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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    So, i'm speechless...for many different reasons, but I must say this pic takes my breathe away...

    Ritter---Keep up the math...A++++....

    R.I.P Wraithlord

    Awesome sig by SciFan


      Oh my goodness, guys. Whoa there! This is directed at everyone whether they are in this thread right now or plan on visiting later -- take a breather. This is seriously not worth getting into a major argument and getting slapped down by the mods on all sides. Just relax. I am tearing myself away from calc hw right now to post this, so I'm pleading with everyone to just simmer down (geez I sound like a kindergarten teacher!). Bottom line -- everyone is welcome in every single thread on this forum as long they are polite and respectful. That also goes for the "regulars" in the same thread. Yes, we S/T people are allowed to voice our opinions here and are encouraged to do so. At the same time, we all need to remember that others do read these posts and should be able to do so without being offended. I'm begging you guys (on ALL sides) to please work together to help me resolve this. Believe me, it is not worth getting into trouble to throw a few verbal zingers at each other. Please?

      "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

      HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


        Hey Kip...Have i welcomed you?......WELCOME!!!.....

        So boys and girls let's find a topic for our beautiful ship...Anybody have any ideas?.....

        R.I.P Wraithlord

        Awesome sig by SciFan


          Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
          Oh my goodness, guys. Whoa there! This is directed at everyone whether they are in this thread right now or plan on visiting later -- take a breather. This is seriously not worth getting into a major argument and getting slapped down by the mods on all sides. Just relax. I am tearing myself away from calc hw right now to post this, so I'm pleading with everyone to just simmer down (geez I sound like a kindergarten teacher!). Bottom line -- everyone is welcome in every single thread on this forum as long they are polite and respectful. That also goes for the "regulars" in the same thread. Yes, we S/T people are allowed to voice our opinions here and are encouraged to do so. At the same time, we all need to remember that others do read these posts and should be able to do so without being offended. I'm begging you guys (on ALL sides) to please work together to help me resolve this. Believe me, it is not worth getting into trouble to throw a few verbal zingers at each other. Please?
          I agree with you SP...we're all friendly people and everybody is welcome here...


            First, everybody breathe!

            <Mod Snip>
            <Mod Snip> Don't go into other people's shipper threads and imply that your ship is better. Every time someone has done that to the S/W thread (several times, even), we got mighty angry. Rightfully so. So please don't go and do the same thing here. I got great love for S/W, but ever time I decide to post here, I do so respectfully of their ship.

            Thirdly, it's probably best to have a familiarity with the ship-thread in question before one decides to judge it. That goes for both sides. I actually keep up with both ship-threads on a pretty regular basis, and probably know more about the two threads in question (S/T and S/W) than most here. (And that’s based on interaction, not just lurking.) And, if people here want to believe me and trust in my opinion, then objectively . . . Both threads have laid claim to the high ground - wrongly. You guys have gotten into shipper wars about the dumbest things! Both have been right, and both have been wrong. Numerous times. No one can claim the high ground when it comes to the disintegrating relationship/feud that runs between the S/T and S/W thread. It's, quite frankly, reflecting horribly on both sides! I've seen some awful remarks on the S/W thread in regards to some (not all) S/T fans. That thread self-moderated and corrected it whenever it happened, but it *has* happened a lot more than once. They've also, at times, displayed a type of superiority complex that I'm not comfortable with at all. And then this thread has in the past implied that most in the S/W thread was bullying and mean-spirited and trying to continually make the S/T people look bad. And there's been other instances where I was slightly offended by the generalizations of the S/W thread here (we all hate Teyla/Rachael, huh? Funny, I didn't know that!). But it's often (if not, in recent terms, always) been moderated. SP, most recently, has moderated it here. Good on her! For that, you're always gonna have my respect, buddy.

            This feud has been long running, and stems from junk left over from months ago. But every time something is even remotely irksome, the mods are getting involved because the situation dissolves. Like parents who have to step in between quarreling children. Let it go, already. Speaking as somebody who’s always been cool with both sides (despite being an S/W shipper), just chill people. You're all pretty much AWESOME folk, on the most part (wish I could lay that claim to all, but I truthfully can’t). But it’s only been a few bad experiences with each other that have forever tainted everything about each other in a bad way. You guys can't get past your bad first impressions (or your pre-conceived ones). I can garantee you that there's a hellava lot more good in both sides than either one usually sees. Just, please, get past whatever hindrances you have, and focus on the present. I don’t see this sh*t happening between the S/W and M/W threads, or the R/T and S/T threads, so it actually has nothing to do with the idea of warring ships, and everything to do with the people in the ships.

            Talk. Discuss. Don't flame. Don't bash. Don't act like freakin' teenagers on a rampage. This is not directed at any one individual, or even at this most recent rift. It's just a general flavor I've picked up now for months. IT’S. GETTING. OLD.

            EDIT: If people would like, I can x-post this at the S/W thread.
            Last edited by TameFarrar; 02 February 2006, 09:56 PM. Reason: quoted post removed

            Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
            I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
            Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


              Originally posted by maxbo
              Great post SP and I'm sure no one will take offense because you're right. I'm pleased to say that since I joined this forum, the posters on this thread have done a wonderful job of being tolerant of other opinions -- to the point where I feel comfortable posting here despite my not being a shipper.

              We need to keep this thread about Sheppard/Teyla only. There are several other threads for other topics.
              Stop it know deep inside you that you are a shipper...OKay...I won't say anything to anyone that you are a shipper of John and Teyla....


                Hiya's it going? Not so good..anyway back on topic...

                I've been wonderign more and more about this psychic link...and Teyla's..what other problems beside of course the normal 'Wraith' problems could occur.

                I'm also interested in what you guys find to be the extent of the ATA gene if possible..and if one really focuses and taps into it..let's say John he could do..

                And somethign else I've wondered about..a.nd I wonder if you guys do...what would John/Teyla's kids powers be like, speculation galore, if they were to have kids...or even their grand the John/Teyla power stands now...or if they learn to control them...

                I want some ideas this might help with my fanfics!!!
                Okay this is something I do not abide. Since I seem to be the one who have been singled out to be negative..reread my posts and then PM please..this has nothing to do with Shep/Teyla fans and or Shep lovers or just Teyla lovers....

                Since I have not posted anything at the Shep/Weir, since my first and initial post been back to Shep/Weir and I know I'm pretty much banned from Weir threads..please don't come here and start something....there is plenty of room in my pm box to send me this is definitely straying our thread off topic...when I would really like to see us start discussing character interaction, especially of the Shep/Teyla genre---Any spoiler comments and reviews I make are just that..end it there and their hidden unless you go looking for it.

                I will not respond to any of these off topic posts again and I hope that none of the other normal and prolific posters of Shep/Teyla wastes the time to respond to any of the comments used to excite!

                Click statement above to read article.


                  Um...I LOVE YOU WHISTLER!!! People, she knows what she's talking about, and if you don't want to listen to me, please, please, please (times infinity) lend her an ear. This is so tiresome and so old and so not worth it. I am good friends with a lot of you on both "sides" of this thing, and I hate having to ally myself with only one perspective. This doesn't need to happen and we shouldn't let this drag us down. Please, all of you, read that last post again. It should be our bible.

                  And Whistler, you already know that you are at the top of my list. Thanks, hugs, and pudding-skin-singles to you. You put into words what I couldn't.

                  "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                  HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                    Originally posted by Whistler84
                    First, everybody breathe!

                    Second of all, Qasim, uncool. Don't go into other people's shipper threads and imply that your ship is better. Every time someone has done that to the S/W thread (several times, even), we got mighty angry. Rightfully so. So please don't go and do the same thing here. I got great love for S/W, but ever time I decide to post here, I do so respectfully of their ship.

                    Thirdly, it's probably best to have a familiarity with the ship-thread in question before one decides to judge it. That goes for both sides. I actually keep up with both ship-threads on a pretty regular basis, and probably know more about the two threads in question (S/T and S/W) than most here. (And that’s based on interaction, not just lurking.) And, if people here want to believe me and trust in my opinion, then objectively . . . Both threads have laid claim to the high ground - wrongly. You guys have gotten into shipper wars about the dumbest things! Both have been right, and both have been wrong. Numerous times. No one can claim the high ground when it comes to the disintegrating relationship/feud that runs between the S/T and S/W thread. It's, quite frankly, reflecting horribly on both sides! I've seen some awful remarks on the S/W thread in regards to some (not all) S/T fans. That thread self-moderated and corrected it whenever it happened, but it *has* happened a lot more than once. They've also, at times, displayed a type of superiority complex that I'm not comfortable with at all. And then this thread has in the past implied that most in the S/W thread was bullying and mean-spirited and trying to continually make the S/T people look bad. And there's been other instances where I was slightly offended by the generalizations of the S/W thread here (we all hate Teyla/Rachael, huh? Funny, I didn't know that!). But it's often (if not, in recent terms, always) been moderated. SP, most recently, has moderated it here. Good on her! For that, you're always gonna have my respect, buddy.

                    This feud has been long running, and stems from junk left over from months ago. But every time something is even remotely irksome, the mods are getting involved because the situation dissolves. Like parents who have to step in between quarreling children. Let it go, already. Speaking as somebody who’s always been cool with both sides (despite being an S/W shipper), just chill people. You're all pretty much AWESOME folk, on the most part (wish I could lay that claim to all, but I truthfully can’t). But it’s only been a few bad experiences with each other that have forever tainted everything about each other in a bad way. You guys can't get past your bad first impressions (or your pre-conceived ones). I can garantee you that there's a hellava lot more good in both sides than either one usually sees. Just, please, get past whatever hindrances you have, and focus on the present. I don’t see this sh*t happening between the S/W and M/W threads, or the R/T and S/T threads, so it actually has nothing to do with the idea of warring ships, and everything to do with the people in the ships.

                    Talk. Discuss. Don't flame. Don't bash. Don't act like freakin' teenagers on a rampage. This is not directed at any one individual, or even at this most recent rift. It's just a general flavor I've picked up now for months. IT’S. GETTING. OLD.

                    EDIT: If people would like, I can x-post this at the S/W thread.
                    Whistler, you have an excellent point.

                    I take great offence to people bashing my ship, and in that light, I do try not to make offence. However, I have been known too. Both of these ships HAVE claimed they are the better, and that feud really stems from the people who are fans of SG1 and SGA. The old Sam/Jack ship war scars carry over, and in our quest to stop a war, we make a molehill into a mountain.

                    I'm done, so lets go back to Sheyla.


                      Originally posted by Doxymom
                      Fic challenge...unless you write "first year" fic, Teyla has been through two Valentine's Days as of Allies. I challenge you to write a "second year" Valentine's Day fic for Teyla. The first year, John gives her something and explains the meaning of the holiday. The *second* year, Teyla might try to beat him to the gift giving or celebration in order to let him know she remembers and thought of him specifically. Maybe have her combine some Athosian celebration of Life and Family with an Earth Valentine's ritual--and it doesn't have to go well, make her stumble a little and him be sweet about it.
                      ...hmmmmm....I think I could come up with something for this...but now what would Teyla give John for Valentine's Day...

                      ...a while back I wrote a story dealing with Shep's B-day and Teyla giving him a present and one of the hardest things to come up with was...what would Teyla give Shep as a Athosians have some sort of sweet they like to eat?

                      In the Tower, John tells Weir at the end that he didn't sleep with Mara and I've heard some cut scenes show him throwing the naked chick out. Did he also explain to Teyla that he didn't sleep with her? Surely she asked what happened while he was gone because she was so worried about him. She probably even met Mara when they all reunited in the end. I'm imagining the type of scene he had with Teyla when he explained about his picnic with Chaya. Or, write the reunion scene with Teyla seeing John again in the Tower with Mara there. I imagine John would be uncomfortable and sometimes his face is as open as a book.

                      Hope I gave you a couple of ideas. :-)
                      I am going to try to watch 'The Tower' before I leave becasue I read somewhere that people thought it was done with a comedic spin to I thought I would try to write a humorous tag to the episode...trouble is I can't write comedy to save my life!

                      So your idea actually works better for me...we'll have to see what I come up with.

                      Thanks for the imput!


                      Your ideas are the best...I wrote 'Second's times the charm' because of your other fic challenge and now someone wants to translate it to post on a french fanfic forum...

                      And see...doxymom...I got a brandnew pink siggy also!

                      This is why forums can be so cool! So many ideas are floating around with all us shippers that is just sparks the creativity!

                      I'm glad you decided to come post here with the rest of us!


                        Guys I need some input on waht you guys would think is up with Shep/Teyla predominantly when we're looking at their children....I need some innovative thoughts..and ideas!! especially let's say if Carson creates any new gene therapy things...I need some ideas so I can start attackign my fic on this idea...
                        Click statement above to read article.


                          Wow! Pink Siggies!!!......I love the little hearts...very cute.

                          Interesting. What would Teyla get John for Valentine...a bday gift was so much easier to pick. But a valentine gift, a type of sweet is interesting, I can just picture Teyla maybe feeding him?....

                          R.I.P Wraithlord

                          Awesome sig by SciFan


                   When did we get Shep/Teyla sock puppets? Can I get a pair?


                              i love the pics you used for your sig AG...


                                Originally posted by vaberella
                                Hiya's it going? Not so good..anyway back on topic...

                                I've been wonderign more and more about this psychic link...and Teyla's..what other problems beside of course the normal 'Wraith' problems could occur.

                                I'm also interested in what you guys find to be the extent of the ATA gene if possible..and if one really focuses and taps into it..let's say John he could do..

                                And somethign else I've wondered about..a.nd I wonder if you guys do...what would John/Teyla's kids powers be like, speculation galore, if they were to have kids...or even their grand the John/Teyla power stands now...or if they learn to control them...

                                I want some ideas this might help with my fanfics!!!
                                Ooo! A kid with both the ability to link to the Wraith, like Teyla does, AND the ability to control the Ancient PJ's and other tech! That would be too much fun.

                                You know... the Wraith would want this child very badly. I mean, the kid would need guards, probably need to be hidden...

