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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by AthosianGirl
    Since there was no new Stargate Atlantis episode on yesterday I was going to try to post a new fic...first one I've written in a very long time...

    I had to work Friday so I didn't get it I posted what I had so far...opting to go for a two chapter story...

    Spoilers for 'Common Ground' rating warnings...just yet...

    Here is a link to my LJ....story is called 'Touched by You'

    Just added to

    Great job athosiangirl love to see another chapter can't wait.


      Originally posted by Doxymom
      I actually thought the hug between John and Weir was very telling about his character in that he so completely didn't expect it--or at least looked like he didn't know what to do when hugged. In later eps, he talks about "never seeing" personal things coming at him and my instinct was that being hugged didn't happen to him often as a kid or hadn't happened in a very long time.

      My impression of Teyla is that her parents were taken fairly early and she got most of her hugs from Charon.

      But both of these things would fit right into why neither is really open with the other or ready to commit quickly. They both seem afraid of abandonment and of any sort of physical contact that implies a lasting feeling of attachment. Even deep friendship is a commitment of sorts.

      To me, this adds depth to the hand touch in Sateda. John almost acted like he thought hard about it and like he thought he was taking a risk to touch her in such a personal manner in setting that could be construed as intimate. He thought about it and did it on purpose. I mean, it's one thing if you're running from Wraith and take someone's hand to help them up. It's another if you're sitting there talking about feelings and basically telling them how you're letting your guard down and then touching them when the situation doesn't make it necessary. He specifically chose to do it at that moment, after that conversation.

      Does that make sense? I'm tired. It makes sense in my head. Sorry!

      Have a great weekend, everyone.

      Perfectly said! Both John and Teyla are incredibly guarded about their feelings, so it was a powerful moment to see John so unguarded and choosing to share that with Teyla. That's got to be my favorite moment so far this season!

      I know this is really late, but since I don't think I said it before, Congratulations about the baby!!!

      Originally posted by LoveConquers
      In season three, we are now seeing and will see a significant deepening of trust, communication, and emotion that can no longer be denied.
      And I love it! Hopefully we'll see a few more nice moments between them.

      Originally posted by HyperCaz
      even though some might consider me an extreme shipper, I totally agree about the mush. It has no place in scifi. Unless it's called Starcrossed that is...
      I'll admit I'm not an extreme shipper, but I do love my J/T! I wouldn't want the show to get too mushy either. I am perfectly happy with the action/adventure with nice little J/T moments mixed in. Hopefully J/T will come through in the end though! I just love the show and will watch ship or no ship. Fan fic is a great thing though!
      Starcrossed...LOL! and just noticed the line in your sig too! Loved that clip! Oh, and LONG LIVE THE JUKEBOX!

      Drewzy, LOL at that caption!
      Sig by Cazzblade


        Hi all,

        I thought I'd de-lurk and share the description for Phantoms from Yes I am that pathetic that I need to know NOW.
        (if I get this wrong, please someone let me know)

        A mission to recover a lost team leads to the discovery of a discontinued Wraith experiment: a mind altering device that adversely affects Ronon and Sheppard

        Oh, the possiblities. But could this be another under the influence moment? Please no.


          One of my favorite moments is when Aiden is questioning Teyla in "Seige 1", she looks up at John and he gives her a nod as if to say "it's all right Teyla!". I know it's silly, but I love that scene, LOL!


            Originally posted by stargazr
            Hi all,

            I thought I'd de-lurk and share the description for Phantoms from Yes I am that pathetic that I need to know NOW.
            (if I get this wrong, please someone let me know)

            A mission to recover a lost team leads to the discovery of a discontinued Wraith experiment: a mind altering device that adversely affects Ronon and Sheppard

            Oh, the possiblities. But could this be another under the influence moment? Please no.

            oh thanks for the info and Hello *waves* ....better not be another under the influence....though what about
            perhaps they are put into a dream state or something and we see how john actually thinks of teyla....or something along those lines....who knows

            And is moments like that show that u are a true shipper!!! hehe
            -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

            Thanks Camy!!


              Originally posted by stargazr
              Hi all,

              I thought I'd de-lurk and share the description for Phantoms from Yes I am that pathetic that I need to know NOW.
              (if I get this wrong, please someone let me know)

              A mission to recover a lost team leads to the discovery of a discontinued Wraith experiment: a mind altering device that adversely affects Ronon and Sheppard

              Oh, the possiblities. But could this be another under the influence moment? Please no.
              Ooooo more info...more info! Hurray! Sounds so promising....
              so maybe Teyla is the one making desicions to save the team and we learn how she feels? Or maybe Teyla has to save John and Ronon?

              Oh the possibilities...thanks for the info stargazr! And a huge Welcome to you...just like you...I want to know things now!

              Why is it that everything is so hush-hush about 'Phantoms' pictures as of yet and not even a real detailed plot synopsis....I wonder what's going to happen?

              Oh the wait...Two weeks!


                Originally posted by spirited Chihiro
                oh thanks for the info and Hello *waves* ....better not be another under the influence....though what about
                perhaps they are put into a dream state or something and we see how john actually thinks of teyla....or something along those lines....who knows

                And is moments like that show that u are a true shipper!!! hehe

                Welcome Stargazr!!! Thanks for the additional spoiler!!!
                SC, I was actually just discussing that yesterday with a friend! We think the same.
                We were thinking that perhaps this is the ep where the rumor of John admitting his feelings, but it being known only to the audience comes from. Perhaps they are in some dream like reality where feelings somehow come out, but when they "wake up" or return to normal, they don't remember it, or only one of them remembers..that sort of thing. It would be a typical plot device to show feelings without actually starting a romance between the characters just yet. I've seen that done many a time, lol. So dream or no dream, if anything even happens at all, I will enjoy this ep for it's J/T moments! And if that particular rumor ends up being true and if it even applies to this ep, we will have even more to be happy about. I don't dare form any expectations as the best moments are the ones that surprise us, but it sure is fun to speculate! As long as we don't come to expect it and then be disappointed. But I think most of us know that and are looking forward to any and all J/T moments, shippy or not.
                Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                  Originally posted by LoveConquers
                  Welcome Stargazr!!! Thanks for the additional spoiler!!!
                  SC, I was actually just discussing that yesterday with a friend! We think the same.
                  We were thinking that perhaps this is the ep where the rumor of John admitting his feelings, but it being known only to the audience comes from. Perhaps they are in some dream like reality where feelings somehow come out, but when they "wake up" or return to normal, they don't remember it, or only one of them remembers..that sort of thing. It would be a typical plot device to show feelings without actually starting a romance between the characters just yet. I've seen that done many a time, lol. So dream or no dream, if anything even happens at all, I will enjoy this ep for it's J/T moments! And if that particular rumor ends up being true and if it even applies to this ep, we will have even more to be happy about. I don't dare form any expectations as the best moments are the ones that surprise us, but it sure is fun to speculate! As long as we don't come to expect it and then be disappointed. But I think most of us know that and are looking forward to any and all J/T moments, shippy or not.
                  I agree with you about having expectations based on spoilers 100%.

                  As far as why everything is so hush hush...(spoilers for Common Ground
                  they did the same thing with Common Ground. I think they expected this to be a 'big' episode, and were going for the shock value of seeing what happened to Sheppard. I don't think they wanted to spoil the audience with that. Last year for Conversion, we saw from episode caps before it even aired in the US what Sheppard would look like as a 'bug' and I think they wanted to keep that from getting out.
                  Sig by Camy


                    Welcome Stargazr!

                    And everyone...truly enjoying these little spoiler ideas! It'd be interesting if any of them really happened. Phantoms sounds like it's going to be a rad episode, whether or not there are going to be shippy moments.

                    I Find Your Lack Of Faith Disturbing


                      Originally posted by 4prettierships

                      I wasn't tring to say that you specifically were bashing. I was only refering to your post because of things that I was seeing. I am also a J/T shipper. I was just trying to prevent the analysis of the two different ships turning nasty as I've seen happen before. No harm was intended by my post. It wasn't saying anyone was wrong, or right. Sorry if I offended anyone in here.. it wasn't intended.

                      Thanks LC!! It's good to be back, however I can't say I'll be around that often! While I love J/T.. and I love this thread, shipping in general is totally sucky to me right now, as everyone and anyone seems to be so sensitve about everything and anything. It's easier to lay low!! I'll definately be around and I'll try to post as much as I can though.

                      Again: Sorry everyone if my post was uncalled for, or if I offended anyone by posting it. I didn't mean that any of you were bashing or making fun of anyone!! I just want this thread to stay as happy as it is!!
                      No offense taken. Life's too short to sweat the small stuff :-). Let's just play well w/each other. As Steph said...alls good.

                      Great Weekend to All,


                        Originally posted by stargazr
                        Hi all,

                        I thought I'd de-lurk and share the description for Phantoms from Yes I am that pathetic that I need to know NOW.
                        (if I get this wrong, please someone let me know)

                        A mission to recover a lost team leads to the discovery of a discontinued Wraith experiment: a mind altering device that adversely affects Ronon and Sheppard

                        Welcome - stargazr -


                        I also think that John will be under some influence in this ep. This will be the writers way of not making John/Teyla cannon. It gets a bit old when they keep doing this. We have already had Conversion. TLG and now possibly a similar thing in Phantoms. But even it John does admit his feelings while in a dream state they are still his feelings - feelings that he is not yet ready to admit to Teyla or possibly himself. It will be interesting to see just how much he and Ronan are effected by this device and what will happen between him and Teyla. Really looking forward to the ep.

                        Thanks for the spoilers stargazr.


                          I can't wait to see Phantoms,,, but I'll try not to get to exited so I wont be let down when I see it... spoilers is a tricky thing,,, although I'm glad for all the J/T moments I can get
                          Sigs by Scifan


                            Err! I've been shipless for two and not quite a half seasons so far! I was so determined to remain shipless! But no! You little J/T shippers got to me! Sneaky little bunch. *sigh* I shouldn't have made those wallpapers...I knew it would be trouble. Haha.

                            In all seriousness, I think deep down inside I secretly cheered them on. I dunno. But to me, J&T make more sense than J&W (both in command, different command I know, but I see divorce in their future) and R&T (makes more sense that J&W, but not as much as J&T) or any of those other ships people think up that don't have anything but hopes and dreams to sail them.

                            I guess J&T have always made more sense. She's the strong, beautiful, knowledgable leader figure from another planet in another galaxy. He's the wity, good looking, and smarter than he lets on AF pilot. Their little looks...gestures...I've noticed them semi-consciously. And obviously surpressing what I already knew was true in my heart. Though I don't think I've quite looked in to it as indepth as most of you. But props to some of you, I've read a few posts here, you got some great ideas and points to back your theories up.

                            They would make beautiful intergalactic babies. That was the real point of my post. Aren't you glad I made you read through all of that just to get to my point? Yes, I don't have to say...I love me too.

                            Disclaimer: This should probably be at the top, but oh well. I don't feel like moving it. I'm going on about no sleep here, nor can I sleep, and I have to be up in about an hour, so there is really no point. So if I sound a little off, I'm not drunk, just sleep deprived.

                            Carson's pointy hair makes my toe happy.


                              Newbies! Hi all.

                              What's the next ep? MacKay and Mrs Miller?


                                Yep that the next episode...
                                Sigs by Scifan

