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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Jay Halstead View Post
    I've started reading a series of Stargate Atlantis books, The Legacy series, it's 8 books in total, and John and Teyla are officially a couple. So unofficially they have happened.

    It's a really good series though, it's basically continuing on from S5. I'm currently on book 7.
    I'm on the 6? book? Life got crazy and I had to put them down (no reading there for a long bit.) I'll have to get back to them. But yeah. Excellent and loving them.

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    It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


      Originally posted by Everlovin View Post

      I'm on the 6? book? Life got crazy and I had to put them down (no reading there for a long bit.) I'll have to get back to them. But yeah. Excellent and loving them.
      Like I ship John/Sam, but reading these books has made me love John/Teyla. I might delve into some John/Teyla fics (reading) later. But I have a couple of SGA fics in the works, and I'm probably going to go the John/Sam route. But I will definitely enjoy reading some John/Teyla.
      He’s the moon when I’m lost in darkness, and warmth when I shiver in cold


        Originally posted by Jay Halstead View Post

        Like I ship John/Sam, but reading these books has made me love John/Teyla. I might delve into some John/Teyla fics (reading) later. But I have a couple of SGA fics in the works, and I'm probably going to go the John/Sam route. But I will definitely enjoy reading some John/Teyla.
        You could always ship them both. For example the TV show Sliders, I ship Quinn with Wade and Quinn with Maggie because I can see Quinn getting together with either one, so you could do something like that with John Sheppard.

        Also, thank you for mentioning what book John and Teyla get together in, because I think it may have been mentioned here in the past and, if so, I most likely have forgotten what book it was. It will be a while before I get back to any Stargate novels and lets just say 147 Star Trek novels (25 I have read) + 64 Stargate Novels (2 I have read) + 6 other sci-fi (5 Quantum Leap (1 I have read) and 1 Farscape) = a whole lot of reading. Right now, I am reading the Star Trek TNG novel Immortal Coil. As for fan fiction, I need to rewatch some Stargate (SG-1 and SGA) before I can write anymore in my 5 Stargate related works in progress.

        Signs by Scifan and me. | My Forum - Planet TV Role Play | My Fan Fiction | My Mini City - Rygel City


          Not sure I can entirely wrap my head around John/Sam. Mostly because they don't have a lot of time together and I never really considered it. I can see how Sam could mesh with a lot of other characters in SG-1, but not really SGA. *shrugs*

          The only ones I multi-ship is Elizabeth: Carson/Elizabeth & Radek/Elizabeth. I do the same with the Doctor over on Doctor Who, but other than that....

          That's a lot of fandom books read. I've read a dozen (?) Star Trek books? Some really good ones, but several that take original characters and make them central to the story. What's the point of that?

          As to writing? I haven't been able to force myself to write more than a paragraph or two in years now

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          It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


            Originally posted by planet_tv View Post

            You could always ship them both. For example the TV show Sliders, I ship Quinn with Wade and Quinn with Maggie because I can see Quinn getting together with either one, so you could do something like that with John Sheppard.

            Also, thank you for mentioning what book John and Teyla get together in, because I think it may have been mentioned here in the past and, if so, I most likely have forgotten what book it was. It will be a while before I get back to any Stargate novels and lets just say 147 Star Trek novels (25 I have read) + 64 Stargate Novels (2 I have read) + 6 other sci-fi (5 Quantum Leap (1 I have read) and 1 Farscape) = a whole lot of reading. Right now, I am reading the Star Trek TNG novel Immortal Coil. As for fan fiction, I need to rewatch some Stargate (SG-1 and SGA) before I can write anymore in my 5 Stargate related works in progress.
            It sort of starts out from book one, John/Teyla, but by book 7 he's staying in her quarters and stuff. But yeah that's true about shipping him with both. I do the same in Stargate, because I ship Sam/Cameron but I also Ship Sam/Daniel. I have a load of books that I haven't read yet. One of them is a Startrek book, Voyager, someone suggested it because it's the start of Janeway/Chakotay. I also have an SG1 book to finish, Murder at The SGC. And then I've bought the Apocolypse series as well.

            Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
            Not sure I can entirely wrap my head around John/Sam. Mostly because they don't have a lot of time together and I never really considered it. I can see how Sam could mesh with a lot of other characters in SG-1, but not really SGA. *shrugs*

            The only ones I multi-ship is Elizabeth: Carson/Elizabeth & Radek/Elizabeth. I do the same with the Doctor over on Doctor Who, but other than that....

            That's a lot of fandom books read. I've read a dozen (?) Star Trek books? Some really good ones, but several that take original characters and make them central to the story. What's the point of that?

            As to writing? I haven't been able to force myself to write more than a paragraph or two in years now
            Fair enough on the John/Sam front. It's not everyone's cup of tea, its like I don't like the Jack/Sam ship.

            I've never really shipped Elizabeth with either of those two, but that's fair enough that you do. I respect that.

            As for writing. I still keep coming back to this idea I had for a potential SGA series. I recently posted the prologue for a Chicago PD/Med crossover fic, so that's some progress. Just working on chapter one.

            Good luck though, hope you get inspiration to write again.
            He’s the moon when I’m lost in darkness, and warmth when I shiver in cold


              Ooh! I love crossover first! I've read crossovers Stargate (mostly) with shows I've never watched. Especially if I know the writer is a good one.

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              It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                Thank you for the comment. I did just watch the episode Echos and have managed to write one line in Torren Snatchers. Now I'm going to see if I can write anything in A Wish Yet to Come 2: Finding Teyla. The latter fan fiction will have a part 3 and now a part 4, as I have gotten an idea that won't leave my head for part 4.

                At some point I will do a preview of Part 2 of my Rouge Ancients Quadrilogy.

                Edit: A Wish Yet to Come 2: Finding Teyla is getting more added to it right now.

                Last edited by planet_tv; 20 September 2021, 07:00 AM.

                Signs by Scifan and me. | My Forum - Planet TV Role Play | My Fan Fiction | My Mini City - Rygel City


                  Originally posted by Jay Halstead View Post
                  I've started reading a series of Stargate Atlantis books, The Legacy series, it's 8 books in total, and John and Teyla are officially a couple. So unofficially they have happened.

                  It's a really good series though, it's basically continuing on from S5. I'm currently on book 7.
                  Oh I remember when they talked about writing the books. They had to get permission, I believe, to make it canon. <3 Happy News for us. lol

                  Planet_tv: I think she'd recap on how they met and all the times he saved her, especially when Michael kidnapped her and he could've given up, but never did.


                    Originally posted by scifan View Post

                    Oh I remember when they talked about writing the books. They had to get permission, I believe, to make it canon. <3 Happy News for us. lol

                    Planet_tv: I think she'd recap on how they met and all the times he saved her, especially when Michael kidnapped her and he could've given up, but never did.
                    Thank you. I shall have to write those out at a later time, as I have been writing more of A Wish Yet to Come 2: Finding Teyla. It went from having up to a little bit on page 15, college-ruled composition notebook pages, to almost on page 20 and all I did was watch Echoes.

                    Edit: I made it to the first 1/4 of page 21, and also wrote a few more lines in Torren Snatchers.
                    Last edited by planet_tv; 20 September 2021, 06:10 PM.

                    Signs by Scifan and me. | My Forum - Planet TV Role Play | My Fan Fiction | My Mini City - Rygel City


                      Update on A Wish Yet to Come 2: Finding Teyla: I did mange to write about 4 1/4 pages Friday, after having watched the SGA episode The Ark, and I am now on page 25. I will also have to decide whether or not I am going have enough room for part 3 in this notebook, as part 1 is 87 pages.

                      Signs by Scifan and me. | My Forum - Planet TV Role Play | My Fan Fiction | My Mini City - Rygel City


                        Anyone have ideas how to get back in the mood to write? I get some more than vague ideas, but when I open my notebook or WP program, not just nothing, but a huge feeling of 'ugh.' I miss doing fannish things. I'm just not happy with even the most basic stuff I'm coming up with

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                        It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                          Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
                          Anyone have ideas how to get back in the mood to write? I get some more than vague ideas, but when I open my notebook or WP program, not just nothing, but a huge feeling of 'ugh.' I miss doing fannish things. I'm just not happy with even the most basic stuff I'm coming up with
                          Me too!!! I've had an idea in my head for ages (for SGA), but I don't want all the negative comments. If its helpful that's fine, but to be mean is something I can do without.

                          Would brief plot sample help your muse?


                            Originally posted by scifan View Post

                            Me too!!! I've had an idea in my head for ages (for SGA), but I don't want all the negative comments. If its helpful that's fine, but to be mean is something I can do without.

                            Would brief plot sample help your muse?
                            Maybe? I'd love to hear it at any rate.

                            I'm literally 3 or 4 paragraphs from getting a SG-1 fic done and no idea how to wrap it up. I'm about 1/2 way through a chapter(ish) of a Ronon/Jenn fic. Some ideas how to move forward, but ...

                            I've got ideas for other fandoms but no idea how to start them out..

                            Plus, I just am having a hard time sitting down and writing


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                            It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                              What I have been doing to get back into writing fan fiction, is watching Stargate episodes. I took my mini SGA and SG-1 lists and a made two mini mini rewatch lists and have been watching SGA episodes off my mini mini SGA list.

                              Here is my mini SGA and SG-1 rewatch lists. It took me a while to find it, but when I did, I just decided to upload it to my Google Drive (I converted it to a .pdf):

                              This is my SGA mini mini rewatch list:
                              1. Hide and Seek
                              2. Poisoning the Well
                              3. Hot Zone
                              4. The Gift
                              5. Duet
                              6. Inferno
                              7. Sateda
                              8. Phantoms
                              9. The Return (1)
                              10. The Return (2)
                              11. Echoes
                              12. Tao of Rodney
                              13. The Ark
                              14. Submersion
                              15. Doppelganger
                              16. The Queen
                              17. First Contact (1)
                              18. The Lost Tribe (2)

                              As for what I do when I come up with an idea, I just write down what I want to have happen in the story (plot, scenes, etc.), characters I will use (most of the time I will do this), made-up stuff (characters, alien races and planets, etc) and etc. It doesn't always go as I have written down. For example, Part 7 of my Long and Winding Road series, SG-1, - Mission Interrupted (Stargate Atlantis Crossover), I wasn't going to have it be an Ancient planet the Sheppard's team went to, but when I was figuring out how to finish it, that changed to fit what I came up with. I have a three ring binder (1" in size) that I keep my ideas in. When I write the idea, I will put it in a sheet protector when I'm done and put that sheet protector in the binder. I have two index dividers in there to separate the Done/Finished and Don't Write as I keep the ones I am writing in the front. Since I had some sticky tabs (ones you can stick on index dividers to extend the tab part where you write what that part is) leftover I used those on them. So, if you're wanting to do something like that and have a notebook laying around that has a bunch of unused pages just use that, unless you're wanting to do something similar to what I did.
                              Last edited by planet_tv; 27 September 2021, 08:29 AM.

                              Signs by Scifan and me. | My Forum - Planet TV Role Play | My Fan Fiction | My Mini City - Rygel City


                                Let's see if I can break it down a bit. No guarantee this would ever make it to a fanfic though. So might be a major teaser.

                                Taking longer to explain then I thought. I'm not good at brief synopsis lol


                                Zelenka gets tricked by Rodney to take his late night shift. It was a yearly analysis of gate addresses that were no longer active, occupied by wraith, etc. Around 5am, an alert pops up and a once dormant gate address is now active. It was at the outer edge of the Pegasus galaxy. Zelenka tells Woolsey and as soon as it was possible they send in a MALP to investigate.
                                While the MALP moved passed the gate they can see a human figure approach it from a distance. To the left of the gate is a wooded area and a lake beyond that. To the right up high on a hill is a large walled area. The lady finally gets near enough and Woolsey introduces themselves after reassuring her that they were not there to harm them and asks a few questions. She tells him that the town within the tall wooden walls was were they kept the sick people. Most have died already, including her family. Their village was beyond the woods and across the lake and several days journey. Her leader had disabled the gate to keep people from coming in or out because they didn't know where the sickness came from, but now they are in desperate need of supplies and food they can't grow there. Woolsey reassures her again that they will help them. They fetch Doctor Keller and she confirmed that it sounded like the disease Michael created. They tell them they will help and Doctor Beckett is also called in to help with treatments.
                                John and some other members of Atlantis help what they can with supplies, food, etc. During this time John is befriended by the woman that was talking to Woolsey. She pretty much tends to the villagers needs. She kept to herself after losing her family and many friends, but the leader asked her to her to help Col Sheppard in whatever he asked. While doing various things to help the village she began to ask how they knew how to treat this aliment. John was vague on all the details on Michael, but he gave her enough information to appease her. As she was amazed by their science and technology her shyness start to ease up and she began asking John more question and they started to be friends.
                                One day, she was sent to off world to go to the markets to get special food and thing for their yearly wine festival. One they hadn't had in ages. Then, she began hearing stories of how the Wraith Michael came to be. Many people were grateful of how Atlantis saved them but also vengeful, for if they hadn't created Michael, they wouldn't have lost their family members. So, some had asked her for her help to kill those involved. Col. Sheppard's name was among those they wanted to kill. She felt conflicted, but mostly hurt because he kept that information from her. A person in the market slipped her a vial. It was venom from an aratus bug that was made into a concentrated form. She was instructed to put in a few drops in each of their cups and by morning they would be dead. No one would know by who or what caused it. A slow death in their sleep.
                                They day came for the Festival and John, Teyla and Ronon were the high guest of honors. Carson was running late with some lab work and planned on being there as soon as he could. Rodney had to make up his shift to Zelenka, so Jennifer and Woolsey planned on going later in the day.
                                The woman that befriended John asked to the wine bearer for the guests. Her job was to take each of their cups and fill them from the barrels of fresh wine that were in the tent. She new once they were all dead they'd know it was her, but she finally excepted the job that was asked of her. Teyla and Ronon were not among the listed, so she had to be careful, but they she saw that only John was coming and the rest wouldn't come til later she began to panic. It was no longer a simple job of doing them all at once.
                                As the feast began the challises were filled by other bearers so they could toast the start of the festival. She was called to the table with the leader noticed John's cup was empty. He complimented the leader on the sweetness of the wine. She nervously smiled at John, he noticed something was off, but didn't get to ask her if she was ok. He ended up pulled into a conversation around the table. She put in a couple drops of the poison, then gave him is cup while he was busy talking. She quietly grabbed his cup again when she noticed he finished his drink. She avoided his looks she felt a mix of guilt and vengeance and was afraid he'd notice. But as she went to put in a couple more drops, she was bumped and accidently spilled half the vial and some got on her hands. She panic and quickly wiped her hand and asked another wine bearer to give it to Col Sheppard since she was beginning to feel ill. She left the tent immediately.
                                John started to feel odd. His feet were starting to feel numb. He figured he was drinking too hard and should get some air. He politely went to excuse himself saying he had a long day working and just needed to stretch is legs. Teyla and Ronon overheard and knew that was a lie. He was playing golf off the pier more most of the day. As he went to get up he his legs began to buckle. He dismissed it and suggested he drank too much wine, but the leader pointed out that it was the first wine of the season. It had not been fermented yet. This way the children could even share in the festival. John definitely knew something was wrong. He tried to come up with a quip and some lame excuse but as he tried to walk away his legs gave way and he collapsed. He couldn't stand up. Teyla and Ronon rushed to him. Once John explained what he was feeling Ronon looked very concerned. He had heard of something that could do what he's going through, but he heard it took hours if not days to be affective and fatal. There were rumors of the venom of the iratus bug and it's concentrated form, but that it was not something he's had seen himself and the idea of it working so quickly was not good. In the midst of the chaos, no one at the time had a moment to think who could do this to him.
                                The leader and the villager men, quickly carried John into the puddle jumper. He could feel the paralysis creeping up his leg and up his body. Not a sensation he thought he'd ever have again, but this was far worse. They were too far from the gate to be able to remotely dial the gate to contact them for help. They had to rush to the in the puddle jumper and dial once they got there. Only thing is John was the only one who could drive and they quickness of the spread of the paralysis might mean they wouldn't make in time. They were hours away before they could be in remote range.
                                John told them to find some tape and tape his hands to the controls. Teyla stayed close in case she had to help him hold on. His other concern was his concentration. He losing that and he could crash the vessel.
                                As they get closer to the gate John begins to lose the feelings in his fingers. They get close enough to dial the gate to ask Teyla tell them to be ready for them to come in HOT. She begins to explain, but John stops her. "I won't be able to make it in. You have to bring someone across the gate. I'll have to land on the far side of the lake. If I don't we could crash before crossing the lake."
                                Rodney was at the control tower when the call came in. John struggled with the controls while Teyla and Ronon explained what happened. Woolsey paged both Jennifer and Carson and they rushed to the jumper bay, Rodney rushed up to join them. John was able to land safely and just in time. He couldn't do it any more. Ronon and Teyla took the tape off John's hands and brought him to the back of the jumper to lay him on the bench. Teyla layed him against her to prop him up and as John began to struggle breathing, Ronon walked off the jumper and yelled in rage and sorrow.

                                There's a lot more, but I don't want to give it all away. lol You know me and my cliffhangers.

                                Sorry for any bad spelling and grammar.

