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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    EclecticTrekker is me on fanfiction. I use different names for different sites -- because I'm a fidgeter like that. The site has been kind of screwy for the past few days. I haven't been able to post from my home computer, so I had to walk ALL the way across the street to the computer lab to do it. I know, I'm lazy, but I'm in college. That comes with the job.

    "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

    HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???

    Comment said it very well the beginning of the thread was very weird...i attempted to go back and read it once when i first joined and i must say i failed i just read the last few pages....Can't wait to read you new fanfic...

      Welcome GeataRealt...glad you can join the fun....

      Camy,....almost everytime i signup somewhere my name's how my mood is...If you're confortable with using ur name you should use it...and if you want to invent one just for fun...u should...I've gone through almost 3-4 names at ....

      I think EclecticTrekker is Snoggin right?....

      R.I.P Wraithlord

      Awesome sig by SciFan


        Originally posted by Camy
        What! Didn't you write the one about Teyla during the Lost Boys..hang on...I got to go back and read it over...I know I read it cause I saw your name....

        You know something, I went to sleep this morning around 2:00a.m. woke up at 6:30a.m. so this is what happens when you have sleepless nights..lots of things in my mind right now...

        This posting really for SnogginPicard...she is the one that wrote the last story that I read posted in
        Right...SnogginPicard..your story is the one from Teyla's point of view..I think it is title I right..sorry AthosianGirl....I'm going to go ahead and go to sleep early today...I am not thinking straight...

        I wanted to write down chapter 3 of my story but I will call it a night...
        See ya everyone...we are doing so good tonight though.....this thread is coming alive it!
        Now go and do the same for the Teyla thread and the Teyla Wow Thread for me, will ya! I don't want them to fall over to the 2nd or 3rd page....
        love ya!


          Originally posted by Camy
          You know something, I went to sleep this morning around 2:00a.m. woke up at 6:30a.m. so this is what happens when you have sleepless nights..lots of things in my mind right now...

          This posting really for SnogginPicard...she is the one that wrote the last story that I read posted in
          Right...SnogginPicard..your story is the one from Teyla's point of view..I think it is title I right..sorry AthosianGirl....I'm going to go ahead and go to sleep early today...I am not thinking straight...

          I wanted to write down chapter 3 of my story but I will call it a night...
          See ya everyone...we are doing so good tonight though.....this thread is coming alive it!
          Now go and do the same for the Teyla thread and the Teyla Wow Thread for me, will ya! I don't want them to fall over to the 2nd or 3rd page....
          love ya!
          Aw, that's okay. That's how I feel pretty much all the time. I'm kind of half-dead right now too, so I understand. I think you should go get a good night's sleep and have lots of nice dreams about kitties, marshmallows, and Shep/Teyla prettiness. Nighty-night, Camy!

          "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

          HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


            [Camy,....almost everytime i signup somewhere my name's how my mood is...If you're confortable with using ur name you should use it...and if you want to invent one just for fun...u should...I've gone through almost 3-4 names at ....
            Cool idea! Thanks...I might just do that!

            I think EclecticTrekker is Snoggin right?...
            Yup! She is! Go and read her stories everyone, they are great..and so are Witchblade stories are OMGIRl, right?


              Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
              Aw, that's okay. That's how I feel pretty much all the time. I'm kind of half-dead right now too, so I understand. I think you should go get a good night's sleep and have lots of nice dreams about kitties, marshmallows, and Shep/Teyla prettiness. Nighty-night, Camy!

              AHHHHH so true...see, I just can't get away from here!


                Originally posted by Camy
                Yup! She is! Go and read her stories everyone, they are great..and so are Witchblade stories are OMGIRl, right?
                You give me way to much credit -- but I love you for the free publicity! Can't have too many reviews, that's my motto. And NOW you should go to bed before you fall asleep typing. Let your hubby take the kids for the night so you can get some decent rest.

                "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                  Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                  You give me way to much credit -- but I love you for the free publicity! Can't have too many reviews, that's my motto. And NOW you should go to bed before you fall asleep typing. Let your hubby take the kids for the night so you can get some decent rest.

                  I know..I am actually waiting for them to get home and then I will go to son had a football game...

                  I just came from the Teyla thread...always interesting things there....
                  I had to respond to Whistler and all of you there..can't say I made much ssense...and have not ideas just how badly I am falling asleep righ now....

                  gotta go to sleeeppp....


                    Ah SnoggingPicard your EclecticTrekker.....Awesome....I love your stories. You have the Teyla/Shep relationship down perfectly...I'll be on the lookout for all your stuff now. Have to go back and reread a few to remember them...

                    When ever I feel the need for some Shep/Teyla love or just get too overwhelmed by all the Shep/Weir or even Shep/Mckay stuff all I need to do is pull up one of the great Shep/Teyla fics out there and I am a happy camper. Watching a music vid helps also, just rewatched Accidently in Sheyla

                    Also new members to the thread also boost the spirits...this means you GeataRealt...I think I spelled that right..


                      Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                      Ah SnoggingPicard your EclecticTrekker.....Awesome....I love your stories. You have the Teyla/Shep relationship down perfectly...I'll be on the lookout for all your stuff now. Have to go back and reread a few to remember them...
                      Yeah, that's me. Heehee...I'm sneaky like that! I'm glad you like the stories. Writing them keeps me sane after wading through piles and piles of Shep/Weir stuff. Blech. Everyone should try their hand at writing -- you might surprise yourself, and we could use all the writers for this ship that we can get.

                      When ever I feel the need for some Shep/Teyla love or just get too overwhelmed by all the Shep/Weir or even Shep/Mckay stuff all I need to do is pull up one of the great Shep/Teyla fics out there and I am a happy camper. Watching a music vid helps also, just rewatched Accidently in Sheyla

                      Also new members to the thread also boost the spirits...this means you GeataRealt...I think I spelled that right..
                      Yup, yup, yup. That's the great thing about some of these fics and vids. They're just right for tiding us over until Friday nights! "Accidently in Sheyla" is one of my all-time favorites -- just perfect! Everytime I watch it, I can't get over how dang cute those two are together.

                      And it's great to see you GeataRealt! We love new people, so encourage everyone you can to pay us a visit. We don't bite -- we're Shep/Teyla rabid, but we don't bite!

                      "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                      HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                        Well I got this thing on-line at least, my normal computer is down, HARD so i'm typing off this relic with a 5-gig harddrive and no defence against popups on a dial-up connection, needless to say i'm not even gonna try to read the boards till at least tomorrow when I get access to the school's high-speed connection, anyway, I wanted y'all to know I'm not dead. Bye. (God please carry this electronic message, amen)


                          Originally posted by Camy
                          Yup! She is! Go and read her stories everyone, they are great..and so are Witchblade stories are OMGIRl, right?
                          Yes I'm OMGirl....

                          Now for our favorite couple:

                          If this isn't happiness i don't know what is....

                          R.I.P Wraithlord

                          Awesome sig by SciFan


                            Originally posted by gatelover12
                            Well I got this thing on-line at least, my normal computer is down, HARD so i'm typing off this relic with a 5-gig harddrive and no defence against popups on a dial-up connection, needless to say i'm not even gonna try to read the boards till at least tomorrow when I get access to the school's high-speed connection, anyway, I wanted y'all to know I'm not dead. Bye. (God please carry this electronic message, amen)
                            (OK, assuming my memory serves me...)

                            Nice to know I'm not the only pre-Camy person around here!

                            To Camy:
                            Got it yet?
                            This poster has a Superiority Complex. Apologies in advance.


                              Thanks for the great welcome guys you are so nice
                              Sorry i would of wrote back last night but instead i got up extra early so as to post before headin of to school

                              To answer the question about how much of season two i've seen season two just started airing yesterday(i do read the spoilers though) You can tell me where to watch out for the looks and smiles cause i'm no good at picking them out. i did notice that in Siege part III when they are coming up with the plan to make the city disspear they look like they are thinking in unison maybe even finishing each others thought trains if you know what i mean.

                              I have been infected with the Shep/Teyla love bug for quite some time now but i only relised i had it when i found gateworld and this thread.

                              Of to school i go post when i get back hugs and kisses and dreams of teyla as shep's misses(ok that sounded better in my head)

                              I like work. It fascinates me. I sit and look at it for hours.

                              A positive attitude may not solve everything, but it will annoy enough people to make it worth the effort.


                                Originally posted by GeataRealt
                                Thanks for the great welcome guys you are so nice
                                Sorry i would of wrote back last night but instead i got up extra early so as to post before headin of to school
                                ..sleep and school very important...

                                To answer the question about how much of season two i've seen season two just started airing yesterday(i do read the spoilers though) You can tell me where to watch out for the looks and smiles cause i'm no good at picking them out. i did notice that in Siege part III when they are coming up with the plan to make the city disspear they look like they are thinking in unison maybe even finishing each others thought trains if you know what i mean.
                                I hadn't thought of that but as u mentioned it...i looked at some stills and could actually see that...I believe the next episode is 'Intruder'...definitely the last what 5 minutes you must pay very close attention.. there's this long look there that is very unexplainable but very Sheppard and Teyla...

                                I have been infected with the Shep/Teyla love bug for quite some time now but i only relised i had it when i found gateworld and this thread.
                                I just thought i was the oddball after seeing all the Sheppard/Weir fics...i use to think maybe i was missing something...Well you're among friends now so have no fear....

                                Of to school i go post when i get back hugs and kisses and dreams of teyla as shep's misses(ok that sounded better in my head)
                       took me a moment but then again it is 3 in the morning here...but i finally got it.....very cute!....

                                R.I.P Wraithlord

                                Awesome sig by SciFan

