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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
    Thanx cc!

    Thanx Mayra!

    This is me:

    Me with the hat on

    and me on the right... obviously!

    Thanks Cazz!. Now i know which back belongs to you! LOL!.

    Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
    naamiaiset has posted some pics of The Queen:

    Haven't looked so I don't know what they're like, hope you like them Linda

    Thanks!. Too bad there wasn't any pics of Teyla but i guess that will be too spoilerish.

    Originally posted by Pandora's_Box View Post
    Just dropping in to drop these off...



    Hope you enjoy!
    Wow Pandora!!!...beautiful Wallie and Sig!.

    Originally posted by TeylaJohn4ever View Post
    Sorry, didn't want to spoil it, but Jack does die in the beginning but then SG-1 changes the timeline so his death never happens at the end of the movie!
    Continuum spoiler

    Thanks for letting me know. Glad they were able to fix it in the end!.

    Originally posted by Luciana View Post
    Hello! *waves*

    Did some new arts.


    and a sig
    More pretties!!!!...lovely Luciana!.

    Sig by Camy


      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post

      Thank you......I opened the spoiler and say the beginning
      AH! i'm soooo sorry Linda!. I should have remembered to add a Continuum spoiler warning before posting. Sorry about that .

      Sig by Camy


        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
        huh footie....wait,is there footie on
        England legends vs Germany at Bramall Lane, in memory of Derek Dooley

        Originally posted by gater101 View Post
        (if you don't review at lj, could you message me your thoughts? I'll be away from the board for a while so won't see them )

        Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
        Popping in to say congrats to TF and Cazz on their milestones as well as congrats to all the other milestoners!!
        Thanx Hope!

        What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


          Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
          Birthday Alert

          We've got another birthday in the house, y'all!

          Nina's birthday is on August 30th.

          Her favorite characters are John, followed by Teyla.

          Her favorite episodes/scenes are Search and Rescue, when John and Teyla meet each other and the cave scene in Rising, the hug scenes in DG and SOW, and the goodbye and hello scene in The Return 1.

          Her favorite kind of fics are JT fluff with a *tiny* bit of angst.

          And she loves any kind of artwork!

          So, let's get out and celebrate!!

          Also...I know there are a lot of new people here. Please PM me if you want to be a part of the birthday celebration! Thanks!!
          Thanks Jess.

          Originally posted by Luciana View Post
          You do?

          And thanks everyone. Glad you all like it.
          NP hun.

          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
          Oh phew...I was worried there for a minute

          Oh no...A redhead....I'm so sorry for you YC

          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
          We'll it's kinda quiet in here tonight so i'm gonna go watch some Stargate then go to bed
          G'night Linda.

          Originally posted by gater101 View Post
          Title: Black Dress, White Shirt. Black Suit, White Dawn 8
          Summary: He had lost so much; she didn’t think he would survive if he lost her too.
          Characters: Teyla, Bruce, John, Alfred
          Pairing: Teyla/Bruce & Teyla/John
          Rating: T-M
          Notes: Actually has John/Teyla

          (if you don't review at lj, could you message me your thoughts? I'll be away from the board for a while so won't see them )
          Ugh. I'm still behind.

          Originally posted by Hope24 View Post
          Popping in to say congrats to TF and Cazz on their milestones as well as congrats to all the other milestoners!!

          Beautiful artwork Pandora's Box and Luciana!!

          Sci, when you get a chance PM me. I need your assistance.
          Just PMed you.


            QUESTION: Can somebody give me thoughts on my series? go to my page,scroll dow nto my stories written, click "last updated" the top story after clicking that link (Meeting the Red Devil), then tell me if I should go on


            This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
            "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
            "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


              Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
              *waves* hi grumpy
              don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

              facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                *waves* hi grumpy
                Humph! I ain't grumpy *folds arms and pouts*

                On chapter 21 of that fic btw, nearly finished It's damn good too!

                What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                  Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                  Humph! I ain't grumpy *folds arms and pouts*

                  On chapter 21 of that fic btw, nearly finished It's damn good too!

                  *waits patiently for some CazzBlade-y reviews*
                  don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                  facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                    JM BLOG UPDATE

                    PG15 writes: “1. Chris Judge recently said that it’s possible that the 3rd movie might start shooting in January of next year. Is there any truth in this?

                    2. Any new info regarding the Ancients’ war with the Wraith in Season 5?

                    3. Will the Wraith try to get to Earth again in Season 5?”

                    Answers: 1) Hey, anything is possible. We’re a long way from an actual production date but I’d be VERY surprised if a third SG-1 movie wasn’t in production in 2009. 2) Off the top of my head - nope. 3) Wouldn’t that be interesting!

                    Jean writes: “Seems like SciFi is going to air all 20 episodes without a large break as usual after the mid-season cliffhanger. From a producer’s point of view, do you prefer this or rather a longer break between the 2 halves of the season? Do you think it impacts ratings at all?”

                    Answer: Although it is a bit more work for the production, I think running the show straight through is preferable to taking an extended mid-season hiatus. I find that the hiatus tend to break a show’s momentum. As for how it impacts the ratings - time will tell.

                    TBA writes: “When you write scenes for major Wraith characters, do you usually give them names?”

                    Answer: Not usually. They’re simply referred to as Wraith Commander unless one of our characters names them - as was the case with Kenny.

                    Moscowchick writes: “I have a question - does the Atlantis expedition have a janitorial staff or does the city magically clean up after its inhabitants?”

                    Answer: There is a service crew in the city that, among other things, prepares the meals, cleans up after everyone, and, most important of all, keeps a very low-profile which explains why you don’t see them.

                    Smiley_face06 writes: “Thanks for answeing my question about Ba’al. It makes me feel better knowing Sam isn’t sulking after being relieved of command in Atlantis.”

                    Answer: One of the things we wanted to make sure of was that Carter’s being relieved of the Atlantis command isn’t seen as a demotion because, as our team pointed out in The Seed, she was actually a victim of her own success. As such, the next time we see Carter (in episode 20), she’ll have assumed another command position.

                    Sandra writes: “First question: What would be the Daniel, Mitchell, Vala, Teyla, and Ronon commercials be for “With a Little Stargate Anything is Possible?” Second: If you could write a crossover episode with any other book or TV show what would it be? Third (and this is new): what, in your mind, happened to SG-1 while Sam was on Atlantis? Now that she’s back, will she rejoin the team?”

                    Answers: 1) Not a clue. 2) Dr. Who. 3) With the Ori dealt with, things were decidedly quiet on the Milky Way front. While not disbanded, SG-1 (made up of Daniel, Teal’c, Mitchell, and Vala) curtailed their off-world exploits.


                      Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                      *waits patiently for some CazzBlade-y reviews*
                      And Laura, I expect some big, massive Carson fic for my birthday to make up for the fact you're ditching leaving the thread.
                      Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                        Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                        And Laura, I expect some big, massive Carson fic for my birthday to make up for the fact you're ditching leaving the thread.
                        And you shall have it!

                        When's your birthday? LOL.
                        don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                        facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                          Hey guys!

                          I'm hoping to type up my fic for the 1st one in the JT Kiss List today.

                          Is out here in Aus, & it seemed to go unnoticed until yesterday when I walked past a Video Rental Shop on the way to TAFE, & they had a poster for it just inside the door. I went "that's not out yet, is it?" to myself, before spotting the "NOW AVAILABLE" sign directly above the poster.
                          Then I was watching last night's "Friends" episode [for those interested it was called 'the one with Ross' inappropriate song' which he sings "Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix-n-Match-a-lot [they use it in 'Shrek' I think- I remember hearing it there too.] Anyway, I was watching it this morning (since I was at Tafe when it was on last night), & I was fast forwarding through an ad break, when I saw Continuum flash past. So I rewound it, & lo-&-behold, there's an ad for it. Starts off with Jack! Looked like they'd taken a crappy version of the ad- somehow it didn't fit onto my TV screen (maybe that's cos it's a Sony Bravia.......)

                          As for those "The Queen" Pics:

                          Pic 1- all of the boys dont look pleased about something. John's almost pouting!
                          Pic 2- Ronon looks really pissed off. Clearly something in the plan has back fired. Rodney- even though his face is turned AWAY, you can tell by his stance he's ****ting himself.
                          And John?
                          He's got that "huh? What the????" look on (with the mouth open a bit! lol! Cutie! *wub!*

                          Guess we're not going to see many pics of Teyla this season.


                          All Sigs Made By Me.


                            Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                            And you shall have it!

                            When's your birthday? LOL.
                            You've got plenty of time. September 9th.
                            Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                              Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                              JM BLOG UPDATE

                              PG15 writes: “1. Chris Judge recently said that it’s possible that the 3rd movie might start shooting in January of next year. Is there any truth in this?

                              2. Any new info regarding the Ancients’ war with the Wraith in Season 5?

                              3. Will the Wraith try to get to Earth again in Season 5?”

                              Answers: 1) Hey, anything is possible. We’re a long way from an actual production date but I’d be VERY surprised if a third SG-1 movie wasn’t in production in 2009. 2) Off the top of my head - nope. 3) Wouldn’t that be interesting!

                              Jean writes: “Seems like SciFi is going to air all 20 episodes without a large break as usual after the mid-season cliffhanger. From a producer’s point of view, do you prefer this or rather a longer break between the 2 halves of the season? Do you think it impacts ratings at all?”

                              Answer: Although it is a bit more work for the production, I think running the show straight through is preferable to taking an extended mid-season hiatus. I find that the hiatus tend to break a show’s momentum. As for how it impacts the ratings - time will tell.

                              TBA writes: “When you write scenes for major Wraith characters, do you usually give them names?”

                              Answer: Not usually. They’re simply referred to as Wraith Commander unless one of our characters names them - as was the case with Kenny.

                              Moscowchick writes: “I have a question - does the Atlantis expedition have a janitorial staff or does the city magically clean up after its inhabitants?”

                              Answer: There is a service crew in the city that, among other things, prepares the meals, cleans up after everyone, and, most important of all, keeps a very low-profile which explains why you don’t see them.

                              Smiley_face06 writes: “Thanks for answeing my question about Ba’al. It makes me feel better knowing Sam isn’t sulking after being relieved of command in Atlantis.”

                              Answer: One of the things we wanted to make sure of was that Carter’s being relieved of the Atlantis command isn’t seen as a demotion because, as our team pointed out in The Seed, she was actually a victim of her own success. As such, the next time we see Carter (in episode 20), she’ll have assumed another command position.

                              Sandra writes: “First question: What would be the Daniel, Mitchell, Vala, Teyla, and Ronon commercials be for “With a Little Stargate Anything is Possible?” Second: If you could write a crossover episode with any other book or TV show what would it be? Third (and this is new): what, in your mind, happened to SG-1 while Sam was on Atlantis? Now that she’s back, will she rejoin the team?”

                              Answers: 1) Not a clue. 2) Dr. Who. 3) With the Ori dealt with, things were decidedly quiet on the Milky Way front. While not disbanded, SG-1 (made up of Daniel, Teal’c, Mitchell, and Vala) curtailed their off-world exploits.
                              Thanks MrsB.

                              Originally posted by LandJrule View Post
                              Hey guys!

                              I'm hoping to type up my fic for the 1st one in the JT Kiss List today.

                              Is out here in Aus, & it seemed to go unnoticed until yesterday when I walked past a Video Rental Shop on the way to TAFE, & they had a poster for it just inside the door. I went "that's not out yet, is it?" to myself, before spotting the "NOW AVAILABLE" sign directly above the poster.
                              Then I was watching last night's "Friends" episode [for those interested it was called 'the one with Ross' inappropriate song' which he sings "Baby Got Back" by Sir Mix-n-Match-a-lot [they use it in 'Shrek' I think- I remember hearing it there too.] Anyway, I was watching it this morning (since I was at Tafe when it was on last night), & I was fast forwarding through an ad break, when I saw Continuum flash past. So I rewound it, & lo-&-behold, there's an ad for it. Starts off with Jack! Looked like they'd taken a crappy version of the ad- somehow it didn't fit onto my TV screen (maybe that's cos it's a Sony Bravia.......)

                              As for those "The Queen" Pics:

                              Pic 1- all of the boys dont look pleased about something. John's almost pouting!
                              Pic 2- Ronon looks really pissed off. Clearly something in the plan has back fired. Rodney- even though his face is turned AWAY, you can tell by his stance he's ****ting himself.
                              And John?
                              He's got that "huh? What the????" look on (with the mouth open a bit! lol! Cutie! *wub!*

                              Guess we're not going to see many pics of Teyla this season.
                              Hey LJ. I don't think we'll see anything with her until after the ep airs.

                              Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                              You've got plenty of time. September 9th.
                              AHHHHH!!! That's a month away!!!!


                                Graphic Drop-off!

                                [Spoilers due to S5 pics used]


                                BTW- the background behind them is a photo of a sunset taken by moi out the window of the computer room in my house. I just loved the colours.

                                Comments appreciated!

                                Off for lunch.


                                All Sigs Made By Me.

