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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    So, where do you all find great JT stories that you really like, besides here and

    I've found a lot on LJ and a lot on the yahoo lists. Others I've stumbled upon in places like Wraithbait and Atlantica.

    Any you all want to recommend--now that there are award noms being taken?


      Originally posted by Camy
      Witchy...what's up with Teyla's eyes? is that for me? hehehehe
      It's angelic Teyla...there's a yellow halo above her head...can't see it against the white very well.......

      oh VB, did you make an angelic Teyla Card????.....

      Trippy...You don't use Jean Nate anymore? Shame on you! Maybe you're a Calgon girl....CALGON, TAKE ME AWAY!

      You and I both know there ain't going to be a second parter to that moment...but it would be soooooooo awesome!
      Oh we can always hope Camy, or leave it up to the fanfic writers...

      R.I.P Wraithlord

      Awesome sig by SciFan


        Originally posted by WitchBlade007
        Oh we can always hope Camy, or leave it up to the fanfic writers...
        I'm thrilled they even bothered to address her feelings at all. Now just for the sake of continuity, I'd like some more please.

        There've been some nice tie-ins to other stories lately, so I'm hopeful.
        Sig by Camy


          Originally posted by majortrip
          I'm thrilled they even bothered to address her feelings at all. Now just for the sake of continuity, I'd like some more please.

          There've been some nice tie-ins to other stories lately, so I'm hopeful.
          I know, she had been very vocal in 'Michael' about her feelings, that it's good they brought it up again and didn't let it just drop.

          I would think they would have another conversation, about that, since they did have her say something like
          'so that was their plan
          ...if i'm not mistaken?...

          It feels as though they need to have a closing to her feelings, since it started in 'Michael' and then they continued it in 'Allies', with her
          just saying 'They are wraith' and walking away

          R.I.P Wraithlord

          Awesome sig by SciFan


            Originally posted by Doxymom
            There's a prolific new JT writer on the lists and LJ. Her LJ has a lot of new stories. She writes both John/Teyla and Ronon/Novak. I believe all of her stories are NC-17 and they are not rated on the LJ, so be warned. And she's writing more really fast. Don't know if they're all on the LJ yet.


            Thanks for the link Doxymom, I'd seen her manips but not the fics...

            R.I.P Wraithlord

            Awesome sig by SciFan


              Originally posted by Doxymom
              So, where do you all find great JT stories that you really like, besides here and

              I've found a lot on LJ and a lot on the yahoo lists. Others I've stumbled upon in places like Wraithbait and Atlantica.

              Any you all want to recommend--now that there are award noms being taken?
              I find them here mostly and on'm just starting to find them in LJ and the Yahoo groups...

              I just signed up for the 5 stages of love thing...

              I would have to say sanssongs' 'Confession' off the top of my mind and VB's 'Michael' tag...

              For vids...I like Nicole's and Witchy's vids...and Spiritcoda's 'Hit you with the real thing'...I think that's it...I'm horrible with titles...


                Originally posted by Doxymom
                So, where do you all find great JT stories that you really like, besides here and

                I've found a lot on LJ and a lot on the yahoo lists. Others I've stumbled upon in places like Wraithbait and Atlantica.

                Any you all want to recommend--now that there are award noms being taken?
                I agree..there are quite a I love Allisnow and Seldear's Fic-Tennis match!!! Start at the February 24th, 2006 post by Seldear and read the listings... click on any of the listed fics and look at the Notes section...becasue they lead to other it's continuation fic but their taking turns like a tennis match...I think they have like about 12 chapters or somethign between them if not more...

                I love that.

                Then there's the new fic by Devine27Growth, the latest in her never ending series.

                There's also another great writer, Domenika Marizone (she seems a prolific TWIX- writer) The Pegasus Galaxy Presents: George Romero's Alice, she has tons and is a great writer...I think a lot of them are also Shep/Teyla.

                And then there's Sheppy, who I never knew was a TWIX fan Almost Healthy, he has another piece in the work which I think is also Shep/Teyla.

                As some of you know....Strawberry Cupcake is back and's her addition to an old fic..I think This is Paradise You Just Don't Realize It Yet B s : A A A

                So far that's all I got...oh and of course CR's new fic, which I love and adore!

                We're gonna need our own competition really!

                Oh and don't forget Sanssong, if some of you didn't know..she did post a while back, on her NC-17 piece and the chapter of her latest fic which can be found here, so there are two fics: Confessions and Ties That Bind

                Ugh....see Camy puts all this pressure on me and you know's not fair. I have a life to you know!

                Click statement above to read article.


                  Originally posted by vaberella
                  I got them yesterday, and coincidentally right after BP's post......wasn't that interesting?!

                  Here are my guys like?!

                  Very, very nice!

                  VB's got her shipper glasses...Whoohooo!!

                  Huge shout out to BP too...I have been trying since what seems like forever to get VB seeing through shippy glasses


                    Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                    It's angelic Teyla...there's a yellow halo above her head...can't see it against the white very well.......

                    oh VB, did you make an angelic Teyla Card????.....

                    Well you know when my fellow shippers ask...I like to provide for you Witchy...

                    Teyla Angel Card

                    I believe they love it....Teyla likes being barefoot!

                    Click statement above to read article.


                      Originally posted by vaberella
                      Well you know when my fellow shippers ask...I like to provide for you Witchy...

                      Teyla Angel Card

                      I believe they love it....Teyla likes being barefoot!

                      oh my!....I wuv it....Oh that is too great...Can i ask one more favor?...Could you possibly make a John with wings....wearing almost all white with a halo?.....pretty plz....

                      R.I.P Wraithlord

                      Awesome sig by SciFan


                        Originally posted by Doxymom
                        There's a prolific new JT writer on the lists and LJ. Her LJ has a lot of new stories. She writes both John/Teyla and Ronon/Novak. I believe all of her stories are NC-17 and they are not rated on the LJ, so be warned. And she's writing more really fast. Don't know if they're all on the LJ yet.



                        What in *insert diety*'s name?! Oh my cookies..has anyone read this? All I got to was naked and taking a free ride....

                        I suggest you all read!! Wahahahahahahah!! I'm lovin' it..gonna give obsidiangirl some of my love when I'm done reading! Woah....

                        Long live Sheyla, preferably TWIX!
                        Click statement above to read article.


                          Thanks for the recs. I like all of the authors you've mentioned. Plus, Celede has some good stories, and Nicole, and I really like Tielan's JT fic. She has an LJ and has some on Wraithbait, like this one:

                          Nicole did one of my favorites:

                          And she wrote this good one too:

                          RainDanielle did some NC-17:

                          Jamie did this one:

                          Those are just some of the stories I've read and remembered. Didn't know if you'd all read them or not.


                            Originally posted by vaberella
                            What in *insert diety*'s name?! Oh my cookies..has anyone read this? All I got to was naked and taking a free ride....

                            I suggest you all read!! Wahahahahahahah!! I'm lovin' it..gonna give obsidiangirl some of my love when I'm done reading! Woah....

                            Long live Sheyla, preferably TWIX!

                            Sid's posting fic fast and furious on the STFever yahoo list. Seriously. She said she had something like two stories nearly done and four more wips, or something. Lots and lots of fic and she writes really fast. I don't even know if it's all on the LJ yet.


                              Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                              oh my!....I wuv it....Oh that is too great...Can i ask one more favor?...Could you possibly make a John with wings....wearing almost all white with a halo?.....pretty plz....
                              Oh what I do for my peeps....of course you can and you shall have it!
                              John and Teyla Angels with Halos

                              Enjoy...together forever or eternity! Even in heaven John is a flirt! I think he's checking out Teyla's legs again...guess he likes gold! Hahhahaha!!
                              Last edited by vaberella; 14 March 2006, 02:32 PM.
                              Click statement above to read article.


                                Originally posted by Doxymom
                                Sid's posting fic fast and furious on the STFever yahoo list. Seriously. She said she had something like two stories nearly done and four more wips, or something. Lots and lots of fic and she writes really fast. I don't even know if it's all on the LJ yet.

                                Are you kidding me?! Oh my gosh..much love to ObsidianGirl she might just be LJ TWIX shipper of the month!! I'll let her know!

                                Click statement above to read article.

