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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Ritter...of course no hard feelings..My bark is bigger than my bite...

    I have to Ritter..keep away from was getting me really sick...and I've been commenting based on someone else's interpretations and its just getting me into trouble not to mention that after seeing the Hive, I felt like I saw something totally different than what others wrote about I am going to keep myself spoiler free..and I am soooo surprised that I have waited....don't want to mention it too much either, cause then I will I couldn't hold myself and I had to see that french vid on TLG...but it was ALLL worth it!

    Yes, my fic..chapter 7 very John/Teyla and that old woman...Yes..and that young stud monkey of Donci too....lots of gooooood stuff..but my writing needs so much improvement that it is challenging for me..but like I said, SP and Witchy make me sound soooo awesome once they are is a great team work...


      Witchy incredible vid, I love that song, I'm going to be singing it forever.

      I hear you on the spoilers Camy, if we hadn't gotten ours a month late, then probably this wouldn't have been a problem. In the end, we've learned our lessons and must watch the episodes, then analyze them... TLG movie was more of a preview for the episode, you know, the kind you see on TV before it airs, only longer... with more essential phrases. (And better music) Somehow, I think of the Matrix when I think of that episode.
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        That was a great vid...the music was perfect and the fact that they allow the vid to have some of the audio...was awesome...I think it showed us the best moments in the whole episode...and I can't wait...still,,,like you said, just enough to get you started and your juices flowing, but certainly not enough to get any kind of good interpretation of what is going on...but I must tell you that I really have a feeling that my favorite moment is going to be when
        Shepp gets trapped in between the doors and Teyla stuns him...his position is priceless and his expression is to die it..and then Teyla just stuns
        him almost as if she has been dying to do that to him for all of the kirking he's done! LOVE IT!


          Stun him yes, she's not been wanting to shoot him, that's why there is all that pain and hurt in her expression, or at least it'd be in mine if I was put in that kind of situation. I see fanfic oppertunities oppening up. Can't we just skip the Kirking and get to the serious stuff. But Weir kicking ass "Trinity ALA the Matrix" should be something to die for.

          I can't do audio in my vids because of the problem XMPEG has. Those people I think are taping it right off the TV, slightly easier to do and the audio's insync. But I'm sure you'll love my vid. I do already and I'm not done with it. For the fist time (in Witchy's vid) I saw how Shep grabbed Teyla's hand on the climbing up the hill. (Feints "from manly hunger "
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            Your hilarious, Ritter..Okay, I am ready to go ...but since no one has turned on the it Caz come back to us soon....we miss you...

            Feeds the Jukebox...with extra goodies....


              Feeds the jukebox again...
              I love this pic...


                Okay..last one...
                Feeds the Jukebox....

                After everything that Teyla has gone through, it's only fair that she have two gorgeous guys looking out for her..



                  Later Camy, nice pics... they remind that John and Teyla are destined to be.
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                    Okay...have a bit of a headache...listening to people duke it out over 'Little Red Riding Hood' has me going crazy...Who knew fairy tales could get so violent!

                    May I say....go Withy on your new is downloading as I speak! Can't wait...I rewatched all my John/Teyla videos I have on my computer during my break between classes...Had to get me in the mood to write some fanfic!

                    Ohhhh purty pictures....I must say my place is really starting to look sharp...those are some awesome pics of our duo!

                    And Camy...I cannot wait to read your nexy chapter...bring on more Shep and write them so well...I always smile when I read your chapters..and after 'Epiphany' airs I may need the shippy lift of my spirits...

                    Yes too many spoilers can ruin the show...well not ruin it but take away alot of the suspense so spoilers are OFF LIMITS...

                    Heya BLACK PANTHER! Shippy hug to you!


                      Glad you all like the video. It's the most i can do at the moment, i feel bad about not updating my fics. I actually first heard the song on 'Mr and Mrs Smith'...

                      Camy, I do the same thing, listening to every song and wonder how i can use it for a shep/teyla vid. So i believe it's normal....

                      Oh love pics camy, keep 'em coming...

                      R.I.P Wraithlord

                      Awesome sig by SciFan


                        All due to Camy's beautiful pics, I attempted to make a wallpaper...


                        R.I.P Wraithlord

                        Awesome sig by SciFan


                          AG Shippy hug back! I feel so loved! LOVE YOU!

                          Camy I can't wait for your next chapter! I love what you have done with your story!

                          Witchy The vid... I'm speechless.... Thank you, I needed that! I haven't been feeling well recently. So thanks for the pick me up! I tried to green you, but I had the same problem that I had with Camy. I guess I am just to discriminating when it comes to giving rep. It takes a lot to impress me and you have done just that.

                          To make this post official. John and Teyla's first date.... I am still not quite sure what it would be, but I get the feeling it would be something private. They don't get to be alone enough, but no doubt something or someone would interrupt them. In the end though after everything has been taken care of they would make up for it in the end. Maybe a quite balcony scene together watching the sunset with John standing behind Teyla holding her? I know! I know! I am a hopeless romantic! But it was a pleasant thought while it lasted.


                            Hello my friends and fellow-shippers.Just popping by to tell you...

                            Camy: Love you!

                            AG, Witchy, SP, Ritter, BP, TJ, etc: Love you guys too

                            Witchy: Great vid Good song choice and excellent with the transitions.

                            Ritter: I was eagerly awaiting your vid and was not dissapointed. Great song, can't wait for the next one


                              Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                              All due to Camy's beautiful pics, I attempted to make a wallpaper...

                              Oh now I like that Witchy...saving to my desktop!

                              Originally posted by melpomene
                              Hello my friends and fellow-shippers.Just popping by to tell you...
                              My vidding master...I have decided on a song for my first vid...'Alone'...darn it I can't remember who it is by but I have it on CD somewhere...

                              Originally posted by Black Panther
                              AG Shippy hug back! I feel so loved! LOVE YOU!
                              I missed my fellow cat've been MIA...glad you stopped by to say Hi!

                              Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                              Glad you all like the video. It's the most i can do at the moment, i feel bad about not updating my fics.
                              I loved your vid...I was humming it all through work today...had a smile on my face...and yes I too remember it from 'Mr & Mrs. Smith' but you made it all Shepmagan pretty...'Mr & Mrs. Who?'


                                Hmmm...first date? I'd have to agree with BlackPanther that it would definitely be something very, very private. I really don't think that they're the type to "display" themselves in a public date setting. Actually, we've already seen them spend more time together off-duty than any other pair of characters on the show. I think that they'd actually be kind of awkward in setting apart their "date time" from their normal interaction considering that they're so close already. Maybe they'd take their time on dates to just learn more about the other person -- just talking, watching a movie together, teaching each other a new game or story from their cultures. The first step that they'd have to overcome would be to get more comfortable with each other -- move past their need for work-time propriety and reserve and focus on just relaxing and having fun together.

                                "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                                HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???

