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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Okay, Favorite Moments Hide and Seek...

    Now on a side note...this whole day is supposed to be your favorite moments to share and discuss, and while reading someone else's post you agree or disagree(why would anyone disagree) or add anything else that you can think of...I know you guys just see things that I completely miss! How can that Be? I'm not a very good detail person...I look at the whole picture and miss the finer details....

    Okay, moving on...Hide and Seek favorite John and Teyla moments...
    Now, this episode holds a special place in my was the first episode that I saw of Atlantis and it was where I first saw the connection and bond between these two..and I've been hooked ever since...while watching the promos for Atlantis before it started, I hated John...I couldn't stand that he was trying so hard to be like O'Neill..and I despised that! So, I never even gave the series a chance when I saw like the first 10 or 15 minutes of the Rising pilot...never saw Teyla in it...and I knew nothing about this online fiesta! So, when the second batch of reruns came, and hubby and I always sit to watch SG-1, I was so dissappointed with SG-1 and I started to love BSG that I had to watch Atlantis and so, Hide and Seek was my first view of a complete episode..And OH, My I said, didn't know anything about the show except what was in front of me so I was not influenced in any way by anthing...and this episode has soooo much in it...but, I won't go into it, cause I want you guys to go into it, but OKAY, just one little got it out of me...that scene where John is telling the kids a story..OH, and Teyla is watching and she has the biggest smile..and then when he comes over and catches up to her..Okay, okay. I will shut up! But, I am telling you, this episode had me! You can see the interest he has in her..and you can see that she is intrigue and loves his company..they just want to spend time together..what about when she reveals at the beginning that HE asked her to join his team..OH, my goodness...where is that SCENE! How did he do it? Was it like Ronon? while he was whoffing down his food? or was it in the balcony while she was pondering about her future? Was it over lunch? OH, I can't believe there is not fic about this! Where have you people been? This is like the pivotal episode in my eyes anyways, of where this duo was headed!

    Okay, I'm sorry...I will shut up now...

    favorite scene...Okay, I won't tell you why I love this tell me....

    Okay, I'll tell you! Of all the things they just went through and especially poor McKay, John still has in his mind, to explain to Teyla what is a Hale Mary! You tell me if he isn't interested in her even in the slighest after watching this episode! Friendship, yes! but it is the beginning of a long and beautiful relationship with the possibility of so much more! and this is what I saw! OH, I JUST LOVE IT!


      I was just like you Camy, I hated John because he was trying so hard to act like Jack! But I still watched atlantis after sg-1 was over just because its about atlantis, the mysterious city that was talked so much about on sg-1 for years, so my curiosity got to me. I had noticed that John was attracted to Teyla, but at the time I didn't really like her,so I didn't get into it. But Hot Zone was the episode that got me thinking that this would be a great couple! But I never thought the writers would actually put them together, but when I saw Conversion, and the kiss, I stood there in shock with my mouth wide open, for like a but that was when I really into them.

 next I believe is 38 since I watched my very first episode in reruns, 38 minutes somehow, I missed! so I didn't see this episode until like almost the end of the complete first season...and I knew it had to be good...

        So, this one took me awhile before I saw it..and I am still intrigue by the entire episode...I guess I was so upset for not seeing it the first time around that when I finally did see it, I didn't enjoy it very much..and this time in syndication, I keep missing it again! but this episode is also another one that has some great moments...Okay, I won't say more...

        My favorite scenes here..again, all of them...but here is a couple...
        Now, LOOK HE IS HOLDING HER! OH, my GOODNESS..what a gentleman! he is helping her up and at one point, I think someone posted that they were holding hands..and even when they reach the top he is practically escorting her to find cover...AHHHHHHHHH!and there is so many other moments..but I will leave that up to you guys to share...don't let me down! Okay, I don't want this to turn into a squee moment cause I also want us to discuss why we see the things that we see and the reasoning behind it and why they have this connection that others don't seem to see...Okay, so...of coarse this isn't a scene where he is revealing himself to her..and of coarse if it was another woman he would do the same...this is who Sheppard is...a gentlemen...and I love it! he is so thoughtful as to help her and I can't help but think...would any other military guy do that to another one that is also part of the military when they are supposed to be trained for this..the other interesting point is that this scene goes by so fast, that I can't help but think that this may not have been planned...I think poor Rachel was just having a hard time going up that little hill and Joe himself helped her...NOW PLEASE DON'T INTERPRET THIS AS I'M A JOE FLANNIGAN/ RACHEL LUTTREL NUT! no, that is not what I am aiming for...what I guess I am trying to say is that it's little scenes like these that aren't much that the actors themselves bring about that ignite, define and reveal the characters true identity in its simplest form...John is helping Teyla up the hill....a woman who was born in the woods...get it! He is just too sweet! and she didn't mind it! meaning Teyla! and its the sweetest thing ever!In my opinion and it reveals a side of John's character...Jeepers, I feel like I have to walk around with a lawyer around here!

        Next scene! Love it! He is hurt, he has no clue what is happening and instead of immediately assessing the situation, when he opens his eyes, there is Teyla and what does he asks.."Are you alright?" his infamous Teyla line and his oh so ever delightful, sweet and to die for tone who he uses just for her!AHHHHH!

        EDITED THIS LAST PIC...I just love how the cameras love to shoot them together and how the angle and positions can hint so many things underlying some tones there that aren't verbally expressed...
        Even Teyla finds him to be interesting when you see her face responding to his question...

        Last for this episode, I just love their close proximity..and they both do it! sometimes he is close to her and sometimes she is close to's almost like second nature to them...and I know he does it with Weir, but with Weir it's almost common sense because usually their conversations are in Atlantis and they have a different tone and scenario, but with Teyla is everywhere..when they are in danger, when they are meeting, when they are just hanging's just them! in their natural space!
        Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 19 February 2006, 06:09 AM.


          Originally posted by mishy91
          I was just like you Camy, I hated John because he was trying so hard to act like Jack! But I still watched atlantis after sg-1 was over just because its about atlantis, the mysterious city that was talked so much about on sg-1 for years, so my curiosity got to me. I had noticed that John was attracted to Teyla, but at the time I didn't really like her,so I didn't get into it. But Hot Zone was the episode that got me thinking that this would be a great couple! But I never thought the writers would actually put them together, but when I saw Conversion, and the kiss, I stood there in shock with my mouth wide open, for like a but that was when I really into them.
          OH, mishy...I'm so glad you shared that with me cause it's different...most people even Shep/Teyla shippers don't like or see Conversion as the episode to see any shippy moments and especially that kiss...don't look now, but VB is so against that one!...HI VB..HI hon...

          But, Yeah..I mean if it wasn't the fact that I Hide and Seek had John and Teyla right from the very beginning of the episode who knows when I would have watched it again! I'm just like that! First impressions are soo important to me and they shouldn't be! Oh, mishy you must share with us more details about that Conversion transformation for you..and Hot Zone! yeah, wow! that was a great episode..but I won't get ahead of myself...I swear if people don't hurry up and get here soon I will have this party all to myself!


            Okay, far one of my favorite John and Teyla episode...OH, who am I guys know me by now..I love them all! but this one is so powerful, so intense with so many different emotions from all of the cast that by far it has to be one of the best written episodes in my opinion...All of the characters were in a power struggle or better yet, defining their characters and their position in Atlantis..this was PERFECT! I did the review of this episode several pages back from the Atlantis Companion book and Joe Flannigan not only said that he really enjoyed this episode but that basically it was an episode about his and the other characters and the power struggle " He needed to put his foot down less to establish himself as the clear military superior and more because he believed what was happening was wrong and that Teyla was in fact a great asset. Secondarily, it would solidify his position as the military leader."

            He even recognize that for his character it was more important to see that Teyla is innocent and an asset to Atlantis and to him and then, how important it was for him to define his role as the military officer in Atlantis...and he did it with Weir and with Bates...LOVED IT!

            In this episode you get to see Weir and Bates, Halling, and Rodney and the of coarse John and Teyla...we get to see the struggle that Teyla has to go through and we see how she sacrifices herself and even the trust of her people so that she can actually represent them in the fight against the Wraith so that they may stand the chance of living without the fear of the Wraith...

            Okay, I can't help it! I really think this episode was so crucial and so very well done! Honestly I think it's probably my favorite...John basically risked it all in order to prove that Teyla was innocent!

            This particular photo shows how much he worries about her...You see in the scene before that he asks her to go but she must go with Ford...the tension, the worry, the determination to not let her go by herself is not only telling of his true, sincere and pure feelings for her but also Teyla finds it amusing how he is so protective of her...I didn't clip that pic! Thought you guys would kill me...but, anyways, again..very telling episode, Teyla is not the type to want others to defend her or look out for her...she reprimands Ronon everytime he even tries to act all Macho and defensive on her..but she never seems to mind it when John does it! HMMMM>>.interesting little concept I just brought up...Okay, you guys are really going to hate me! I can't help it! I just..OH, okay, I'll stop now...but this has to be by far my favorite pic of John ever!
            It's just so telling, and I love how it's also the pic chosen for the credits!

            Um..oh, yeah sorry he is looking out for Ford! RIGHT? Darn it people who is he staring at? if not but for the lovely Teyla!

            I just love this last scene! he comes to rescue her..he knows that she is in danger..and he gets right up and goes and saves her after she did some awesome butt kicking Wraith stuff..but still he has to save the day..and I love how he is holding the gun at the Wraith but keeping his eye on her and just look at his expression..he knows this was another close one..too close for his liking and even hers...their eyes just say it all!

            Okay, now I am using pics to illustrate my point..but you guys don't need to do this..while i have all the time in the world to do this...*yeah right*
            you guys can just spell out your favorite moments...I'm so loving this!


              Jeepers...where is everybody? in sunday school? Yeah right, you guys don't seem like the type!
              Okay, I'll do one more...and then you guys can catch up!

              VB...I know what you are going to reply so don't even go there!


                Childhood's End is one of those episodes that was meant to be a dark one for the show promised to be more darker than SG-1...I did the review for this one as well..and I pointed out how this was Martin Gero's first script for the series..he reveals that he would have done things a bit differently...whatever that means..and he even said that Joe didn't care for this episode at the beginning...because it was about children...

                I have my opinions, (you know I do) about this episode, but this is not the place for it...

                John and Teyla...I love this one as well..the interesting piece in here is how Teyla for the first time kind of challenges John and Rodney's decision...she does it so descretely and so well done in such a soft voice..and clearly you see that John cares and respects her view and listens to her...

                In the entire episode they are very close and not far from each other..they look out for one another, and especially Teyla looks out for him since you see that John is interacting a lot with the eldest there...

                THe LOOK!
                Even Ford knows something is brewing between these two! I can't wait to see if they ever bring him back and finally John and Teyla are together and Ford saying something like, I KNEW IT! it was so there! I love Ritter's fic, Inner Demons and how he has a scene with Ford speaking with Elizabeth and saying something just like this...that would just bring such a smile to my shippy face!

                Okay, you guys better be confessing your sins or something...cause I'm getting really lonesome!


                  Did you even sleep camy?! Or kept yourself up with John/Teyla pics!
                  Click statement above to read article.


                    Poisoning the Well..Okay, this one I haven't done the review yet of the Atlantis Companion...I have a scanner and I want to see if I can just scan the whole thing for Ritter here...if not, I will do this..I promise...If it's the last thing I do!

                    But, this one is a very good episode..not much in terms of John and Teyla but yeah, again, their looks, their close proximity, their little signals to each other and the brushing of their elbows..AHHHHHH! they are just so couplery (another word coming from Camy's Encyclopedia of Languages)

                    So, I found these two pictures online and I found them in many different sites, but these are coming from the way, most of my pics are coming from this site...they are excellent!

                    But, I found this very interesting..the little looks and the flirting thing going on here...Season 1 was so much about them flirting and building that trust and bond...season 2 is so different...and I LOVE IT!

                    Okay, check these pics, they go one right after the other...but I can't remember what the conversation was about! But this is CLASSIC John and Teyla at its best!

                    I mean common what is that about!


                      Originally posted by vaberella
                      Did you even sleep camy?! Or kept yourself up with John/Teyla pics!
                      You know little girl! there is a different time zone between NY and New England...while you think I didn't go to sleep, I was actually sleeping while you were awake!


                        Originally posted by vaberella
                        Did you even sleep camy?! Or kept yourself up with John/Teyla pics!
                        YOU know just for that now, I'm leaving! I'm going to sleep!


                          One more before I go cause I will be in and out for the rest of the day! I'm making my boys and hubby their Sunday breakfast brunch and I'm actually running late...this will last them until supper time! yipee! I Really don't like to cook!

                          Anyways, Underground..not my favorite episode..first time we see the kirking in John...with Sora...but its vague and I think it really wasn't him flirting, more just his lovely charm!

                          Anyways, my pics here are limited...not too much with John and Teyla here...
                          I'm not sure if this is the first time we see John with sunglasses..How come Teyla doesn't have any? must be one of those tradition things...actually none of the others have SG-1 I think it was the, see this annoys me! What? John is the only one who can look good in sunglasses? Common anyone here creative enough to show us some others that would look good with shades?
                          Now, this episode does have, IMO, some really good scenes, subtle but still they are there...but I will let you guys share it!

                          Okay, I'm off! Boys are killing each other..gotta go!
                          love you guys, and I can't wait to read what you guys have!


                            Could just be me, but I felt like ripping those sunglasses off and stomping on them....I think they added to his conceit level! Although my fellow Shep thunkers..he is loved greatly by me....just as long as he doesn't wear the shades. I think my hatred for them stems from those old ray-bans commercial...remember the one's with the vampires.....ick!
                            Click statement above to read article.


                              So many posts in so little time!

                              And where am I Camy? It's only 9 am in California and I am not an early riser!

                              Favorite moments:

                              So many but they have been mentioned but why not post a pic again:

                              In 'Rising' she gave him a smile...not exactly shippy but when they met and she returned his smile...I don't know...I just thought it was cute.

                              Comon now...who didn't give a laugh at John's line 'I guess it's just you and me...and him'


                                Wait!Don't go, I'm here!!! Of course, once I get here Camy leaves. Maybe when I come back you'll be here. just to make this post shippy,

                                + = true love

