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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by WitchBlade007
    Well personally I more thought that maybe we would get
    maybe them looking at each other, and maybe Teyla you know nodding to him, looking sad, but reconciled....
    I wasn't hoping for much, kind of setting myself up for just what happened...

    I think their facial expression are one thing I luv between Shep and Teyla....

    I have a feeling i'll be re-playing that scene and the other
    head touching
    during hiatus....

    You should hear his voice when he says "Take care."
    Sig by Camy


      Originally posted by majortrip

      You should hear his voice when he says "Take care."
      oh you're harsh....
      I can just see it...him all sad, trying to look confident, and strong, and having to say that

      It's so great to end on that note, so we'll have some great stuff to work with over hiatus....

      R.I.P Wraithlord

      Awesome sig by SciFan


        Originally posted by majortrip

        You should hear his voice when he says "Take care."


        Ok, my next applicant is late, so I'm back.

        Trippy, I know you're probably getting bombarded by people asking you questions, but...

        Spoiler: there please anyway you could cap the forehead touching for us?
        Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


          Originally posted by WitchBlade007
          oh you're harsh....
          I can just see it...him all sad, trying to look confident, and strong, and having to say that

          It's so great to end on that note, so we'll have some great stuff to work with over hiatus....
          LOL, I am the Queen of Mean. I think that's all I'll say on it for now. You guys can watch it for yourselves and we talk more about it on Friday/Saturday.
          Sig by Camy


            Originally posted by LoveConquers

            Ok, my next applicant is late, so I'm back.

            Trippy, I know you're probably getting bombarded by people asking you questions, but...

   there please anyway you could cap the forehead touching for us?
            You know, I tried but it's not working. It DL's to a player I got off Amazon, and my usual method of capping isn't working on this player. Sorry.
            Sig by Camy


              Originally posted by majortrip
              LOL, I am the Queen of Mean. I think that's all I'll say on it for now. You guys can watch it for yourselves and we talk more about it on Friday/Saturday.
              Empress, now!!!....Can't believe you'll hold out on us.....CAMY!!!!!!!....where's thread mommy when you need her....

              But, i'm glad
              they continued with the little shep and teyla scenes, after the events of Sateda and Phantoms, it definitely shows growth, and comfort in their relationship

              R.I.P Wraithlord

              Awesome sig by SciFan


                Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                Empress, now!!!....Can't believe you'll hold out on us.....CAMY!!!!!!!....where's thread mommy when you need her....

                But, i'm glad
                they continued with the little shep and teyla scenes, after the events of Sateda and Phantoms, it definitely shows growth, and comfort in their relationship
                Oh, lawd, don't call the thread mommy!

                I'm on MSN right now, and will be for a little while. If you want to ask me something, I just don't want to clutter the thread for people who don't want to be spoiled.
                Sig by Camy


                  Originally posted by majortrip
                  LOL, I am the Queen of Mean. I think that's all I'll say on it for now. You guys can watch it for yourselves and we talk more about it on Friday/Saturday.

                  Can't wait! Thank you again! And thanks for trying for the caps, I appreciate it. Gotta run... THANKS!!!!
                  Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                    Originally posted by majortrip
                    Okay, people, so I was one of the poor, unfortunate souls ( ) who got "The Return, Part 1" instead of "Phantoms" from Amazon. I've watched it, squeed a bit, and done an episode recap HERE if you simply can't wait until Friday. Warning, though, DO NOT click the link unless you want to be absolutely spoiled.


                    I'd just like to point out that while there was no huge profession or anything too major, it was a lovely episode, and John and Teyla had some nice things happen between them, and I think many people will be pleased.

                    Happy shipping, people!
                    Oh how Fortuna frowned upon you there majortrip, that was some real bad luck you had.

                    I can only echo what others have said, thanks for posting yuur review up here.

                    Despite Ronon being there too, the meeting in his quarters while he was packing had a definite shippy angle, and there's no denying the final farewel at the gate, all topped off by the head touch thing [i think it note worthy that it was initiated by John and not Teyla as was the case in Rising].

                    I should with a bit of luck be able to see the ep next Tuesday or Wednesday.
                    Last edited by Nick 0208 Ldn; 20 September 2006, 06:48 PM.


                      Originally posted by majortrip
                      Okay, people, so I was one of the poor, unfortunate souls ( ) who got "The Return, Part 1" instead of "Phantoms" from Amazon. I've watched it, squeed a bit, and done an episode recap HERE if you simply can't wait until Friday. Warning, though, DO NOT click the link unless you want to be absolutely spoiled.


                      I'd just like to point out that while there was no huge profession or anything too major, it was a lovely episode, and John and Teyla had some nice things happen between them, and I think many people will be pleased.

                      Happy shipping, people!
                      SQUEE!!! Couldn't resist! I am going to have fun doing my shippy report on this ep! Thanks!

                      I read a bit of comparing on the way TPTB are doing ship on Atlantis to the way they did it on SG-1. There is one big difference. They planned on doing JT from the beginning. On SG-1 they weren't originally planning on putting Jack and Sam together. That happened latter on when they saw the following they were getting. So with Jack and Sam they have been improvising. John and Teyla, on the other hand, they planned to do this from the beginning. Personally, I am hoping this difference will make them handle JT better.


                        Originally posted by majortrip
                        LOL, I am the Queen of Mean. I think that's all I'll say on it for now. You guys can watch it for yourselves and we talk more about it on Friday/Saturday.
                        May I hate your guts for getting to see this ahead of time? Politely of course.



                          Ok, jealousy has reared its ugly head. I gotta wait until Fri, no fair. Sniffles delicately, while reaching for a weapon.

                          *Wikked chases Trippy with her heavy duty skillet*


                            MajorTrip, I'm bowing at your feet. How sweet of you to overcome the tragedy of receiving the wrong ep and sharing with us anyway.

                            On the awful six month hiatus: Does SciFi want to lose more fans of the shows. I have a hard time remembering what I ate for breakfast yesterday let alone six months ago.

                            So... I am all for our lovely friends across the ocean, or to the north, sharing with us poor, unfortunate souls in the States. If you want to let us in on some spoilers, I will not try to stop you. I may even reward you with some fic (depends on how you respond to my writing, obviously) as I have four in the works (also, never wrote Atlantis before, so... call this experimental).

                            In the meantime, thank all that is good and holy for YouTube (and this forum).
                            happy thoughts, s


                              Originally posted by majortrip
                              Okay, people, so I was one of the poor, unfortunate souls ( ) who got "The Return, Part 1" instead of "Phantoms" from Amazon. I've watched it, squeed a bit, and done an episode recap HERE if you simply can't wait until Friday. Warning, though, DO NOT click the link unless you want to be absolutely spoiled.


                              I'd just like to point out that while there was no huge profession or anything too major, it was a lovely episode, and John and Teyla had some nice things happen between them, and I think many people will be pleased.

                              Happy shipping, people!
                              I am so weak, I have no will power...I LOVE MY AUNT TRIPPY!!!!!


                                Originally posted by majortrip
                                Okay, people, so I was one of the poor, unfortunate souls ( ) who got "The Return, Part 1" instead of "Phantoms" from Amazon. I've watched it, squeed a bit, and done an episode recap HERE if you simply can't wait until Friday. Warning, though, DO NOT click the link unless you want to be absolutely spoiled.


                                I'd just like to point out that while there was no huge profession or anything too major, it was a lovely episode, and John and Teyla had some nice things happen between them, and I think many people will be pleased.

                                Happy shipping, people!

                                I had to peek - when its J/T goodness how can I not.

                                Nice things happen between them - I like the sound of that. Can't wait to see those scenes. Does John think that he is leaving for good or does he think he will come back to the Pegasus Galaxy.

                                I like how the writers are slowly and consistantly building up the relationship between John and Teyla. I still am wary that they will make it canon but its looking more positive all the time.

