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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by vaberella
    'TLG' especially when Thelan says to Tey, 'He cares for you, more than you know.' When Rodney hears that he makes this crazy face..what ws that about?


    Yeah I did notice that face Vaberella! I always thought it was maybe McKay felt bad for Teyla....maybe even absentminded McKay picked up on their dynamic....but that would be an interesting twist for the plot, and the whole Shep/McKay buddy dynamic.
    Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


      Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
      Season Three, eh? Okay, not all of this is shippy, but bear with me!

      1) "Trinity II" (really, really, really want this to happen!)
      2) More shakeups with the dynamics -- not as much Ronan/Teyla and Shep/McKay hour.
      3) One good Weir/Teyla episode
      4) Fish-out-of-water episode where we see all of the characters matched up with someone unusual and put into a bad situation (ex: Teyla and McKay stranded off-world, Teyla injured and McKay in leadership role; Weir and Ronan forced to work together, maybe in the diplomatic/negotiating sense)
      5) More sparring scenes
      6) Building and strengthening Shep/Teyla dynamic -- a few more first name uses would be nice
      7) More of Teyla coming into disagreement with the rest of the team -- ideologically speaking
      8) Backstories for ALL of the characters -- I'm liking the idea of a past romance for Teyla especially
      9) Having them actually go to Earth would be cool
      10) More Caldwell, more Beckett, more Zelenka, more Lorne...and Bates would be cool as well.
      That's my girl!

      I would add to this list..some type of backstory for Teyla as to how she came to be the leader and more on why she seems to feel so isolated from her own people hence CM..
      I would also like to see Teyla having fun..she has such a great smile and barely shows some down time for her and the others would be great
      I'm also interested in Atlantis itself and having John and Teyla discover something in Atlantis itself where they are trapped in some area of the city or something like that...
      Finally, Teyla has had an awesome display of new tops..where is she getting them from and who is going with her?
      Girls night I would love to see..I would love to see her with Weir, Cadman, Brown and others just having fun...
      I would love an episode like the one in SG-1 where Sam ran the Promethius all by herself...welll how about Teyla running Atlantis all by herself when all of the others are either in a trance or something like that...


        Originally posted by Camy
        That's my girl!

        I would add to this list..some type of backstory for Teyla as to how she came to be the leader and more on why she seems to feel so isolated from her own people hence CM..
        I would also like to see Teyla having fun..she has such a great smile and barely shows some down time for her and the others would be great
        I'm also interested in Atlantis itself and having John and Teyla discover something in Atlantis itself where they are trapped in some area of the city or something like that...
        Finally, Teyla has had an awesome display of new tops..where is she getting them from and who is going with her?
        Girls night I would love to see..I would love to see her with Weir, Cadman, Brown and others just having fun...
        I would love an episode like the one in SG-1 where Sam ran the Promethius all by herself...welll how about Teyla running Atlantis all by herself when all of the others are either in a trance or something like that...

        OOO I am liking those ideas Camy!

        You mentioned something about Teyla's past and how she became leader. Well I've always wondered if maybe she had a brother, maybe he was the one who taught her how to spar or something. I dunno, just whenever I think of her past it just seems to fit that she would have had a brother that she lost to the wraith, a brother she was incredibly close too. Maybe Ronnon reminds her of said brother.

        Well guys, I'm pretty tired (it's almost midnight here and i have school tomorrow). I'll talk to you later. Shippy dreams to all of you!
        Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


          Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
          Yeah I did notice that face Vaberella! I always thought it was maybe McKay felt bad for Teyla....maybe even absentminded McKay picked up on their dynamic....but that would be an interesting twist for the plot, and the whole Shep/McKay buddy dynamic.

          I agree..that was the first thing that came into my mind when i saw the face! He knows that it is the truth...and he knows Teyla would find it even harder, to do what she was being told to do..! (hope that was vague enough)
          -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

          Thanks Camy!!


            i didn't know there were so many shep/teyla fans..hey Chihiro and Green_eyed_lady..glad to see you guys should post more often!
            Click statement above to read article.


              of course there are fans of this ship - it's OTP


                Yeah but I didn't know there were so many of us...I mean there's a lot of people, I haven't seen in the what?! Week I've been here?! hahahhahah!!! What's OTP by the way?
                Click statement above to read article.


                  one true pairing


                    Originally posted by vaberella
                    i didn't know there were so many shep/teyla fans..hey Chihiro and Green_eyed_lady..glad to see you guys should post more often!

                    well it is difficult for me to contribute to the conversations...cause i am from australia...and well there is a 15 hour or something time difference..and also we havent even seen season 2 yet (although i have seen two of them)..! so i although us australians are from the future, we are a little slow with our stargate news! Though from what i have read, and seen, i have tons of shippy moments to look forward to...and i CANT wait!!!
                    -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                    Thanks Camy!!


                      Originally posted by spirited Chihiro
                      well it is difficult for me to contribute to the conversations...cause i am from australia...and well there is a 15 hour or something time difference..and also we havent even seen season 2 yet (although i have seen two of them)..! so i although us australians are from the future, we are a little slow with our stargate news! Though from what i have read, and seen, i have tons of shippy moments to look forward to...and i CANT wait!!!
                      my fellow Australian, I feel your pain. Perhaps there is a secret Shep/Teyla shipper working at channel 7 that we can somehow convince into showing us the new season?


                        hehe...good idea! Yeah i think we are going to get sg1 before last year, which is OK..i guess...any stargate is better than no stargate!! BUt i really, REALLY love the dynamics btw shep/TEyla!!
                        i just hope channel seven can be generous about the time of night they decide to show it!
                        -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

                        Thanks Camy!!


                          Originally posted by Camy
                          yeah, she was overwhelmed and she certainly wasn't ready for any discussion at the can tell that she tenses up with John in situations like this but when Ronon came to her room she flustered a bit...but then was able to relax...I wonder how she would act if John ever came into her room!? YIKES

                          Well when Ronon came in he was!! Come on know Tey..she was all flagrante... What the hell am I saying?

                          What I mean is that she was like in the middle of her stretches probably doing some kind of ritual and then she looks up while her legs are spread all willy-nilly in a vulnerable position and really half dressed, or not as dressed as she usually is, and there's Ronon not even saying anythign like a 'Can I come in?' Just standing there with the door open when she thought was alone...I'd be flustered too..

                          Now when John came into th room...with Aiden during that time with Bates in 'The Gift' was it?! I thought John was a bit more flustered and she was just too pissed to be flustered. And Aiden was all business. I do wonder on a private basis what would happen if he went into her room as well. I mean they must go to each other's rooms..your given that impression in 'The Gift' that she was able to try to wake him in the dreamscope... I wondered what she was going to do if he was alive when she got there?!
                          Click statement above to read article.


                            Originally posted by spirited Chihiro
                            well it is difficult for me to contribute to the conversations...cause i am from australia...and well there is a 15 hour or something time difference..and also we havent even seen season 2 yet (although i have seen two of them)..! so i although us australians are from the future, we are a little slow with our stargate news! Though from what i have read, and seen, i have tons of shippy moments to look forward to...and i CANT wait!!!

                            Once you watch the should post the spoiler info you got from it. I mean another perspective is extremely important. I remember when I was watching, Inferno, the reviews on this thread weren't good for it, people made it seem real disappointing..I saw it..and I saw a whole other thing..I didnt' know what anyone was talking about. So I'll check out Allies..although it got really positive being shippy. I'm unbiased for shippiness, only because I like love and think from the ships that Joh/Teyla are the best bet, but all in all I prefer McKay, Zalenka, and Beckett's character then comes Teyla and John.....So I dissect what i see, then make a decision.

                            But other eyes and input pick up very different things..which is always great for our dynamic duo.

                            Click statement above to read article.


                              Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
                              Okay so I know many of you haven't finished season two yet......but....what would you like to see in season three?

                              Hi! Sorry I'm late on this. I'd like to see:

                              1. Backstory on John.
                              2. Backstory on Teyla.
                              3. Teyla/Weir friendship.
                              4. Changing up the team partners and getting them in trouble: ie. John and Teyla, Ronon and Rodney, or even more Rodney/Cadman
                              5. More consequences of the bad decisions they've been making.
                              6. Aliens who look alien.
                              7. expansion of the history/world-building of Pegasus. Right now it's pretty vague. What about the lifeforms that were there before the Ancients seeded humans all over? What about the politics of the humans? What about this "something bigger than the Wraith" that they've hinted at?
                              8. Explore the city already! Show us more of that alien goodness.
                              9. More JT sparring.
                              10.Okay, don't hate me, I'd like some handsome alien men to at least Notice the females of Atlantis--Teyla, Weir, Cadman.
                              11. Please, give the Canadian gate guy who actually SHOWS how much he cares for people a name already?
                              12. More depth for the Athosians. Right now they're only mentioned in passing. I'd like to see John interact with them, helping Teyla a little.

                              I could go on and on and on. I'd love to see a lot of the forgotten threads picked up, see some of the plotholes filled and the questions extrapolated and answered.

                              I know, fanfic does it, but I'd love to watch it too.


                                Originally posted by CKO
                                *pokes out.* is it safe... *twacks kips plot bunnies... yes you best get to work on that ficcy *growl*
                                Very pretty. I really love the "tied-up" pic from Condemned that you used in the first one. John was so hot in that.

                                Thanks for showing us these!

