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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Okay..I"m ready to do some more stuff...but for now...I have always loved this scene ! Obvious reasons....and this pic, I don't screams so much to me....for Teyla to allow John whom she just met to get so close and personal tells you a lot....these pic to me is nothing pervesive or insinuative of anything beyond complete trust and an intimacy that is not a sexual type of thing, but more than that! It screams a trust and a bond that goes beyond anything physical! Am I stretching this....? Do you guys know what I mean?
    Anyways, Dazzle ME with your creativity...cause I really want something out of this world with this pic! And my brain is fried due to this, show me some good stuff people...of coarse you can add any other pic, but I want this as the focal point!


    Sorry, too big!


      Happy Birthday, Annie!

      Hope your day is wonderful!


      To keep this on topic. Camy asked: what do you want to happen relationship-wise?

      I'd like them to argue and make up--when they do it seems to deepen their relationship because they have little epiphanies about each other. I'd like to have one or both "admit", even if it's without words, that they care about the other as more than friends, but not have the other one know.

      Angst. UST. More Angst. Some h/c between the two. Sure the "OMG they're hurt/lost/etc. is great but without the relieved smile or follow through it's not as good as it could be. I want a little more follow through and consequences. And I'd love more sparring and off duty together moments--maybe with Teyla teaching/telling John about Athos and her culture/alien animals, yadda yadda stuff totally unfamiliar to him and to the viewers that adds depth to her history.

      Won't get it all, but I can daydream.


        Chapter 17....

        Last time, we left John upset because Teyla and Ronon left without him to find Rodney...hoping that John would get back to Atlantis.

        John went back to Atlantis. Zelenka identified the address that Ronon and Teyla dialed and he headed off with a team, which included Carson, just in case any medical assistance was needed. Dr. Weir informed the Daedelous who was on its route back from Earth to go directly to this planet to assist Colonel Sheppard. It would be awhile before the Daedolous would get there, though!

        Not far from John, Teyla and Ronon were helping the villagers escape to safety, but things were not going well..They had seen the puddle jumper fly right over the village so they knew that Colonel Sheppard was there looking for when things got ugly, Teyla was desperately trying to contact John through her radio.



          Aww... "I'm not leaving you, ever!" *melts*

          Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


            Some of the greatest moments are when they are off duty..they seem to put their guard down and we get to see a different side to them..and they are always so happy when they are together.....
            I can think of season 1 in Hide and Seek...John sharing his stories with the Athosian children was such a classic moment..and Teyla's smile was so endearing...and then you see John coming after her and she admits that she wants to know more about him...and so the entire football game with the Hail Mary is classic! and to top it off, in the very last scene when John is next to Teyla and they are concerned for Rodney, you see that he has that moment in the back of his mind when he turns to Teyla and says, Now that is a Hail Mary! Love it!
            The sparring scenes are some of the best ones as well..but you are right, some little arguments are such great and indepth moments for them...I can think of Suspicion, the infamous balcony scene...and Letters from Pegasus, the entire episode was about them arguing or disagreeing...and the best part about this entire thing is that when John argues with her, or not even argues, but when they are in disagreement there is so much respect and so much compassion and understanding from his part...remember the Lost Boys..the scene when they are trying to see if they can dial out of the planet....Teyla is so high from the enzyme drug that you can see her irritation all over her face, yet John is so patient and so calm with her and his voice is just so soothing...the same as in Allies...just classic moments that show that even when they disagree they just think of each others point of view but never disrespecting the other...and John only does that with her...He has lost it with Weir, he has lost it with Caldwell, Ronon and with Rodney...but Teyla...never! Not that I can remember anyways, even in the Siege when she punched the lights out of Bates, he was not mad at her actions but more at the consequences that it can bring to her...he knows that if Weir found out, it could jeopardize her status with the rest of the team.....Just my honest opinion!
            thanks DM...anyone else?


              Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard
              Aww... "I'm not leaving you, ever!" *melts*
              I have like three more chapters and I"m done! Promise...I'm kind of liking my own story..hehehehehehe

              I's like that scene in TLG...he cares for you more than you know! AH! did you guys melt in your couch like I did? I think I went over to my husband and squeeze him and said, now tell me that doesn't mean he loves her? TELL ME?

              he's still not quite a convert yet! He sees both for J/T and for J/E...MEN!


                Originally posted by Camy
                I have like three more chapters and I"m done! Promise...I'm kind of liking my own story..hehehehehehe
                I like it, too. I'll be both glad and disappointed to see it end.

                I's like that scene in TLG...he cares for you more than you know! AH! did you guys melt in your couch like I did?
                That was the very line that finally brought me to the light!

                Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                  Originally posted by Annie Sheppard
         chapter......thanks Sanssong...i love this's so funny...
                  Thanks Annie! I can honestly say, no one has ever told me that before! I'm glad you're liking it. :-)


                    Originally posted by Spectrum
                    Sanssong-Loved the new chapter!!
                    Thanks Spec! I really glad you're enjoying the story.


                      Originally posted by Camy
                      Sanssong...I'm loving that fic and the R/G one, but I must confess...I love the J/T moments...please update soon...
                      Thanks! I know not everyone reads Ronon fic, but I can't resist putting J/T in them, so it can be worthwhile! Thanks for reading and taking time to respond. :-)

                      Originally posted by Camy
                      Okay, on Topic now...with all this new talk of character development what would you like to see come out for John and Teyla...?
                      Hmmmm..... I'd like to see them sharing more about each other's cultures. I'd also like to see them paired on mission together more often. I'm getting really sick of Ronon with Teyla and Shep with Rodney all the time! I love the situations where they have to depend on one another to survive. I'd love to see the kirking STOP for good and John be more mature in his friendships. I also love to see him take her to Earth! I think that would be awesome.


                        Originally posted by Annie Sheppard
                        'night guys
                        i'm off to bed...tomorrow back to school......but in the other hand MY BIRTHDAY
                        Awesome! Well Happy Birthday to you. May it be filled with lots of shippy J/T thougths.


                          Originally posted by Camy
                          Chapter 17....
                          Last time, we left John upset because Teyla and Ronon left without him to find Rodney...hoping that John would get back to Atlantis.
                          Oh, Camy, these pic fics just kill me! I don't know how you do it. I love it! Great work honey. :-)


                            Originally posted by Camy
                            ...just classic moments that show that even when they disagree they just think of each others point of view but never disrespecting the other...and John only does that with her...He has lost it with Weir, he has lost it with Caldwell, Ronon and with Rodney...but Teyla...never! Not that I can remember anyways, even in the Siege when she punched the lights out of Bates, he was not mad at her actions but more at the consequences that it can bring to her...he knows that if Weir found out, it could jeopardize her status with the rest of the team.....Just my honest opinion!
                            thanks DM...anyone else?
                            Nope, you're right on the money here. He treats her with respect and care no matter what's going on. He doesn't do that with anyone else. *squeeeeee!*


                              I was listening to the commentary for Rising Parts 1 & 2 again today with Joe F. and Martin Wood. And it just struck me all over again how excited they both were over the idea of John and Teyla someday being romanticly involved. No one else was even mentioned in terms of romance- that was it. And I love how when Joe talks about Rachel he just gushes about her. And the same when Rachel talks about him. You can really tell that these two are great friends and totally respect one another. I believe it's that off screen chemistry that makes the on screen so very wonderful.

                              Just thougth I'd share that!


                                HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANNIE!!!

                                And to keep this slightly on-topic, for next season I would just like to see more of a fleshing out of the individual characters and more scenes with their off-duty relationship. Since we rarely get to see these two paired up when working -- though I'd love it! -- I really hope we get to see more sparring, more joking around, and more friendshippy stuff.

                                "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                                HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???

