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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    It makes no sense that other countries are going to see the entire thing before the US even begins the other half of the season....I just don't get it!


      Maybe we should do a poll here in our own ship thread...who wants to have JT together...who wants to keep it the way it is...who wants to see them with babies...LOL maybe someone else should write the choices and not me...but I'm curious to see how many of us think and want it done fully in the show and think that it can work and how many like just the tension between them and maybe leave it for the end..or something like that...

      whatcha think?


        Originally posted by Camy View Post
        Maybe we should do a poll here in our own ship thread...who wants to have JT together...who wants to keep it the way it is...who wants to see them with babies...LOL maybe someone else should write the choices and not me...but I'm curious to see how many of us think and want it done fully in the show and think that it can work and how many like just the tension between them and maybe leave it for the end..or something like that...

        whatcha think?
        Oh that would be a tough choice, LOL! Because I want it all and I believe it all could happen, but sadly, don't believe we'll see it all happen because of the show, it's premise, and it's writers. (Going back to my wanting and expecting are two very different things, comments!) The unknown for me is how far will the writer's go! I hope they will continue to build on what they've set up so far! And I hope they will surprise me by being more bold than we give them credit for! I have faith in John and Teyla. Not so much quite yet in the writers. They still have to prove themselves to me. They're getting there. So let's see if they can continue.
        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          Originally posted by Sheylafan87 View Post
          I'd have to say that we clearly have differnt views as to what the writers write and how it ends up becoming an episode. Like reading spoilers clearly states wat may happene and we get our hopes up but when it comes to John and Teyla we can see the chemistry and the hint of flirtation goin on but the writers write the opposite of it and we go along with wat we think could or should happen between them and that really wouldnt make sence. John and TEyla know and understand each other more and there may be a hint of John liking her but has to keep it on a friendly/professional level or else the story lines wont make sence having them doin this and that and just the both of them.

          Im not sayin that its a bad thing for them to have those little moments but that if they did end up dating in the show then it would basically make the show seem like a soap dramas and that would not make any sence at all to have characters who are suppose tr yto fight the war with the wraith end up dating and being seriouse about it but having them flirt and act professional seems to work better that way.

          Its like the Jack and Sam story,(sg-1) they were team members nd the both had those moments that said awww and when will it happen and fans get the wrong assumptions but then the writers make it clear that both of them cant have a relationship but maybe one of those off screen kind of things and maybe they may do something similiar to John adn Teyla but since being the pegasus galaxy it may end up having a different effect.
          Originally posted by Camy View Post
          Sel, Steph, Blue and everyone else, thank you for those clarifications and information. It's good to hear it straight from the horse's mouth.

          Sel, that comment Mallozzi made. If I'm interpreting correctly, he's saying there's no shippy moments at all? Well, if that is correct then I guess I have a difficulty understanding what he means when even before the show aired it was written as part of Teyla's summary that there would be sexual tension with the potential of something more...right?

          Also, in the Companion book for Season 1 there is that comment made by Bambam that in the sparring scene for Hot Zone, that was all a sexual tension was intended that way....

          I guess what I"m saying...yes...most of their scenes together aren't meant to be shippy...but it does show the development or the possibility of something more...not to mention that on several occassions I"ve also read that Joe has clearly said that there is tension there between them...he mentioned that he doesn't think there is any tension between Weir and Sheppard but between John and Teyla there is ....right?

          So, shippy no shippy....The scene in the Return and the scene in Conversion and the scene in The Long Goodbye....those aren't confirmations of love but certainly they show an attraction, a physical attraction and most importantly a bond and a connection that can build to something more....

          so, I think certain scenes are deliberately there to show the possibility...and we interpret it beyond proportions...LOL

          that's my two cents of course.....

          Sheylafen...I understand where you are coming from but I have to disagree.....I'm not a faithful Sg-1 fan as I am for SGA...I've missed many episodes, however I love the connection between Sam and Jack from day one....but I hated what they did with that relationship.....if you can even call it that...I've said that so far John and Teyla, for me...started differently and are developing differently than Sam and Jack..which is why I'm still hopeful....
          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
          Don't worry about it...we are all entitled to feel what we want... it's not like we are the only ship that speculate on things...and the whole thing of taking to the extreme,,,trust me I feel this is nothing.. since I have see more extreme then this... if two characters stand in the same scene together beside eachother, the fact they are just in the same scene together even if they are not looking at eachother, or they just say hi to eachother, or even just in the same room together, scenes such as this ,,, if you scream shippy then,,well that for me is taking to the extreme,,,when there clearly isn't anything there to even base it on,,, there are many scenes with John and Teyla I don't find shippy... I don't say..ohhh shippy scene as fast as they are standing in the same room together... it has to clearly be something there,,, the feel between them,,, flirting, teasing, heated looks,,something that to me that I can specualte on being shippy... and now I don't make any sense anymore *lol* shutting up now...
          I get u see it that way but for me I see it as maybe them trying to figure out wat they want at the moment. I mean they both are trying to fight a war with the wraith and Teyla and John may not be neccisarily ready to start something yet. I think to me Teyla isnt sure honestly wat she wants with John in that way. She has so much to take in and deal with her ppl and try to work along side the atlantis personal and try to keep wat she has left of her together. She has been through alot and starting something with John would seem to quick and john well he seems to like to keep where his friendship is with Teyla right now. Even though they have those little moments between them and can see something wanting to start it just may not be the time to start anything yet. I do adore them trying to keep it professional and sitll have those flirtatious things goin on and they have so much in common and they both understand each other i just think the story line isnt the right time for them to start a relationship becasue they both have their jobs to do and want to keep it that way till things cool down in the pegasus galaxy.

          The jack and Sam story lines arent similar with the SGA ones at all but the writers on the sg-1 behallf had different ideas for them. They both were in the military and went by the military rules to keep wat they could of the relationship from goin somewhere. I mean Jack was the clueless one at first but then it became both of them not seeing it clearly wat they wanted in the later sesaons but with John and Teyla they have the hole connectin and instant chemistry goin on and they both feel that same way and its just to soon to go into something like that at this rate. It may take a season a two till something grows more but for now with them (John and Teyla) we are just goin to have to wait and see wat happenes. i mean Joe Flanigan and Rachel both mentioned that both of them when they first met and Rachel joined they had chemistry but that starting something now would make the plots or story lines hard to fit in a main characters relationsips isnce it being a scifi show and not all scifis have relations till later on the seasons. John has been with other woman but when it comes to teyla its more but they both need to figure out as charcter where it will lead and if they are both ready at a point in their lives for something more. jack and Sam always had chemistry but they couldnt becasue of the rules i the military. They both had little flirts here ad they and they both comforted each other when something went wrong along with working side by side and Jack trying to understadn her techno bable. both series has little thing of lfirts goin on but the writres probably want to dwell into the charaters more and figure out if its time to make relationships happen or work out something between the cast and what they would want as characters. Even though Sam and Jack are dfferent then John and Teyla they both try to j=hide their feelings since work is more important at the moment and after the wraith are gone the twriters may try to see if its a god idea for certain pairs to try it out.
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            Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
            Oh that would be a tough choice, LOL! Because I want it all and I believe it all could happen, but sadly, don't believe we'll see it all happen because of the show, it's premise, and it's writers. (Going back to my wanting and expecting are two very different things, comments!) The unknown for me is how far will the writer's go! I hope they will continue to build on what they've set up so far! And I hope they will surprise me by being more bold than we give them credit for! I have faith in John and Teyla. Not so much quite yet in the writers. They still have to prove themselves to me. They're getting there. So let's see if they can continue.
            I agree....I'm hoping to be surprised,,,but at some point what I've seen from the *McKAy* writers,,,I really don't have too much faith in them,,, there might be some of the writers that are able to surprise up and then there are those of them that just goes the standard *safe* way... not really knowing where to go with it we have seen great moments...and hope for many more and at some point maybe a little more bold then we think they are... I do think a relationship between John and Teyla can work... they are two subtle people,,they don't flaunt around,, it took heck of a lot from John side to actually show emotion infront of everyone in The Return 1... a relationship in a show never has to take over the show from what it is... it doesn't have to turn into a mushy soap drama,,, if you write it in a subtle way,,, I hardly think John or Teyla are the kind of people to let a relationship get in the way of their work.. to professional for that... but to let be shown maybe in a scene where they have off time or something,,, and it doesn't have to even have a scene in every episode during the whole season... but just a few here and there,,, it doesn't even have to be make out scenes, bedroom scenes *like that would happen in the show LOL, just trying to make a point* but just like a quiet moment on the balcony or something... *okay now I'm getting to ramble on too long hehehe*
            Sigs by Scifan


              Originally posted by Sheylafan87 View Post
              I get u see it that way but for me I see it as maybe them trying to figure out wat they want at the moment. I mean they both are trying to fight a war with the wraith and Teyla and John may not be neccisarily ready to start something yet. I think to me Teyla isnt sure honestly wat she wants with John in that way. She has so much to take in and deal with her ppl and try to work along side the atlantis personal and try to keep wat she has left of her together. She has been through alot and starting something with John would seem to quick and john well he seems to like to keep where his friendship is with Teyla right now. Even though they have those little moments between them and can see something wanting to start it just may not be the time to start anything yet. I do adore them trying to keep it professional and sitll have those flirtatious things goin on and they have so much in common and they both understand each other i just think the story line isnt the right time for them to start a relationship becasue they both have their jobs to do and want to keep it that way till things cool down in the pegasus galaxy.

              The jack and Sam story lines arent similar with the SGA ones at all but the writers on the sg-1 behallf had different ideas for them. They both were in the military and went by the military rules to keep wat they could of the relationship from goin somewhere. I mean Jack was the clueless one at first but then it became both of them not seeing it clearly wat they wanted in the later sesaons but with John and Teyla they have the hole connectin and instant chemistry goin on and they both feel that same way and its just to soon to go into something like that at this rate. It may take a season a two till something grows more but for now with them (John and Teyla) we are just goin to have to wait and see wat happenes. i mean Joe Flanigan and Rachel both mentioned that both of them when they first met and Rachel joined they had chemistry but that starting something now would make the plots or story lines hard to fit in a main characters relationsips isnce it being a scifi show and not all scifis have relations till later on the seasons. John has been with other woman but when it comes to teyla its more but they both need to figure out as charcter where it will lead and if they are both ready at a point in their lives for something more. jack and Sam always had chemistry but they couldnt becasue of the rules i the military. They both had little flirts here ad they and they both comforted each other when something went wrong along with working side by side and Jack trying to understadn her techno bable. both series has little thing of lfirts goin on but the writres probably want to dwell into the charaters more and figure out if its time to make relationships happen or work out something between the cast and what they would want as characters. Even though Sam and Jack are dfferent then John and Teyla they both try to j=hide their feelings since work is more important at the moment and after the wraith are gone the twriters may try to see if its a god idea for certain pairs to try it out.

              I see you point trust me I do....and they are good points

              Yes even if I do can see a relationship between doesn't have to be like in the next few episode... maybe I feel that it might build up to something... they sure have had close moments with eachother and more so now in this season...
              yes there is a war going on and romance most likely is the last thing on their minds,, but still they do flirt with eachother.. don't know,,maybe to test themselves to what they might feel deep inside...and maybe to test what the other might feel...
              So no most likely I don't either see a relationship in the show at the moment,,do I hope for it,,sure but I hardly think it would happen here and now...
              Sigs by Scifan


      've made some great points...and I agree with everything that you wrote..I think that is very much what John and Teyla may have going in their minds...and it jus shows the build up of the relationship and how it can work between them because they think of others before they think of themselves.....and you are right...I guess what I'm saying is that it doesn't have to remain the way it is until the last episode of the series where the Wraith are gone and the enemy have been defeated....if that is what the writers are thinking, then they will never go beyond what they have now....Sam and Jack chose not to continue because they chose their careers first...John and Teyla don't have that problem..their choice is different.....if they are going to wait till the Wraith is defeated...then they will never have, I"m hoping that this is not what is in their minds....I'd like to think that a part of them is holding back because of the timing and their situation..but then you see how John is open to go with other females....and he does talk about future kids and how he doesn't want the radiaton to affect his future...and in Childhood's End he did mention that he wanted a family in the I don't think that John at least is thinking till I get rid of the Wraith.....I think that's part of it.....but I think that for him personally, right now...he's not ready....whether it is because of his role...that could be....but I don't think that's the only reason....and then Teyla...her I'm not so sure about....she must sense that John has some type of attraction for her..she has too....he shows it more than, is it her people....does she still have doubts....did she always fear that one day he will leave...which he, I don't like to think that what's holding them back is strickly and only the Wraith...Teyla herself said to John that her people still live a life as normal as possible and away from fear of the she's more accepting to this than maybe he is.....

                from the writers...I think any writer can say that anything is's just in the quality of the writing....they have so many writers that I"m certain they all have their different opinions....if anything I think in scifi you'd think that the possibilities are endless..but you are right, making this work can be challenging..but from what I've read ...already in Atlantis some typical stereotypes of things have come to the surface...and these writers aren't afraid to show some sexuality in the show...I mean jeepers the woman that have come in there and the sugggestive scenes have been a little more daring than you would I don't think that is an issue either..but of coarse, it's not going to be like say, BSG! lOl and for my own personal taste..I don't even like, I still think it can be done...but we will just have to wait and see...

                great points Sheylafan.....thanks for sharing...


                  Lots of interesting discussion here,

                  Have scanned through quickly so I'll just add my thoughts on what I consider shippy.

                  I know we are all probably guilty of saying something is shippy when it could be just friendship but I really do need to see something extra special before I can call it shippy and I believe that we have had quite a few special moments between John and Teyla.

                  I have really never shipped for anyone before so when I saw rising I did acknowledge that there seemed to be an instant connection between John and Teyla but I didn't immediatly jump up and down and squee shippy.

                  I don't think that John has EVER looked at anyone else the way he looked at Teyla in Rising. They both felt the connection and seemed to be unable to draw their gaze from one another. I love how John always seemed a bit giddy around Teyla but she never really seemed to fall for his charm and I think he was intrigued by her from day one. There is a definite chemistry between them and I have always felt that it was more then just a friendship vibe. Johns body language speakes volumes when he is around Teyla but he keeps his feelings in check because he has no idea if Teyla feels the same way.

                  John has always kept his feelings close to his heart and maybe it is a protection thing but he has been slowly letting down his guard over the last few months and it has always been around Teyla. John has never once opened up to Weir in any emotional capacity that is why I see nothing romantic or sensual between them. He is his easy going fly boy self with her and of course he is professional around her as well, but I do think that he uses his charm on Elizabeth a bit more to maybe get his way. Their friendship is very cute but very platonic. Again you can see from his body language that he has no interest in Elizabeth at all. He is actually pretty awkward and uncomfortable with even getting too close her, and the hug in the Seige just showed how awkward he felt when she made physical contact.

                  But I have never seen him look uncomfortable around Teyla. Firstly he spends a lot of his free time with her. We have all mentioned the sexual tension when they sparred. Now this to me was very real - the air just sizzled with it - I didn't have to put on any shippy glasses to see this. The looks they gave each other and the way they paced around one another just screamed of sexual attraction. Again I have never seen anything like this with any of the other pairings so this is why I see much more potential for a romantic relationship between Teyla and John than any other pairing. There have been great friendship moments between all of them and John cares about each one but I have never gotten the impression from him that he is attracted to anyone else except Teyla.

                  Standing in the same room and looking at each other is not shippy in my eyes. Flirting and banter is also not really shippy either as I relate to a lot of my close male friends in this way and I am not interested in any of them. But when you grab someone and kiss them passionately (I know John was under the retrovirus effect but again why did he kiss her) I believe because he had wanted to do so for some time - but the retrovirus lowered those emotional restraints that he noramlly has up - and resulted in him acting on impulse. He told her he cared for her more than she knows - why did Thalen say this - how would he know this unless he was reading Johns mind.

                  In return 1 Johns farewell to Teyla was intimate. His voice was intimate. He showed emotion to her in front of everyone but yet barely had anything to do with Elizabeth on Earth, when he clearly had to opportunity to have a relationship with her if he had feelings for her - but he was restless and preoccupied and jumped a the chance of getting back to Teyla.
                  So for me there are numerous incidents where I felt that there was much more going on under the surface between John and Teyla. If I hadn't of witnessed any of the above I probably would not be shipping them because it is not enough that they stand in the same room or even talk to each other, I have to see a connection and something more, and I think we have had plenty to substanciate their relationship particulary in season three.

                  I do hope TPTB realise what a wonderful opportunity they have to give us a great relationship between these two. They have amazing chemistry between them, both Joe and Rachel are open to having a relationship between their characters, and I think that both of them could have a very fullfilling relationship without it interfereing with their jobs or taking anything away from the pacing of the show.

                  Ok I think I am also guilty of rambling on a bit -didn't mean to waffle on so much - hope some of it makes sense.


                    Originally posted by Camy View Post
                    Maybe we should do a poll here in our own ship thread...who wants to have JT together...who wants to keep it the way it is...who wants to see them with babies...LOL

           maybe someone else should write the choices and not me...but I'm curious to see how many of us think and want it done fully in the show and think that it can work and how many like just the tension between them and maybe leave it for the end..or something like that...

                    whatcha think?

                    First off I will reply to this because there is soo much great conversation that I need to catch up on!

                    I want to have John and Teyla together, but seeing as it is a sci fi show and not a soap opera, I have different thought of what being together entails! I enjoy the tension and I think that the tension has a good place in the show because of everything else going on. When J and T finally do realize they are madly in love (haha) I hope the writers do it gracefully! I would be kind of dissapointed if it took up the entire show. Don't get me wrong, I love J/T, but the show isn't ONLY them (even though it would be kind of fun if it was). Maybe that's why I like the subtle moments that they share so much. It creates a picture about waht is going on between them, but not so much as to destory the fact that there are 4 other main people around as well. Just my thoughts.


                      Good point on both parts Blue and 4prettierships

                      No I wouldn't either just have them take over the entire show with romance,,there is soap dramas for that *yuck* *lol* everyone knows I'm an action girl but can like romance as long as it isn't just mushy stupid... I'm not the usual chickflick movie my friends horror and not being able to understand that *lol*
                      There are more characters on the show then J/T... so no I wouldn't want a romance between them take over the whole show... just subtle ways here and there to show it to us...

             you stated and I did too in one of my scream shippy becasuse the liking pair is on screen together at the same time... I mean just standing in the same room,,,that isn't shippy but I've gotten those feelings at times from people... I have seen so many scenes with J/T standing in the same room together or next to eachother in a briefing or something but I haven't been sitting on my couch screaming shippy at the screen... for me I have to see something to be able to even start speculation on the subject... there has to be a deeper meaning somewhere,,, I have to feel *for a better world* the emotions between them,,, have to be able to sense it between them... but again it's just my take on things I see and what I don't see...
                      Sigs by Scifan


                        Yes, I would definitely like to see John and Teyla get together.

                        Now by getting together I don't mean that they are walking around hand in hand and getting all lovey dovey with each other. But then again I would never expect that to happen anyway.

                        What I mean by getting together is that they acknowledg their feelings for each other and then after that we just get ODD moments where they are together off duty showing each other some affection.

                        I want to know that they ARE spoken for - Teyla is Johns and John is Teylas.

                        As much as I like how their relationship is building up at the moment I don't want to see this carry on indefinitely - I will lose interest if it never reaches the next stage and if we are still debating who John likes in a couple of years to come.

                        I think John and Teyla are VERY capable of keeping it low key and subtle. They do not do in your face and they both could remain very professional in their jobs. Why can they not be in a relationship (we don't have to be reminded every 5 minutes that they are) but yet continue to fight the Wraith, Genii or whatever enemy of the day poses a problem. They live in a perilous world where either of them could die any day - so why waste the time they could be together.
                        Last edited by bluealien; 30 November 2006, 10:34 AM.


                          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                          Good point on both parts Blue and 4prettierships

                          No I wouldn't either just have them take over the entire show with romance,,there is soap dramas for that *yuck* *lol* everyone knows I'm an action girl but can like romance as long as it isn't just mushy stupid... I'm not the usual chickflick movie my friends horror and not being able to understand that *lol*
                          There are more characters on the show then J/T... so no I wouldn't want a romance between them take over the whole show... just subtle ways here and there to show it to us...

                 you stated and I did too in one of my scream shippy becasuse the liking pair is on screen together at the same time... I mean just standing in the same room,,,that isn't shippy but I've gotten those feelings at times from people... I have seen so many scenes with J/T standing in the same room together or next to eachother in a briefing or something but I haven't been sitting on my couch screaming shippy at the screen... for me I have to see something to be able to even start speculation on the subject... there has to be a deeper meaning somewhere,,, I have to feel *for a better world* the emotions between them,,, have to be able to sense it between them... but again it's just my take on things I see and what I don't see...

                          Well stated girls...

                          As we've said countless times, if they shift to full on relationship, it would either be too fast, cause right now, it's to soon for it...and to pull a relationship to the forefront of a show like SGA would be to destroy it.

                          I think what most of us do is over analyze, but then again, we're doing it all in good fun. Cause really Shipping it all in the eye of the two people see things the exact same way.

                          And as for the whole being in the same room thing, being shippy, sometime i'll see it only and ONLY you said you get that feeling/vibe. Cause yelling ship because the two ppl are in the same room, is something i equate to yelling ship for two ppl who are simply keeping eye contact while talking....It's a bit reaching.

                          R.I.P Wraithlord

                          Awesome sig by SciFan


                            Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                            Yes, I would definitely like to see John and Teyla get together.

                            Now by getting together I don't mean that they are walking around hand in hand and getting all lovey dovey with each other. But then again I would never expect that to happen anyway.

                            What I mean by getting together is that they acknowledg their feelings for each other and then after that we just get ODD moments where they are together off duty showing each other some affection.

                            I want to know that they ARE spoken for - Teyla is Johns and John is Teylas.

                            As much as I like how their relationship is building up at the moment I don't want to see this carry on indefinitely - I will lose interest if it never reaches the next stage and if we are still debating who John likes in a couple of years to come.

                            I think John and Teyla are VERY capable of keeping it low key and subtle. They do not do in your face and they both could remain very professional in their jobs. Why can they not be relationship (we don't have to be reminded every 5 minutes that they are) but yet continue to fight the Wraith, Genii or whatever enemy of the day poses a problem. They live in a perilous world where either of them could die any day - so why waste the time they could be together.

                            I agree Blue... I can't see them lovey dovey either as you say...walking hand in hand at every moment they have as you say ,,,so we know they are spoken for,, the odd moments between them when they have off...I mean the show ends several times like with two characters on the balcony talking and watching out over the ocean,,well that could be an moment to show that affection,,just standing there talking, watching over the ocean him holding her in his arms...those small small things at odd times,,,
                            I mean I can't see them doing anything romantic and stuff while out off world fighting an enemy,,,it's not like it will go something like....
                            John: Oh honey did you set the charge go off...
                            Teyla: yes darling...
                            Uhm hardly,,,not their style at all... on duty I see them being professional,,, nothing lovey dovey about them at those times... beside I hardly can see it like that so much even off work... yes the words I love you...picturing John and Teyla to add darling and honey and stuff into everything...hrmm not so much... I'm not saying it's not like John would ever say such a word..just can't picture him saying it every time he adresses her *like I've seen in shows,,,and I just roll my eyes and think who in the world wrote the script like that LOL*
                            Not Teyla either for that matter...just look at how long it took her to even call him by his first name... *lol*
                            Sigs by Scifan


                              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                              I agree Blue... I can't see them lovey dovey either as you say...walking hand in hand at every moment they have as you say ,,,so we know they are spoken for,, the odd moments between them when they have off...I mean the show ends several times like with two characters on the balcony talking and watching out over the ocean,,well that could be an moment to show that affection,,just standing there talking, watching over the ocean him holding her in his arms...those small small things at odd times,,,
                              I mean I can't see them doing anything romantic and stuff while out off world fighting an enemy,,,it's not like it will go something like....
                              John: Oh honey did you set the charge go off...
                              Teyla: yes darling...
                              Uhm hardly,,,not their style at all... on duty I see them being professional,,, nothing lovey dovey about them at those times... beside I hardly can see it like that so much even off work... yes the words I love you...picturing John and Teyla to add darling and honey and stuff into everything...hrmm not so much... I'm not saying it's not like John would ever say such a word..just can't picture him saying it every time he adresses her *like I've seen in shows,,,and I just roll my eyes and think who in the world wrote the script like that LOL*
                              Not Teyla either for that matter...just look at how long it took her to even call him by his first name... *lol*
                              I can't see either of them callling each other darling or honey. lol.

                              I don't think that it is too soon to start taking their relationship just a little further. We could have an incident where one of them narrowly escapes death which causes an admission of how worried they were about each other.

                              It doesn't have to be huge or admitting undying love but something more than just the usual casual acceptance that we usaully get. They could gradually build up on this over time - to where we have a scene where John actually Kisses Teyla. Again its another step forward - it can be a very slow process where both of them are not really sure how to handle whats happening between them. The usual life threatening sci fi stuff can be going on with this taking up a minute or two of certain episode - but at least we are going somewhere. Continual subtext just becomes a bit boring over time and then I start to loose interest- though I am a long way from doing that just yet.


                                Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                                Yes, I would definitely like to see John and Teyla get together.

                                Now by getting together I don't mean that they are walking around hand in hand and getting all lovey dovey with each other. But then again I would never expect that to happen anyway.
                                Can you just imagine shep and teyla being lovey dovey?...I think instead of being cute and romantic like, I'd find it hilarious. It's just something I would find out of character, it doesn't seem like something they'd do. I'd more see them walking like they did in 'Sanctuary'...

                                What I mean by getting together is that they acknowledg their feelings for each other and then after that we just get ODD moments where they are together off duty showing each other some affection.
                                I think we could all live with that, leaves space for the ficcy writers.

                                I want to know that they ARE spoken for - Teyla is Johns and John is Teylas.

                                As much as I like how their relationship is building up at the moment I don't want to see this carry on indefinitely - I will lose interest if it never reaches the next stage and if we are still debating who John likes in a couple of years to come.
                                I think we'd all get a bit antsy if they keep dangling us. I know my attention will waiver if certain aspects of a show isn't persued.

                                I think John and Teyla are VERY capable of keeping it low key and subtle. They do not do in your face and they both could remain very professional in their jobs. Why can they not be relationship (we don't have to be reminded every 5 minutes that they are) but yet continue to fight the Wraith, Genii or whatever enemy of the day poses a problem. They live in a perilous world where either of them could die any day - so why waste the time they could be together.
                                They'll be a team still, but with a bit more added passion I think. Cause neither seems like the type to panic, and totally fall apart. They seem more the type to think through and find a solution but at the same time, show care but not extreme worry over the other...

                                R.I.P Wraithlord

                                Awesome sig by SciFan

