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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Hi, White Tigeress!

    Baby and I are fine today. The time change actually helps get our sleep schedule more in line with the world. LOL.

    About the ficathon, I would worry if I were you about a story you wrote being bad. Usually we're our own worst critics and our work is better than we think it is.

    Who knows, you might get the perfect prompt to inspire you!



      Just catching up on this thread. Looking forward to reading all your fics and art work. Wish I could contribute but not a writer and canno't do artwork.

      Maybe one day I'll get the chance to give it a go.

      Just got back from the Convention in London with Joe and it was a wonderful experience. Joe is really the sweetest cutest guy around. Great weekend and wonderful meeting other members from Gate World. We had a wonderful DVD party last night with champagne and revels.

      Joe mentioned how great it was working with David Hewlett and they had so much fun together. He said that he loves working with Jason and Rachael as well.
      The scene in the Return where Ronan hugged Sheppard was unscripted and it was kept during editing because TPTB loved it,

      He said that he has encouraged the writers to write more for Jason and Rachael. He said that he also encouraged them to speak to the writers themselves. He did say that he has got quite a bit of influence with the writers (I guess because he is their star lead} and he has been encouraging the writers to give more to TEYLA. Next season they will focus more on her. and hopefully that means more Shep and Teyla as well.

      He said that season three is his favourite and that Common Ground and PHANTOMS are his favourite episodes. He said that except for a couple of eps season three is fantastic. He sounded so entusiatic about this season. He sounds like he loves working with all the team and has a really fun time. I'm delighted that he has been encouraging the writers to give more to Teyla and that they listen to him.
      Last edited by bluealien; 29 October 2006, 02:12 PM.


        did joe mention about any of the writers expanding on the story lines between shepard and teyla and will there be any more shepard and teyla episodes coming up that we can look forward to at all and will we see anything of their relationship in season 4 at all
        Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


          Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
          did joe mention about any of the writers expanding on the story lines between shepard and teyla and will there be any more shepard and teyla episodes coming up that we can look forward to at all and will we see anything of their relationship in season 4 at all
          A Shep/Weir relationship question had already been asked to which he said don't expect anything to happen there. He said that you can have a relationship angle but then empahsised that if anything was to happen with her, ie Weir it would ruin the show.

          I didn't really want to ask then about John and Teyla as I think the audience kinda groan when shippy questions are asked and so does Joe. I was just so happy that he has wanted to get more meaty stuff for Teylas character and has helped the writers realise that they were not doing enough for her - which they hope to rectify in season four. I really do think that we will get more John Teyla scenes and Joe definitely likes working with Rachael and considered Phantoms to one of his favourites eps - which featured a lot of Shepard/Teyla interaction.


            Hey everyone!

            I just realized I forgot to post this in here this morning––I finished my challenge fic! Here is The Black Notebook IX: No Rest for the Weary.

            Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


              Originally posted by bluealien View Post
              Just catching up on this thread. Looking forward to reading all your fics and art work. Wish I could contribute but not a writer and canno't do artwork.

              Maybe one day I'll get the chance to give it a go.

              Just got back from the Convention in London with Joe and it was a wonderful experience. Joe is really the sweetest cutest guy around. Great weekend and wonderful meeting other members from Gate World. We had a wonderful DVD party last night with champagne and revels.

              Joe mentioned how great it was working with David Hewlett and they had so much fun together. He said that he loves working with Jason and Rachael as well.
              The scene in the Return where Ronan hugged Sheppard was unscripted and it was kept during editing because TPTB loved it,

              He said that he has encouraged the writers to write more for Jason and Rachael. He said that he also encouraged them to speak to the writers themselves. He did say that he has got quite a bit of influence with the writers (I guess because he is their star lead} and he has been encouraging the writers to give more to TEYLA. Next season they will focus more on her. and hopefully that means more Shep and Teyla as well.

              He said that season three is his favourite and that Common Ground and PHANTOMS are his favourite episodes. He said that except for a couple of eps season three is fantastic. He sounded so entusiatic about this season. He sounds like he loves working with all the team and has a really fun time. I'm delighted that he has been encouraging the writers to give more to Teyla and that they listen to him.

              Hi BA!!! Thank you SO much for the Con report!!! It sounds like you had an awesome time with Joe!!!! That is so cool and so exciting!!! Keep on sharing whatever details you can, LOL! Thank you so much!!!

              Nick--your story was great! Thank you so much for sharing!

              Ceekay--I left you a review on, but just had to say again how much I loved your story too! Thank you!!!!

              Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                hey does anyone know how to contact the writers because I got some really good Teyla stories


                  Can you post them here for us as well??!!! i would love to read them!!
                  -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                  Thanks Camy!!


                    Originally posted by Fatewarns View Post
                    hey does anyone know how to contact the writers because I got some really good Teyla stories
                    That question has been asked a lot on this forum! Basically they do not take stories or ideas from outside writers. If you even want to submit anything, you need to have an agent. It's been commented on several times in the BamBam thread as well.

                    Welcome to the thread though!
                    Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                      Blue...thanks for the info on the con...I just scanned the Joe thread and what fun pics they've posted there...the man looks great even when his shirt is not properly tucked in...LOL

             sweetie...thanks for posting the challenges....

                      hey, is Halloween tomorrow?

                      Jeepers...why do I have it on Wednesday?


                      Hehehe...Joe is coming to the NewYork Con I think it's actually New Jersey....

                      I wish I could go but that is my B-day weekend and hubby and the kids go all the way for mommy!

                      Their days are everyday so Mommy gets a couple of days here and, this week will be busy, but my fic is done and beta'd and should be up soon...It's for angst week but doesn't hurt...


                      I hope we get more vids and more artwork and fic from everyone here....




                        I do hope the writiers get goin on the stories casue i would like to know more about her and maybe she tell them to john or something, it would be kool to know more about her life and her family casue most of the episodes so far have been John.Mckay not really Teyla this season except that Phantoms haad her normal and not affected by the machine and she convinced John to do something which was funny when u watch her facial expressions. Sateda was a kick ass one for Ronon. I think TEyla deserves to have her own story where shes the lead and the others sort of follow.
                        part of:
                        Unique Bond fansite Graphics Com ShepMagan Icons

                        wanna sig? pm me and ill make u one


                 did everyone read about Jewel coming to Atlantis...

                          Is this going to affect our beloved couple...I don't think so...but certainly these writers tend to focus on their new characters..I hope this doesn't mean what the rumors have been lately

                          Carson is leaving us...

                          I love him!

                          but anyways.....Bella, *yes you*

                          made a huge mistake.....*don't look at me like that*

                          she got the dates mixed up!

                          so, do we still want to have the party on Wednesday like Bella schedule it....or do we want it for tomorrow...?

                          anyone know what page the master calendar is in...I"m too lazy to go look for it?


                          Um...what else.....

                          This week is Halloween, Fears and Harvest....

                          So, list John's Top 10 FEARS!

                          10. Clowns'
                          9. Rodney's Clowns
                          8. Ronon's hair
                          7. Getting stuck in the Puddle Jumper with Carson
                          6. Tying his boots...*This one for you EC*
                          5. Teyla dating anyone!
                          4. The Wraith making him more younger....
                          3. KOYLA
                          2. Ellia *Oh, and she's going to be a recurring*
                          1. Combing his hair!

                          * Camy just had a large Decaf...* haven't had one in a while....

                          Next...Teyla's fears!


                            Just something I wanted to share.

                            I will eventual put this on my website (1st link in sig) when time permits and I move my website.

                            There are no real spoilers for Conversion as it's just two screen caps from a scene in the last 15 minutes of the episode.
                            I took two screen caps and combined them together because I liked Sheppard from one and Teyla from another. You can't even tell they are from two separate screen caps (just view slide show and see what I mean; The middle image, one with combo in the name, is the combo of screen cap before and after it in the folder.):

                            / Photos from Conversion

                            I happened to have a morphing program the came with PhotoImpact 10 and took those three pics from above came up with this (Need Flash to view it):
                            Last edited by planet_tv; 30 October 2006, 07:22 PM.

                            Signs by Scifan and me. | My Forum - Planet TV Role Play | My Fan Fiction | My Mini City - Rygel City


                              Hey everyone!!

                              I just thought I'd drop by to let all of you lovely people know that I am trying my hand at fic! I really really really really really REALLY wanted to learn how to vid, but seeing as I am completely incompetent and can't figure out even where to begin with that, I thought I'd try another 'creative' means to ship j/t! (since artwork makes me groan after I have used all the 'good' pictures I can find )

                              However I am going to make you all wait for me to post it because it is Christmas related and I just can't spoil the fun by giving it to you too early

                              Muahaha.. some days I am truly evil



                                Next...Oh, Nick..that is awesome!

                       are killing me....I can't wait till Xmas!

                                send me the copy privately....LOL



                                Bella's Challenge for Today...I"m simply copying and pasting what she wrote...

                                once we start this...simply copy and paste this sentence and continue doing the same for the entire story...

                                gotta go....

                                20 Word Fic

                                Everyone takes it in turns to add on EXACTLY 20 words to the story. Even if it means stopping in the middle of a sentence.

                                You can have as many goes as you want but you can’t follow your own 20 words. Wait until someone else has added to the story first.

                                The story is PG rated and must feature John and Teyla.

                                I’m also planning to archive it at and maybe others. If you want to be credited as something different to your GW name please let me know.

                                The GW J/T Halloween fic.

                                "It was October 31st. Or at least John thought it was. Atlantis’ 523 day years meant it was hard to…"

