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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Camy
    Guys, you have to go read this new interview with RL...
    ...thanx Camy..

    I do hope they aren't going to go for a Teyla/Ronon thing...It doesn't seem like she is too into this idea even though all of the interviewers constantly keep mentioning this to her....Now, I am worried...
    me too....oh man why everyone think they should get together only because they have a similar past...backround...

    And her response to the Teyla/John...


    But, I like that she is in favor of the relationship between John and Teyla...but I'm not certain that she is seeing what we are,I'm doubled worried....
    me's nice that she always talk about a relationship with John but... what worried me most...

    RL:" I don't think the writers are going to make anything more of it because we're two characters in the same show, so it might be a tricky road to go down. Know what I mean?"


    Oh, someone please tell me that I misintepreted her words in this interview...did you guys notice how she mentions Joe's family...I think she has heard about all the stupid comments of posters writing that her and Joe are into each other and this would worry me as welll if I was her and reading such atrocious things...Stupid people! This might be why she would not go all out into wanting John and Teyla..what do you guys think...?
    yeah some people can't see the difference between an actor and a character...poor Rachel...stupid people...
    OOOHH NOOOO...i hope they will making something with the J/T shipp. I don't say that it must happen in the next season...i can wait...i'm patient after 8 years SG1... *that was a heavy time*...ok maybe they can make it a bit faster with T/J but there must be something...forget the people...


      Originally posted by sanssong
      I read it, but didn't think they were talking about anything romantic. Ronon and Teyla have been put together on away missions a couple of times so I think the question is a natural one. She didn't seem to attach anything romantic to it. And didn't indicate the wrtiers did either.

      That was completely cool! Honestly I can't believe Rachel even said it. She has been totally tight lipped lately about *any* ship- so to me that's huge.

      Acutally I think she is seeing it mostly the same. She said the underlying attraction that she and John feel for each other determines the way they play their scenes together. Which is quite an admission. It means that when we notice them looking at each other at important moments, it's not our imagination, their mutual attraction is a very real thing. She claimed ignorance on the true direction the writers were going with the two of them- but eh- that's alright with me. I've heard them say they are going for it and Joe has said the same thing. Rachel is erring on the side of caution which is okay. I don't see this interview doing anything but reafirming the fact that John/Teyla is the canon ship for Atlantis. :-)

      Don't know if it kept her from gushing about J/T, (I suppose it's possible) but I do think her comment was addressed to the people who think that there is something going on between she and Joe. I suppose it's only natural for folks to speculate on what goes on behind the scenes- especially with two people who have the terrific on screen chemistry that Joe and Rachel do. I'm glad she reminded everyone that real life is quite different and Joe is happily married. I heard Rachel has a has a very hunky boyfriend that she met on the set.
      uff...someone who bring us hope...


        I know vids are supposed to wait till Wednesday, but I can't wait. This ones for you Annie, for letting me be Shep in the Pseudo RPG.

        Through the Fire
        Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


          Originally posted by Annie Sheppard
          RL:" I don't think the writers are going to make anything more of it because we're two characters in the same show, so it might be a tricky road to go down. Know what I mean?"
          Honestly, I see this as her saying what we already know. It *is* tricky to put major characters together and do it well without ruining the story or turning it into a soap opera. It also looks to me like the first part is her opinion/trepidation that Teyla would become nothing more than Sheppard's love interest.

          Does she know for sure what they are going to do? No, she said so herself when she commented that she doesn't get the scripts that far in advance. Personally, I think we will continue to get this slow progression towards J/T that- let's face it- might not even cluminate till the end of the series.

          I still stand by what the writers said in the very beginning with these two. They were intended to be the canon ship for the series and written that way on purpose to aviod another Sam/Jack situation. I've not heard the writers back off from that, so I'm going to say based on what I know that that is still the case.


            Originally posted by Camy
            DM...I guess only you, Annie and I will be doing the John and Teyla Valentine Week Tribute...everyone else here has ignored me! I guess they don't want to participate..

            But, I will be there on Sunday..just remember that I am a very busy mommy and most likely will be in sporiadically throughout the day..most likely in the morning on Sunday...then I have to take Mommy shopping...!
            So, I will post an invite...hey I've been playing with photo pro...and boy is that going to take me awhile to get used to..but I wanted to know when I am ready to post a sig, avatar, wallpaper, do I know what sizes I need and where can I go to convert the pics...I think the program has the conversion feature..what do I convert it to..jpeg..? but the sizes are what I am interested now..someone please PM me this info...
            Camy, you know I'll be there for your JT week and try to contribute. I think you'll do a great job with it!

            When I do icons they're 100X100 pixels. I do all art in jpg because it seems to work best online.


              Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
              I know vids are supposed to wait till Wednesday, but I can't wait. This ones for you Annie, for letting me be Shep in the Pseudo RPG.

              Through the Fire
              ooooooooooooooooooo for me...thats soo sweet Ritter...*squeeeeeeeeze*...
              ok I'm dowloading now....
              did I say befor a moment that I'm patient??...i think i change my mind...
              Last edited by Annie Sheppard; 10 February 2006, 01:41 PM.


                Originally posted by sanssong
                Honestly, I see this as her saying what we already know. It *is* tricky to put major characters together and do it well without ruining the story or turning it into a soap opera. It also looks to me like the first part is her opinion/trepidation that Teyla would become nothing more than Sheppard's love interest.

                Does she know for sure what they are going to do? No, she said so herself when she commented that she doesn't get the scripts that far in advance. Personally, I think we will continue to get this slow progression towards J/T that- let's face it- might not even cluminate till the end of the series.

                I still stand by what the writers said in the very beginning with these two. They were intended to be the canon ship for the series and written that way on purpose to aviod another Sam/Jack situation. I've not heard the writers back off from that, so I'm going to say based on what I know that that is still the case.

                It is very tricky to get two characters together, especially in a SciFi, without them over dominating the show. I think it's possible, but I respect the challenge they set forth. Teyla has to be her own character for this to work, not just Shep's girl.
                Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                  Originally posted by Camy
                  Guys, you have to go read this new interview with RL...

                  I do hope they aren't going to go for a Teyla/Ronon thing...It doesn't seem like she is too into this idea even though all of the interviewers constantly keep mentioning this to her....Now, I am worried...

                  And her response to the Teyla/John...


                  But, I like that she is in favor of the relationship between John and Teyla...but I'm not certain that she is seeing what we are,I'm doubled worried....

                  And last but not least...SHE LOVED THE CON IN BOSTON> SHe loved the people there...she remembers us...I can't believe she didn't mention me with my scrapbook...but the people that she mentioned are the ones whom she had breakfast with and that was extra...I wasn't going to do that! so, those people really got to speak with her a lot...but nevertheless...she loved us and the people there were very nice to her and wouldn't act like crazy fans running wild for her so she felt very comfortable and appreciative which is always good..who knows...maybe she will come back...that is great to hear.....

                  Oh, someone please tell me that I misintepreted her words in this interview...did you guys notice how she mentions Joe's family...I think she has heard about all the stupid comments of posters writing that her and Joe are into each other and this would worry me as welll if I was her and reading such atrocious things...Stupid people! This might be why she would not go all out into wanting John and Teyla..what do you guys think...?
                  Would have answered before my computer was being stupid lol but anyway ..
                  OMG!! I knew it was him when he kissed teyla in conversion! As for ronan and teyla I don't see anything romantis at all, but more of an understanding because they have been trying to survive the wraith their entire lives and thats something John wouldn't be able to understand. And I don't think they'll ever get together and ven if they do(hope not) it would never last, RL even said it herself, its a show, things change. So we most likely won't see John and teyla together until the end of the series(hopefully not too soon!)We survived Sam and jack for 8 yrs, unless your like me and still waiting. We'll make through John and Teyla += happy shipper


                    Originally posted by mishy91
                    And I don't think they'll ever get together and ven if they do(hope not) it would never last, RL even said it herself, its a show, things change.
                    Also, when asked about Ronon and Teyla ever getting together romanticly- Jason M. said- and I quote- "no". Can't get much more clear than that! lol!

                    It's pretty clear to me from what I've seen on the show so far that Ronon and Teyla are not attracted to each other at all.


                      Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                      I know vids are supposed to wait till Wednesday, but I can't wait. This ones for you Annie, for letting me be Shep in the Pseudo RPG.

                      Through the Fire
                      Nice Job Ritter! I liked it very much. I've always loved the shots of the city from Seige II & III! Great idea to use them. :-)


                        Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                        It is very tricky to get two characters together, especially in a SciFi, without them over dominating the show. I think it's possible, but I respect the challenge they set forth. Teyla has to be her own character for this to work, not just Shep's girl.
                        *nods*... I think if I were Rachel and this was my character, I'd be wary of the same thing happening. John Sheppard is the focus of the show- it would be very easy to become his shadow and nothing more.


                          Originally posted by sanssong
                          Also, when asked about Ronon and Teyla every getting together romanticly- Jason M. said- and I quote- "no". Can't get much more clear than that! lol!

                          It's pretty clear to me from what I've seen on the show so far that Ronon and Teyla are not attracted to each other at all.
                          I never knew Jason M. said that! That makes me feel better. sorry for my spelling errors, I was in a rush. I totally agree with you on ronan and teyla, I don't ever see it happening

                          Can't wait til the Long Goodbye!


                            Originally posted by sanssong
                            Also, when asked about Ronon and Teyla ever getting together romanticly- Jason M. said- and I quote- "no". Can't get much more clear than that! lol!

                            It's pretty clear to me from what I've seen on the show so far that Ronon and Teyla are not attracted to each other at all.
                            I never read that sanssong...he said 'no'...I never thought to hear anything so definite...

                            Well Joe F. said the same thing at a convention and Jason M. said it in an interview for Stargate Magazine so that must be where the writers are taking the relationship between Ronon and Teyla.

                            I personally like the relationship between Ronon and Teyla...they do have a bond...but any attempts at seeing them as anything more was pretty much squashed for me when I saw their interaction in 'The Lost Boys'...
                            Ronon stealing Teyla's lunch and him smirking saying 'whatcha gonna do about it'...reminds me too much of my own brother when he snags the last piece of pizza of my plate...I wanta pop him one...but since I have no wraith enzyme to blame I refrain myself from doing bodily harm to him


                              Well I'm off to watch "Full Circle", even though I've already missed like the first 10 minutes of it. I might come back to talk about the "Long Goodbye" afterwards. Anyways, cya.


                                Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                                I personally like the relationship between Ronon and Teyla...they do have a bond...but any attempts at seeing them as anything more was pretty much squashed for me when I saw their interaction in 'The Lost Boys'...
                                Ronon stealing Teyla's lunch and him smirking saying 'whatcha gonna do about it'...reminds me too much of my own brother when he snags the last piece of pizza of my plate...I wanta pop him one...but since I have no wraith enzyme to blame I refrain myself from doing bodily harm to him
                                Yep- It's coming from too many sources just to be someone's opinion on the subject. As for the brother/sister bond- oh yeah. That comes across loud and clear. For me it was the interaction in Duet
                                When he interfered in her negotiations and she completely dressed him down and told him to go back to the ship- ouch! I've spoken to my little brother like that, but never my husband. Then when he killed Kell and she had him at knife point and told him she's kill him if he ever abused her friendship again. Yep that pretty much squashed any idea that they might have romantic feelings for each other. lol!

                                Contrast that with how she lets John know that she's not happy with something he's done and it's completely different. She's very quiet and respectful - careful not to say so much that she damages their bond.

