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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
    So, is everybody over their squee yet? I don't know if I am or not!
    Nah...this may last till next friday!!!

    Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
    I'm not sure, but I think Kate's excited about going to Creation Con. I don't know where I got that idea from!

    Oh I loved The Queen.
    The ship! John being so concerned for Teyla. Understanding why she had to do it. Teasing her at the end. Wonderful!
    Yes it was wasn't it

    Originally posted by Mayra View Post
    It sounds like we finally got some JT! YAY!. Won't know if i'd consider it shippy until i see it but i hope it was!. I really look forward to seeing this episode more and more!.
    You'll love it. Rachel doesn't disappoint!

    Originally posted by StargateHERO View Post
    i loved the ep too, i thought that it was great.

    especially at the end!!!!!!!!!!!


      Originally posted by gater101 View Post

      Tell me. Now. What. Happened?
      Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
      Ditto! I need the deets, and asap. I don't think i'll be able to sleep without knowing what happened!!!!
      Maff just told you guys! I'm just never sure how much to post about details, where. I did a recap (if you'll forgive me for doing it there) over at the Dr and Wildman thread. We have a couple of people who won't see the new episodes till they come out on DVD.

      My favorite part of JT tonight was
      The convo in John's room. Teyla understood right away that what Todd proposed (her turning into a queen) was what she had to do. John took some convincing - from Teyla. He threw out 3? 4? different reasons it was a bad idea. Or that they could simply sit back and let wraith kill wraith. He didn't accept that SHE needed to do it till she mentioned TJ. Then the look on his face was "Oh, my son." At least, I saw a bit of parental love there. Like he thought of himself on some level as "daddy"

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      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


        Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
        ok, it's not even funny how psyched i am to see this ep now!!! thanks Maffy *hugs*
        Your Welcome!

        Originally posted by gater101 View Post
        I hate you all.

        You've got me excited.

        You are aware its twenty to five in the morning over here?
        Need some coffee hun!

        Still sorry you haven't seen it yet! It was good. Right now my fave for the season.


          Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
          Maff just told you guys! I'm just never sure how much to post about details, where. I did a recap (if you'll forgive me for doing it there) over at the Dr and Wildman thread. We have a couple of people who won't see the new episodes till they come out on DVD.

          My favorite part of JT tonight was
          The convo in John's room. Teyla understood right away that what Todd proposed (her turning into a queen) was what she had to do. John took some convincing - from Teyla. He threw out 3? 4? different reasons it was a bad idea. Or that they could simply sit back and let wraith kill wraith. He didn't accept that SHE needed to do it till she mentioned TJ. Then the look on his face was "Oh, my son." At least, I saw a bit of parental love there. Like he thought of himself on some level as "daddy"
          Oh yes I agree with you on that. A wonderful scene between the two.


            Originally posted by maffieg View Post

            A Teyla eppy and it was great. I love me my Teyla eppy!!! Now why don't they have more of this sort of thing.

            Best Parts of The QUEEN

            Our very own Teyla. She just was prefect. Great how she was at first very tentative and then came into her own and showed them what a Queen is made of.
            Much love to Todd. The Teyla/Todd moments were excellent. They both played off one another brilliantly. I would love to see them confront each other again.
            The story was cool but just the changing to a wraith wasn't really explained well. Still loved the story and the characters "Kenny" and "bald headed wraith dude", very nice twists and action( battle, knife slices, swords) Woohoo.

            and of course the JT moments.
            Ahhh those two are so well together and having a talk in sheps room (privacy much). I loved that scene.
            then ofcourse the general worry from all of them. Rodney having lots of coffe to get all wired up and ronon issuing treats to not mess with her and shep not liking the plan at all. He just doesn't want to lose her.
            Then the teasing( "What did you do to her?" -God I've missed that) in the infirmary. The wonderful ease between the two makes me more and more a JT shipper.
            Long Live JT people.

            and for the absolutely best part....NO KANAAN!!!

            The Bad
            This might be the only great Teyla eppy we'll get for a while and why the heck was Keller in the Jumper. She soooo didn't need to go. Ronon had to stand all the way there.

            ok so I know others can put this all into a much more coherent piece so I can't wait to hear others thoughts.
            Originally posted by maffieg View Post
            Nah...this may last till next friday!!!

            Yes it was wasn't it

            You'll love it. Rachel doesn't disappoint!

            Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
            Maff just told you guys! I'm just never sure how much to post about details, where. I did a recap (if you'll forgive me for doing it there) over at the Dr and Wildman thread. We have a couple of people who won't see the new episodes till they come out on DVD.

            My favorite part of JT tonight was
            The convo in John's room. Teyla understood right away that what Todd proposed (her turning into a queen) was what she had to do. John took some convincing - from Teyla. He threw out 3? 4? different reasons it was a bad idea. Or that they could simply sit back and let wraith kill wraith. He didn't accept that SHE needed to do it till she mentioned TJ. Then the look on his face was "Oh, my son." At least, I saw a bit of parental love there. Like he thought of himself on some level as "daddy"

            AH! you guys are making it harder and harder to wait and see it!!!. I have an hour to go!.

            Sig by Camy


              going to catch it again now !!!


                off to bed for me. G'night guys! Enjoy The Queen again, Maff!


                  Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                  off to bed for me. G'night guys! Enjoy The Queen again, Maff!
                  Bye and I had fun the second time around. See you guys tomorrow.


                    Awesome ep!
                    The Queen...

                    Go Teyla!

                    Loved the scene in John's quarters, seemed very intimate. Teyla was pacing the room, touching his belongings here and there. A lot of emotion there, especially on his part.

                    And I know Linda is gonna love that there was some Teyla Whump! LOL!

                    Here's a vid rec' for all of you. It was posted back in you may have seen it already.
                    It's to Bryan Adam's To Really Love a Woman. Very shippy.



                      LOVED IT, LOVED IT, LOVED IT!!!! Kept me on the edge of my seat the whole time.
                      RL was fantastic!!
                      Teyla and Todd were fantastic together. They both needed to trust each other and yet both did not trust each other at the same time. We even had some J/T scenes -much much more than we have had lately. I loved the concern of John, Ronan, & Rodney for her. They were genuinely scared for her. I am sooooo happy that we at least had J&T scenes where they were emotional towards each other. Maybe there is hope?????
                      Sig made by Cazzblade! Thanks!


                        Ugh... This is so not fair.

                        I wanna see it too!! *pout*


                        Yaaay! I watched it.

                        That was so cool! Teyla did really well, and I loved the bit where she threatened Todd, should he plan to double-cross them. *happy sigh*

                        Definitely my fav ep of this season so far!
                        Last edited by TeylaFan; 13 September 2008, 02:57 AM.
                        *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                        “Because you can.”



                          Hey guys:

                          Just a quick post. Please keep Elf in you're thoughts and prayers. According to the satelite images of Hurricane Ike. It's right over Houston, Tx and she just slightly north of there. It might be me just being a worry wart, but better safe then sorry.

                          Thanks guys.


                            Hello guys....I'm happy...I'm very happy......Oh did i say i'm haaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaappy

                            The Queen
                            My oh my....Was this a great episode or what I loved it....FINALLY Teyla/Rachel gets something to sink her teeth into...RL was brilliant here..But she always is, even if she doesn't get alot to do most of the time.....Always gotta love Todd..

                            Now Keller, I actually liked in this ep...Now why can't they write like this for her all the time....She's the doctor and here she actually acted like a doctor...No whining and none of that McKeller crap so yeah, I liked Keller in this ep...Maybe there's hope for her yet

                            Oh and i loved the scene between Shep and Teyla in his room...It's good to see some of that closeness between them return somewhat, It's been rather absent this season and i've missed it...You could see how much he was worried about her and Teyla was worried too but she knows this is a chance to save the galaxy from the wraith and it's a risk worth taking...Also loved the protective brother thing with Ronon saying to Todd there is no where he could hide..

                            And when she got turned into a wraith......WOW......Did she looks great...I've read some folks mentioning her chin but tbh i didn't really notice or pay any attention to it I think i was too busy admiring RL's performance...Best performance from RL to date Now see what happens when TPTB actually give her something to do

                            All through the ep i was eondering if Todd was gonna betray them at some point....I think we have to "watch this space" Teyla sure convinced me she was a wraith queen....Man and when she ordered that other hive ship destryed i thought she turned but then Todd picked up on the fact she just wanted to kill wraith

                            So Teyla is the one that had to save the boys for a change...Well i for one am so stoked at this....It's about time she was the one doing the saving instead of the one being saved....I loved the fact they had to rely on Teyla nad Todd to save their lives...I was so worried that Shep and co would come in on their white horses and save Teyla but am so glad it didn't happen that way

                            So now Todd's in charge of the allience with Teyla's absense...hmmmm...I'm still not sure if we can trust him or not..

                            Oh and loved the bit near the end when Shep comes to visit Teyla in the infirmary...He really does care a great deal about her

                            One thing though..The bit at the end when he left Teyla looks at her hand and then closes her fist and she has this expression on her face like she's concerned or worried about something....Maybe it's nothing,mayve it's just disconcerting being turned into a wraith for her...But maybe it's something else...It was...Interesting...

                            So for me this is the best episode ever..This is my new favourite ep

                            Um i seemed to have rambled on a bit I tend to do that when i'm excited


                              Originally posted by cc_mac View Post
                              Awesome ep!
                              The Queen...

                              Go Teyla!

                              Loved the scene in John's quarters, seemed very intimate. Teyla was pacing the room, touching his belongings here and there. A lot of emotion there, especially on his part.

                              And I know Linda is gonna love that there was some Teyla Whump! LOL!

                              Here's a vid rec' for all of you. It was posted back in you may have seen it already.
                              It's to Bryan Adam's To Really Love a Woman. Very shippy.

                              *nods head*

                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              Hey guys:

                              Just a quick post. Please keep Elf in you're thoughts and prayers. According to the satelite images of Hurricane Ike. It's right over Houston, Tx and she just slightly north of there. It might be me just being a worry wart, but better safe then sorry.

                              Thanks guys.
                              Oh i hope she's ok!


                                Come on guys...Where are y'all I'm all happy and excited and no one's here for me to share it with

