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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard
    (((Annie!))) Missed ya, hon!
    thank you hon... ...


      Thanks Ritter...

      Hey, I tried to look for you newest fic and I couldn't find it...could you give me the link?

      I went to read some more fics of John and Teyla...and was it me or there seems to be so few of them...we need to recruit more writers for John and Teyla....I have to go chat with the McWeir's...they do awesome John and Teyla's in their fics...

      Maybe I will get my muse back tonight and finish Chapter 10....I have it half way done since I just split Chapter 9 cause it was extremely long....but I can't seems to find it in me to write....hmmm..that's an understatement cause I can certainly write in here how I feel for John and Teyla...

      John and Teyla...Season 3...don't dissapoint me!


        goodnight guys...

        i have to go...see ya tomorrow...


          For some reason, I keep having dreams where Teyla and Weir are singing... frak I forgot the song, now I've got achy breaky heart in my head! It's from the seventies... a female artist/band sings it... i'll remember later. Anyway, I'm here. I'll see if I can ressurrect my first real attempt at a fic tonight, it's a little eccentric, sorta poemy with symbolism and very short. It's about John trying to fill the hole left in his life after Teyla died. It's hard to explain. I may end up working on that AU I wrote about half a chapter of. Just thought i'd drop in.


            Originally posted by Camy
            Hahaha..your working very hard to get rid of 'Bedazzled' Teyla, aren't you? Well you won't...but this was a bloody good try. I love the borders and the color usage, it's a nice sort of, grittiness meets beauty...nice nice job!

            And you are so right about John in that scene. Everyone in the room knew that Teyla could take care of herself, we saw the two guards just chillin in theh corner of the room...and we could pretty much assume that he wouldn't kill Teyla...and John still got very protective and grabbed his on stave ready to serve and protect his Queen...(I love the idea of him as her King and her his Queen..hmmm).

            Click statement above to read article.


              Originally posted by Camy

              I love this scene!

              I'm snagging it!

              But could you also make it sig size so I can use it here as well? Pretty Please!


                Originally posted by Camy

                I am so glad you guys like the songs I've suggested....OH, AG you have to find that vid for me...Is it J/T? the one with Ryan Cabrera....

                When and if I ever make any vids and if I ever have time, maybe I will do some of these songs....I just think the one with Ryan Cabrera is so John and Teyla...

                Okay...I went looking for it and I found it:

                By ladysarahjane: John/Teyla vid...'True' by Ryan Cabrera


                Scroll down until you find it...last one on the page...I think


                  Has anyone read the new Rachel Luttrell interview? I'm a little worried from it

                  I think I'm going to hyperventilate!(spelt it wrong) Someone PLEASE tell me I'm just being a worry wart!


                    Originally posted by mishy91
                    Has anyone read the new Rachel Luttrell interview? I'm a little worried from it

                    I think I'm going to hyperventilate!(spelt it wrong) Someone PLEASE tell me I'm just being a worry wart!
           the link here and let's take a look. You guys always go nutty...I keep telling you, there's gonna be a shocker and it's gonna come out that Teyla is Ronon's sister..Hahahahha!!

                    It's like you guys forget 'Allies', so quickly. (By the way even Jason M. says he doesn't see anything between them, in the romantic sense!) Not to mention there was something similar back in the day to hook up Crichek with Dana....oh the scandal!

                    Okay bring on the love for John Teyla..but yes, please post your link for the Rachel interview so we can see it! I think I read it, and didn't pick up anything myself.

                    Long Live TWIXY...

                    Click statement above to read article.


                      Originally posted by mishy91
                      Has anyone read the new Rachel Luttrell interview? I'm a little worried from it

                      I think I'm going to hyperventilate!(spelt it wrong) Someone PLEASE tell me I'm just being a worry wart!
                      Breathe mishy...take a nice deep breath and then let it out...This is why we are here...

                      Fellow Shippers Unite...mishy needs some JT Twixy love!

                      Okay is the link:


                        Originally posted by Camy
                        More presents...

                        Hope you like it!

                        I love that!! It's beautiful


                          Oooh Stand By Me! I love that song. I've seriously thought about vidding it but I haven't had the chance. It's a great song

                          VB seriously, people had Krychek with Scully? I didn't get into XF until a couple years ago so I never heard anything like that...

                          Oh, and I made a couple icons...thier not very good, but I still consider myself a beginner.
                          1. 2.


                            As they say on LJ. SHINY! they're great mel!


                              Originally posted by mishy91
                              Has anyone read the new Rachel Luttrell interview? I'm a little worried from it

                              I think I'm going to hyperventilate!(spelt it wrong) Someone PLEASE tell me I'm just being a worry wart!

                              Okay Mishy gave the article a once over. First off this is an old article, there's a newer one I believe on I read this article back in January.

                              If your worried about the Teyla/Ronon dynamic, I'm sure you read where said she's not sure where the writers are going..but again I don't think romantically. They pair them up alot because they have similar stories..and backgrounds, mainly having possibly unusual DNA, and of course their both from PG and of course they both understand the Wraith.

                              But that does not mean they'll be together. Again from the article I picked up they were going to do to Teyla and Ronon what they've been doing with McKay and Shep in the first two they seemed always paired together and have this weird brotherly bond?! Need I say more when I see Ronon/Teyla together..that's how I act with my male's just think of something going on. Oh gosh, I think I need a shower now.

                              Anyway, just relax they also mentioned John and Teyla and I like how evasive she was with the statement. She trailed off a lot and I wondered why. I'm not gonna read anything into it, just a statement. But I do believe that she has to be evasive for a reason. I mean you can't be too obvious and again that was the mistake of TPTB in the first season and their fixing that error...

                              Smart people just for that..They probably realized how aggressive they were and now they have people talking in season 2---especially with so many divided ships..keeps people coming and reading into this...alhtough there is nothing to read from the statement made in 'Allies', might I add. Confirmation people, confirmation.

                              There are again many avenues they can bring Teyla and Ronon and I seriously think their pulling a Star Wars on us..and that would open the door to alot. You make Ronon her brother, you bring up the issue of her father..then we find out whether her father is alive somewhere? You open the door to her mother or even his mother and get an find out his history and you find hers. You find out about his unique abilites and hers..and then you connect that with the team dynamic and drama there and then you have instant chaos and this turning more and more like a bloody Marvel comic book, but people will come to read.

                              Again am I threatened? Please, first off this is less than fiction...meaning it ain't real and it's not significant..I like the pairing and that's about it...but would I be upset if Shep got with Weir, if Shep got with Chaya, if Shep hooked up with Elia(who was brought back to life) or a Wraith I wouldnt...cause you know's not real. And honestly in 10 years time...i wont' remember their names...I'm still surprised I remember Punky Brewster's name and history.

                              But this is fun and again it's nothing to hyperventilate what and just move on. Shoot it mighth come out that Shep is actually into men and were using women as a front all along. The writers have the power.

                              But back on the ship front, am I worried for this, again 'Allies' said and confirmed a lot for me. And gave pretty much all the veteran TWIXers () justification afterall. I don't know how much needs to be said on that.
                              Not only that, I feel that Lost Boys said much and admittedly Conversion as it let out his baser instincts, it wasn't like he was taken over by a transient being...

                              So relax and just chill..enjoy the ship and Annie will be back with many TWIXY moments for all to enjoy..take consolation on that and go to the scifiworld board and ask a question mishy.....

                              Here's the link: Teyla Question & Answer Make sure it's not a question that's been ask by other people, and that she didn't answer this question in an article... She's always evasive about John and Teyla pairing.

                              I'm planning a few more, but unfortunately I already asked her a question....And make her aware that your a Teyla/John shipper and that there are a few of us out there!! Actually more than a few.


                              P.S. I think Gateworld should create a support group for people who take shipping too seriously, have fun and what comes, comes. That doesn't mean we can't tilt it in our favor in the mean time.

                              VB: Right Guys....
                              You are right again, Va......bby!
                              Listen to her Mishy91, VB's never wrong....
                              Is Ronon really your brother?
                              What if I say no?
                              Oh no....
                              If I say yes?
                              Makes my job a whole lot easier!
                              Last edited by vaberella; 16 March 2006, 06:01 PM. Reason: To add Mishy91's statement from page 605 as a quote.
                              Click statement above to read article.


                                MEL...I'm snatching the first...I love the wording..."I thought I was dreaming so I learned never to wake up"...

                       about making that into a sig...maybe...could ya...would ya?

