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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by WikkedAngel
    I loved Conversion not for the kiss but for the end of the episode. When John said "Their is another thing that I should probably apologize for.....". Spoke volumes to me. He knew what he did was way OOC, but he was still John(and I think Teyla knew this) when he did it hence Teyla's little flirty John at the end.

    As for shippy: TLG, Allies, CDE and Aurora for that look alone.

    *Pours ice cold water on Camy, are u okay?*
    I totally agree with your assesments on Conversion, good observation.

    Great Sig by Bella


      Originally posted by WikkedAngel
      I loved Conversion not for the kiss but for the end of the episode. When John said "Their is another thing that I should probably apologize for.....". Spoke volumes to me. He knew what he did was way OOC, but he was still John(and I think Teyla knew this) when he did it hence Teyla's little flirty John at the end.

      As for shippy: TLG, Allies, CDE and Aurora for that look alone.

      *Pours ice cold water on Camy, are u okay?*
      AH, did it have to be ice cold water...I was just contemplating on my little island...tons of hot water there...

      WA...I do like your thinking about that did speak volumes overall on everything that went on in that episode for our ship in my opinion....still, I do like the scenes in The Lost Boys when Teyla actually holds John's head in her lap...I mean common..the woman hadn't shown much affection for anyone since then..and then to show that was priceless...I mean can you picture her doing that to Rodney? really...and Ronon...I don't know...
      What about to Zelenka..? he'd be cool! and Carson...OH, bloody hell!


      Then you have the scene in Allies...that was the two of them at its best....both in a stressful situation, both performing two different roles, both having two different opinions, yet finding council and stength in each other...that was very good and very shippy in my view....


        Originally posted by Camy
        AH, did it have to be ice cold water...I was just contemplating on my little island...tons of hot water there...

        WA...I do like your thinking about that did speak volumes overall on everything that went on in that episode for our ship in my opinion....still, I do like the scenes in The Lost Boys when Teyla actually holds John's head in her lap...I mean common..the woman hadn't shown much affection for anyone since then..and then to show that was priceless...I mean can you picture her doing that to Rodney? really...and Ronon...I don't know...
        What about to Zelenka..? he'd be cool! and Carson...OH, bloody hell!


        Then you have the scene in Allies...that was the two of them at its best....both in a stressful situation, both performing two different roles, both having two different opinions, yet finding council and stength in each other...that was very good and very shippy in my view....

        I could see her doing it for Carson, just because he is so darn loveable and they seem to have a good friendship.

        I loved that scene in Lost Boys but if it was not for this thread I would never have noticed it . In Allies, John knew that she was not happy with the whole situation(turning wraith to humans and working with the wraith), and he tried to get her to understand that it was for(in the minds of the Earthlings)a quest for a greater good. Even Ronan, the last one I expected agreed with Weir, when he should have known better(that the wraith are a devious lot).

        I hope in s3 this is something that is mentioned and revisted(Teyla's misgivings about the whole mess). Now that Rodney, Ronan and John are missing it will be up to Elizabeth, Teyla and Zelenka essentially to be the brains behind a rescue.
        Last edited by WikkedAngel; 27 April 2006, 06:09 PM.


          What I find interesting is that Teyla was right with almost everything this season..and this was brought in the Teyla thread, but yet no one seemed to acknowledge or even listen to her....Everyone goofed up big this season but yet, Teyla was right on the money with everything, and I think John does hold her opinion highly, but he needs to listen to Elizabeth first and foremost and his responsibility to Atlantis and I think that in part that is what he was trying to do in Allies as well..listen to Teyla and try to see what her thoughts are..he always does..but his duty is first and foremost to Atlantis..and I think he knows that if they ever decide to have any type of relationship this can be something that will always be between them...his duty to Atlantis and then what Teyla thinks...and for any man it would be difficult to separate the two....listen to your boss or listen to your partner...especially when both are in the same place...and under the same circumstances...don't you think?


            Originally posted by astronomicalchick
            SP is responsible for a lot isn't she?

            In my mind the most shippy J/T episode was "The Long Goodbye". Wasn't so sure about "Conversion" it had a full on snog, yes, but it wasn't romantic in the shippy sense, in my humble opinion.
            *blushes* Yeah, I guess I sorta am. Oh, and by the way -- SQUEE! Great to see you here again, Astro!

            I kind of agree with you on the "Conversion" thing. The kiss really couldn't be construed as romantic per se, but I definitely think that the scene at the end of the episode was a lot more telling (and a lot more squee-worthy on my part). I think that while Shep may have acted on his impulses and without any sort of restraint due to the retrovirus, I think that the fact he searched her out to make sure that she was alright and that she would be okay with him is much more important.

            "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

            HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


              Okay, I have to sorta start a new topic of conversation, because I have some lovely graphics and would like to make banners and stuff.

              However, when it comes to actually thinking of lines and text to put on icons, banners, and wallpapers, I get stuck. I don't listen to a lot of music, or read a lot of poetry, so I don't know half the stuff that gets quoted.

              So I'm throwing this out to you guys: are there any quotations that you find particularly apt for John/Teyla? Presumably pro-John/Teyla since this is a shippy thread - thoughts on their relationship, poems that might describe them, quotations from fic...

              Incidentally, has anyone read "So Maybe She's My Spock" by Liviapenn on LJ?

              Very enjoyable little snatch of observation about J/T.



                Thank you for posting this here Sel, I'm goig to respond to it in a bit.

                It was actually through yours and Tielan's live journal that I have found my all time favorite J/T fanfic!!! Oh my *insert deity*!!! I really love this fanfic.

                If you like Teyla whumpage? If you like John whumpage? Like a story that keeps everyone in character? Like semi original plots? You'd like to see more about Teyla's Wraith DNA? Possible Teyla connection to the men of Atlantis (and to) John's thoughts on Teyla and a guys? This is definitely the fic for you. Hopefully not the last jewel by this writer. I've read her other fics, but you got to be a slasher. But this is the best fic ever ever ever, like ever ever!!!

                Queen by Xanthe <----the best in !!

                This has topped the list...really it has. If you are a serious J/T will love this fanfic!! Perfection in all ways!

                Originally posted by seldear
                Okay, I have to sorta start a new topic of conversation, because I have some lovely graphics and would like to make banners and stuff.
                Ooooh.....good thing you offered, because like I've been meaning to ask for a sig. Something that includes that scene from 'Lost Boys' where her head is in his lap. As I've said numerous times, definitely the shippiest for me.

                Originally posted by seldear
                However, when it comes to actually thinking of lines and text to put on icons, banners, and wallpapers, I get stuck. I don't listen to a lot of music, or read a lot of poetry, so I don't know half the stuff that gets quoted.

                So I'm throwing this out to you guys: are there any quotations that you find particularly apt for John/Teyla? Presumably pro-John/Teyla since this is a shippy thread - thoughts on their relationship, poems that might describe them, quotations from fic...
                Yeah I have, I pretty much have a list of stuff from Pablo Neruda, he's my favorite poet. He's a poet that knows the heart of a woman and speaks from the soul of a lover. So you know...he's pretty much a go, and everything he says I can actually see John saying!! Shameless plug of my own fics..since they all focus on his works and, I have to add at least one of his pieces to my fanfic: VB's Fanfics Ooh..not sure if my interpretation of Michael has might.

                You can find a few of his works online. Another thing, as for songs....I'll pm you a list. Some of the songs I've wanted are currently being done if ONLY Mel and Witchy get on top of it. Oh and Sel, hopefully you'll meet Witchy tomorrow night. She's a J/T musketteer too!

                But I've been wanting to see a sort of sweeping epic like vid for J/T maybe in relation to a fanfic, with music from Lisa Gerard. Since her style closely fits the style of music that RL sang as Teyla in CM. An example of Ms. Gerard is if you ever heard the soundtrack of 'The Gladiator'---that's her voice and she co produced the music. Or if your familiar of her former band Dead Can Dance. I was 'in the know' before she did 'The Gladiator'. Back to DCD in the 80s. Anyway I'd love to see it. It's deep, the music penetrating and seering. Sort of takes the tension and stress in and around J/T relationship to another level, also I feel a lot of her music fits the scenes of the fighting, power struggles and moments only between J/T.

                Oh and if you feel at a loss for Texts...let me know and I'll provide. Camy is my biggest resume!

                Originally posted by seldear
                Incidentally, has anyone read "So Maybe She's My Spock" by Liviapenn on LJ?

                Very enjoyable little snatch of observation about J/T.

                I just read it... I was going to say Uhura..but now I realize that Lorne is more of a Uhura to John. Anyway, the interpretation was on point and you know it's a great comparison.

                It's when you sit there and take a step back can you really see the comparison between the two. Spock always has Kirk's back, is pretty much his best friend, and he has that weir alien ability and has this knack about being right. I'm sure we've all seen in S2 that Teyla does fit the bill and works well with John. Thanks for posting!!

                Last edited by vaberella; 28 April 2006, 12:50 AM. Reason: Had to read Sel's post, and also wanted to clean up initial post!
                Click statement above to read article.


                  Originally posted by gatelover12
                  Yes, but for those of us who had already sensed what we interpreted as romantic feelings it confirmed there was also a more primal attraction there. For many the interaction at the end of the episode was extreamly flirty as well, and if they are comfortable enough to flirt, there is always the possibility of something more.
                  Oh totally, I intepreted it from Sheppard's point of view (i.e. primal) in that way, what confused me was Teyla's reaction, to me she looked kind of stunned.

                  And of course he fancies Teyla - she's gorgeous!

                  I just thought the Long Goodbye had more significance in a romantic shippy sense.


                    Originally posted by seldear
                    Okay, I have to sorta start a new topic of conversation, because I have some lovely graphics and would like to make banners and stuff.

                    However, when it comes to actually thinking of lines and text to put on icons, banners, and wallpapers, I get stuck. I don't listen to a lot of music, or read a lot of poetry, so I don't know half the stuff that gets quoted.

                    So I'm throwing this out to you guys: are there any quotations that you find particularly apt for John/Teyla? Presumably pro-John/Teyla since this is a shippy thread - thoughts on their relationship, poems that might describe them, quotations from fic...

                    Incidentally, has anyone read "So Maybe She's My Spock" by Liviapenn on LJ?

                    Very enjoyable little snatch of observation about J/T.

                    Oooh poetry!

                    For John you could try Bryon's "She walks in Beauty" although that's probably very commonly used these days. But how could you argue with:

                    "SHE walks in beauty, like the night
                    Of cloudless climes and starry skies;
                    And all that 's best of dark and bright
                    Meet in her aspect and her eyes: "

                    For Teyla Elizabeth Barrett Browning's

                    "How do I love thee? Let me count the ways.
                    I love thee to the depth and breadth and height
                    My soul can reach, when feeling out of sight
                    For the ends of Being and ideal Grace."

                    I agree with VB Neruda's poetry is lovely. From "The Queen", this caught my eye:

                    "And when you appear
                    all the rivers sound
                    in my body, bells
                    shake the sky,
                    and a hymn fills the world.

                    Only you and I,
                    only you and I, my love,
                    listen to it."

                    More can be found at:

                    Lovely poetry first thing in the morning! thanks for the excuse!


                      I'm a singer so I tend to think in songs and arias. This is called I'm Beginning To See The Light, it's one of my favourite jazz songs of all time but I think it fits J/T because neither of them seem to be out and out romantics.

                      I never cared much for moonlit skies
                      I never wink back at fireflies
                      But now that the stars are in your eyes
                      I'm beginning to see the light
                      I never went in for afterglow
                      Or candlelight on the mistletoe
                      But now when you turn the lamp down low
                      I'm beginning to see the light
                      Used to ramble through the park
                      Shadowboxing in the dark
                      Then you came and caused a spark
                      That's a four-alarm fire now
                      I never made love by lantern-shine
                      I never saw rainbows in my wine
                      But now that your lips are burning mine
                      I'm beginning to see the light

                      Although if you want to be posh and use italian...

                      O del mio dolce ardor bramato oggetto!
                      O of[-the] my sweet ardor desired object
                      L'aure che tu respiri alfin respiro.
                      the breezes which you breathe at last I breathe.
                      Ovunque il guardo io giro
                      Wherever [the] (my) glance I turn
                      Le tue vaghe sembianze
                      [the] your lovely features
                      Amore in me dipinge,
                      Love [in] (for) me paints;
                      Il mio pensier si finge
                      [the] my thought [to itself] pretends (imagines)
                      Le piu liete speranze,
                      the most happy hopes
                      E nel desio che cosi m'empie il petto
                      and in the longing which thus [to me] fills [the] (my) bosom,
                      Cerco te, chiamo te, spero e sospiro!
                      I seek you, I call you, I hope and I sigh!

                      The literal translation is in italics but literal translations are never pretty. This is one of my favourite 'love' arias, it's from an opera called Paris and Helen (Paride et Elena) by Gluck.


                        Hey, how is everyone doing? It's been to long. John Smiles I hope you all are having a happy shippy day.

                        Icon Made By LadyBozi


                          Originally posted by vaberella
                          I'm gonna disagree with you Spectrum. Just a statement, not a bash,... can I say I don't find 'The Long Goodbye' shippy!! Actually, far from it. It wasn't John, it was Thalan. Yes, yes I know, he might be have been reading impressions from John, or even John's thoughts and emotions and using it against him. But I don't accept it as shippy, only because it wasn't 'really' was Thalan in John's body. But since it's like Conversion, kind of like not within his control kind of thing...I can see why it's shippy. I just still can't see it as such though.

                          No problem with disagreeing VB. I agree that it was definitely Thalan, not John. But he was still able to read all John's thoughts and knew that there was a connection between the two or he wouldn't have tried to use that line to save himself. The pain we saw Teyla go through when she was faced with the decision to hurt John was also kind of shippy for me becuase it showed how much she cared about him. Although, she would have hesitated like that if it had been anyone from Atlanits...

                          Originally posted by seldear
                          But that's just how I feel about it.
                          Daniel finishes: What do you think?
                          Jack: (eating fruit loops)....
                          I'm having a Daniel and Jack from Window of Opportunity moment here with that line! Don't know if that's what you were going for or if I have just watched too much Stargate...maybe both!
                          Sig by Cazzblade


                            Hey all, how is everybody doing today? OK I have a topic for discussion. What is your Fav ep for John/Teyla NON ship interaction? Opinions?

                            Great Sig by Bella


                              But we interpret everything as shippy?
                              Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                                ok let me clarify. Interaction with them as a team, not necessarily a couple.
                                Last edited by Mr_Fantastic; 28 April 2006, 01:51 PM.

                                Great Sig by Bella

