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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by AthosianGirl
    Okay here was a quickie creation for 'Suspicion' made with Warrior's caps via Camy's post!
    That cap was from Suspicion? I thought that was from 'H&S' when they were looking at Rodney...after they got that blob out of the center. I'm not sure, I thought that was where that cap was from. But it's another wp..I really like. Only for the fact of the way they were looking at one another when they talked. It was cute! I got a kick out of it.

    Originally posted by AthosianGirl
    Okay last one then I'm caught up!

    '38 Minutes'

    Made with the cap where Shep has a hand on Teyla's hip to help her up the hill...such a gent!
    Okay did you just do this spur of a moment, since that pic was like up for discussion. Or were you planning on using it?! That's a good choice and I personally like the fact he helped Teyla was very gentlemanly...but no one can ever say John is not a gentlemen. We saw it from the start in rising.

    Originally posted by 4prettierships
    Wow that is one hot'm lovin' it. What is up with this party?! This thread is moving so fast. I love the saying and how were you able to blur Rod/Ford and highlight J/t like that...that's excellent photoshop technique. Really works with the saying you chose. I really like this!!

    Click statement above to read article.


      kaeyla, welcome to the thread!

      If you have time to scroll backward through the pages, a day or so ago, Black Panther posted a "shippy moments of Season 1" list for John/Teyla. It's really good.


        Originally posted by vaberella
        Wow that is one hot'm lovin' it. What is up with this party?! This thread is moving so fast. I love the saying and how were you able to blur Rod/Ford and highlight J/t like that...that's excellent photoshop technique. Really works with the saying you chose. I really like this!!

        Thanks, like usual, I was just playing around with photoshop and that's what happened!! I really like the way it turned out too!

        As for the thread moving so fast, I can't complain!! I love all the artwork/caps/discussions that are going on!!


          Originally posted by sanssong
          I don't think Teyla would have just volunteered that quickly for the others. I think John is and always has been special to her. He's a big part of the reason she's in Atlantis at all. Her concern for him throughout this ep is just plain to see in every word, facial expression and action. 38 Minutes in one more in a LONG chain of solid evidence that J/T have been connected romanticly since the first meeting.
          While I don't see romance in 38 minutes, I totally agree with you Suz in this assumation. It's very true that when it comes to Shep she would have jumped at it. He was the man who came to the rescue to save her life and the life of her people. And as she said in Rising, he has earned that respect. So if anything should happen to John she would do whatever is in her power to return that favor..because I feel in that sense she would be forever in his death. What is a life worth?! More than any type of money. Not to mention as Suz said it is one of hte first in a long line...and he proves his support over and over again and Teyla returns that support wholeheartedly. Of course at the end of S2, we also know that she would put her recriminations aside for John as he would do the same for her as he did in although I don't see this ep as all that does give a solidifying point to the relationship as a whole!

          Click statement above to read article.


            Originally posted by AthosianGirl
            Okay here was a quickie creation for 'Suspicion' made with Warrior's caps via Camy's post!


            Just lovely! I really like this one AG!


              Originally posted by Spectrum

              I only have one siggy for 38 minutes...

              And a late icon for Hide and Seek...

              Great art everyone!
              Love the banners Spec! Great job!


                Okay...I have to rush to get all dolled up for a party...YUCK! I'd rather be in this one...Corporate Parties are no fun! and I'm running late....I'll be the Camyinderella running in an WOWING everyone!


                Here is my own challenge to you....

                theme: 38......

                1. List 38 Shippy Moments b/w J/T
                2. Name 38 gifts that John would give Teyla
                3. Name 38 gifts that Teyla would give John
                4. Name 38 things that you can teach Teyla
                5. Name 38 things that Teyla can teach John
                6. Write 38 love verses/poems that can relate to John and Teyla
                7. Between All of us...or if you dare, individually post 38 Wallpapers, and/or banners, and/or sigs/ and or icons..(We can do 5 each of us or if anyone things they have 38 of any of these you can post them...remember you can post up to 20 pics in one posting...)
                8. Name 38 places that John would take Teyla on Earth
                9. Name 38 things that John can do with Teyla while on Earth
                10. Write a 38 letter fic
                11. Write a 38 sentence fic
                12. Write a 38 paragraph fic
                13. Post 38 John and Teyla pics
                14. Post 38 fics(not your our own obviously)
                15. Post 38 vids...(we can do this between all of us...i'd be interested to see if there are even that many)
                16. Do a 38 fic picfic....
                17. List 38 John quotes
                18. List 38 Teyla quotes
                19. List 38 Nicknames that John would call Teyla
                20 List 38 Nicknames that Teyla would call John
                21. List 38 baby names should Teyla and John have any...
                22. Finish this sentence....In 38......John and Teyla.......
                23. List 38 questions relating to John and Teyla
                24. List 38 questions John might ask Teyla/vice versa
                25. List your 38 Atlantis favorite episodes
                26. 38 different scenarios where John would declare his love to Teyla
                27. 38 different scenarios that Teyla would declare her love to John
                28. List 38 People that John would introduce to Teyla
                29. Name 38 Favorite Songs that relate to John and Teyla
                30. Find and post 38 of your Favorite postings from this thread
                31. Name and post 38 good websites that can apply to anything for John and Teyla....
                32. Write in 38 languages "I love you" for John to say to Teyla
                33. List 38 movies that John would take Teyla to see
                34. Write 38 Titles of books that John would recommend to Teyla
                35. Write 38 adjectives that describe John and Teyla
                36. List 38 names of people that LOVE John and Teyla
                37. Write a love letter with 38 sentences from John's POV and/or Teyla's POV
                38.List 38 of your own challenges relating to John and Teyla

                Okay...have fun! some of these are lame...but others are not so bad..this is what happens when you have a 45/55 minute commute home!

                Another challenge!

                Do at least one of these between now and the premiere of Season 3!


                  Wow, Camy. That's some challenge list! I may try one or two, but I'd have to post them tomorrow. My dog's eyes just swelled shut and the vet wouldn't get me in for another half hour.


                    WOW!!!...Camy...that's some challenge....

                    Spec...I love the sig. The black and white with lavender lettering is impressive....

                    And the icon does look as if they're sharing a secret..

                    R.I.P Wraithlord

                    Awesome sig by SciFan


                      Okay....Camy is all DOLLED up....too bad hubby isn't here to see me....AH!

                      Okay...I got to go kiss some "you know what" I hate that!

                      I got the curly wet look! the Heels..the sexy black pants...not too tight, not too loose and the lightly shiny,sparkly.....thin's cold here....and I"m going next to the club...

                      SO, another challenge....

                      Describe a what a night out between John and Teyla would look like...especially what would Teyla wear and what would John plan! hehehehehe....

                      In 38 sentences!


                      Okay..I don't know if I will be posting again tonight..keep up the thread....
                      Oh, DM...hopefully all will be alright with your doggy!

                      I had to come and see Abbey out because hubby and the kids don't come till late....

                      Oh, I am loving this J/T party...can someone post the Calendar of Events...and my challenge once this turn to like two pages....? thankies!

                      hugs....Great WORK AG...LOVE IT ALL BELLA....All of IT's all GORGEOUS!

                      VB..I'll be back to reply to your post....give me a break...he WAS touching HER! Didn't you see it?

                      Now, I always wondered if this was all planned this way, If it was even more reasons for us to verify that this is the couple the writers want...or if this was OH, so Joe's doing like when he fell in Rising when Teyla was taking him to the cave...that was all Joe or when he jumped into the snow when in the helicopter at the beginning of Rising....all Joe's doing!

                      Either way, it's all GOOD!


                        38 MINUTES





                                Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                                OOOOOOHHHH kaeyla... that's a really great attitude, truely rare on the forum. Me personally, I believe the best romantic relationships are those based on true friendship first... then taken to the next step. I've heard alot of my friends talk about how you should never as your friends (of the opposite gender... in my case girls) out.

                                I TOTALLY DISAGREE WITH THAT, partially because if I don't know you... I tend to shy away from talking to you, partially because I just don't see how it can work.

                                We're supposed to be having a serious discussion, but madness tends to set in quickly. So sit back, drink some virtual hot chocolat and have some virtual cookies. Hey Annie, BP... do we have links for the Major Shippy moments in Season 2... I know we're working on one but I think kaeyla has to see them... should do all the convincing we need.
                                Ritter, I always have the link for the Season 2 Major Shipper Moments...
                                Here for Kaeyla...

