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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by sanssong
    I totally agree with you here.

    And I can't believe that more people haven't taken offense at the way Weir treated Simon. I really liked her character till she did that to him. And you make a good point that she was not going to go making it with Shep when she was still supposed to be in love with Simon.
    Yeah sanssong..for sure. And if you haven't seen 'Michael' I doubt she'd go up in your estimation! I was like damn it Weir...Why do you do this to me?! I love women leaders..but damn it all to hell! It's like she's working against me!! She's gonna make start questioning all the women leaders I've seen...Damn you Xena...oh it's begun!

    As womanist and a woman who loves great representation of our strength, power, and compassion Weir depresses...Hence the reason I latched on to Teyla..she really has it all.

    I see why she's on Atlantis and it seems to me she's passed on the reigns of her leadership, as a reservist, to Halling; while also keeping up regular visits to assure their safety and health. Which is understandable as she's wanting to help in the erdication of the Wraith, wanting to find viable planets for her people and those of Atlantis in case of danger. I mean that is what a leader does...and as such she's more than a leader and taken the role of also ambassador, and Senator (like in Star Wars). And I believe it was in 'Trinity' or one of those episodes didn't they leave Teyla in charge of Atlantis when Weir and Shep went to earth? Shep to see Ford's family and Weir to do what she was doing... And she's fighter and really doesn't need someone to protect gun or not she's lethal and pretty sustainable..

    Oh and further more she's compassionate...damn it all to hell she's got it all, except for the fact that there is a naivete that surrounds her..and keeps an innocence alive. Anyway my POV fics will address these thoughts of Teyla, and why I love her..but I should bring that to a Teyla thread...

    Anyway her role with Shep would work.because as Ambassador she would represent her people and be leader of her people, while still standing right by Sheps side!
    Click statement above to read article.


      Originally posted by Doxymom
      Hugs Camy back. Hi! You all talk fast. I no sooner hit reply and I'm behind on posts.

      Cpt. Ritter, here's a challenge for you: Spoilers for CM. uh...I don't know how to hide them. Hope that's okay.

      Challenge: write a tag to CM in which John comforts Teyla about Charin's death and supports her. Have them standing at the gravesite--if there was one (since they didn't say what happened with her body)--or with Teyla while she does something with Charin's ashes.

      Sorry, it's a little depressing, but I wondered what happened AFTER the Ring Ceremony.
      Add to that..a John and Teyla make out the middle of the grave site...Okay, a bit too the parking lot of the they even have parking lots...okay, in the garden of the know what I mean...


      Hey, Doxy...have some of this John/Teyla red does wonder for the complexion...


        Hugs Camy back. Hi! You all talk fast. I no sooner hit reply and I'm behind on posts.

        Cpt. Ritter, here's a challenge for you: Spoilers for CM. uh...I don't know how to hide them. Hope that's okay.

        Challenge: write a tag to CM in which John comforts Teyla about Charin's death and supports her. Have them standing at the gravesite--if there was one (since they didn't say what happened with her body)--or with Teyla while she does something with Charin's ashes.

        Sorry, it's a little depressing, but I wondered what happened AFTER the Ring Ceremony.
        Well, haven't do a graveside interpretation, but I've already got this.

        Be There For You

        I'll think on the graveside thing, maybe add another chapter or create another one-shot.
        Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


          Originally posted by Camy
          Add to that..a John and Teyla make out the middle of the grave site...Okay, a bit too the parking lot of the they even have parking lots...okay, in the garden of the know what I mean...


          Hey, Doxy...have some of this John/Teyla red does wonder for the complexion...
          Geez Camy, he's comforting her, and while I'm sure making out would distract her it wouldn't help either. (Sorry, I'm a die-hard romantic)
          Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


            Originally posted by WitchBlade007
            Oh! I guess we're doing introductions..sowwy...missed it...

            So i'm Witchy...OMGirl on've enjoyed the interaction between Shep/Teyla since the get go....and we all know the scene that all got us going...

            now all together yell...CAVE SCENE!!!...

            I do the occassional Wallpaper, siggies, fanfics, and vids...may venture into doing icons eventually...

            Oh YIPEE! great to have you join...

            And maybe we won't be confused again, sis...
            OH, I"m next...I'm Camy...

            *HI CAMY*

            This stupid girl from Dunkin Donuts gave me a regular large coffee...instead of Decaffe large coffee..OH< YEAH I"M JUST GETTING STARTED>>>

            *Camy's bouncing up and down her house*



              Thanks! I have oodles of fic up at under Anna M. but none are in SGA. I thought there were 3 JT C2s.

              Witchy, hi! And Hi to everyone else I know that I may have missed in the fast-flying posts.



                Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                We make Shep/Teyla wine too?!??!?!?!?!?!?! When did this happen, does everyone have glasses, pillows, suitcases, etc...

                I am the Royal Shippy Guardian, AG gives away the merchandise. (Thread joke, though it'd be great if we had actual shirts and pillows and what not)
                I believe we cater to everyone's desire....We have an ask and ye shall recieve motto....

                Camy, sorry...I take that hypothesis that camy was dipping into the Shep/Teyla wine was wrong...

                R.I.P Wraithlord

                Awesome sig by SciFan


                  Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                  Geez Camy, he's comforting her, and while I'm sure making out would distract her it wouldn't help either. (Sorry, I'm a die-hard romantic)
                  Party pooper!


                    Originally posted by Annie Sheppard
                    g'night all

                    Doxymom... Shep and Teyla welcome you...


                    Thanks for the pic...don't stay up too late with whatever homework you have to do...

                    I so have that TV Guide still...Shep and Teyla on the front for all the world to see!


                      Shep and Teyla coffee, now why didn't you think of that Witchy?
                      Join the Ori War Today.Join Now


                        Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                        I believe we cater to everyone's desire....We have an ask and ye shall recieve motto....

                        Camy, sorry...I take that hypothesis that camy was dipping into the Shep/Teyla wine was wrong...
                        Well, actually, wait a minute..everything is spinning'm going to go lay down for awhile, on my John Teyla comforter and satin sheets....
                        WHOOO..fell back for a minute there....

                        OH, I SEE JOHN IN MY BED! Got go!
                        Wait,'s Teyla...


                          Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                          So i've got nothing better to do....

                          Teyla: We're on Page 2!!!

                          Teyla: John are you listening to me?...

                          Sheppard: Ummm...what did you say...*wonder if she knows i was checking her out*
                          Teyla: men!...

                          Sheppard: Oh no she know!
                          Mckay: Great!..He's got his eyes on her again....
                          Witchy...I love this...


                            Cpt Ritter, thanks! I haven't read that one, but I will. I intend to fill my ebookman (miraculous thing that it is) with JT fic and slowly read them all.


                              Originally posted by sanssong
                              Hey all, I don't know it this has been posted over here or not, but Joe F. made a very interesting quote in a recent TV Zone Interview- #197- about Conversion.

                              Here is its

                              "We were able to do that with Sheppard this season in Conversion. While it wasn't an amusing story, my character did undergo a change where he was allowed to show weakness and other traits that viewers hadn't seen before. As the series goes on I feel confident we'll come up with other clever ways to do that with him."

                              How very interesting! So in essence he's saying what *we've* been saying all along- the bug virus just took away his natural inhibitions- the feelings and reactions were all Sheppard! That is really good news and totally supports the notion that he's wanted to kiss Teyla during a sparing session before and wanted to kiss her then- those things are pretty much foreplay sessions anyway. *giggle*

                              You can just look at their expressions as they spar and it's like- yowsa- hot as all get out. That element was missing from the scene she did with Ronon. As I recall the lighting was different and the camera never really focused on their expressions the way it does when Teyla and Sheppard spar. Another thing about Shep and Teyla's sessions- the lighting is always very soft and there is *never* anyone else in the room with them the way there was with Ronon. Don't know if she sparred alone with Michael- but I doubt it was filmed the same way as her scenes with Sheppard.

                              It also supports the idea that whatever friendship lies between he and Weir is still very tentative and shallow- he nearly killed her when she pissed him off. Guess he gets more pissed off at her than he lets on sometimes. Not exactly a romantic notion. But then again Joe has always said that there is nothing between Sheppard and Weir.
                              I'm too hyper to reply to this...but you are soooo right...
                              I'm going to green you for this too....
                              Geez people, don't ever have coffee if you are not use to it..I'm literally shaking...!


                                Okay it's offical...Witchy you still around...wallpaper challenge!

                                A wallpaper with John and Teyla that has the words 'Always keeps an eye on her...sometimes two.." on it.

                                I think that is my new favorite saying...hmmmm...would make a cool sig also...

                                Okay Vaberella...lives in NY so she said that she would post her story around 11 so that's 9:00 my time...I'll be waiting!

