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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Happy birthday Caz
    Is it Mothers day in the US? Because we had ours ages ago in the UK.

    I've finally remembered what I wanted to post.
    I've been watching Sanctuary again and thought it might be interesting to discuss the ambassadorial picnic scene.

    SCENE: Nice shot of Atlantis at night, Teyla and Sheppard walking down corridor, Sheppard with picnic basket in hand.
    SHEPPARD: Doctor Weir wanted me to make sure that Chaya saw everything.
    TEYLA: Everything.
    SHEPPARD: Well...not everything uh...Chaya mentioned she wanted to see the best view of the city at night which I think is at the top of the south west pier and...and since it's such a long walk I thought I'd...bring along a few provisions.
    TEYLA: Continuing our efforts to secure a treaty. <>
    SHEPPARD: Exactly. Yeah.
    TEYLA: As our ambassador.
    SHEPPARD: *puts hand to chest nodding* I'm an ambassador and she is a... diplomat.
    TEYLA: On a late night...*searches for right word* picnic?
    SHEPPARD: Yes.
    TEYLA: *grins* I know that as ranking military officer here in Atlantis that you feel a heavy burden of responsibility...but you are allowed to have feelings for others...
    SHEPPARD: *laughs* Ah no...this is a...this is an ambassadorial diplomatic picnic outing thing.
    TEYLA:...Without having to justify that to anyone. Goodnight Major. *heads off*
    SHEPPARD: Goodnight...Teyla. *heads off looking behind him*

    I think what they're saying is opposite to what they mean. On paper it looks like Shep trying to justify to the picnic with Chaya to Teyla but on screen he's trying to justify it to himself and Teyla's the one encourging him to stop being Military Leader and enjoy some 'me' (and Chaya) time.
    I think it's one of the few times Teyla's sense of humor gets a look in, shes clearly winding him up about Chaya. It's very rare we see Teyla being herself and showing actual friendship* towards John rather than Athosian Leader, Team Member or Pegasus Galaxy Guide.

    *By actual friendship I mean being friends and caring for someone because you want to be, not because you work with them or are expected to.

    Does that make sense to anyone?

    I just spent 1/2 hour looking for Annies proof pics reference post. I found the S2 one but now I'm wondering if there even is a s1 one?
    Last edited by bella; 12 May 2006, 02:41 PM.


      Originally posted by bella
      Happy birthday Caz
      Is it Mothers day in the US? Because we had ours ages ago in the UK.

      I've finally remembered what I wanted to post.
      I've been watching Sanctuary again and thought it might be interesting to discuss the ambassadorial picnic scene.

      SCENE: Nice shot of Atlantis at night, Teyla and Sheppard walking down corridor, Sheppard with picnic basket in hand.
      SHEPPARD: Doctor Weir wanted me to make sure that Chaya saw everything.
      TEYLA: Everything.
      SHEPPARD: Well...not everything uh...Chaya mentioned she wanted to see the best view of the city at night which I think is at the top of the south west pier and...and since it's such a long walk I thought I'd...bring along a few provisions.
      TEYLA: Continuing our efforts to secure a treaty. <>
      SHEPPARD: Exactly. Yeah.
      TEYLA: As our ambassador.
      SHEPPARD: *puts hand to chest nodding* I'm an ambassador and she is a... diplomat.
      TEYLA: On a late night...*searches for right word* picnic?
      SHEPPARD: Yes.
      TEYLA: *grins* I know that as ranking military officer here in Atlantis that you feel a heavy burden of responsibility...but you are allowed to have feelings for others...
      SHEPPARD: *laughs* Ah no...this is a...this is an ambassadorial diplomatic picnic outing thing.
      TEYLA:...Without having to justify that to anyone. Goodnight Major. *heads off*
      SHEPPARD: Goodnight...Teyla. *heads off looking behind him*

      I think what they're saying is opposite to what they mean. On paper it looks like Shep trying to justify to the picnic with Chaya to Teyla but on screen he's trying to justify it to himself and Teyla's the one encourging him to stop being Military Leader and enjoy some 'me' (and Chaya) time.
      I think it's one of the few times Teyla's sense of humor gets a look in. It's very rare we see Teyla being herself and showing actual friendship* towards John rather than Athosian Leader, Team Member or Pegasus Galaxy Guide.

      *By actual friendship I mean being friends and caring for someone because you want to be, not because you work with them or are expected to.

      Does that make sense to anyone?
      Makes perfect sense to me.

      I loved that scene between John and Teyla.


        Originally posted by bella
        I've finally remembered what I wanted to post.
        I've been watching Sanctuary again and thought it might be interesting to discuss the ambassadorial picnic scene.

        SCENE: Nice shot of Atlantis at night, Teyla and Sheppard walking down corridor, Sheppard with picnic basket in hand.
        SHEPPARD: Doctor Weir wanted me to make sure that Chaya saw everything.
        TEYLA: Everything.
        SHEPPARD: Well...not everything uh...Chaya mentioned she wanted to see the best view of the city at night which I think is at the top of the south west pier and...and since it's such a long walk I thought I'd...bring along a few provisions.
        TEYLA: Continuing our efforts to secure a treaty. <>
        SHEPPARD: Exactly. Yeah.
        TEYLA: As our ambassador.
        SHEPPARD: *puts hand to chest nodding* I'm an ambassador and she is a... diplomat.
        TEYLA: On a late night...*searches for right word* picnic?
        SHEPPARD: Yes.
        TEYLA: *grins* I know that as ranking military officer here in Atlantis that you feel a heavy burden of responsibility...but you are allowed to have feelings for others...
        SHEPPARD: *laughs* Ah no...this is a...this is an ambassadorial diplomatic picnic outing thing.
        TEYLA:...Without having to justify that to anyone. Goodnight Major. *heads off*
        SHEPPARD: Goodnight...Teyla. *heads off looking behind him*

        I think what they're saying is opposite to what they mean. On paper it looks like Shep trying to justify to the picnic with Chaya to Teyla but on screen he's trying to justify it to himself and Teyla's the one encourging him to stop being Military Leader and enjoy some 'me' (and Chaya) time.
        I think it's one of the few times Teyla's sense of humor gets a look in. It's very rare we see Teyla being herself and showing actual friendship* towards John rather than Athosian Leader, Team Member or Pegasus Galaxy Guide.

        *By actual friendship I mean being friends and caring for someone because you want to be, not because you work with them or are expected to.

        Does that make sense to anyone?
        I like that scene too. Teyla has a great sense of humor! I especially like her "late night picnic" line. The friendship part makes sense to me too. Teyla starts out teasing John about going on a "picnic" with their guest and then, like you said, she gives John the okay to let his guard as military officer down and enjoy his time with Chaya.

        These lines are interesting to me since they are coming from Teyla. Basically giving him permission to go with Chaya without having to be afraid of what she would think about him. John is unusually nervous as he attempts to explain this to Teyla and gives a slightly confused and unsure look as he walks away.
        TEYLA: *grins* I know that as ranking military officer here in Atlantis that you feel a heavy burden of responsibility...but you are allowed to have feelings for others...
        SHEPPARD: *laughs* Ah no...this is a...this is an ambassadorial diplomatic picnic outing thing.
        TEYLA:...Without having to justify that to anyone. Goodnight Major. *heads off*

        HAPPY B-DAY Caz!! Hope it was great!!
        Sig by Cazzblade


          Ah! I had a Sheppard/Teyla dream last night! Very strange... vivid.

          So something had been messing with the women of Atlantis... they're all been acting strange...cut to Teyla making her way down a hall at night, she reaches a door thats locked and she punches in a code that unlocks it and the door opens to reveal John asleep (no shirt!). Teyla starts to crawl her way up the bed and John, who at this point wakes up and sits up. Teyla is now straddling his lap. John's surprise is evident in his voice when he says 'Teyla?!' and Teyla replies with a 'Hello John' and then starts kissing him. So they're going at it for a few minutes and then John pulls back and hold hers back a bit by her arms. She says 'What's the matter John?' he replies 'We shouldn't be doing this' she says 'Don't you want me John?' kinda sadly and he replies with 'Yes!' louder than normal followed by 'But not like this.' Teyla's upset by this so John pulls her in for a hug. Then he pulls her down and they spend the night together spooning.

          I've started to dream fanfic... eep!

          awesome sig by Camy!
          Sheppard/Teyla LiveJournal


            Originally posted by Celede
            Ah! I had a Sheppard/Teyla dream last night! Very strange... vivid.

            So something had been messing with the women of Atlantis... they're all been acting strange...cut to Teyla making her way down a hall at night, she reaches a door thats locked and she punches in a code that unlocks it and the door opens to reveal John asleep (no shirt!). Teyla starts to crawl her way up the bed and John, who at this point wakes up and sits up. Teyla is now straddling his lap. John's surprise is evident in his voice when he says 'Teyla?!' and Teyla replies with a 'Hello John' and then starts kissing him. So they're going at it for a few minutes and then John pulls back and hold hers back a bit by her arms. She says 'What's the matter John?' he replies 'We shouldn't be doing this' she says 'Don't you want me John?' kinda sadly and he replies with 'Yes!' louder than normal followed by 'But not like this.' Teyla's upset by this so John pulls her in for a hug. Then he pulls her down and they spend the night together spooning.

            I've started to dream fanfic... eep!
            Awesome dream Cel! I wish I had dreams like that! You know you'll have to write the fic now right?


              Originally posted by bella
              I just spent 1/2 hour looking for Annies proof pics reference post. I found the S2 one but now I'm wondering if there even is a s1 one?
              I don't think Annie made proof pics for season 1.

              The wps are awesome! Can't wait for the rest of the alphabet!


                Originally posted by Celede
                Ah! I had a Sheppard/Teyla dream last night! Very strange... vivid.

                So something had been messing with the women of Atlantis... they're all been acting strange...cut to Teyla making her way down a hall at night, she reaches a door thats locked and she punches in a code that unlocks it and the door opens to reveal John asleep (no shirt!). Teyla starts to crawl her way up the bed and John, who at this point wakes up and sits up. Teyla is now straddling his lap. John's surprise is evident in his voice when he says 'Teyla?!' and Teyla replies with a 'Hello John' and then starts kissing him. So they're going at it for a few minutes and then John pulls back and hold hers back a bit by her arms. She says 'What's the matter John?' he replies 'We shouldn't be doing this' she says 'Don't you want me John?' kinda sadly and he replies with 'Yes!' louder than normal followed by 'But not like this.' Teyla's upset by this so John pulls her in for a hug. Then he pulls her down and they spend the night together spooning.

                I've started to dream fanfic... eep!
                On this thread we're notorious innovators...look at the pic fics? Or the we have dream fanfics... I love it!! That must have been on crazy dream. I wish I had it...

                Click statement above to read article.


                  Originally posted by bella
                  Happy birthday Caz
                  Is it Mothers day in the US? Because we had ours ages ago in the UK.

                  I've finally remembered what I wanted to post.
                  I've been watching Sanctuary again and thought it might be interesting to discuss the ambassadorial picnic scene.

                  SCENE: Nice shot of Atlantis at night, Teyla and Sheppard walking down corridor, Sheppard with picnic basket in hand.
                  SHEPPARD: Doctor Weir wanted me to make sure that Chaya saw everything.
                  TEYLA: Everything.
                  SHEPPARD: Well...not everything uh...Chaya mentioned she wanted to see the best view of the city at night which I think is at the top of the south west pier and...and since it's such a long walk I thought I'd...bring along a few provisions.
                  TEYLA: Continuing our efforts to secure a treaty. <>
                  SHEPPARD: Exactly. Yeah.
                  TEYLA: As our ambassador.
                  SHEPPARD: *puts hand to chest nodding* I'm an ambassador and she is a... diplomat.
                  TEYLA: On a late night...*searches for right word* picnic?
                  SHEPPARD: Yes.
                  TEYLA: *grins* I know that as ranking military officer here in Atlantis that you feel a heavy burden of responsibility...but you are allowed to have feelings for others...
                  SHEPPARD: *laughs* Ah no...this is a...this is an ambassadorial diplomatic picnic outing thing.
                  TEYLA:...Without having to justify that to anyone. Goodnight Major. *heads off*
                  SHEPPARD: Goodnight...Teyla. *heads off looking behind him*

                  I think what they're saying is opposite to what they mean. On paper it looks like Shep trying to justify to the picnic with Chaya to Teyla but on screen he's trying to justify it to himself and Teyla's the one encourging him to stop being Military Leader and enjoy some 'me' (and Chaya) time.
                  I think it's one of the few times Teyla's sense of humor gets a look in, shes clearly winding him up about Chaya. It's very rare we see Teyla being herself and showing actual friendship* towards John rather than Athosian Leader, Team Member or Pegasus Galaxy Guide.

                  *By actual friendship I mean being friends and caring for someone because you want to be, not because you work with them or are expected to.

                  Does that make sense to anyone?

                  I just spent 1/2 hour looking for Annies proof pics reference post. I found the S2 one but now I'm wondering if there even is a s1 one?
                  I agree an disagree. I think it was actually a little of both. Convincing himself and justifying his actions, so Teyla doesn't miscontrue it, as he would have done if Weir or Ford had the same discussion with him. I do agree that Teyla was making him feel comfortable with enjoying someone's company and also taking a piss.

                  As for the friendship I agree..but this is also found for all the characters adn why I'm really looking forward to S3, because I hope to see more hanging out and people being friends. The last time I really saw that was in 'Hide and Seek' and there was nothing in S2.

                  I definitely want to see more one on one between John and least a joke moment like in Aurora when Teyla was talking to Caldwell or McKay. It would just be fun to see!

                  Click statement above to read article.


                    Since I missed some bdays....

                    R.I.P Wraithlord

                    Awesome sig by SciFan


                      Originally posted by vaberella
                      I definitely want to see more one on one between John and least a joke moment like in Aurora when Teyla was talking to Caldwell or McKay. It would just be fun to see!
                      I'm all for more John & Teyla friendship moments. Then again, I've never been a fan of the 'military guy/science geek' shows - or pairings if it comes down to it.

                      Incidentally, I have it from a reasonably good authority that Carl Binder is working on a script with some John/Teyla interactions in it. I think the episode is going to be called "Phantoms" (or that's the current working title).

                      Alli Snow has posted the details up at the john_teyla LJ community here.

                      Frankly, I'd like to see more interactions between characters that don't get explored: basically anything except John and Rodney, John and Elizabeth, and Elizabeth and Rodney. Okay, more Elizabeth and Rodney would be interesting because there hasn't been all that much it in S2.

                      Actually, change that: I'd like to see more Teyla and anyone - although I'd really adore seeing her and Ronon come up against the Atlantis expedition and kick their asses - either physically or intellectually. Earth doesn't always have all the answers.



                        Hey, all! How does one post pics into these messages? I wanted to share some of my JT art--it's all been on LJ so far, but still. Thought you all might want to see it here since some is quite old.



                          Originally posted by Doxymom
                          Hey, all! How does one post pics into these messages? I wanted to share some of my JT art--it's all been on LJ so far, but still. Thought you all might want to see it here since some is quite old.


                          Change the { } to square brackets.

                          And whalla!

                          Any of the above may be used in .sigs if wished.



                            Originally posted by seldear
                            I'm all for more John & Teyla friendship moments. Then again, I've never been a fan of the 'military guy/science geek' shows - or pairings if it comes down to it.

                            Incidentally, I have it from a reasonably good authority that Carl Binder is working on a script with some John/Teyla interactions in it. I think the episode is going to be called "Phantoms" (or that's the current working title).

                            Alli Snow has posted the details up at the john_teyla LJ community here.

                            Frankly, I'd like to see more interactions between characters that don't get explored: basically anything except John and Rodney, John and Elizabeth, and Elizabeth and Rodney. Okay, more Elizabeth and Rodney would be interesting because there hasn't been all that much it in S2.

                            Actually, change that: I'd like to see more Teyla and anyone - although I'd really adore seeing her and Ronon come up against the Atlantis expedition and kick their asses - either physically or intellectually. Earth doesn't always have all the answers.

                            Selly, you already know I care about you beyond belief....don't you?! WOOOOHOOOOO!!! My heart can't handle so much good news and excitement. And I can definitely vouch for Selly on her facts!!! WOOOOHOOO!!!

                            I'm very excited, it's been a very long time since we've seen one on one with J/T---like LFP. I think they focused on Ronon and Teyla cause their gonna blow up a shocker and make him her bro. I could just picture Teyla's face when she finds out he's her bro:

                            No, I'm slightly joking on that, I think it's just because it's easier to show a connection between the two people from the same galaxy---without making them into some sort of romantic pair. And seeing the way Teyla tends to mommy Ronon is entertaining. I already heard her in she's running after a belligerant child. But I too am tired, I just want to see more interaction between Ronon and others, especially Shep. I already think they have a good relationship--because of 'Conversion'.

                            I too need to see more Teyla with everyone, this season was not her season as some would like to think. Not in the way S1 was. But that was a great bloody post and I'm going to go over and give Alli some love.

                            By the way I'm gonna steal your sigs..their fabulous.
                            Click statement above to read article.


                              Originally posted by vaberella
                              By the way I'm gonna steal your sigs..their fabulous.
                              Steal the sigs by all means! Just remember that my name is Sel. Unless you want me to start writing Ronon/Elizabeth. *eyebrows*



                                Originally posted by seldear
                                Steal the sigs by all means! Just remember that my name is Sel. Unless you want me to start writing Ronon/Elizabeth. *eyebrows*

                                Oh *insert diety* you all do this to hurt me! Please let us call them the ship that shall remain nameless... Everyone is just lucky I don't turn into Wraith Teyla, at the mention of that awful ship. Bile just rises when I think of it. I have an idea why I have such an aversion to the pairing, but don't ask! Shep/Teyla is so much more soothing!

                                And I promise to call you Sel, Selly!

                                I promise Sel...I just had it say it one last time!! By the way your sigs are fantastic, I love the graphic ones, it's like a singing card. Not just your plain old at extra spice to it. Their beautiful. Can I commission one, that includes my lap scene from Lost Boys?!
                                Click statement above to read article.

