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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
    Any takers on a fic for that?

    Do you mean you just cap your own?
    ...i will try...


      Hello all! I've been very very absent lately and I'm sorry! I skimmed the great discussion you all were having about Inferno. I thought it was a totally kick butt ep despite the minor kirking going on.
      And a new Ancient's war ship? How totally cool is that? Loved that John and Teyla were very concerned about each other- despite the fact that the silly writers completely forgot to show us that niether Carson, Rodney or John were worried about them! I mean we the audience knew- but they didn't After I got done being mad, I figured it was one of those things that got overlooked or was sacrificed for time. Anyway, it was a very stong ep- and it's nice that Atlantis finally came out of a First Conctact situation with some allies that are capable and willing to help them.

      In other news- I've got a new chapter of Ties That Bind up at the LJ and Gate of Dreams. Plus a new little PWP that's part of our current smut challenges on Sheppard/Teyla Fever. Here are the links for both!

      Here's Confession- the PWP

      And Ties That Bind- Chapter 4


        Hey guys! I really liked "Inferno", especially since I had a feeling that I wasn't going to be too thrilled with it -- the reported kirking and the recycled sci-fi storyline had me a bit nervous. Turned out to be pretty good though. Not overly shippy for anyone, but it was a good team ep
        and I liked that everyone got something to do including Zelenka and Beckett and Weir going offworld. LOVED the happy smiles that Ronon and Teyla shared when they heard that Sheppard was alive. Too cute. It's nice to see their reactions to each other, and that was just a lovely way to show their affection for one another.

        "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

        HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???



          ... John say her...
          ... hey Annie she's right you should go to bed cos you will fall asleep during the performance tomorrow...
          ...Annie...ok ok i'm off...


            'Night Annie!

            Actually, I just popped in to say hi before I go do some more work on my fic. I've got something sweet but sad in the works that I hope to finish tonight.

            Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


              Originally posted by sanssong
              Hello all!

              In other news- I've got a new chapter of Ties That Bind up at the LJ and Gate of Dreams. Plus a new little PWP that's part of our current smut challenges on Sheppard/Teyla Fever. Here are the links for both!

              Here's Confession- the PWP

              And Ties That Bind- Chapter 4
              Oooh just read them and loved them Sanssong..keep'm coming. Wow the sexual energy was far my fave though is where your going with TTB...that is one wicked Story and good John is seeing that his unsatiable appendage is a liability; he's gonna get a smack from Teyla and WEir for this maybe even new chappy..and I like this Baal guy..he's wicked.

              Click statement above to read article.


                Originally posted by sanssong
                Hello all! I've been very very absent lately and I'm sorry! I skimmed the great discussion you all were having about Inferno. I thought it was a totally kick butt ep despite the minor kirking going on.
                And a new Ancient's war ship? How totally cool is that? Loved that John and Teyla were very concerned about each other- despite the fact that the silly writers completely forgot to show us that niether Carson, Rodney or John were worried about them! I mean we the audience knew- but they didn't After I got done being mad, I figured it was one of those things that got overlooked or was sacrificed for time. Anyway, it was a very stong ep- and it's nice that Atlantis finally came out of a First Conctact situation with some allies that are capable and willing to help them.

                In other news- I've got a new chapter of Ties That Bind up at the LJ and Gate of Dreams. Plus a new little PWP that's part of our current smut challenges on Sheppard/Teyla Fever. Here are the links for both!

                Here's Confession- the PWP

                And Ties That Bind- Chapter 4

                I agree with you completly on 'Inferno'...
                After the Orion blasts its way into space and was safe I kept waiting for John, Rodney, Carson to start yelling we have to save Teyla and Ronon..they are still on the planet...scan the surface...and then Col. Caldwell would come on over the radio and say they were on board the Dadelous and when John hears Teyla's voice over his radio he was look so relieved and would smile....okaaayyy didn't happen, I got over it because I saw Teyla's expression at the end...overall I liked the episode, even Shep's kirking was too laughable to truly make me upset...poor Rodney, doesn't stand a chance against Shep in the woman department

                Ooooooo....two new stories...I am off to read...perfect timing sanssong...I was dying for some new fanfic!!!

                Hey...everyone who has posted a fic in the last week, can you help me out...I had to write my term papers last week so I didn't have time to read most of the posts here...and I know I missed some fanfic...can you give me a shout out if you posted a story and I'll go find it so I post a comment...



                  Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                  Hey...everyone who has posted a fic in the last week, can you help me out...I had to write my term papers last week so I didn't have time to read most of the posts here...and I know I missed some fanfic...can you give me a shout out if you posted a story and I'll go find it so I post a comment...

                  I posted one last week called "The Black Notebook III: Dramatis Personae." I also have a new one, as of about five minutes ago: Jasmine and Roses, my new "most blatantly shippy" fic. I mean, there is absolutely no two ways around this one. And as a disclaimer of sorts, the ending kind of wrote itself...

                  Just one warning: there is a reference to a character death.

                  Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                    Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                    I smell a fic, replace Ronon with Shep and right at the end, when Teyla and Ronon were saying the other was right we would've had...

                    :Teyla, something I've gotta tell you
                    : I must say something too.
                    Then as they're kissing they get beamed up onto the Daedalus... hmmm... Caldwell would have a fun time with that.

                    Caldwell: (Clears throat) Colonel, Ms. Emmagen?

                    PRETTY PLEASE..FOR CAMY....DO IT FOR CAMY!


                      Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard
                      I posted one last week called "The Black Notebook III: Dramatis Personae." I also have a new one, as of about five minutes ago: Jasmine and Roses, my new "most blatantly shippy" fic. I mean, there is absolutely no two ways around this one. And as a disclaimer of sorts, the ending kind of wrote itself...

                      Just one warning: there is a reference to a character death.
                      Thanks CK...I am so fanfic deprived lately...I need fanfic...okay...that's a little obsessive!

                      I can't wait to check these out but I first must go bake my dad some cookies for desert!


                        Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard
                        I posted one last week called "The Black Notebook III: Dramatis Personae." I also have a new one, as of about five minutes ago: Jasmine and Roses, my new "most blatantly shippy" fic. I mean, there is absolutely no two ways around this one. And as a disclaimer of sorts, the ending kind of wrote itself...

                        Just one warning: there is a reference to a character death.

                        Now that was a were walking in my head..shame on you. Ceekay I cannot tell you in how many ways I love this fic. I actually need to ask you a favor..I had a fic I was planning on writing and you pretty much developed the first chapter..or the interlude of it..and I need your okay for me to carry on my fic...if you have messenger pm me, so I can let you's pretty much a happy ending to your fic...

                        Again it was a beautiful J/T vignette and I recommend everyone read it. It may be sad but I hope to write a continuation with CS's allowance..again great writing and that was great you introduced Keats...please pm me with your messenger name if you have one. I need to go over a lot o details with you.

                        *Is it just me or do we not have a lot of lurker newbies?

                        Click statement above to read article.


                          Originally posted by CeeKay Sheppard
                          I posted one last week called "The Black Notebook III: Dramatis Personae." I also have a new one, as of about five minutes ago: Jasmine and Roses, my new "most blatantly shippy" fic. I mean, there is absolutely no two ways around this one. And as a disclaimer of sorts, the ending kind of wrote itself...

                          Just one warning: there is a reference to a character death.
                          I need a tissue...does anyone have a tissue?

                          That was an incredible read CK...the me near tears...truly!


                            Aw, thanks, both of you! I am thrilled beyond words that you liked it so much!

                            VB – I got the idea for the Keats poem from the sig you made for me. It was actually the idea that prompted the entire thing.

                            Member of W.A.S.P. ~ My Fan Fiction ~MySpace ~ Thanks to *E*K*R* for the sig!


                              I posted this on the Teyla WOW Thread but it really belongs here...

                              A J/T sig made with the drawing by Jen...


                                I come bearing gifts. Here is a new interview from Rachel. Page two is a must read. She comes out and says she hopes something will happen between Teyla and John! That it is something that is hinted at. Link below!


