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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
    I wish I knew how to make vids...cause I know a perfect song for a Sheyla vid, and that is Howie Day's Collide...I mean...I am listening to that song right now and just listening to the lyrics I get Sheyla moments in my mind ...If I find the lyrics I will post 'em here
    Another good song might be U2's "A Man and a Woman".
    Sig by Camy


      There are so many good Sheyla vid songs out there and not enough time to make them all


        Originally posted by prion
        Er, hate to say this, but this is the way Stargate goes. They will give you HINTS of things that MIGHT be, but they will not ANSWER the question unless they actually plan to use it in the show. Ship is a dangerous thing to put on action/adventure shows. If two characters suddenly develop more than a friend relationship, how do they deal with it? Will it bog down plots? (aka Heroine gets abducted by alien, hero will go rescue her not becuase she's a teammate but because he can't live without her undying love). It can get schmaltzy. This is also more of an episodic show than say, Buffy, which could have rleationships. However, an average viewer couldn't just turn on Buffy in season 3, say, and know what the heck was going on, You can pretty much drop in on any Stargate and not sit there scratching your head for an hour afterwards trying to figure things out.

        And the writers, when asked, will give coy answers, so it's best to take all stuff in the press with a shake of salt, not just a gran You'll be happier. If you want actual honest-to-gosh ship, read fanfic, as, after all, 'ship' is a term coined for fanfic.

        You are right...but a girl can always dream.....
        I think it can be done, if done properly and it wouldn't necessarily take over the show or kill the show..but like people here say, the writers of Stargate aren't very well at this...I just would hate it to be like Sam/ many years wasted and in the end nothing was resolved and Jack left....
        or like they did in Voyager with Seven of Nine and Chakotay...I thought that was a great pair and what did they do...they cramed it in the last episoded leaving me wanting more...just a thought....but, I know that you are right....and Atlantis will not be an exception....we will have many possibilities for awhile before we see anything concrete...I guess I am going to have to get used to it and as far as fanfic...I am addicted....


          Hey everyone,
          Go read James Blamford's Blog...he just posted...he comments on all of the positive feedback that he has received in regards to the fight scene between Joe and Rachel in Conversion....He mentions how they practice for a long time and how there is going to be more fights, drama and all the good stuff that we love...YEAH!

          That is all good~


            Originally posted by Camy
            You are right...but a girl can always dream.....
            I think it can be done, if done properly and it wouldn't necessarily take over the show or kill the show..but like people here say, the writers of Stargate aren't very well at this...I just would hate it to be like Sam/ many years wasted and in the end nothing was resolved and Jack left....
            or like they did in Voyager with Seven of Nine and Chakotay...I thought that was a great pair and what did they do...they cramed it in the last episoded leaving me wanting more...just a thought....but, I know that you are right....and Atlantis will not be an exception....we will have many possibilities for awhile before we see anything concrete...I guess I am going to have to get used to it and as far as fanfic...I am addicted....
            Jack/Sam -- liked this in the beginning but then it kind of died for me. I don't know when and where it happened, but when it didn't make any sort of progression in five years...meh. Kind of lost interest. And yes, I am a fanfiction addict. We should start a support group of some kind:

            Hi, I go by SnoggingPicard (gosh, I love that man!) and I'm addicted to Shep/Teyla fanfiction. I'm currently going through withdrawal...stupid two weeks until next new episode. Geez Louise.

            "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

            HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


              Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
              We should start a support group of some kind:

              Hi, I go by SnoggingPicard (gosh, I love that man!) and I'm addicted to Shep/Teyla fanfiction. I'm currently going through withdrawal...stupid two weeks until next new episode. Geez Louise.
              So is the next ep of SGA going to be it's season finale like SG1? Or that stupid months long delay we get from first half to second half? *shivers* I can see my future now *hands guy at walmart 40 of the 50 dollars needed to buy the S1 DVDs* "Come on man! You know i'm good for the rest! *twitch* I need my fix man!"


                Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                Jack/Sam -- liked this in the beginning but then it kind of died for me. I don't know when and where it happened, but when it didn't make any sort of progression in five years...meh. Kind of lost interest. And yes, I am a fanfiction addict. We should start a support group of some kind:

                Hi, I go by SnoggingPicard (gosh, I love that man!) and I'm addicted to Shep/Teyla fanfiction. I'm currently going through withdrawal...stupid two weeks until next new episode. Geez Louise.

                This is so cool! It's almost sickening....

                Hi, My name is Camy....(Hi Camy) never been addicted to anything before...Always the star of the show and the exampler...until about a couple of months ago....I was browsing through my tv and I started watching SG-1 after not seeing it for awhile and then....flashback...
                There he was looking at her..he was the hot shot pilot and she was the Athosian Leader...they were looking at each other...and I just fell into a deep trance...and now, well just Can't STOP! I have to see them together....I have to hear them....I have to, I just have to...oh no I am shaking...going thru withdrawal...have to go and get a shot of Conversion...Gotta Go!
                thank you...that's all for today....

                next fanfiction addiction....
                not enough Sheppard/Teyla stuff you know of any other good websites that have Sheppard/Teyla fanfiction...
                I read yours by the way...very cute...

                Well, seriously, this is like the second time that I say good night for today and I'm still here...


                  Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                  I've watched "Conversion" again, and I am just so confused. I don't know what to think at this point.

                  I was surprised at the amount of screen time that Weir got during this episode. I love her character and it was good to see her finally get some strong material, but I was disappointed that we didn't get to really see the reactions of the rest of the cast to John's disease. Ronon had about two lines, Teyla bookended, and McKay had basically zip screen time. And I definitely felt cheated that we couldn't see at least one of those private goodbyes that Weir mentioned. Lost opportunity that I will chalk up to the realms of fanfiction. The kiss -- all I can say is that she didn't push him away, and she definitely could have if she wanted to. The look on her face was kind of shocked and scared but also kind of confused, like something happened that she just hadn't prepared for. She wasn't angry, and she didn't go running to Beckett to tell him what happened, so what does that mean? He was able to get control of himself really quickly, so how much of that was due to the Wraith stuff? And then the end scene, which I really liked. I figured that the last scene would either be between Shep and Weir or Shep and Teyla, so I'm glad we got that in. Again, the look that she had when she turned away (kind of a smile/sigh) -- I don't think it was relief in the sense of "thank God that's over" more relief in the sense "geez, this is really weird. He's so cute!" Does that make sense? It was definitely not a stop on the 'ship, but I don't know exactly where it's going either.

                  Speaking of 'ships, now I am sooo torn about what TPTB are going to do. They're throwing us so many bones and red herrings for who Shep is going to end up with (if anyone). I liked the Shep/Weir scenes a lot, but I still am not picking up a serious romantic vibe. The statement that threw me was Caldwell's, something like "He's really important to you, isn't he?" That screams 'ship, but most of her scenes with Shep, though touching and emotionally realistic, just struck me as someone terrified that she was going to lose her colleague and best friend. They care for each other a great deal, but there was nothing here besides Caldwell's comment that made me seriously think that TPTB have definitely decided to pursue this. They were alone together a lot, and she said a lot of very personal things to him, but she never once mentioned anything along the 'ship vein. Just the sheer number of the scenes they had together really had me pondering whether the writers have decided to go this route. I'm really not sure, and this is coming from someone who is kind of sitting on the fence about what 'ship to support. The dynamic between Shep and Weir is strong, powerful, and often very well-written, but to me, it is still in the stages of a trusting friendship. They both understand each other so well because they are in the same position on "Atlantis", one of responsibility and authority. And in this case, it was Elizabeth's responsibility that could be blamed for Shep's illness -- she allowed him and the team to continue to work with Elia, which lead to him getting the retrovirus. Could she have been feeling some measure of guilt? Don't know. I seriously do not know what to think about this matter of shippiness. There are definite moments for each of them in the episode, and there seems to be no definitive route that the writers have decided to take. All I can say is he made out with Teyla and tried to strangle Weir...and who did he apologize to?

                  To me, Shep/Weir wouldn't happen and be really shown onscreen because they are both too dedicated to their jobs on Atlantis. They are both so consumed with doing what is right in their positions and being the leaders that they need to be to compromise their postions like that. She is a civilian, but I think that this relationship would turn into another Jack/Sam, and I don't know if I can handle another stale, stagnant thing like that. Teyla and Shep (now John to her!) could survive and become an actual, viewed relationship. Also, did anyone pick up on the little Teyla/Ronon moments? When he was teasing McKay and before they left to find Sheppard? Those threw me off too, and I still don't know what to make of them. Seriously, this episode could be taken in so many ways depending on your 'ship preference. And for someone like me, who has an inner tug-of-war going on right now, this definitely didn't help. I'm left even more confused and at a loss than I was before, and though this was a great episode, it didn't help me clear up any questions -- it just created more.

                  I wonder if TPTB have even decided what they're going to do yet as far as ships go. If they're going to go the John/Teyla route, why put in Caldwell's comment about Weir and Sheppard's connection. And similarly, if they've put the kibosh on that and are going with Weir/Shep, why the kiss? It could just as easily been done to Elizabeth at some point in the show, so why pick Teyla? I hope they make up their minds one way or the other. I need something to root for, and ambiguous, confusing episodes like this are giving me insomnia and massive headaches. I just don't know what to think. My half-half stance is even worse right now. The Shep/Weir thread is in full-throttle right now, and I know they'll make out every scene that the two of them had together as evidence for the 'ship. Their relationship is growing on me, but as much as I try, I don't really see her concern for him extending into the romantic realm, at least not yet. It is completely possible that this will someday be looked upon as the turning point for a Shweir or Sheyla, but right now it is hard to see what direction it will inevitably take.

                  I could go on for about another six pages, but my head hurts from all of this thinking. Oh yes, I introduced my friend to "Atlantis" starting two weeks ago, and after watching tonight's episode, he says that he definitely sees more stuff with Shep/Teyla than with Shep/Weir. Thought I'd mention it. Maybe I'll be able to make more sense of what happened later in the morning. Goodnight everyone, and please post your reactions to what happened. Did anyone feel as betrayed and torn as I did about the 'ships?

                  I've watched that scene a couple of times now...okay more than a couple and I wondered what you made of
                  the way John looked Teyla over after she says "Dr Beckett will be expecting you." I couldn't quite make out whether it was bug-John checking her out, him realising that he found her attractive even after he'd sobered up a bit or just a look of concern to see that she wasn't hurt.
                  Any thoughts?


                    Originally posted by gatelover12
                    So is the next ep of SGA going to be it's season finale like SG1? Or that stupid months long delay we get from first half to second half? *shivers* I can see my future now *hands guy at walmart 40 of the 50 dollars needed to buy the S1 DVDs* "Come on man! You know i'm good for the rest! *twitch* I need my fix man!"
                    I don't know if any of you guys have looked at recently, but trailers for both "Aurora" and "Lost Boys" are up, and it looks to be a fun time. And yes, I do think that it's going to be a season finale
                    with Sheppard going out on his suicide mission with Ford's people and the team not knowing what happens to him
                    . Dang cliffhangers!

                    And, oh man, November can definitely not come soon enough! I'm reading old episode scripts online just to push myself through! It's getting desperate.

                    "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                    HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                      Originally posted by Deborah
                      I've watched that scene a couple of times now...okay more than a couple and I wondered what you made of
                      the way John looked Teyla over after she says "Dr Beckett will be expecting you." I couldn't quite make out whether it was bug-John checking her out, him realising that he found her attractive even after he'd sobered up a bit or just a look of concern to see that she wasn't hurt.
                      Any thoughts?
                      Yeah, I noticed that look too. I think it was a mixture of
                      him trying to figure out just what happened, making sure that she was okay, worry over how he just "mauled" her and how that was going over in her mind, and maybe a bit of an up and down kind of look. What he did was due to a sudden lowering of his inhibitions, and I think that it took him a few seconds to recover from that, so maybe he was kind of holding himself back from doing it again

                      "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                      HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                        Fanfiction-wise, I think it depends what your taste is. I really don't go in for the really explicit stuff, or Teyla getting pregnant, or them being married. My favorites are cute fluffy stories, missing scenes and episode codas, hurt/comfort angst...stuff like that. I guess the best advice I can give is to search around to find a place with things that you enjoy. Tielen is a good, recommended author, so try searching for her stuff on Google. has some good stuff, it's just a matter of filtering through the fics that don't appeal to you. On that site I can recommend the stories "Worth Something", "Come Unhappy Wanderer", "Nightmares", "Never Have I Ever", "Delivered", "Memorandum From the Edge", "Dear John", "A Smile", "Five Men Who Never Wanted Teyla Emmagen", and "More Than Enough". I also wrote a couple of short fics "Movie Night", "A Friendly Face", and "Crossing the Line" which are Shep/Teyla based. Happy hunting!

                        "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                        HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                          U wrote "Movie Night"?....nice....i really liked it....and the jaws'm not sure if i left a review.....(don't hurt me )....i'll go back and check....

                          R.I.P Wraithlord

                          Awesome sig by SciFan


                            Yeah, EclecticTrekker is my penname on It's a fun time.

                            "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                            HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                              Checked out the 'Dear John' it was pretty good....the "Five Men who never wanted Teyla Emmagen" was even

                              R.I.P Wraithlord

                              Awesome sig by SciFan


                                Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                                I don't know if any of you guys have looked at recently, but trailers for both "Aurora" and "Lost Boys" are up, and it looks to be a fun time. And yes, I do think that it's going to be a season finale
                                with Sheppard going out on his suicide mission with Ford's people and the team not knowing what happens to him
                                . Dang cliffhangers!

                                And, oh man, November can definitely not come soon enough! I'm reading old episode scripts online just to push myself through! It's getting desperate.

                                Thanks for the heads up on Aurora and Lost Boys...I thougth that we will see these episodes back to back on Sept.23...I think....
                                But, I don't get what you are referring to as far as November! Doesn't the second half of the season start up again in Jan 2006?

                                Oh, and thanks for the fanfiction recommendations...I have read most of these but I have not peaked in the google fanfiction...going to check it out...But, is it me or is there more Shepweir than Sheyla? I just don't understand can they not see that they are just meant to be....

