant bug as easily as Ronan - not saying she can't defend herself but Ronan is most likey that bit stronger. Johns uses Ronan's strenght, Teyla's wisdom and Rodneys intelligence but he would trust his life with any of them.



          Glance ....hrmm okay,,,this one from his side,,which could make her blush...

          Sigs by Scifan


            Intresting discussion....

            I don't think his protectivness over his team is making him weak... they are all watching eachothers backs...

            If we take The Ark...when Teyla's life was at stake...he never ordered any of his team to do anything drastic... he never put them in harm's way...he took that onto himself... he risked his own life to try and save her,, yes in a way he goes the extra mile for Teyla... since I feel there is more a personal bond between them so he feels more towards her,,, but I haven't really seen him put the rest of his team in danger trying to get her out of trouble.. like The Ark.... and like in Submersion... he took Ronon with him when they were going after Teyla...he ordered Rodney to go... Rodney not being the strong muscle so John wasn't going to put him more in risk then he had to...

            John has always let his team voice their opinions,,, and I've never taken that as a sign for weakness on his part...just that he realizes what he has... the muscle in Ronon, voice of reason/warrior in Teyla, and the smart brains in Rodney.... I guess I see that as added strenght to himself...

            The whole scene between John and Ronon,,, I felt was not really Ronon telling Sheppard what to do and how to have it done...he voiced his opinion on a subject that indeed haven't been a success...and deep down John very well knew that...
            John sometimes think things through where Ronon is more direct...but we have seen John going a little over the edge and could very well do something stupid and then there has been Teyla to talk him down and make him see reason...
            So no I don't find him weak,,,he just have a team that balance him very well... and they all worry about eachother,,, and most likely would do anything to keep eachother safe... even though if he feels more strongly for Teyla..he usually takes the risk on his own rather then his team..I don't think he really would order anyone to do things but rather do it himself..

            And when it comes to Teyla...I really don't see her as weak just because she has gotten in trouble... The Ark,,they couldn't know the guy would take her hostage,,, and she wasn't really hurt.. and I'm sure she could have gotten out of it on her own and not having to wait for John to get her out,,but in a way I don't think she wanted to use force when it might not be needed... and you can't really know either if attacking the guy could lead to the gun going off...she could have hurt herself worse or it could very well been fired of the minute John got the door open pretty much could hit him then as well...
            Sunday yet again she was hurt,,,but hey it's not like she put herself at that risk...who was to know the woman was going to explode...
            Submersion,,,she wasn't hurt in a sense... but since she didn't know what she was dealing with she could really never been ready for such a strong mind and ended up taken over... then if we take Vengeance...we really don't know how she was captured..she could very well have been stunned,, not really much to fight if he shoots before she even makes it towards him,,,then I don't think she could have done anymore then screaming for John ,,,she was strapped to a table with a bug on her,,,not really able to move much which leads to the only thing she can do is call for help....

            So I really don't get it... I don't see a weak woman just because she has been hurt in the last few's not like most of the things,,she could have known beforehand was going to happen to her...

            Then again all this is just my own opinion...
            Sigs by Scifan


              Some more glances...




                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                ooops...sorry....this is her site...check out the Stargate Atlantis manips..and she has other stuff too...
                Thanks for posting this Camy!!!! I am in love with her work!! It is AMAZING! I love especially her manips with John and Teyla! HOT! Very, very cool!
                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                  Ohhh, glances. I love that topic. They have so many great glances between them. I can't post pics right now as I'm at work, but I can think of so many different kinds. They've had heated glances, concerned glances, piqued glances, sexual glances, terrified glances, frustrated glances....Amazing how much they can share in a glance. Oh, I love these two!
                  Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                    Another glance by John in Submersion...


                    Kinda cute that he glances back when Teyla pulls shotgun on Rodney..
                    Sigs by Scifan


                      Guess what! I was clearing out some unfinished fics on my computer and came across something kind of interesting. A long time ago I wrote a story called Have A Seat. I had every intention of finishing the story, but another idea came to me and I let it drop. This would have been chapter 3.............

                      Self Preservation (Warning: Some language)

                      (A.K.A. The Chicken Dance)

                      Click, clack.
                      “What is a rack?”

                      Sheppard’s ass was on fire, but that wasn’t his main concern. Teyla had just asked him a loaded question and followed it up with a stinging blow. He stood there rubbing his backside, hoping that the question would just go away. Man, I really walked into that one. He took a quick peek out of the corner of his eye and saw Teyla patiently waiting for a reply. $hit! He couldn’t answer, not unless he wanted her to pummel him into the ground. But, if he lied and she found out later….? He shook his head. She’d still beat him silly. Think, just think. You can talk your way out of this. Sheppard opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He took another quick peek at Teyla. Okay, pray. Prayer might be a little better.
                      Sheppard’s head snapped around.
                      “Will you not answer my question?”
                      He stalled.
                      “I’m sorry Teyla, what did you ask?”
                      “I asked what you meant when you said I had a nice rack?”
                      No you didn’t! He specifically remembered her asking what a rack was. Sheppard stared at Teyla. Was that a smirk? She raised an eyebrow in question. He sighed. No, maybe not. It looked as if he was going to have to sweat it out and tell the truth. And take his beating like a man.
                      “Well,” he cleared his throat, “some words, when used in a certain context, can mean a variety of different things…”

                      Teyla watched him squirm. He was really cute when he tried to talk his way out of something; the innocent eyes and the silly smile. She almost felt sorry for him. Almost. She’d nearly lost it when she saw the look of surprise on his face at her altered question. The one he supposedly hadn’t heard. Teyla knew what he meant by the term, or rather she had a good idea. She’d heard more than enough snide remarks from conversations and watched enough Earth movies to figure it out. John’s reaction only confirmed it. She’d already made the decision to let him off the hook in a minute or two, but for now she’d let him suffer.

                      Sheppard was having problems breathing. It felt as if the room temperature had gone up at least thirty degrees. He could feel the sweat running down his back. He wasn’t going to make it. He’d already blushed about three times and the word ‘goner’ wouldn’t seem to stop flashing across his mind. This wasn’t going as well as he’d hoped.

                      After the fourth blush Teyla decided to give him a break. She stepped close to John placing her hands on her hips. Teyla took a deep breath and slightly arched her back. Sheppard’s words ground to a halt. He glanced briefly down at her chest before quickly returning his gaze to her face. He waited.
                      “John, if you think I have nice breasts, all you have to do is say so.”
                      Sheppard’s mouth fell open.
                      Teyla arched one brow.
                      Sheppard closed his mouth. He wasn’t stupid. He wasn’t going to say anything at all. Self preservation told him it was safer just to remain silent.

                      Not as funny as the first two, I know. But it still made me giggle. Hope you liked it.



                        Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                        Guess what! I was clearing out some unfinished fics on my computer and came across something kind of interesting. A long time ago I wrote a story called Have A Seat. I had every intention of finishing the story, but another idea came to me and I let it drop. This would have been chapter 3.............

                        Self Preservation (Warning: Some language)

                        (A.K.A. The Chicken Dance)

                        Click, clack.
                        “What is a rack?”

                        Sheppard’s ass was on fire, but that wasn’t his main concern. Teyla had just asked him a loaded question and followed it up with a stinging blow. He stood there rubbing his backside, hoping that the question would just go away. Man, I really walked into that one. He took a quick peek out of the corner of his eye and saw Teyla patiently waiting for a reply. $hit! He couldn’t answer, not unless he wanted her to pummel him into the ground. But, if he lied and she found out later….? He shook his head. She’d still beat him silly. Think, just think. You can talk your way out of this. Sheppard opened his mouth to speak, but nothing came out. He took another quick peek at Teyla. Okay, pray. Prayer might be a little better.
                        Sheppard’s head snapped around.
                        “Will you not answer my question?”
                        He stalled.
                        “I’m sorry Teyla, what did you ask?”
                        “I asked what you meant when you said I had a nice rack?”
                        No you didn’t! He specifically remembered her asking what a rack was. Sheppard stared at Teyla. Was that a smirk? She raised an eyebrow in question. He sighed. No, maybe not. It looked as if he was going to have to sweat it out and tell the truth. And take his beating like a man.
                        “Well,” he cleared his throat, “some words, when used in a certain context, can mean a variety of different things…”

                        Teyla watched him squirm. He was really cute when he tried to talk his way out of something; the innocent eyes and the silly smile. She almost felt sorry for him. Almost. She’d nearly lost it when she saw the look of surprise on his face at her altered question. The one he supposedly hadn’t heard. Teyla knew what he meant by the term, or rather she had a good idea. She’d heard more than enough snide remarks from conversations and watched enough Earth movies to figure it out. John’s reaction only confirmed it. She’d already made the decision to let him off the hook in a minute or two, but for now she’d let him suffer.

                        Sheppard was having problems breathing. It felt as if the room temperature had gone up at least thirty degrees. He could feel the sweat running down his back. He wasn’t going to make it. He’d already blushed about three times and the word ‘goner’ wouldn’t seem to stop flashing across his mind. This wasn’t going as well as he’d hoped.

                        After the fourth blush Teyla decided to give him a break. She stepped close to John placing her hands on her hips. Teyla took a deep breath and slightly arched her back. Sheppard’s words ground to a halt. He glanced briefly down at her chest before quickly returning his gaze to her face. He waited.
                        “John, if you think I have nice breasts, all you have to do is say so.”
                        Sheppard’s mouth fell open.
                        Teyla arched one brow.
                        Sheppard closed his mouth. He wasn’t stupid. He wasn’t going to say anything at all. Self preservation told him it was safer just to remain silent.

                        Not as funny as the first two, I know. But it still made me giggle. Hope you liked it.

                        You sure made me giggle...could almost see John's look on his face when she did that and told him that in the end... *lol*
                        Sigs by Scifan


                          Now, okay back to glances.......

                          I'll post some of my favs:

                          Season 1


                          Last edited by Devine27; 02 February 2007, 11:27 AM.


                            And these........



                              Oh and this one......


                              Season 2:


                              Season 3:



                                Just a few more........


                                Okay, I'm done.

