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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Mel Your right, S/W's are not the enemy. THE ANTI-SHIPPERS ARE! But, any possible defence costs money, so buy some sheyla merchendise from our store to support defences for the less fortunate ships. (Bob/Teyla only has a board-with-a-nail-in-it!) For every five items sold Shep/Teyla will donate 2 sharks with lasers on their heads to less fortunate ships. (Entirely defensive I assure you!)


      Pssst, we're all out of sharks with lasers beams, but we've got Sea Bass, they are mutated of course. But we've also got Sheyla inspirational tapes, Sheyla posters, Sheyla vids, Sheyla stories, Sheyla moments of the day... you name it and it's Sheyla then we've got it. Come in anytime.
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        ask not what your ship can do for you, but what you can do for you ship


          Ahh, yes, poetic words Hyper, but ohh so true.
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            I seem to have difficulty writing for this ship I support it, but I can't seem to string words together for it. I'm happy to just make music vids


              I don't have trouble writing, you can check out my works on, user name Cpt. Ritter, almost every SGA fic I've written is Sheyla. But, support in whatever way you can, we welcome you.
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                Originally posted by HyperCaz
                I seem to have difficulty writing for this ship I support it, but I can't seem to string words together for it. I'm happy to just make music vids
                Hey, whatever works for you is awesome! Can never have enough vids! Oh geez, only two days until I can actually WRITE again!!! Yippee.

                And my penname on is EclecticTrekker. There's some Shep/Teyla stuff in there, so definitely feel free to pursue it!

                "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                  Big HELLO! to all the new shepmagan shippers, i know i'm late, but i'm just ringing in with my own hello.....

                  And Caz, vids are always welcomed....whatever you can do to show off our lovely ship is wonderful.....

                  Sorry i missed the chat tonight........

                  AG, as for my wand, it's did a great job sprucing up the thread....i bow to your tiding up skillz.....*humbly bows to your greatness*....

                  R.I.P Wraithlord

                  Awesome sig by SciFan


                    Hey guys, checking in to say hi My mom had my computer all day so I couldn't stop by, but it's nice to see you've kept busy while I was away


                      Yep busy, busy, busy. Reading fic, shep/weir fic. What?!?


                        Well since i have holidays for another 3 months before the uni year starts again..i have decided i am going to do what i have always wanted to do, but never had the time and have never been bothered to do..write a fanfic!!!
                        Now all i have to do is think of an original story this will take a bit of time...
                        I will have a Teyla/Shep element to the story, definitely!
                        Anyway..gotta get a thinkin'
                        -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                        Thanks Camy!!


                          Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                          Big HELLO! to all the new shepmagan shippers, i know i'm late, but i'm just ringing in with my own hello.....

                          And Caz, vids are always welcomed....whatever you can do to show off our lovely ship is wonderful.....

                          Sorry i missed the chat tonight........

                          AG, as for my wand, it's did a great job sprucing up the thread....i bow to your tiding up skillz.....*humbly bows to your greatness*....
                          Talking of wands... I have a great one that lights up and makes magical sounds! Shame it doesn't do any magic though.
                          Yepp, it's blank down here.


                            Originally posted by gatelover12
                            Yep busy, busy, busy. Reading fic, shep/weir fic. What?!?
                            WHAT!? Hey, I just came from and you practically have to swim through the stuff to find any gen team fic at all. ::lesigh:: But, Cpt. Ritter did update his Shep/Teyla story so go check it out:

                            And Spirited Chihiro -- here's a big hug to you for being willing to take on a fanfiction! It's loads of fun, so you should definitely try it out. If you're looking for a beta reader, be sure to PM me, and I'd love to look over your stuff for you.

                            Okay, finals tomorrow, so I will talk to you all soon!

                            "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                            HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                              Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                              WHAT!? Hey, I just came from and you practically have to swim through the stuff to find any gen team fic at all. ::lesigh:: But, Cpt. Ritter did update his Shep/Teyla story so go check it out:

                              And Spirited Chihiro -- here's a big hug to you for being willing to take on a fanfiction! It's loads of fun, so you should definitely try it out. If you're looking for a beta reader, be sure to PM me, and I'd love to look over your stuff for you.

                              Okay, finals tomorrow, so I will talk to you all soon!
                              SP..Witchy..Mel...Cpt.Ritter, AG...Lord Shiva..and all my others..I've missed you!

                     took me about 30 minutes to read all of these post since my last post....great job everyone! I've been very busy and traveling a, friends, chrismas choir concerts...etc....

                              I'm glad that since I've been away, people have kept this thread going....

                              Now, as one of the elders in here....first of all, I want to welcome all of the new posters and some that haven't been around in if I've missed someone, please don't take it personally....I kind of remember the ones that really stuck out for me as being new....

                              TRACY JANE...always a pleasure to meet and greet a new Shep/Teyla shipper...we just need so many more around here...and it's good to see that although are numbers don't compare right now to other threads, ours is increasing....WELCOME!

                              Luz..I commend you...and what a brave soul you come in and actually write words of comfort and hope for us and yours...that is amazing...makes you a much better person than I am...that's for sure....Welcome and I can only speak for myself, although I know that there are others here that feel the same way, I can chat with you any time about Shep/Teyla and/or Shep/Weir......

                              Mentalmichael...thanks for your insight on both kisses....and I agree with your observations....but like it has been said...we can only assume that they are sooo playing with us..that is just crazy and wrong because different from the whole Sam/Jack thing, we have competition and it is separarting fans from one another and building animosity towards some of the great actors in the show that don't deserve it, especially Rachel and Torri who seem to fall into this more than any other....WELCOME

                              Ebony Wolf...Are you really Black Panther's sister..? Wow....Well, my hats off to you...We love her here and we will love you as well regardless of whom you ship for..but just so you know, those of you who are questioning our powers and potions and what not...and stating that there are antidotes or mints out there...well, let's just say that if our Shepmagen glasses weren't working, why do we seem to have so many lurkers and some new posters from other ships?HUH?
                              GOTCHA! BADABUM! AG...Keep up the good Work..and Black Panther...I may not have been here when you needed me...but I am here nevertheless in spirit!

                              Now, my last response....I hope for now...Melyanna...First of all, Welcome...You are obviously very respected and very dear to those who know you.....If my postings or anyone else's here have offended you, I think I feel pretty comfortable with my fellow shippers here to take over all of us and offer our sincere apologies, for that was never our intentions....Right guys?
                              With that, I have to be somewhat on the defensive....We want everyone and anyone who is willing to have a discussion about JOHN AND TEYLA to feel welcome and comfortable to join in, regardless of their opinion as long as it with respect and without harsh words....Right? Now, if in the process we get out of control and start joking around and perhaps even use poor choice of words, then I think it's safe to say that no one should feel offended...or take it personally...You have however, brought up a great point, we do need to use and be very careful as to what we write because we do want to hold a certain reputation....However, we are going to enjoy ourselves and feel comfortable around our own thread so long as we don't offend or insult any least that is why I will try to do...but I shouldn't feel like I am walking on pins and needles that I don't offend other threads with my every thought or words? I mean, does your thread do that? Are you certain that you cannot write that never has your thread made any comments that any, and this is the key word here, any Shep/Teyla shipper can interpret as demeaning and partially against this thread? You don't need to answer this...I am simply trying to state a point...I think....

                              This thread is the John and Teyla shipper thread and in reality we should write ONLY about John and Teyla....sometimes, we write and compare about other characters to state and view our opinions about John and Teyla...and sometimes other ships come into play....Shep/Weir is probably the most because it is the strongest ship out, again, my words are not to be construed as hostile towards you or anyone else...I love that we have so many others in here that ship for others but yet feel welcome and comfortable here...and this I mean from the bottom of my little Shep/Teyla heart....but at the same time, please don't take all of our little jokes and words directly and seriously, just simply understand that we are having fun IN our own thread and doing this with the utmost respect to all others....and YES, I personally, SP will be more careful as to what I write and how I use my words...and Melyanna and all of the sincere and deepest apologies if my words ever offended you or upset since I have been attacked in my own thread before I can say it is not nice or a pleasant thing...

                              All I ask..and this I speak for myself, is that while in this thread, we keep it John and Teyla and that includes me and everyone else...Whistler visits here sometimes and she is just amazingly wonderful...she takes our jokes and plays with it as well.....and unless you saw her sig...or visit other threads, in this thread she has maintained herself very neutral and well worth earning our utmost much so that we have officially named her our favorite Shep/Weir friend...HuH?

                              But, I would love to make other friends regardless of who they ship please, don't stop coming to our thread and just understand that times are a little bit complicated right now...and I blame it all on the, keep posting and keep coming..we love the company....

                              And Melyanna and anyone else, if you would like you can PM me, if there are still some things we need to clarify or share...I do want to make this work for all shippers!

                              See, I knew I forgot some...Hypercaz! Welcome....same goes for any other new Shep/Teyla shipper...
                              Gateareal...We've missed you...and welcome back gatelover12...aren't you the one who started this thread? If you are, THANKS!
                              Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 11 December 2005, 06:37 AM.


                                I second everything you just said Camy. It's never our intention to insult or be rude to anyone, we make some edgy jokes ever now and then but nothing is meant to be. Camy, this is why your the elder and wisewoman of the forum, because only you could say everything you just said.
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