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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    For V-Day....

    Why does Teyla not give the greatest gift of all guys?! Herself?! I mean what more is there to give...and make something like she's only heard of such acts by some of the other's in the crew that have paired off..and for him..she gives herself as his gift...I mean how much more romantic can you get with that...

    Well my names means in real life 'God's Gift' iin russian and I always told my mum and dad for their birthday they got me...I was the greatest of God's gift they could get.....I was cheap, but it works well in romance.

    VB ^_^
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      Originally posted by Kip_Cathey_Furlings_are_Cats
      Ooo! A kid with both the ability to link to the Wraith, like Teyla does, AND the ability to control the Ancient PJ's and other tech! That would be too much fun.

      You know... the Wraith would want this child very badly. I mean, the kid would need guards, probably need to be hidden...

      That's my whole point..what's the extent and how to quote John.... is it like 'It's like a puberty thing, necking, zits...' So does the child develop these things after a certain age...and really will the child even have them...And it wont' be the Wraith alone....remember Teyla can sense more than just Wraith's..and with practice we have no idea what..what if her kid could do that? I mean, that's also an if..what about if it skips gens..does it even?

      Actually I'm excited by this!! VB
      Click statement above to read article.


        Originally posted by WitchBlade007
        Wow! Pink Siggies!!!......I love the little hearts...very cute.

        Interesting. What would Teyla get John for Valentine...a bday gift was so much easier to pick. But a valentine gift, a type of sweet is interesting, I can just picture Teyla maybe feeding him?....
        i think he should get her oneself ...*did I write it right?*


          Originally posted by AthosianGirl
          Thanks for the imput!


          Your ideas are the best...I wrote 'Second's times the charm' because of your other fic challenge and now someone wants to translate it to post on a french fanfic forum...

          And see...doxymom...I got a brandnew pink siggy also!

          This is why forums can be so cool! So many ideas are floating around with all us shippers that is just sparks the creativity!

          I'm glad you decided to come post here with the rest of us!
          Thank you! Glad I could give you some ideas. I love fic and have waaay too many ideas to write myself.

          They want to translate your story? Great! That's a huge compliment.

          Thank you for the kind words--just when I was thinking all the negative vibes might make me take a break. Life is negative enough without my *fun* being that way too. Thanks for the reminder of what the thread is supposed to be about (you to all you other nice people, thanks!)

          I like your siggy. It's really nice and the pink fits it.


            Originally posted by Kip_Cathey_Furlings_are_Cats
            Ooo! A kid with both the ability to link to the Wraith, like Teyla does, AND the ability to control the Ancient PJ's and other tech! That would be too much fun.

            You know... the Wraith would want this child very badly. I mean, the kid would need guards, probably need to be hidden...


              Originally posted by vaberella
              Guys I need some input on waht you guys would think is up with Shep/Teyla predominantly when we're looking at their children....I need some innovative thoughts..and ideas!! especially let's say if Carson creates any new gene therapy things...I need some ideas so I can start attackign my fic on this idea...
              Your asking our opinion...need I remind you of your awesome previous fics...They were unbelievable....

              But anyways...the first thing I think about in regards to any children of John and Teyla would be the wraith DNA and the Ancient Gene...I believe you pointed out that we don't know much about the gene itself except it allows you to turn the light on...okay it allows you to work the Ancients systems but do we know how? Rodney said it was just a randon characteristic in 'The Rising' that wasn't an advancement...(or something along those lines, feel free to correct me)

              Teyla's wraith DNA is a little bit more easier to understand...wraith have a telepathic Teyla inheirted that...

              I think what we established before in this thread was that Teyla can't connect to anyone, maybe sense their emotions, but not really read their thougths, we know from 'The gift' that the wraith can also not read human's thought though Teyla is the exception because of her genetic connection to them.

              Is there a point to all this...not sure...just typing out my muddled thoughts but in the end I'll just say I'm curious as to what effect mixing the wraith DNA and the Ancient gene would have...none? Disatorous?


                Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                Wow! Pink Siggies!!!......I love the little hearts...very cute.

                Interesting. What would Teyla get John for Valentine...a bday gift was so much easier to pick. But a valentine gift, a type of sweet is interesting, I can just picture Teyla maybe feeding him?....

                Witchy if there's food..why not the other way round..hmmmm? Teyla wouldnt' know about Valentine's day..what if he goes and learns a few Athosian easy meals and then feeds her..and goes to her rooom...I think her room is so has all these shalls and very homey affect..maybe on some animal fur rug...and they sit indian style with some candles and body oil....

                Okay no body oil...but you get my drift and then they talk and he feeds her some fruit..or something...or they share a turkey's not about the food but the thought and what's shared....Oh you guys are turning me into a romantic flake!!!

                Click statement above to read article.


                  Originally posted by vaberella
                  Witchy if there's food..why not the other way round..hmmmm? Teyla wouldnt' know about Valentine's day..what if he goes and learns a few Athosian easy meals and then feeds her..and goes to her rooom...I think her room is so has all these shalls and very homey affect..maybe on some animal fur rug...and they sit indian style with some candles and body oil....

                  Okay no body oil...but you get my drift and then they talk and he feeds her some fruit..or something...or they share a turkey's not about the food but the thought and what's shared....Oh you guys are turning me into a romantic flake!!!

                  But VB...being a romantic flake is all part of the fun!

                  V-Day with John and Teyla...candles....stawberries and is in the air!

                  Thanks for the compliments on the siggy...For Valentine's Day I just had to go pink!

                  Ah don't go away doxymom...I'm here! *pouts if you go away*

                  Hey witchy!

                  And Camy...the sock puppets weren't mine...but for V-Day I'll make stuffed Teddy wearing Teyla's sparring outfit and the other John's signature black attire and they'll have magnetic noses to kiss...just for you!


                    Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                    Your asking our opinion...need I remind you of your awesome previous fics...They were unbelievable....

                    But anyways...the first thing I think about in regards to any children of John and Teyla would be the wraith DNA and the Ancient Gene...I believe you pointed out that we don't know much about the gene itself except it allows you to turn the light on...okay it allows you to work the Ancients systems but do we know how? Rodney said it was just a randon characteristic in 'The Rising' that wasn't an advancement...(or something along those lines, feel free to correct me)

                    Teyla's wraith DNA is a little bit more easier to understand...wraith have a telepathic Teyla inheirted that...

                    I think what we established before in this thread was that Teyla can't connect to anyone, maybe sense their emotions, but not really read their thougths, we know from 'The gift' that the wraith can also not read human's thought though Teyla is the exception because of her genetic connection to them.

                    Is there a point to all this...not sure...just typing out my muddled thoughts but in the end I'll just say I'm curious as to what effect mixing the wraith DNA and the Ancient gene would have...none? Disatorous?

                    Yeah you kind of stumbled and went off on a tangent..I love the tangent...though!!!

                    okay thanks for the complement AG...your in the same boat of excellence yourself...

                    Now I'm asking because I have to say you guys really help me reevaulate things I originally thought...I don't even want to go into how many statements Doxymom, Sanssong, and Camy as well as yourself and Witchy have brought to my then I have to sit there and thing...same goes for everyone in this thread..too many to name but you all know who you are...

                    I don't think they'll know how to fly but I think they'd have some serious strength..there was a scene in 'Rising' when John and Teyla are running through the woods..Teyla jumps like about 3 feet..poor John is running and puppy in heat....okay you guys get my drift...

                    So we know some serious strenght, jumping and runnign abilities. I was wondering if Teyla may have those catwoman balance abilities..I have a fic I'm going to write where she's walking one of the banisters high up..without aid....I had a friend who did that...she was a gymnast. So if gymnast normal humans have that..maybe Teyla nd I was wonderign would that pass on..

                    And another reason I ask is because I'd like to you see what you guys think are the extent of the ATA gene and maybe a little more on the Wraith DNA...and I think Teyla is tapping into more than she thought she may have....also if you tap into this DNA---can it evovle? I ask this because I know the body changes every 7 years....and it reproduces and evovles pretty much from the brain cells the body cells.....what would happen if you tap into more of the Wraith gene than you thought you had....could it evolve and get bigger...Again we're unsure of the extent of the power of the Iratus or Aretus you know specs again!!

                    And I definitely need more about the ATA..but somethign original...his Midas of Electricity is no longer impressive!
                    Click statement above to read article.


                      Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                      Um...I LOVE YOU WHISTLER!!! People, she knows what she's talking about, and if you don't want to listen to me, please, please, please (times infinity) lend her an ear. This is so tiresome and so old and so not worth it. I am good friends with a lot of you on both "sides" of this thing, and I hate having to ally myself with only one perspective. This doesn't need to happen and we shouldn't let this drag us down. Please, all of you, read that last post again. It should be our bible.

                      And Whistler, you already know that you are at the top of my list. Thanks, hugs, and pudding-skin-singles to you. You put into words what I couldn't.
                      WHAT...SP..WHISTLER IS AT THE TOP OF YOUR LIST? but, but, but,...okay...she's at the top of my list too...Right there next to John and Teyla...hehehehe..sorry Whistler..*smooch* you know I love you, though....

                      Okay..back to the Companion Book..RITTER..keep up with this will ya? Not only do I have to type it but now I have to link it to you...pleaze!

                      CHILDHOOD'S END...

                      Martin Gero's first Atlantis script..
                      Apparantly the producers were looking for freelancers and Martin wrote this one since he only had the pilot script Rising to go by but he was an avid fan of science fiction and, he wrote Childhood's End about the children doing this ritual ceremony to preserve themselves from the seems that they wanted something darker for Atlantis and so his script was a hit and he was hired..

                      David Hewlett calls this the "bratlet" episode..he says it was a tough one to shoot because they were out on the field and there were kids hanging from every tree top...and he says the other thing was that he didn't want it to be labeled the planet of the "ewok" people...and he called the kids fantastic....David states..."McKay doesn't seem like the sort of person who would like children....he would like a girlfriend...but it's all science for him....If Zelenka was a woman, maybe that would work out..."
                      For Sheppard it was an episode to reveal his softer side...he cares about people...JF addressed the issue of this episode not working because there is not threat and Brad Wright came out and said..Yes, it is a threat that children are sacrificing their lives and John cares about this..(remember..I am paraphrasing this...)

                      Torri felt that Weir should have said more about the whole idea of taking the children's only source of protection and she "felt there was a bit of inconsistency there"...
                      We got to see a side of Weir where she had to make some decision under pressure and for Torri it was painful to see her character changes..."She's definetly a different person...I think she was probably a very irritating person in her twenties...because she lived very much by her political ideals...and the idea that compromise was something that was comparable to weakness as far as your moral thoughts go...It is forcing her to make huge compromises that I think will cost her...
                      Martin Gero rated it as his least favorite episode...he said it was very dark, it went into 9 minutes over time which meant they kill the humourous scenes and there were longer scenes that he wouldn't have had in it now...but he claims he has learned from this mistake and has never made the same mistake again...

                      In this episode I like how John and Teyla stay together and how they watch out for each other..When John was taken by the children after he shoots the wraith signaling device..I love how he yelled to Teyla..and you can see Teyla is worried about him and how they both looked at each other..I thought at one point he even gave her this sorry loook....
                      And towards the last scene...I love how they are so close to each other and again their eyes meet so many it...overall a team episode..
                      this was the one where I really didn't like how Mckay spoke to Teyla when they discovered what the kids were doing to keep themselves protected from the Wraith...

                      Okay a gizzillllion more to go..


                        Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                        But VB...being a romantic flake is all part of the fun!

                        V-Day with John and Teyla...candles....stawberries and is in the air!

                        Too true...I am a romantic at heart! Where is JOhn going to get strawberries and whip cream..and I think she'll wonder what he wishes to do with it....since I don't think they ahve the luxury to play with food in the Athosian village...hahahha!!! And how is he gonna explain that when they send for supplies back to earth!
                        Click statement above to read article.


                          Originally posted by Camy
                          WHAT...SP..WHISTLER IS AT THE TOP OF YOUR LIST? but, but, but,...okay...she's at the top of my list too...Right there next to John and Teyla...hehehehe..sorry Whistler..*smooch* you know I love you, though....

                          Okay, thanks for the warm wishes, and the bizzillion PM's I got (from both sides) saying they agreed. See? On the most part, we can usually be rational!

                          Anyway, back to ship. Rationality optional.

                          Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                          I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                          Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                            Originally posted by vaberella
                            Yeah you kind of stumbled and went off on a tangent..I love the tangent...though!!!
                            I do tend to do that

                            Now I'm asking because I have to say you guys really help me reevaulate things I originally thought...I don't even want to go into how many statements Doxymom, Sanssong, and Camy as well as yourself and Witchy have brought to my then I have to sit there and thing...same goes for everyone in this thread..too many to name but you all know who you are...
                            The very purpose of a forum!

                            I don't think they'll know how to fly but I think they'd have some serious strength..there was a scene in 'Rising' when John and Teyla are running through the woods..Teyla jumps like about 3 feet..poor John is running and puppy in heat....okay you guys get my drift...

                            So we know some serious strenght, jumping and runnign abilities. I was wondering if Teyla may have those catwoman balance abilities..I have a fic I'm going to write where she's walking one of the banisters high up..without aid....I had a friend who did that...she was a gymnast. So if gymnast normal humans have that..maybe Teyla nd I was wonderign would that pass on..
                            Okay this reminds me in the 'Rising' novel there was always references to Teyla being in great pysical conditon...I mean Ford and Shep are huffing and puffing after running from the wraith and then Teyla looks as she had just walked through the park...definitly a possibility to your statement.

                            And another reason I ask is because I'd like to you see what you guys think are the extent of the ATA gene and maybe a little more on the Wraith DNA...and I think Teyla is tapping into more than she thought she may have....also if you tap into this DNA---can it evovle? I ask this because I know the body changes every 7 years....and it reproduces and evovles pretty much from the brain cells the body cells.....what would happen if you tap into more of the Wraith gene than you thought you had....could it evolve and get bigger...Again we're unsure of the extent of the power of the Iratus or Aretus you know specs again!!

                            And I definitely need more about the ATA..but somethign original...his Midas of Electricity is no longer impressive!

                            I'm going off on another tangent so here we go...Wraith DNA and Ancient gene...anyone see any parrallels...Shep can activate Ancient tech with his mind, wraith can access wraith Tech with their minds...connection anyone?


                              Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                              But VB...being a romantic flake is all part of the fun!

                              V-Day with John and Teyla...candles....stawberries and is in the air!
                              oh yeah...

                              And Camy...the sock puppets weren't mine...but for V-Day I'll make stuffed Teddy wearing Teyla's sparring outfit and the other John's signature black attire and they'll have magnetic noses to kiss...just for you!
                              I want too...


                                Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                                Which idea, I can't keep track of them anymore. I'm currently doing the procreation rationale one.

                                Nope, pretty sure my math is flawless, for a shipper anyway.
                                Melpomene double-posted. And I was referring to one or both of these: (1) Sheppard and Teyla form a psychic link, likely due to the events of 'Conversion' (2) Sheppard falls prey to Wraith mind control like Teyla did in 'Michael.'
                                Last edited by BubblingOverWithIdeas; 02 February 2006, 06:22 PM.

