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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Camy View Post
    Thanks Nina...I my view...from the beginning, the one that stood out for John was Teyla..the one he trusted was Teyla and the one he connected to was Teyla...if you notice not until after John met Teyla did he actually stand out and become the hero...and the star of the show...she brought that out in him...till he met her...he was just a soldier following Sumner and clearly overwhelmed by the entire experience, but after he met Teyla..he stood forward and introduce himself..and he stood out from the rest...and to think that Teyla did that for him..WOW!
    Ah yes Camy that is could see the change in him... from someone who followed orders and just being there,,,and then stepping up to take charge, to take the command, taking sudden risks of trying to get back his men, Teyla and her people... she sure has had an impact on him like no other... and I think it's great to see that she is the one to bring that out in him...
    Sigs by Scifan


      Ok, I'm back. Still at work, but am caught up a little more now at least.

      Hi Nibikko!!! Thank you so much for sharing Obfreak's vid here! It's an amazing one! I'm actually a big fan of both your work and am so excited at the idea of your possibly venturing over to try SGA! I hope so!
      Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


        Originally posted by Camy View Post
        I can't remember any stars...but I will look around and if I find anything I will let you know....whatcha doing?
        Thanks Camy!!!! No promises, but I'm contemplating a Christmas vid. Just need to find the right material first though. It wouldn't be anything overly exciting, but hopefully cute and cheesy at least. I couldn't sleep last night so at 4am starting assembling some gift baskets I'm giving away to co-workers for Christmas presents and watching Farscape DVD's in search of starry skies. LOL! Didn't find anything that would work so far though. So we'll see.
        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          Do you want a picture or something from a video clip?


            Originally posted by Camy View Post
            Do you want a picture or something from a video clip?

            I was hoping video clip! Guess I'll keep watching more Farscape eps. Such a hard burden, I know.

            GORGEOUS banner by the way!
            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


              Uh, can't help you there hon....sorry!

              Yeah, just keep watching're bound to find something...*winks*

              Thanks..! I just think those to belong in wrapping paper....LOL


                Originally posted by Camy View Post
                Uh, can't help you there hon....sorry!

                Yeah, just keep watching're bound to find something...*winks*

                Thanks..! I just think those to belong in wrapping paper....LOL
                That's ok, thanks anyway! I wasn't asking for a video clip, I was just asking if anyone can remember any shots of stars in any of the eps. Or any other TV eps for that matter. Ah well, hopefully I'll find something. I may not have time to do this anyway...just a passing thought.

                And, LOL, John and Teyla in wrapping paper brings wonderful imagery.
                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                  Quick summary of Irresponsible:

                  It's 4am my time and I am sooo tired and I am not feeling very well right now, so need to get to bed. BUT I did just get done watching the ep!!!! It was OK. Loved the team moments, found Lucius horribly annoying this time, which kind of brought down the ep otherwise. It was all about the mission mostly, so no real J/T moments, but at least it was a nice team ep with them out on a mission! But I love those kind of eps, hehe!
                  They hear rumors of a superhero in a village, go check him out and it's Lucius. Carson tests him for the drug, turns out he's clean and turns out this time he has a personal shield that he's using to protect himself and making himself look like a hero to save the town from bad guys. The team starts to leave, but run into Lucius talking in secret to thugs that attacked the town, turns out he paid them to pretend to be bad to make himself look better. Very brief shot of Teyla up in a tree and the four guys hiding in a bush below her. That could have been a really cute moment, but the camera just pans past them and then it's onto the next scene, so that's too bad. But that's where those rumors of Teyla in a tree come from. It was very cute, but way too fast, lol.
                  They drag Lucius back into town to get him and tell the town he's a fraud, but they don't believe them. Genii soldiers suddenly come into town. The team is in a house talking to Lucius when they hear the commotion. Johns sees Kolya out the window and wants to go out and kill him.
                  Great little moment between John and Teyla here as she stops him! It's short and not that big of a deal, but still loved it! He starts for the door and she says, "Colonel, no." He argues back and she says more forcefully, "John, you can't." She tells him the villagers might get hurt or something or other and he argues with her for a few sentences, but realizes she's right. So she kind of talks him down. So yay! They were facing each other while talking, nice eye contact, and I love that she used his name the second time she says no to him. That scene could have been more emotional I think, since this is supposed to be John's mortal enemy, but it was still a good one. So we got one tiny little moment with them at least!
                  They decide to hide instead, John doesn't like it, but goes along. Lucius shows them a hidden room and goes out to talk to Kolya. They torture him by dunking him in water to get him to talk and he tells them where they're hiding. The Genii open the secret room, but they're gone. They leave the house and then we see the team in an upstairs room. They sneak out and fan out. All but John are captured. So he tries to sneak away to the jumper to get help, but Kolya calls to him through the radio and tells him he will kill them one by one if he doesn't come back, starting with Rodney. John and Lucius run into each other and Lucius wants to try to redeem himself and help out this time. He gives outrageous suggestions for plans as John tries to figure out what to do on his way back into town. Then John appears alone just as Koyla is about to shoot Rodney. The Genii start shooting him, only to realize John is now wearing the personal shield. Meanwhile Lucius riles up the town and convinces them to stand up for themselves. The personal shield suddenly dies and the Genii again lift their guns to shoot at John, but then the townspeople surround them with pitchforks and guns and outnumber them.
                  Then the kind of hilarious part, it was just like an old western movie with the shootout in the middle of town, LOL! Koyla and John stare each other down, and hold their hands twitching over their holsters and do a fast draw. John of course draws faster and shoots him in the chest. He falls, but we don't know if he's actually dead or not. The rest of the Genii surrender and the team leaves to go back home. Cute little moment at the end as they're walking away and Carson pats Teyla on the shoulder.
                  So it was kind of a dumb ep, too much of Lucius I thought and not really in a good way, LOL, since his scenes weren't really humorous this time, and it was the same kind of humor as last time, so it felt a little old to me. I loved when Kolya showed up and the little argument between John and Teyla and how she got him to stand down, although I wish it would have been a little more intense. John sees his mortal enemy and is mad, but still has a kind of laid back attitude and rolls his eyes, etc, like he would for any enemy, as if this guy didn't torture him last time. The shootout was really cheesy, but I'm a big western fan, so I liked it anyway. Although it made for a kind of anti-climatic end to Kolya. Although I suspect he won't really be dead since they didn't confirm that. Hard to say!
                  What I loved is that it has some really cute team moments with banter between them as they're walking around the village and stuff and I loved that they were all together on a mission! I just wish it could have been a little more intense with Kolya, like it felt in Common Ground. This one felt a little too laid back for how he should feel towards Kolya, and Lucius wasn't really funny this time, just extremely annoying. But overall, I still liked it because the team moments redeemed it for me! So I'll watch it again tomorrow when I'm more awake and I'm sure I'll notice a lot more then. I'll try to make more comments as soon as I can, but wanted to let you know this much at least! I'm off to bed now!

                  Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                    Oh thank you very much for the summary!!! SOunds very interesting, i cant really pass judgement till i see it!
                    -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                    Thanks Camy!!


                      Thanks for the summary Steph!!! Cant wait to see it lol... Sooon, Soon!!! Sounds like some of it will be very interesting

                      Magnificent sig by Sheylafan87!!! *hugs*


                        WOW liked how u decribed so much. Does the candian TV air previews for the next eps? I was wondering if anyone had seen a commercial of the next episode and what it might have in the preview for it.
                        part of:
                        Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

                        wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


                          Just saw Irresponsible

                          I already said this in the episode thread, but I thought this was awful. The worst ep to me, behind Irresistible, for the season, and comprable to The Tower.

                          Team moments were great, especially in the beginning with Sheppard explaining to Teyla and Ronon that Evel Knievel wasn't really evil and he jumped over things just because, and McKay's obsession with Batman (hey- he's my favorite superhero, too). Bits with Lucius were not so entertaining. I didn't find Kolya too menacing, either. The bit with Sheppard yelling an exasperating, "What?!" at Teyla made me think, "Oh my, this is a little hot," but otherwise no shippy stuff. That scene wasn't even really shippy, but I'm glad it was her that told him not to go, and I'm glad he listened to her. I have to say, if they ever had some big screaming arguement, it would look hot. I love Joe's eye contact with her- he kinda leans down and is in her face. Nice visual.

                          For me, this episode was campy filler. And this episode makes me sad for next season when M&M take over from Cooper and Wright as the producing team. Cooper did Sateda, which is my fave this season.

                          Sorry, I can't be more positive about this one.
                          Sig by Camy


                            Originally posted by majortrip View Post
                            Just saw Irresponsible

                            I already said this in the episode thread, but I thought this was awful. The worst ep to me, behind Irresistible, for the season, and comprable to The Tower.

                            Team moments were great, especially in the beginning with Sheppard explaining to Teyla and Ronon that Evel Knievel wasn't really evil and he jumped over things just because, and McKay's obsession with Batman (hey- he's my favorite superhero, too). Bits with Lucius were not so entertaining. I didn't find Kolya too menacing, either. The bit with Sheppard yelling an exasperating, "What?!" at Teyla made me think, "Oh my, this is a little hot," but otherwise no shippy stuff. That scene wasn't even really shippy, but I'm glad it was her that told him not to go, and I'm glad he listened to her. I have to say, if they ever had some big screaming arguement, it would look hot. I love Joe's eye contact with her- he kinda leans down and is in her face. Nice visual.

                            For me, this episode was campy filler. And this episode makes me sad for next season when M&M take over from Cooper and Wright as the producing team. Cooper did Sateda, which is my fave this season.

                            Sorry, I can't be more positive about this one.
                            Wat do u mean by
                            that next season M&M is takin over from Cooper and Wright?
                            part of:
                            Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

                            wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


                              Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                              Hi guys! Just popping in quick...real life's been busy the past couple of days and still is today. But wondering if anyone can help me. Does anyone remember if there are any shots of stars in space or a starry sky in any of the eps?

                              If you are looking for generic starshots try It's got stars, nebulas and planets and I love that they are all real ones, out there somewhere.

                              Yes, Camy. I was thinking for Feb for the postcards.

                              Are there any Echoes caps up yet? Falcon has some lovely Heightmeyer ones in the Sec woman thread but I haven't seen the full ep capped yet.


                                Originally posted by Sheylafan87 View Post
                                Wat do u mean by
                                that next season M&M is takin over from Cooper and Wright?
                                General spoilers for S4, just in case

                                I suppose I should've written 'if' rather than 'when'. In that article I posted here a few days back, they refer to J. Malozzi as 'new executive producer' of SGA. It is rumored that Cooper and Wright will be working on the SG-1 movies and a new spinoff of SG-1. I've seen nothing official to that end, but if somone else has, I'd be forever grateful if they could hurl a URL my way. It's just been confirmed on the episode thread that writer Ken Cuperus (Common Ground and upcoming The Ark and Submersion) will have minimal writing duties due to SG-1's cancellation. That's a shame,really, since I liked Common Ground.

                                And my statements above aren't geared toward having M&M fall off the face of the Earth. I simply don't care for their episodes as much as I enjoy, say, Binder's or Gero's. Maybe on the production end, the show will run smoothly. I just don't like what they come up with as writers.
                                Sig by Camy

