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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
    I'm taking a break from homework. I don't have to have my American lit stuff read untill Tuesday, and the other stuff doesn't have to be read untill the Sept 8th. I can't stand to read anymore about how to write.

    So I'm doing quotes for "The Last Man". Season Four will be done and then I will start on Season Five.
    Ooh great I cant wait
    Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


      Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
      When is your birthday?
      Not for a while yet . . . 23rd of October.
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        Quotes for The Last Man. I included Rodney telling the story of what happened becasue it is essential to the story and is the info Sheppard brings back with him. I also included the Ronan and Todd becasue I think they got the best story in the future and they wasn't a good trasnition between the voice over and the actual scene.

        No Last Man
        SHEPPARD: The Genii contact didn't show up.
        LORNE: Can't say I'm surprised.
        SHEPPARD: What are you saying, Major? The Genii can't be trusted?(!)
        LORNE: Well, they did try and kill you and Doctor McKay along with that little girl.
        SHEPPARD: True, true – and normally that's the kind of thing I'd take personally, but Ladon claims he didn't order the hit. He's trying to get on our good side.
        LORNE: You really think they know anything about where Michael took Teyla?
        SHEPPARD: Well, they get solid intel. We're following up every lead, no matter how thin.
        LORNE: OK. So what do you wanna do?
        SHEPPARD: Well, I'm gonna go ahead. You stay behind for a few hours; tell me if he shows up.
        LORNE: Will do.
        SHEPPARD: We're gonna find her, Major.
        LORNE: Yes, sir.

        SHEPPARD: Somebody turn up the heat?
        SHEPPARD: Hello?
        SHEPPARD: If this is a surprise party, it's not my birthday.
        SHEPPARD: This is Sheppard. Anyone read?
        SHEPPARD: I repeat: this is Sheppard. Anyone on this channel?
        SHEPPARD: All right. This isn't good. The most elaborate practical joke of all time, or I'm in serious trouble here.
        SHEPPARD: This is Sheppard. Anyone on this frequency?
        SHEPPARD (sighing in relief): McKay.
        SHEPPARD: What are you talking about? What the hell's going on here?
        SHEPPARD: Rodney!
        SHEPPARD: I'm in the Control Room. It's deserted.
        SHEPPARD: No. Everything's dead – and, oh yeah, did I tell you the ocean's gone?
        SHEPPARD: The big blue thing out the window. It's gone. It's – it's – it's a desert – and it's about a hundred and twenty degrees in here.
        SHEPPARD: If you don't start giving me some answers pretty soon here ...
        SHEPPARD: Why?
        SHEPPARD: All right. I'm here.
        SHEPPARD: There's no power.
        SHEPPARD: Rodney!
        SHEPPARD: You're a hologram!
        SHEPPARD: You look, uh ...
        SHEPPARD: ... different.
        SHEPPARD: What, you mean earlier today?
        SHEPPARD: You can start by telling me what the hell's going on here!
        SHEPPARD: Uh, well, vaguely.
        SHEPPARD: I was sent back in time?
        SHEPPARD: How far into the future?
        SHEPPARD (irritated): Rodney!
        SHEPPARD: This is a practical joke.
        SHEPPARD: You're telling me I just travelled forty eight thousand years into the future in ten seconds?
        SHEPPARD: Surfing a thirty foot wave in Waimei is cool. Dating a supermodel is cool. (Angrily) This is not cool!
        SHEPPARD: If I'm in the future, that means you're, uh ...
        SHEPPARD: Obviously(!)
        SHEPPARD: You're not doing a very good job of cheering me up here.
        SHEPPARD: What – what plan?
        SHEPPARD: Couldn't use anyone else, huh?
        SHEPPARD: It's really nice to have company, but if what you're saying is true, what good does it do me?
        SHEPPARD: Where are we going?
        SHEPPARD: Why?
        SHEPPARD: Well, that really explains everything(!)
        SHEPPARD: And that doesn't happen every day.
        SHEPPARD: How long are we talking about?
        SHEPPARD (stopping): Whoa, whoa, whoa, whoa. That's your plan? I'm forty eight thousand years into the future and you wanna put me on ice for another thousand?
        SHEPPARD: Too late? What the hell's that supposed to mean?

        McKAY (voiceover): We kept searching for Teyla but we just didn't have the resources to cover enough ground.
        McKAY (voiceover): It took us two months before we finally found her in one of Michael's hideouts.
        McKAY (voiceover): But by then it was too late.
        McKAY: She'd had the baby. I guess after that he didn't have any use for her any more.
        McKAY: So he killed her.

        SHEPPARD: I should have been there.
        McKAY: And you will be – and knowing the address where we eventually found Teyla, you will be able to get there much quicker. You'll save Teyla, save the baby, change the fate of the galaxy.
        SHEPPARD: What do you mean?
        McKAY: Well, it was the turning point. It was the key to everything. Once Michael had that baby, he was able to complete his research and perfect the hybrids. After that, well, he really kicked things into gear.

        McKAY (voiceover): He stepped up his campaign of exposing human populations to the Hoffan drug. Jennifer did her best to find a way to combat the effects, with trying to lower the mortality rate ...
        McKAY (voiceover): ... but ultimately, it was a losing battle.
        McKAY (voiceover): With their food supplies tainted, the infighting between the Wraith factions got worse. Michael waited until they were at each other's throats, and then he made his move.
        McKAY (voiceover): He took advantage of their weakened state and their internal divisions – and in less than a year, he had the Wraith on their knees.
        McKAY (voiceover): Literally.
        McKAY: With the Wraith in disarray, Michael returned to the human populations he'd infected with the Hoffan drug. He selected the strongest and the healthiest of the survivors and converted them to hybrids. The rest he exterminated.
        SHEPPARD: You think by saving Teyla, we can change all this?
        McKAY: I know it. All I have to do is get you safely to a stasis chamber. I will reprogramme the sensors ...

        SHEPPARD: No, no, that's not a problem. We'll just find another way around.
        SHEPPARD: Rodney?
        SHEPPARD: Forty eight thousand years into the future, you've still got a knack for stating the obvious. All right, what do we do?
        SHEPPARD: What do you mean, you don't know?
        SHEPPARD: You said you had twenty five years to work on this plan!
        SHEPPARD: All right. We go up two levels, turn right, there's an outer door. It's only a quarter of a mile across the plaza.
        SHEPPARD: Why not?
        SHEPPARD: A storm's coming?
        SHEPPARD: As a matter of fact, I have.
        SHEPPARD: It's not like we have a lot of options here.
        SHEPPARD: Sounds pretty nasty out there.
        SHEPPARD: For how long?

        SHEPPARD: What about everyone else? I mean, you told me about Teyla, but what about the rest of ‘em? There's no way we would have rolled over and let Michael take over the whole galaxy.
        McKAY: No.
        SHEPPARD: Well, what happened?
        McKAY: The I.O.A. and the military were reluctant to commit a lot of resources to protecting the human populations of another galaxy.
        McKAY: But Sam? Sam wouldn't take "no" for an answer.

        McKAY (voiceover): Finally they decided to give her a new ship – Phoenix. Barely off the assembly line; half the Asgard systems weren't finished; the other half weren't working.
        McKAY (voiceover): We spent the better part of a month getting her ready for combat.
        McKAY (voiceover): We worked day and night, side by side. Zelenka might have been there as well. I don't really remember.
        McKAY (voiceover): I do remember never feeling so drained in my entire life.
        McKAY (voiceover): Eventually, though, we managed to get her in working order.
        McKAY (voiceover): They started a series of hit and run ops – real guerrilla style.
        McKAY: For a while, it really worked. They were able to inflict considerable damage, despite terrible odds. But eventually their luck ran out.
        McKAY (voiceover): Michael deliberately leaked some intel that he was about to attack a heavily populated human world. Sam thought she could get there first, but she was wrong.
        McKAY (voiceover): After she got the crew off, she must have lost the transport system. With her engines about to go critical, I guess she figured she didn't have anything to lose.
        McKAY (voiceover): With her last breath, she took out three of Michael's hive ships.
        McKAY: And we buried another empty casket.

        SHEPPARD: Where the hell have you been?
        SHEPPARD: Well, are you gonna tell me or are you gonna keep it a secret?
        SHEPPARD: Wouldn't that make it colder?
        SHEPPARD: OK, so mystery solved. Let's move on.
        SHEPPARD: All right. How long before that happens?
        SHEPPARD: But you said I'd be in stasis for at least seven hundred.
        SHEPPARD: Rodney, you've gotta think of something!
        SHEPPARD: ... you didn't anticipate the variable. I get it.
        SHEPPARD: All right: can the Mark Twelve power the shields?
        SHEPPARD: The city has solar-powered generators, right?
        SHEPPARD: See, you're still thinking like the old McKay.
        SHEPPARD: The sun's going red giant, right? Increased solar energy. The worse it gets, the more power we'll have.
        SHEPPARD: Exactly.
        SHEPPARD: That's gonna have to do for now. Open up the door.
        SHEPPARD: It's been going on for seven hours. For all we know, it could go on for days.
        SHEPPARD: All the more reason to get going. All I've gotta do is walk in a straight line.
        SHEPPARD: Yeah, I hear you.
        SHEPPARD: Never better(!)
        SHEPPARD: Rodney!
        SHEPPARD: Tell me about Ronon.
        SHEPPARD: Yes, now. Talk to me, Rodney.

        McKAY: Right. Uh, well, after what happened to you and then Teyla, I guess he didn't feel comfortable on the base any more ...
        McKAY (voiceover): He persuaded Sam to let him go offworld and recruit a strike force. By this time, the galaxy was in a panic. Word was spreading that Michael's agenda was to wipe out Wraith and human alike. Ronon didn't have much trouble finding volunteers.
        McKAY (voiceover): They were just simple villagers with no military experience but he trained them in all forms of combat.
        McKAY (voiceover): He even convinced Sam to let him have some of our equipment: radios, explosives, P-90s. It wasn't long before he had himself a pretty effective combat force.
        McKAY (voiceover): They ran a few successful ops against some of Michael's ground facilities and then, one day, they got a key piece of intel.
        McKAY (voiceover): Michael had taken over a Wraith lab and was using it to create more of his hybrids.
        McKAY (voiceover): They decided to take it out.
        McKAY (voiceover): That's when they ran into someone ... unexpected.

        DEX (still aiming his blaster at it): What the hell are you doing here?
        TODD (also still aiming its stunner): I suspect the same as you. Michael is using this facility to create more of his soldiers. I intend to destroy it.
        DEX: By yourself?
        TODD: There's something to be said for stealth over brute force.
        VOICE (over radio): Ronon, come in.
        DEX: Go ahead.
        VOICE (over radio): One of the guards must have got a signal off, because a cruiser just landed. We're about to be overrun.
        TODD: As I was saying ...
        MAN: We have to abort.
        DEX: Give me the C4.
        DEX: Take the men back, meet up with Second Squad, and then head for the Gate. Signal me when you get there.
        DEX: Go!
        TODD: You intend to complete your mission.
        DEX: You're damned right.
        TODD: As do I.
        TODD: I was going to write an elaborate programme designed to slowly create a fatal error in the primary capacitor, but I doubt there'll be time for that now.
        DEX: I was just gonna blow it up.
        TODD (a little exasperated): Naturally.
        DEX: Force of habit.
        TODD: Indeed.
        TODD: This is it. If we detonate it here, the secondary explosions will certainly take out the entire facility.
        DEX: All right. You know another way out of here?
        TODD: Follow me.
        TODD: Fall back!
        HYBRID: In here!
        TODD: I suggest you detonate now while we still have a chance.
        DEX: We'll wait for my people to clear. Period.
        TODD: Very well.
        TODD: We can't hold them off forever.
        DEX: Just keep firing.
        VOICE (over radio): Ronon. We've reached the Gate.
        DEX: All right. I want you to head back now. No questions asked. Is that understood?
        VOICE (over radio): Understood.
        TODD: Are we done?
        DEX: Yeah.

        McKAY: I'm sorry. I wish some of these stories had happier endings.
        McKAY: Sheppard? Sheppard? Are you still with me?
        McKAY: Sheppard?
        McKAY: Your biosignature's barely registering! Sheppard!
        McKAY: Oh God!

        SHEPPARD: Hullo, Rodney.
        SHEPPARD: How long was I out?
        SHEPPARD (wearily): Agreed.
        Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



          Quotes for The Last Man Part 2


          McKAY: I've already prepped the solar panels. You're good to go.
          McKAY: Here. Take the first crystal. I've loaded all the intel we got on Michael after your disappearance, including the address where we found Teyla.
          SHEPPARD: You know, you never told me what happened to you – I mean, in the past.
          McKAY: Oh, you don't wanna hear about that.
          SHEPPARD: Well, why not? Obviously you survived.
          McKAY: Only ‘cause I quit.
          SHEPPARD: Quit what?
          McKAY: Lantis, Stargate Command – the whole thing.
          SHEPPARD: That doesn't sound like you.
          McKAY: Yeah, well, we were under new management ...

          McKAY (voiceover): The idea of standing by and doing nothing while the rest of the galaxy was suffering was too much for Jennifer to take.
          McKAY (voiceover): The more I thought about it, the more I realised she was right.
          McKAY (voiceover): We had three weeks on the Daedalus with nothing else to think about but everything that had happened.
          McKAY (voiceover): We went over it a thousand times, trying to imagine what we might have done differently. It was awful.
          McKAY (voiceover): At least we had each other. By the time we got back to Earth – well ...
          McKAY (voiceover) (laughing in a slightly embarrassed way): ... we weren't just colleagues any more.

          SHEPPARD: Wait a minute. You and Keller?
          McKAY: Why do you find that so surprising?
          SHEPPARD: I'm just saying, if we start monkeying around with this time line here, there's no guarantee it's gonna turn out the same for you two.
          McKAY: Yeah, that's what I'm counting on.
          SHEPPARD: Why's that? You survived; you got the girl. It doesn't sound so bad.
          McKAY: No. (He smiles.) No, at first it was great.

          McKAY (voiceover): I got a high paying job with an aerospace engineering firm. Jennifer started her own practice. Things were just starting to come together.
          McKAY (voiceover): We should've known we wouldn't get off so easy.
          McKAY (voiceover): Of course, no regular doctor could diagnose what was wrong with her.
          McKAY (voiceover): We wound up back at Stargate Command less than a year after we'd left.
          McKAY (voiceover): Complications due to repeated exposure to the Hoffan drug.
          McKAY (voiceover): No cure.
          McKAY (voiceover): I thought I was gonna lose my mind. I – I didn't know what to do. After everything we'd been through, to have this happen, it was – it was too much.
          McKAY (voiceover): And that's when I had my idea.
          McKAY (voiceover): But I couldn't let it go.
          McKAY (voiceover): She died three days later.
          McKAY (voiceover): I quit the research firm; took a job teaching physics at a local community college. Not much money, but it gave me the free time I needed.
          McKAY (voiceover): I'll admit it wasn't much of a life.
          McKAY (voiceover): Jeanie came by every once in a while to check up on me.
          McKAY (voiceover): When she realised she wasn't gonna be able to convince me to stop, she decided to pitch in and help me with the calculations.
          McKAY (voiceover): But eventually even she got fed up. But I never wavered.
          McKAY (voiceover): Years went by – twenty five years, to be exact.
          McKAY (voiceover): Then suddenly I had it.
          McKAY (voiceover): Only one problem. I needed to get back to Atlantis.
          McKAY (voiceover): I didn't have a lot of friends at Stargate Command.
          McKAY (voiceover): But I only needed one.

          McKAY: Maybe he felt sorry for me. Maybe he figured it wasn't gonna work anyway, but he let me through. The rest you know.
          SHEPPARD: Yeah. I guess I've had a tough day, but you've had a tough twenty five years.
          McKAY: OK. We're ready.
          McKAY: Now, if this works, I'll be waiting right here when you come out. I may not have much time to get you through the Gate, but I think we can manage it.
          SHEPPARD: And if it doesn't work?
          McKAY: Well, you won't feel a thing, but basically you just ... won't wake up.
          SHEPPARD: Right(!)
          SHEPPARD: In the past twenty five years, d'you happen to notice who won the Superbowl?
          McKAY: Oh. Uh, ‘fraid not.
          SHEPPARD: Oh. Stanley Cup? World Series?
          McKAY: I was never really much of a sports fan.
          SHEPPARD: Right. Had to ask.
          McKAY: Good luck, John.

          SHEPPARD: Whoa!
          SHEPPARD: Colonel!
          SHEPPARD: It worked! It worked. Rodney, you're a genius.
          SHEPPARD: How much time has gone by?
          SHEPPARD (to himself): Twelve days, twelve days. OK, she won't have had her baby yet. (He looks at Sam.) Look, I know this sounds kinda weird, but we're on the clock.
          SHEPPARD: I know where Teyla is.
          SHEPPARD: We don't have time for this.
          SHEPPARD: I am not a clone. Is that what you're worried about?
          SHEPPARD: But that's my whole point! How could I make this up?
          SHEPPARD: Oh, that's what you call a "glitch," huh?!
          SHEPPARD: Can we go now?
          SHEPPARD: What?
          SHEPPARD: No.
          SHEPPARD: Let's go!
          SHEPPARD (over radio): Rodney, you got anything?
          SHEPPARD: This is it. This is where they found her.
          SHEPPARD: ‘Cause he described it to me.
          SHEPPARD (over radio): McKay, we've got something.
          SHEPPARD: Some twisted version of a maternity ward.
          SHEPPARD: I think we're too early, though, but he's gonna bring her here to have the baby.

          Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



            Originally posted by NinaM View Post
            Awesome it
            Glad you like

            Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
            Happy Birthday, Nina!


            Originally posted by Cherish4 View Post
            Thanx Cherish

            What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


              Happy Birthday NINA! I am going to have to wait before I can post images. My computer is being really slow. I am so sorry! But, rest assured that it will so be worth it!
              sig by Sci!

              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                Save SGA campaign update...Slight change of plans!!
                Here's the update for First strike if anyones interested!!


                  Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                  Happy Birthday NINA! I am going to have to wait before I can post images. My computer is being really slow. I am so sorry! But, rest assured that it will so be worth it!
                  Thanks Elf... okay I'll be a patient little girl and wait
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                    Very nice indeed...thanks

                    Thanks Cherish

                    What I forgot to comment on it??? Darn where is my brain at the moment..guess somewhere in John Sheppard "lala land" *lol*

                    Awesome story..loved why oh why can't we get an episodes like this.. *sigh* they need lessons from you

                    and I'm showing of my new lovely sig now hrmmm maybe I should put them on rotate.. where ever I got that program...
                    LOL. NP hun. Hee hee. I'm glad you liked it.

                    Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                    It wasn't that good . . . but thanks.

                    I quoted that post you made, but for some reeason it didn't show up.
                    Anyway, FANTASTIC job on Nina's sigs! They're beautiful!! And your story was great too--the only thing that could've made it better would have been Kanann's death . .

                    Wow! That's amazing! Great work.

                    Happy Birthday, Nina!

                    Well, I'm still impressed.

                    Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                    Thanks Cazz

                    Im glad you Like all the Art Nina

                    ooh i really like This Tf

                    Thanks and Np
                    NP hun.
                    Sorry I missed you today.

                    Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                    Not for a while yet . . . 23rd of October.
                    Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                    Save SGA campaign update...Slight change of plans!!
                    Here's the update for First strike if anyones interested!!
                    Thanks Linda.



                      Author's Links

                      Anlaria Onyx aka Agrabah's Princess

                      Camy aka Cielito



                      Doxymom's page

                      Second site

                      Hope24 aka Fox66








                      Ruby Caspar

                      Ryan C. Charles



                      Seldear aka Tielan

                      SheylaFreak aka Camerine

                      Teal'c206 aka Jack O'Neal2006

                      Teyilia aka Autumnstarr



                      Winged Pegasus


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                      Roun Robin Fics (Jan-May)

                      Round Robin June: Parts 1-10, part 11, part 12

                      The Bones in the City

                      Forces of Nature

                      Spectrum JT Rarepairing fic

                      Kissing is Better

                      Sheppard's Fault
                      The Day John Discovered Fart


                      What is Love

                      The Cupboard of Love
                      Covered In Mud

                      Side by Side, The Both Get Bright


                      The Astonishing Persistence Of Memory - Past Time

                      Silly Sally:
                      In Atlantis

                      Stargate Atlantis: An Old Enemy Returns, Part 1

                      He Is Mine


                      Fanfic Chapter Updates

                      Anlaria Onyx aka Agrabah's Princess:
                      Ancient Baby Maker Chapter 20

                      Carter O'Neill aka Sillyscipia:
                      Paintball War Chapter 4

                      Primary Target Chapter 4

                      The Journal Chapter 5

                      Black Dress, White Shirt, Black Suit, White Dawn Part 10
                      The Kindling Part 5


                      Dark Planet Chapter 8

                      Padme:Something Old, Something New, Something Borrowed and Something Blue Chapter 2

                      Planet tv:
                      A Wish Yet to Come(updated 8.26.08)

                      Guardian Chapters 1-7

                      Turning Point Chapter 6

                      SGA- A Rip In Time Chapter 3
                      Mature Readers Only

                      Another World Chapter2

                      Thayne M:
                      The Journal Chapter 8(Not to be confused with Devine's story with same title.)
                      Stupid Cupid and Other Rhyming Words

                      Chapter 6

                      A Walk in the Woods Eplilogue

                      YappiChick: Out of the Loop Chapter 2
                      Perceptions Chapter 2

                      Non-JT stories and sites:

                      Cabouse Fics:
                      Find SGA and SG-1 fics @ Heliopolis
                      I didn't see any JT, but it might have other good stories.


                      I'm In The Way

                      Are We There Yet

                      Severed Ties

                      Doctor Who- The Discovery

                      SGA Lightsaber Story

                      Beauty Secrets

                      Shep Whump Round Robin

                      Aug. Birthdays

                      Teilan/Seldear's gifts:

                      By YappiChick Beside

                      August Birthday's

                      Girlinabox's gifts:
                      From Scifan: Uncomfortable Comforting
                      From YappiChick: Playing Cupid

                      Nina's gifts:
                      From Scifan: Switch Chapters 1-3
                      From YappiChick: Left in the Cold

                      Fic Rec

                      From Blue:
                      Author-Dezrai: Torren John

                      From Everlovin: Author-Tripwatcher 2: Settling In(Mature readers only)
                      Author-Nika Dixon: Evasion(Also rec. by jtjaforever)

                      From Gator: Author-Wedjatqi The Death of Hope

                      From Elflinn: Author-EvaFlack001 Coming Back Home

                      If I missed anything Please PM me. And try to send me your post link to my PM. Click on the number on your post, then copy and paste the web address.
                      Last edited by scifan; 30 August 2008, 06:46 PM.


                        Here's a couple of sigs. They are just slightly different.



                          Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post
                          Happy Birthday to all the August and September birthdays!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

                          I'm sorry I couldn't do anything individually. But there were just way too many, LOL! So I made a vid for all the b-days. I'm afraid it's not very good as I made it in only a few days due to time constraints, so it's really simple and slow and cheesy. But I hope you enjoy it anyway!

                          Footprints by LoveConquers. J/T of course. Mild spoiler warning, contains a few S5 scenes.

                          This is the direct download link from my server as it's not up on my site yet.

                          Thanks and HAPPY BIRTHDAY Nick, Tielan, Girlinabox, Spirited, DANIquinn, Nina, Elfie, Yappy, and AMC!!!!!!

                          Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                          Rachel Luttrell Interview

                          Rachel Lutrell by Brian Cairns

                          ...This year Teyla gets more insight into the Wraith than she ever bargained for when she makes a disturbing transformation into the Queen herself! "That was a loaded episode," admits Lutrell, "When I found out I had to do that, I was very concerned because I am a mom, my little guy's with me all the time, and everybody was like 'Oh, you're going to terrify your son!' I had that in the back of my head that I was going to look like a monster. I like to believe my child is incredibly enlightened, but perhaps all babies are. They've got no palette of what a monster is or any of that, so yeah, I came into the trailer in stages. There's a mask that they put on you and it's latex and foam. It's got built into it various different forms of what the Wraith would have, such as higher cheekbones, a more pronounced brow, chin, and all that kind of stuff. They glue it on to your face first and after they have done that - which takes quite awhile, because they've got to lay it quite precisely around all of your features - I went into the trailer to see how he would be and he laughed. Mind you, I had spent the two weeks prior to that putting avocado on my face going, 'Look, crazy Mommy! Look, what is Mommy doing now?' I went into the trailer, he looked at me and went 'Heh, heh, heh' so I knew that it was going to be okay. But yeah, it takes about four-and-a-half to five hours to do that," adds Lutrell. "It's very uncomfortable because you're completely encased. It's kind of claustrophobic. The mask is put on and it completely transforms you. And then the make-up they use is mixed with the glue, they paint some of it on, and they airbrush the veins. So it's layer upon layer upon layer, and it's really quite a precise art, but they did a wonderful job. I certainly didn't recognize myself."

                          As rough as it was for Lutrell, it definitely raised some questions about Teyla, too. “There was a lot going on,” she agrees, “It was wonderful for me because I got to work with Chris Heyerdahl, who is such an amazing actor and a great guy as well. We talked about the scenes and he said, ‘It’s very interesting what’s going on with you – how much of Teyla is actually enjoying this, how much of her DNA speaks to this, and how much is she resisting that?’ There was a lot going on and that’s hinted at, at the end of that episode.” Teyla’s gamble will also thrust her into an unexpected position of responsibility and, at least in the near future, alter the Wraith status quo. “That was the last episode that I finished shooting, so I haven’t had a chance to bite into the next episodes and see how that will play through but it certainly will,” notes Lutrell. “Now that she’s embodied the Wraith Queen, it’s certainly heightened her connection to the Wraith and heightened the abilities that she already had. Not only that, but at the end of this particular episode, she’s now the leader of an alliance of Wraith and it’s very bizarre. It’s not a role that Teyla hopes to revisit, but it’s one she knows that if she has to, she would,” continues Lutrell. “She leaves it in the hands of Todd, but as it turns out, the Queen is the supreme ruler and she is the Queen, so who knows. It’s very interesting…”
                          Well, atleast we know that Caden (or DA CUTIE PIE!!,as I *affectionatly* refer to him) wasn't scared out of his little mind at the sight of mommy in full wraithie regalia!
                          Where my mind comes out to play *DUN DUN DUN!!!!!!!!!!!!*


                            Hey Guys, just a quick post to wish all who celebrated birthdays this month a very Happy Birthday. I haven't forgotten you guys but trying to get in some vacation time before I'm go back out to studies and work.
                            So, love you guys and long live JT
                            be back in a week.


                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              Here's a couple of sigs. They are just slightly different.


                              Beautiful! I like the first one best.
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                                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                                Here's a couple of sigs. They are just slightly different.



                                Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                                Hey Guys, just a quick post to wish all who celebrated birthdays this month a very Happy Birthday. I haven't forgotten you guys but trying to get in some vacation time before I'm go back out to studies and work.
                                So, love you guys and long live JT
                                be back in a week.
                                Hi Maff! See you next week!

                                What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!

