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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
    hey Linda how ya doing have you Calmed down yet?
    A little I guess

    Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
    So I take it you were not so happy with last nights episode? Well, cheer up Linda, I'm sure one of the remaining eps will please you. Definitely! *hugs* Don't be sad now, go watch missing.
    AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....nononononononononoononononono...I can't watch Missing...I can't *hides form missing ep*


      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
      AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH....nononononononononoononononono...I can't watch Missing...I can't *hides form missing ep*
      LOL...something to do with a certain blonde doctor, perhaps?
      || twitter || tumblr ||


        Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
        LOL...something to do with a certain blonde doctor, perhaps?
        How did you know

        She ruins a great Teyla ep


          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
          How did you know

          She ruins a great Teyla ep
          Lucky guess?

          Yeah, I agree. Would have been better if it were Shep and Teyla...or Ronon and Teyla....or McKay and Teyla....or any random person other than Keller and Teyla...
          || twitter || tumblr ||


            Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
            Lucky guess?

            Yeah, I agree. Would have been better if it were Shep and Teyla...or Ronon and Teyla....or McKay and Teyla....or any random person other than Keller and Teyla...
            Well I heard that it was originally supposed to be Mckay and Teyla.....I think it would have been such a better ep if they kept it like this....Plus we would have finally got some decent Teyla/Rodney interaction....But nooooooooooooooooo little missy has to come in and take over as per usual

            You know i've never hated a character so much in all my life...And yes that includes Larrin believe it or not


              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
              Well I heard that it was originally supposed to be Mckay and Teyla.....I think it would have been such a better ep if they kept it like this....Plus we would have finally got some decent Teyla/Rodney interaction....But nooooooooooooooooo little missy has to come in and take over as per usual

              You know i've never hated a character so much in all my life...And yes that includes Larrin believe it or not
              Dang. That would have been so awesome as a Rodney/Teyla ep.

              Whoa! Although I Keller screen time does seem to take precedence over potential JT sceen time...which I'm not too happy about.
              || twitter || tumblr ||


                Originally posted by cc_mac View Post

                Kinda reminded me of that naked shoulder portrait that came out this year.
                What!!! What portrait!!!!??

                Originally posted by AlbinoMonkeyC View Post
                *will continue to torture outside of RD/JM thunk thread*

                Pepsi is ok....i guess.....

                yes, i know!!
                isa Lindsay/Danny shipper on CSI:NY, even thought I don't really watch the show....

                *no comment*

                *drags Snow out of the gutter*

                #1 What did he do? I must have missed that memo.
                #2 HE HE!!!!

                He was teasing Rachel when she was doing The Queen. He told her that her kid would be tramatized when she was wearing her makeup while she was feeding him. She would wear an avacado mask and be silly to get him use to her. I guess when he finally did see her in the Queen makeup, he laughed.

                Originally posted by LandJrule View Post
                Thanks. They help.

                It may be a while until I get it finished- I'm working atm on an assignment that's due Thursday week, & it's really hard!
                OT (my assignment)
                I have to come up with menus for a week for 4 age groups:
                - a 10 month old baby
                - Toddlers 18 months to 2 years.
                - Pre-schoolers aged 3-5 years.
                - & School aged children [I only need breakfast & afternoon snack for this age group].

                Menus include:
                Morning Tea
                Afternoon Tea.
                [it's those 4 meals since it's meant to be a Child Care Menu]

                Then of course my teacher thought it'd be fun to put restrictions onto the Pre-schoolers by having special needs for each of the week:
                -Monday: there's a child with Coeliacs Disease (meaning no wheat or gluten)
                -Tues: A child has Diabetes.
                - Wed: Menu needs to be mulitcultural [that's the hardest one]
                - Thurs:A child is lactose intolerant
                - Fri: A Child is a Vegan Vegetarian.

                Any tips from those lovely mothers out there would be helpful!!!!!
                Have fun.
                I can help with some stuff if you need it. PM me.
                I'm vegetarian, but I have friends and family that are allergic to gluten and or dairy. I'm more familar to doing no dairy though.

                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post

                Due to this crappy bronchitis, I've so got watch it again with closer scrunity.... especially certain scenes!! You see as now, I am requiring oxygen from not being able to SQUEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE! and breathe at the sametime! For fear of bursting a lung! OMG! OMG! OMG!OMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMGOMG!

                This is all I've got for y'all for now.... *runs to review ep with closer scrunity in glass in NEKKID SHEP'S CHEST! Yes! I believe Teyla's eyes did wander just the slightest bit! HELL!! Can blame you blame the girl! When a fine specimen is presented to you front and center: I DARE YA NOT TO SNEAK A PEEKSIE!!


                *chokes and squeaks ending with fits of couging and weezing and gasping for breath!*
                Oh Elf!!! I'm sorry that you're still sick.
                I knew though you'd be SQUEEEing during that scene.

                Originally posted by TeylaJohn4ever View Post
                New John/Teyla banners...used pics from Infection, Inquisition, and The Lost Tribe. Hope you enjoy

                Nice job TJ

                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                Love it... one of my favorite scenes between them..him worrying about her and then going straight for her when he finds her and pulls her into his arms.. just LOVE IT

                Sig making like a therapy.. hrmm alright if you say so *lol* good to know that you don't mind doing these then and several of them

                Hahah..maybe not freak...but gush over it... gosh do I love that ship..

                OKay...good to know..I'm not gonna be home for most of the day but I'll send pics over later if needed.. :

                Well I still don't like it.. I don't want to do this kind all the time..just stick pic after pic ,,that's just boring.. I think I would need a guide to how to do stuff...
                Oh good. I'm so glad. I have an idea for one more, but I doubt it would be tonight.

                Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                Hey guys! I haven't had time to catch up with everyone's comments, but I just wanted to pop in and say; wow, you guys must have hated The Lost Tribe...


                And yeah, so did I - kind of. I thought it was still a good episode, but even I (the eternal optimist) was annoyed that Teyla was left behind... though it did make sense as to why John left her in charge. The aftermath of the explosion was very sweet - Teyla's concern and John calling out to her, and WOO shirtless John!!! The Larrin stuff was pretty annoying to watch... he sounds like a 15-year-old schoolboy with a crush lol! But whatever - at least she wasn't in the episode! I liked the engineer girl... I wonder if Jewel gave her any tips on how to pull off the cute engineer thing...

                Little non-JT moments that I loved:

                - John shielding Radek from the explosion - awwww!
                - The bet about the Daedalus
                - Ronon hanging upside down to shoot the wraith... only Ronon!
                - The whole Asgard conversation
                - The space fights - wow!!
                - McKay begging for his life to a suit
                - Daniel's 'explosions are terrible diversions' speech... he would be SUCH a great Bond villain...
                - The final Ronon/Jen scene... as a pro Ronon/Jen shipper who turned into a Rodney/Jen shipper who turned into a Jen/I-can't-decide-which shipper, I'm glad that the writers have decided for sure... though my heart is broken for Ronon. Poor guy, he looked so crushed!

                Anyway, sorry (again) for my absence of late... Freshers' week = very busy! I should be around more after the weekend. Btw I've bought my ticket for Bedford, so I get to meet Joe, Jason (again) and Alexis Cruz (again) in Feb, as well as many of you lovely people! Woot!!

                Gotta run - housewarming tomorrow and I have to bake lots of cakes lol! JT love!
                Great summary Ruby.

                Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                The Lost Tribe
                LOL I just read over some of the comments on this page, and I guess you guys didn't hate the ep... I obviously misjudged the sheer, raw power of a wounded, half-naked John Sheppard.

                Really going now!
                LOL!!!!! I guess so.

                Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                NP hun.


                  Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                  How did you know

                  She ruins a great Teyla ep
                  Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                  Lucky guess?

                  Yeah, I agree. Would have been better if it were Shep and Teyla...or Ronon and Teyla....or McKay and Teyla....or any random person other than Keller and Teyla...
                  Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                  Well I heard that it was originally supposed to be Mckay and Teyla.....I think it would have been such a better ep if they kept it like this....Plus we would have finally got some decent Teyla/Rodney interaction....But nooooooooooooooooo little missy has to come in and take over as per usual

                  You know i've never hated a character so much in all my life...And yes that includes Larrin believe it or not
                  You guys just confirmed for me that stupid Larrin is mentioned in the ep Stupid Shep, leaves Teyla behind, and asks for Larrin. As much as i love the man, i just feel like strangling him sometimes *goes of to strangle Sheppard while the whumpers cheer on*

                  I hear ya Linda, i dont like watching it much anymore because of Keller. I just go and watch her badass fight scene. But the thing that kills me the most about that ep is the fact that Jewel Staite got the Gemini nomination for the ep. Don't get me wrong I love Jewel, as a person she's just awesome and i especially love when she said that she wanted to be Teyla for a day cause she's hot I can't help feeling that it must suck for Rachel cause it was her ep and it was some pretty damn good acting of her part and not to get any recognition for it is pretty tough.

                  But, hey, life's supposed to be unfair isn't it
                  sig by Cazzblade


                    Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                    Wrote a TLT. And, it has Teyla in it!

                    Friendly Warning
                    This was wonderful!

                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    What!!! What portrait!!!!??

                    That group of pics that a photographer did of male celebrities. It was photos of their face and naked shoulders. JF was one of them.
                    I didn't save it. But someone in the whumper thread had it as their avi.


                      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                      Well this ep started of so great...With Teyla shouting for John, how she was so worried...And the scene in the infirmary and then.....My fears were confirmed, she gets left on Atlantis while the others go save the galaxy I swear I don't even know why they keep her there any more...Well at least TPTB have found a way to not write for Teyla, just keep her on Atlantis

                      I don't know why I even bother any more, I so wish they would just write her out of the show and be done with it because it's very clear they don't want her there, they don't want to write for her...So please put me out of my misery and do it already

                      I've had enough....I'm sick of Teyla being almost constantly ignored time and time again.......

                      I'M DONE
                      ((HUGS)) Linda.
                      Don't Leave me!!!

                      Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                      Those are Beautiful Hun although i never Csi of any Kind
                      Thanks hun

                      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                      Sorry sci..After the new SGA ep I have lost all my motivation for anything and I don't know if i'll ever get it back

                      Well I wouldn't mind an Enrique Iglesias sig....I've got some caps on my PBif you need them...Only if you can though!

                      I wish Teyla would go with Kanna and rejoin her people and leave Atlantis

                      Oh you have no idea

                      NO NO AND NO

                      Take cover!
                      Send it over hun. Anything to make you feel better.

                      Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                      I've recovered just about enough to post a coherant response to TLT
                      First off, I loved the ep but it didn’t quite live up to my expectations

                      Fab things:
                      1. Teyla searching for John
                      2. John protecting Zelenka!
                      3. Glass in back *cough*should have been worse though*cough*
                      4. Shirtless shep! Literally left me gobsmacked for the rest of the ep
                      5. Todd and Woolsey
                      6. Daniel's chat with the Asgard
                      7. Daniel and Rodney finding the suits
                      8. Ronon swinging upside down
                      9. Shep coming up with hyperdrive solution
                      10. Keller finally making a decision and not stringing people along

                      Un-fab things:
                      1. Leaving Teyla behind again
                      2. Not enough Teyla
                      3. Waaay too much Keller
                      4. Keller's hair suddenly being straight (I have no idea what happened in that scene or the one after when it was curley again cos all I was thinking about was whats going on with her hair *cough*and shirtless Shep *cough*
                      5. Where the hell was Caldwell
                      6. Larrin I haven't minded her in the past but Shep was just a schoolboy over her here
                      7. Keller's decision (unless it turns out to be Todd she's interested in)

                      Great sum up

                      Originally posted by TeylaJohn4ever View Post
                      I completely agree...Season 4 focused on Teyla Here's a lovely pic of JT in The Lost Tribe

                      Thanks for the link.

                      Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                      *NEW*05x12 Outsiders

                      Watch a preview on the new episode called Outsiders airing October 17.
                      MGM Promo
                      Not up yet
                      SciFi promo

                      All time Favorite Stargate Character John Sheppard is up for his round
                      Qualify rounds are over and the real tournament has started..8 pairs up so far against eachother, vote once of each pairing on one day, and the one at the end with most votes will go forward to the next round. Seems that there will be new pairs to be voted on each day so remember to check it out.
                      Vote once a day!!
                      Thanks Nina.


                        Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
                        This was wonderful!

                        That group of pics that a photographer did of male celebrities. It was photos of their face and naked shoulders. JF was one of them.
                        I didn't save it. But someone in the whumper thread had it as their avi.
                        Oh thanks and I MISSED IT! :eeK:

                        Off for awhile. Going out to eat. Catch ya later.

                        Jess: I'll read fic later.


                          Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                          Dang. That would have been so awesome as a Rodney/Teyla ep.

                          Whoa! Although I Keller screen time does seem to take precedence over potential JT sceen time...which I'm not too happy about.
                          Keller screentime takes precedence over everything and everyone else

                          Originally posted by Snowball View Post
                          You guys just confirmed for me that stupid Larrin is mentioned in the ep Stupid Shep, leaves Teyla behind, and asks for Larrin. As much as i love the man, i just feel like strangling him sometimes *goes of to strangle Sheppard while the whumpers cheer on*

                          I hear ya Linda, i dont like watching it much anymore because of Keller. I just go and watch her badass fight scene. But the thing that kills me the most about that ep is the fact that Jewel Staite got the Gemini nomination for the ep. Don't get me wrong I love Jewel, as a person she's just awesome and i especially love when she said that she wanted to be Teyla for a day cause she's hot I can't help feeling that it must suck for Rachel cause it was her ep and it was some pretty damn good acting of her part and not to get any recognition for it is pretty tough.

                          But, hey, life's supposed to be unfair isn't it
                          What the hell was that...Him asking about Larrin like that...I really don't get it.....So he just dumps Teyla to babysit so he can go galavanting with the travellers again

                          Yeah and she wasn't even a regular then...She was freakin recurring and she gets all the freakin glory while Rachel gets F all....The way Rachel's being treated is nothing short of atrocious and I'm glad SGA got cancelled...

                          Maybe Rachel will be able to get work somewhere else where she's finally appreciated for all the hard work she's done and not be treated like ****e!


                            Originally posted by scifan View Post
                            ((HUGS)) Linda.
                            Don't Leave me!!!

                            Send it over hun. Anything to make you feel better.
                            Don't worry sci..I could never leave you guys but I really don't know if i can watch any more eps of SGA this season

                            Ok sci...Enrique pics...I'll let you choose what pics to use cause I can't decide Oh and you're the bestest

                            Oh and siggie time




                              Author's Links

                              Anlaria Onyx aka Agrabah's Princess

                              Camy aka Cielito



                              Doxymom's page

                              Second site

                              Hope24 aka Fox66








                              Ruby Caspar

                              Ryan C. Charles




                              Seldear aka Tielan

                              SheylaFreak aka Camerine

                              Teal'c206 aka Jack O'Neal2006

                              Teyilia aka Autumnstarr



                              Winged Pegasus


                              Find More JT Fanfics On These Sites:


                              JT Convergence

                              Unique Bond

                              Fanfic Central (Teal'c is looking for Aurthors to help a new site and post fics.)

                              Author's Fanfics Daily/Weekly Post Links

                              Roun Robin Fics (Jan-May)

                              Round Robin June: Parts 1-10, part 11, part 12

                              JT Fire Prompt fics:
                              MrsB's Burn
                              YappiChick's Burned

                              Spectrum JT Rarepairing fic

                              Kissing is Better

                              Surrender Sequel
                              Trust (repost)

                              No Easy Decisions

                              A Promise

                              The Cupboard of Love
                              Covered In Mud

                              A Stargate Halloween(Reprised)

                              Side by Side, The Both Get Bright

                              The Astonishing Persistence Of Memory

                              Silly Sally:
                              In Atlantis

                              Snowball: Silly Drabble (Mature Readers Only)
                              Another Silly Drabble(Mature Readers)

                              Stargate Atlantis: An Old Enemy Returns, Part 1

                              He Is Mine


                              Hot Stuff
                              Friendly Warning

                              Fanfic Chapter Updates

                              The Bones in the City Chapter 5

                              Anlaria Onyx aka Agrabah's Princess:
                              Ancient Baby Maker Chapter 20

                              The Naked Truth Chapter 6 (Mature Readers Only Cold Shower Alert )

                              Carter O'Neill aka Sillyscipia:
                              Paintball War Chapter 4

                              Primary Target Chapter 4

                              The Journal Chapter 5

                              Tainted Survival Part 9


                              Dark Planet Chapter 8

                              Padme:Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed and Something Blue Chapter 2

                              Planet tv:
                              Teyla Snatchers(updated 8.19.08)

                              Aftermath: Part 1, Part 2, Part 3, Part 4

                              You're Just What I Need Chapter 3

                              SGA- A Rip In Time Chapter 3
                              Mature Readers Only

                              Another World Chapter2

                              Thayne M:
                              The Journal Chapter 8(Not to be confused with Devine's story with same title.)
                              Stupid Cupid and Other Rhyming Words

                              Chapter 6

                              A Walk in the Woods Eplilogue

                              YappiChick: Out of the Loop Chapter 2
                              Perceptions Chapter 2

                              Non-JT stories and sites:

                              Cabouse Fics:
                              Find SGA and SG-1 fics @ Heliopolis
                              I didn't see any JT, but it might have other good stories.


                              I'm In The Way

                              Are We There Yet

                              Severed Ties

                              Doctor Who- The Discovery

                              SGA Lightsaber Story

                              Beauty Secrets

                              Shep Whump Round Robin

                              September Birthdays

                              To All Bdays:
                              From Camy: Without A Queen

                              October Birthdays

                              LandJrule's Gift:
                              From YappiChick: Movie Night

                              To all bdays:
                              From Scifan: Not Just an Ordinary Birthday Part 1, Part 2

                              Fic Rec

                              From Elflinn: Author-Pdljmpr6 The Lost Children of Atlantis
                              Author- Casus17 Cross Jurisdiction

                              From Linda: Autheor Wedjatqi In The Light of Day

                              Gator's WIPS
                              Some are Non- JT:

                              Chances Missed, Part 2
                              Fulled Beds
                              MrsB's Bday fic: last year's
                              The Adventures of Emo Haired Boy and Serenely Kick Ass Girl

                              If I missed anyone Please PM me.


                                Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                                Keller screentime takes precedence over everything and everyone else

                                What the hell was that...Him asking about Larrin like that...I really don't get it.....So he just dumps Teyla to babysit so he can go galavanting with the travellers again

                                Yeah and she wasn't even a regular then...She was freakin recurring and she gets all the freakin glory while Rachel gets F all....The way Rachel's being treated is nothing short of atrocious and I'm glad SGA got cancelled...

                                Maybe Rachel will be able to get work somewhere else where she's finally appreciated for all the hard work she's done and not be treated like ****e!
                                Maybe she can go work for:
                                NCIS, as Ziva's long time friend. *slumps back into keller hating/no teyla/no jt/traveller mentions/stupid shep asking for Larrin depression.
                                sig by Cazzblade

