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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Thats beautiful Luciana....

    thanks for sharing your awesome work with us...


      Yeah that really is beautiful Luciana.

      I especially love the we only part to meet again.

      Whenever, Where ever, Whatever, I'll risk life and limb when it comes to you.
      Pretty Sig by Annie Shep.


        Originally posted by Spectrum View Post
        Awww! Great job on both Winged!

        I love all the team moments in the Uncommon Bond!
        "Left hand, toasty. Toasty?!"--Best line ever! LOL!

        I loved Night Phantoms too. Great pair of stories with Teyla caring for John and then John caring for Teyla in the second one.
        Thanks a bunch Spec!

        Originally posted by Luciana View Post

        Filesize is pretty big. Don't know why.

        Oooo . . . beautiful, as always.
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          Originally posted by Luciana View Post

          Filesize is pretty big. Don't know why.

          Wow! It's beautiful!!

          WP - I loved the fics sweetie, great job!
          *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

          “Because you can.”



            Originally posted by Luciana View Post

            Filesize is pretty big. Don't know why.

            This is gorgeous. I love the saying
            An ER fan, are you?
            don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

            facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


              Title: Phantoms Fading
              Summary: And in that moment, there was just the two of them. Phantoms tag.
              Characters: Team Sheppard
              Pairing: John/Teyla
              Rating: K
              Author’s Note: Part of the tag fic with Wedjatqi: creating the distance he felt he needed and all there was was the two of them pressed together...

              don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

              facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                Luciana Beautiful sig as always
                Sigs by Scifan


                  Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                  Title: Phantoms Fading
                  Summary: And in that moment, there was just the two of them. Phantoms tag.
                  Characters: Team Sheppard
                  Pairing: John/Teyla
                  Rating: K
                  Author’s Note: Part of the tag fic with Wedjatqi: creating the distance he felt he needed and all there was was the two of them pressed together...

                  Awesome work
                  Sigs by Scifan


                    Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                    Awesome work
                    Thanks hun

                    Anyone else having trouble with the board tonight?
                    don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                    facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                      Originally posted by Luciana View Post

                      Filesize is pretty big. Don't know why.

                      Simply gorgeous! Love it lots!!!

                      Click here daily to give free mammograms

                      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


                        Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                        Thanks Auntie!!
                        You're welcome hun.

                        Originally posted by asgard30 View Post

                        Really pretty you know what you really make me like more and more Ronon and I think I don't find the Ronon Teyla ship so horrible. I think at first I disliked it because I found it forced but now and with the lovely interview from Jason I don't find it so horrible and really I'm warmed (?) a lot more to Ronon. Don't be traumatised I prefer the Sheyla and The McKay Teyla before this one nevertheless... I think lol
                        Thank you Asgard.
                        I'm glad that I can bring you to liking Ronon more.
                        I only see Ronon and Teyla as more of a brother/sister relationship.
                        I especially saw it in Sunday and BAMSR

                        Originally posted by outta-orbit View Post
                        Hi guys!

                        Dropping off a video gift.

                        Took a while for me to make another because my comp. went all wonky and I ended up losing almost everything necessary to make decent videos.
                        Anyhow, I ended up getting better software which makes the making of vids even more fun.

                        OK! This one has loads of Teyla whumping--the emo & physical variety.

                        Here’s the scenario and video:



                        All Teyla ever wanted was to live as serene a life as possible with her people.
                        But it’s proves ridiculously hard when she always has to deal with all the P.G. baddies constantly coming at her and those she love at every angle…at every given moment.

                        She, obviously as the leader of the Athosians, has had this problem for a while, but she’s more than willing to deal for the sake of her people.
                        And then the anything but simple/average John Sheppard comes along and she no longer has to bear the burden of protecting her people alone—especially now that the Wraith are back.

                        She ends up falling way hard for the Colonel. And she now more than ever wants this life she’s always dreamed of and she wants it with John.
                        But having to fight never ending brutal battles, shows Teyla life’s to short and ends up convincing herself that John’s not the man she should be with and turns to someone else—Kanaan.

                        Teyla believes she’s found what she needs in him. And he does make her happy, but only for a little while. She later realizes that the simple things she’s always wanted in life (Kanaan--for whom she’s now pregnant)are now proving to be the most complicated.

                        And even though she’s told Kanaan she can’t continue to return his feelings the way he wants, he believes they should stay together anyway. But Teyla can’t continue to live a lie any longer. All she wants now is to rid the galaxy of the Wraith and protect her people from other menacing threats while at John’s side.

                        In spite of issues with Kanaan, she’s very happy about her baby, but with each passing day she can’t help but find herself wishing more and more that he was John’s.

                        But that’s the least of Teylas problems. Her first concern is still the BIG BADS coming at her and those she love left and right.

                        Poor girl… she just can never get a moments peace.

                        Nice job hun. Thanks for sharing.

                        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                        Yeah i know....I'm like WTF Watching this film actually confused me

                        I mean they weren't just little mistakes...They practically rewrote history so it would fit in with the story...I'm sorry if others liked the movie but i am dead against changing history just for a film...If they are gonna make a film about something significant then they really should get the facts right..

                        I live not far from Stirling,i can see the Wallace monument from my kitchen window

                        Well you know the funny thing is,there was a guy that was in braveheart that would have been perfect for the part.....He was tall and broad and he had the characteristics,he had a kinda ginger beard and if i mind right i think he's Scottish!

                        Thanks..Dunno about getting better though!

                        Oh very nice sci

                        Thanks caz but why do we only get one meesly pic when the others have a handful of pics

                        Oh this new series better not be at the expense of Atlantis or i'll be seriously pissed I won't watch it!
                        Thanks Linda.
                        Did you get to read my little ficlet.
                        It's already on

                        Originally posted by girlinabox View Post
                        Welcome new members!

                        What's this Jason interview I keep hearing about????
                        I LOVE spoilers!
                        Hey GNB! It's on GW main page. No spoilers really.

                        Originally posted by bluealien View Post
                        I thought Jason's interview was very telling. I always saw Ronon/Rodney as having mutual respect for each other. I never saw them as great friends as they really dont have anything in common. This is also how I have always seen Rodney and Teyla, and that's why I could never ever ship them. They are on the same team and care about each other and obviously have a great respect for one another.. but thats it. You can work with someone and like them but that doesnt mean you have to hang out with them or even have much in common with them... Again this is how I always saw Sheppard/Weir.. they really had nothing in common except the running of Atlantis and when they werent discussing Atlantis there was nothing between them. The Return showed this clearly when they were back on earth, weeks went by and they never even contacted one another.

                        So I found Jasons comments very realistic.... each of their skills bring something unique to the team and they will always be there for each other but I don't see all of them as friends outside their work enviroment. So as much as I love the different kinds of interaction between all of them.. its for this reason that I can ONLY ship John and Teyla..... they are the only pairing I see as having a connection outside their work environment. They have a lot in common, and have a wonderful romantic chemistry. I cannot ship anyone unless they have a good romantic chemistry and I don't see this anywhere except between John and Teyla... Ronon/Teyla have a teasing brother/sister relationship and I love it .. but I just don't see it as romantic.. I love the arkwardness between Rodney and Teyla at times but again I could never ever see them as relationship material.. or Carson/Teyla.

                        Weir/Sheppard again had the comfortable banter going on in work related issues, but it never went into the personal and I dont think I can remember them ever discussing anything personal. Shep seemed a little uncomfortable around Weir at times and always seemed to use the light hearted banter as a barrier between them.. he never revealed anything of himself to her, or let her get close to him.

                        So I am pretty much in agreement with Jason on how he sees the relationship between him and Rodney.... Joe always used to say the same about his relationship between him and Weir, that she was his boss and nothing else.
                        I don't blame Jason not being too keen of a 3 way relationship. To me its a bit immature to have Keller falling for both of them, especially when they are such different men.. It gives the impression that Keller hasnt a clue what qualities she wants in a man if she is drawn to two completely differnt types of guys... its one thing to change your opinon of what you want in a guy, maybe after finding out you didnt like the qualities you thought you liked.. but being attracted to two such different personalites at the same time just screams of being totally clueless as to what you are looking for in a relationship...
                        ITA with you Blue. You are dead on.

                        Originally posted by Luciana View Post

                        Filesize is pretty big. Don't know why.

                        *Jaw drops to the ground and is speechless*

                        Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                        Title: Phantoms Fading
                        Summary: And in that moment, there was just the two of them. Phantoms tag.
                        Characters: Team Sheppard
                        Pairing: John/Teyla
                        Rating: K
                        Author’s Note: Part of the tag fic with Wedjatqi: creating the distance he felt he needed and all there was was the two of them pressed together...

                        Awwww. Very nice Laura.


                          Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                          Thanks hun

                          Anyone else having trouble with the board tonight?
                          Yes . . .
                          *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                          “Because you can.”



                            Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                            Yes . . .
                            Thank goodness. I thought it was just me. It was driving me mad!
                            don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                            facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                              Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                              Thank goodness. I thought it was just me. It was driving me mad!
                              LOL - Well it's not, don't worry. It was driving me mad as well, so I gave up and left
                              *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                              “Because you can.”



                                Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                                Yes . . .
                                Not yet.
                                Note I said yet.

