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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post
    *dies of laugher-called waking the mother*
    Be happy I did not say "cleanup on Asiles #34 through 42!"otherwise we'd have been flooded with drool....

    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


      Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
      Be happy I did not say "cleanup on Asiles #34 through 42!"otherwise we'd have been flooded with drool....

      But still, that would be hot. Let's get Jason on CSI!!!!! (new york!!)
      Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
        Can Teyla beat Shep up whilst under the influence.... she leaves him dripping with blood and storms off..... Shep manages to sumon help before he passes out.... when he regains consiousness he tells Keller/Carson that it was Teyla who did this to him. They are stunned and call Woolsey who wants to send a team after Teyla..but John insists on going after her himself and staggers out of the infirmary against Carsons advise still bruised and battered to go look for think my Shep whump tendancies are taking over...
        How did I miss this Post!!!

        I love this idea Blue!!! Works alot better. Hee hee, plus the mega whumping. Keller would be one of the Amazon baddies, though and the others are working on getter the rest of the men isolated by shutting down various places in Atlantis. Maybe whoever Keller was suppose to get, find out before their plan is complete.

        Originally posted by Snowball View Post


        im thinking about it

        oh stop


        NP hun. I'll see what I can do later. It' just might be a bit blurry.

        Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
        *waves hi back*

        oh, genius! pure genius, the hair really IS life, and teyla WOULD whip him by the hair, so to speak, teehee

        Yes, I'm very sorry to hear the news....
        But yeah, on a lighter note, can't wait for vancouver. i might actually be bouncing off the walls by wednesday night, from both excitement, and from sleep deprivation. I'm a rower and we go on the water first thing monday morning.... so i have to be up by 4:30 monday - wednesday, and THEN vancouver..... so yeah, basically i'm gonna be running on adrenaline and coffee for three days straight!!! Should be fun for people to watch

        well, goodnight guys, sleep well. Sweet shippy dreams!
        Oh wow!! I guess that you would be flying on a caffine buzz.
        Well, at least you'll get to see Joe, Amanda, Paul,RP and etc. Sounds like it will be fun.

        Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
        True, however nobody said that their idea was same as mine, so I naturally thought to continue with it. Then Cazz mentioned that it was already done in TMC, that kinda broke me a bit ,then I figured why not try and restructure it and see what happens, so I did, and there you go.

        Like I said before, I don't dream this for no reason.
        Oh ok. Sorry for misunderstanding.

        Originally posted by planet_tv View Post
        Thanks to everyone who wished me Happy Birthday on Friday.

        About the Virtual season 6 I like the idea someone here gave about

        Torren getting sick because that would kind of fit with pitch/idea if it got used as say episode 16. That would be one factor that causes Teyla to be concerned about Torren and Major Lorne would know that Torren has been sick before by an alien type infection which would cause him to get Torren to safety in the puddle jumper once Kaanan is on his way to the infirmary.

        Now if someone came up with idea where something happens to Sheppard that causes Teyla to be concerned then it would also sort of fit with pitch/idea because that something could be near death experience where they almost lose Sheppard. Then his near death experience in my idea could cause Teyla to be even more concerned/worried and make her really realize her feelings for Sheppard.

        In my idea an ending scene could be Teyla trying to get Torren to sleep and nothing she does is working until she mentions to Torren her feelings for Sheppard which causes Torren to fall right to sleep.

        If there were a Virtual Season 7 then there be near death experience for Teyla at some point which cause Sheppard to make the first move.

        I'm not trying push my idea just make it work with some of the ideas that I have seen here that I liked so if got used as episode 16, which be late enough in the season as there is already an alien type infection episode planned, I think, then it would fit with some of the things that have happened if they got used and flow better with the season.

        Oh I love Angst.

        Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post
        Me like.

        Now I'm wondering if I'll get my AU murder investigation eppy..............
        Ronon in a labcoat and glasses *drool* Oops! Wrong thread!!

        Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post

        But still, that would be hot. Let's get Jason on CSI!!!!! (new york!!)
        I'm up for that.... and not as a baddy either.


          Originally posted by bluealien View Post
          Can Teyla beat Shep up whilst under the influence.... she leaves him dripping with blood and storms off..... Shep manages to sumon help before he passes out.... when he regains consiousness he tells Keller/Carson that it was Teyla who did this to him. They are stunned and call Woolsey who wants to send a team after Teyla..but John insists on going after her himself and staggers out of the infirmary against Carsons advise still bruised and battered to go look for think my Shep whump tendancies are taking over...
          you know I had a dream like that a few days ago!! No kidding. Well, evil!Teyla kinda lured him into a trap and beat the snot outta him, then had him tied up and threatened to hurt his friends in front of him.
          Would love to see that as a fic

          With Teyla being "not herself" of course We know she´d never hurt the guy on purpose.
          unlike some of us

          Happy belated bday, planet

          Check out this amazing vid by SGAFan on YouTube Joe IS Rockford!
          picfic craziness against boredom: Col.Sheppard & the nutty whumpers


            Originally posted by SheppAddictedFangirl View Post
            you know I had a dream like that a few days ago!! No kidding. Well, evil!Teyla kinda lured him into a trap and beat the snot outta him, then had him tied up and threatened to hurt his friends in front of him.
            Would love to see that as a fic

            With Teyla being "not herself" of course We know she´d never hurt the guy on purpose.
            unlike some of us

            Happy belated bday, planet
            Hey SAF!! How are you?

            I love that idea that Blue had too. We are pitching ideas for doing a Virtual Season 6. We have at least 4-5 solid ideas... if not more. ( I lost count )

            We're going to continue on from where SGA left off.



              Originally posted by scifan View Post
              Hey SAF!! How are you?

              I love that idea that Blue had too. We are pitching ideas for doing a Virtual Season 6. We have at least 4-5 solid ideas... if not more. ( I lost count )

              We're going to continue on from where SGA left off.

              We have the first 6 eps set out and then about 3-4 ideas for further eps

              What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!



                What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                  HAPPY BIRTHDAY DEZRAI

                  Hope you have a great day.....


                    Originally posted by Snowball View Post
                    Sure why not
                    Thanks hun.

                    Originally posted by scifan View Post

                    Hey Lauren. How are you doing? **HUGGLES**
                    Not so good, been ill with a constant tension headache, had to go to drs, had the whole week off work so not good.

                    How about you, better than me I hope? LOL
                    Banner By Orangelusik!


                      Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                      We have the first 6 eps set out and then about 3-4 ideas for further eps
                      Oh boy. We're on a roll.
                      Thanks Cazz.

                      Wow!! That's gorgeous Cazz.

                      Originally posted by Cherish4 View Post
                      Thanks hun.

                      Not so good, been ill with a constant tension headache, had to go to drs, had the whole week off work so not good.

                      How about you, better than me I hope? LOL
                      Oh NO!! Sorry to hear that hun. **HUGGLES**

                      Well, everyone has been sick here, but I haven't had it as bad as them. My oldest was all week from school too.

                      Make sure you drink plenty of water hun. Sometime just that can help.

                      Happy Birthday Dezrai!!!


                      Hope you don't mind that I made you a J/S sig.


                        Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post

                        i really love the texture you used on this for Dezrai
                        Originally posted by Cherish4 View Post
                        Thanks hun.

                        Not so good, been ill with a constant tension headache, had to go to drs, had the whole week off work so not good.

                        How about you, better than me I hope? LOL
                        oh Hun im sorry to hear that hope you feel well soon
                        Originally posted by scifan View Post
                        Oh boy. We're on a roll.
                        Thanks Cazz.

                        Wow!! That's gorgeous Cazz.

                        Oh NO!! Sorry to hear that hun. **HUGGLES**

                        Well, everyone has been sick here, but I haven't had it as bad as them. My oldest was all week from school too.

                        Make sure you drink plenty of water hun. Sometime just that can help.

                        Happy Birthday Dezrai!!!


                        Hope you don't mind that I made you a J/S sig.
                        awesome Hun im online now if you want to chat as Billie is asleep
                        Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                          Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                          i really love the texture you used on this for Dezrai

                          oh Hun im sorry to hear that hope you feel well soon

                          awesome Hun im online now if you want to chat as Billie is asleep
                          Thanks hun.


                            Originally posted by scifan View Post

                            I'm up for that.... and not as a baddy either.

                            I want my eppy!!
                            Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              Thanks hun.
                              Np hun
                              Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                                It's from the Outsiders. Here you go hun.


                                No wonder I didn't recognise it- I haven't seen that ep yet.

                                Love all the sigs posted!

                                So shall we do a bit of spinning for the earthquake episode

                                -Why have they gone to this planet?
                                -How did they get there? By Jumper or foot?
                                -What are they doing when the Earthquake hits?
                                -How advanced is the civilisation on the planet? (this could determine the type of buildings they have and the amount of damage caused)
                                For Q3 (what are they doing)- hmmmm, I wonder what our couple would be doing........ *whistles*

                                Ep 5 - (Shep and Teyla crash land on planet in Jumper) - to be written by Scifan
                                Ep 6 - (earthquake) - no writer decided yet
                                Ep 5- sounds like part of my idea for this other SG fic I'm writing......

                                Could I write the Earthquake one??????

                                Can Kanaan die from this disease?
                                Maybe Torren gets sick too and part of the reason that Teyla is edgy and snappy towards John. ???

                                Ok I have a weird idea, but not sure if it will fly and if not.... that's ok.

                                How about the team goes off world and goes to a market. An old woman comes up to Teyla with some necklaces... or bracelets. Each having a different color gem in it.

                                At first Teyla kindly says no, but the woman insists and puts it on her. Once on, Teyla is a bit different, but not too noticable for the team to notice. She give Teyla about 5 or so more cheaply for Teyla to give to other women that she knows.

                                Later, we find out that the gems were meant to imprison some bad "warrior" women... like Amazons. And the old woman made them into jewelry and did something so the woman wearing them would take over the body.

                                "Teyla chooses the other women. Dusty's team, Amelia and Keller. Dusty's team for combat skills. Amelia for communication and control room, Keller for medical and other supplies.

                                Now they all have them on, they want to take over Atlantis.
                                They find ways to isolate various members of Atlantis. Teyla could either suggest sparring or a dinner with John. She gets too flirty and he realizes something is not right. As they fight she insults him by saying she can't see why Teyla would have any feelings for him because he is too "week".
                                It takes all he's got to fight her off, but when he accidently takes the jewelry off, she comes back to normal.

                                Amelia asks Ronon to look at his gun and stuns him with it. She wants to keep him for future use.
                                Sounds great.


                                All Sigs Made By Me.

