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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
    They are awesome and I'm in love (can we say this lol) with the first one really I love it
    Thanx asgard!

    What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


      Originally posted by Luciana View Post
      scifan - Don't know! Noone asked I'm not sure.
      So you can if you want to.


      Awesome sigs Luci!

      Sig by me!
      My FanFic's


        Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
        I still have to read chapter 18 . . . I'll catch up soon sci!
        NP TF. Take your time.

        Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
        *hugs* no no no, I didn't mean for it to sound mean. I'm sorry that it did! The littlest one was down for her nap and I didn't want to spend time looking for the link. I'm sorry!!
        I was just teasing Jess.
        Sorry right back.

        Originally posted by Luciana View Post
        scifan - Don't know! Noone asked I'm not sure.
        So you can if you want to.


        Yeah!!! Thank you .
        And more awesome sigs. I love the two tone effect.

        Originally posted by girlinabox View Post
        Thanks for the link!
        NP GNB.
        How are you?


          Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
          I really love it awesome

          Originally posted by scifan View Post
          NP TF. Take your time.
          Ok, thanks sci
          *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

          “Because you can.”



            Coup D'etat

            *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

            “Because you can.”




              Author's Links

              Anlaria Onyx aka Agrabah's Princess

              Camy aka Cielito



              Doxymom's page

              Second site

              Hope24 aka Fox66








              Ruby Caspar

              Ryan C. Charles



              Seldear aka Tielan

              SheylaFreak aka Camerine

              Teal'c206 aka Jack O'Neal2006

              Teyilia aka Autumnstarr



              Winged Pegasus


              Find More JT Fanfics On These Sites:


              JT Convergence

              Unique Bond

              Fanfic Central (Teal'c is looking for Aurthors to help a new site and post fics.)

              Author's Fanfics Daily/Weekly Post Links

              Round Robin Fic Jan., Round Robin Fic Feb., Round Robin Fic Mar., Round Robin Fic April, Round Robin May

              Forces of Nature

              Primary Target

              Whenever, Wherever
              Spectrum JT Rarepairing fic

              Kissing is Better

              The Other Side

              What is Love

              Wounded, but Loved

              Planet TV:
              DNA Snatchers

              Team Movie Night

              Eurydice Passing

              Stargate Atlantis: An Old Enemy Returns, Part 1

              He Is Mine


              Out of the Loop
              The Other Woman
              Hunger Pains: Home Cookin'

              Fanfic Chapter Updates

              Anlaria Onyx aka Agrabah's Princess:
              Ancient Baby Maker Chapter 19- Girl's Day Out
              The Colonel's Niece Chapter 8

              Carter O'Neill aka Sillyscipia:
              Paintball War Chapter 4

              The Enemy Within Part 2, Chapter 1: Relationships
              The Journal Chapter 5

              Tainted Survival Part 8

              Journey to Bring Them Home Chapter 8
              One Moment In Time Chapter 5 (Mature Reading and Cold Shower Alert for Chapter 4)
              Silent Torture Chapter 3

              Betrayal (Updated and finished. 3.28)

              Dark Planet Chapter 5

              Planet tv:
              Teyla Snatcher
              A Wish Yet to Come

              Ruby: Atlantis Lake Chapter 3, Chapter 4
              I Have Almost Forgotten the Taste of Fears Chapter 6

              Our Time Chapter 19, Chapter 20

              SGA- A Rip In Time Chapter 3
              Mature Readers Only

              Captivity Chapter 5

              Thayne M:
              The Journal Chapter 8(Not to be confused with Devine's story with same title.)
              Stupid Cupid and Other Rhyming Words

              Paternity Chapter 5 Chapter 6
              Cold Shower Alert!!!
              Warning: Mature Readers ONLY!



              The Ascension War part 2 New Birth Chapter 16

              Parting Thoughts

              Non-JT stories and sites:

              Cabouse Fics:
              Find SGA and SG-1 fics @ Heliopolis
              I didn't see any JT, but it might have other good stories.


              Are We There Yet

              Severed Ties

              Doctor Who- The Discovery

              Vierna's Redemption Mature Readers Only
              SGA Lightsaber Story

              Pick Me Up
              That's What Friends Aren't For
              This Must Be Heaven?

              Battle Prompts

              Fics and list

              Rarepairing Fic Battle

              Gator's Bits and Pieces Challenge

              Seldear"s (aka Tielan)John and Teyla Thing-A-Thon
              Possible Teyla Prompt. Let Tielan know.

              May Birthday Gifts:


              Gator's gift: MrsB's present

              Ruby's gift: Priorities

              Scifan's gift: Forbidden Territory

              TeylaFan's gift: Lost

              YappiChick's gift: Choices

              If I missed anything Please PM me. And try to send me your post link to my PM. Click on the number on your post, then copy and paste the web address.


                Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post

                NP TF

                Ok, thanks sci
                Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                Coup D'etat

                Somebody has been busy. Awesome Icons!!


                  Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                  Yep,i'm thinking that too

                  Ok guys,this has a serious cuteness warning on it so don't say i didn't warn you........Made by scifan
                  This is so cute I love it
                  Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                  Couple of Season 1 teyla icons. Not all of the eps - cause I really don't like her hair in the beginning . . .
                  Your icons are really awesome I realy can't choose I love them all so much
                  Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
                  Hi everyone I'm not staying long as i have to go off again soon i just wanted to post a sig i made for DONNA hope you like it
                  This is really good and it sticks so well with your background
                  Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                  ouch im 4th i came to post this
                  and this i made last night to the other i made but forgot to post it
                  Thank you for the link
                  And great idea your sig is really cool
                  Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                  Wow I really love it particularly the second one It's too great
                  Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                  Dunno if you've been to these sites before..
                  JT convergence
                  Unique bond
                  Gate of dreams - Sanssongs site

                  The vid kept stuttering!

                  Thank yu for the links I think there is some where I didn't go
                  Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                  Thanx cc!

                  Jewel Staite interview:

                  Thank you for the link and I won't make comment. Please help me I fear to become anti someone. I'm sure and I hope it will pass when the ep will start
                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  Can I throw out a really Wild idea??

                  I just watched DG the other day.... again.
                  And something came to mind during Teyla's dream.
                  John tells her that she's not right after she dealt with the Queen in Submersion(very rough paraphrase). Any way. I know that this is a set up for Season five and the changes she'll be going through, but what if it was what drew her to Kannan.
                  I mean he has the gift, she does too. She said it just happened and it was Sam that concluded that was part of what drew them to each other. What if it was because she was feeling more wraith and didn't know it.

                  I told you it was Wild!!!
                  I don't think it wild.
                  1- SGA has a lot of things that they didn't explane. Did you remember in Rising Teyla appears to Shep like a wraith illusion. How did she do this. Why didn't she do it again ? This is the same for this sentence it had to mean something for Teyla but it didn't appear. It proofs that Teyla fears that she became different it was important but we didn't saw it. And I doubt that they thought of this in the long time like hey we will make in S5 because they didn't know if there will be one.
                  2- You are right it's true that something attract her for Kanaan and perhaps it's this. If we add all she suffers, the only proposition she had (from Kanaan and not Shep) and the fear of changements while the certitude of continuity with Kanaan. I really haven't any problem with her choice for Kanaan there is a lot of things that xplain it. I have more problems with her pregnancy but after all Shep could have children everywhere too (In epiphany where did he find protection ? Ok it's really reality on this point lol) but Teyla seems a ***** for this while she meets someone she likes or she cares for and she didn't programm it. It could have happened to Shep, and I don't want to not be nice but from his part it was only pleasure. It's always more easy for guys.

                  Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                  ahem...... I"M HOME!!!! though injured and am seeing the doc (Carson himself!) tomrrow morning at ten am for an appointment for a badly burned right foot (NOTE TO SELF: never build a Rubbermaid shed barefooted in the hot sun, you will burn on white metal hinges!) That said I need just 36 Atlantis Hours to write my piece and end the whole party so if someone would kindly get me Winged's piece I can end this party, thankyou muchly gang!
                  I'm sorry I hope you feel better by now
                  Originally posted by teal'c2006 View Post
                  Thanks Scifan, for the Birthday wishes.......
                  It was your birthday and I wasn't here Did you like something particularly ?
                  Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                  OK guys the post from me you have been waiting for!.... cue drumroll please! May RR, ENDING!!!....
                  Really cool and sweet ending
                  Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                  JM BLOG UPDATE
                  Thanks for the update
                  Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                  I don't think anybody has posted this yet: Outsiders

                  Not particularly exciting but it does sound like a team ep!

                  I made it through the first round of the LIMS (Last icon maker standing) contest!

                  This is the one I submitted:
                  Thank you for the link and your icons are so great the first one is awesome but I love them all
                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  Thanks Cazz for the link.
                  Maybe it will be a nice surprise.
                  I didn't think I would like Harmony, but I did.

                  Awesome Icons. I really like the one you submitted. Weir's icon is pretty too.

                  MrsB. I did what you suggested. Thanks again.

                  Totally OT: I made these sigs for Teal'c B-day.
                  They are really cool and I love the Spiderman one
                  Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                  Another day, another pic fic...

                  Hunger Pains: Home Cookin'

                  As usual, sarcasm abounds.
                  Really cool and I find this one really sweet I don't know why I don't find it critic but really cool
                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  Oh good. I'm starting to feel better that I'm not crazy.

                  Thanks Linda and I think you were right about Outsiders. Hmmm. I don't know.

                  Poor Rodney and Teyla.

                  Our Time: Chapter 18(It's kinda long)
                  This story is amazing
                  Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
                  Short Dark Planet Update:

                  Off to read Sci's update!!
                  It's too cool when will we have the next part
                  Sig by the Great Linda06


                    Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                    Coup D'etat

                    Oh can i snag these......pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeease!


                      TeylaFan Your icons are GREAT. I love the second one! It's adorable! *loves*


                        Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                        Coup D'etat

                        Fantastic! These two are my favourites

                        Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                        Thank you for the link and your icons are so great the first one is awesome but I love them all
                        Thanx asgard

                        What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                          Originally posted by scifan View Post
                          I was just teasing Jess.
                          Sorry right back.
                          LOL, I thought you might be, but I wanted to make sure!
                          Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                            Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                            Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                            This is so cute I love it :

                            Your icons are really awesome I realy can't choose I love them all so much

                            This is really good and it sticks so well with your background

                            Thank you for the link
                            And great idea your sig is really cool

                            Wow I really love it particularly the second one It's too great

                            Thank yu for the links I think there is some where I didn't go

                            Thank you for the link and I won't make comment. Please help me I fear to become anti someone. I'm sure and I hope it will pass when the ep will start

                            I don't think it wild.
                            1- SGA has a lot of things that they didn't explane. Did you remember in Rising Teyla appears to Shep like a wraith illusion. How did she do this. Why didn't she do it again ? This is the same for this sentence it had to mean something for Teyla but it didn't appear. It proofs that Teyla fears that she became different it was important but we didn't saw it. And I doubt that they thought of this in the long time like hey we will make in S5 because they didn't know if there will be one.
                            2- You are right it's true that something attract her for Kanaan and perhaps it's this. If we add all she suffers, the only proposition she had (from Kanaan and not Shep) and the fear of changements while the certitude of continuity with Kanaan. I really haven't any problem with her choice for Kanaan there is a lot of things that xplain it. I have more problems with her pregnancy but after all Shep could have children everywhere too (In epiphany where did he find protection ? Ok it's really reality on this point lol) but Teyla seems a ***** for this while she meets someone she likes or she cares for and she didn't programm it. It could have happened to Shep, and I don't want to not be nice but from his part it was only pleasure. It's always more easy for guys.

                            I'm sorry I hope you feel better by now

                            It was your birthday and I wasn't here Did you like something particularly ?

                            Really cool and sweet ending

                            Thanks for the update

                            Thank you for the link and your icons are so great the first one is awesome but I love them all

                            They are really cool and I love the Spiderman one

                            Really cool and I find this one really sweet I don't know why I don't find it critic but really cool

                            This story is amazing

                            It's too cool when will we have the next part
                            Originally posted by Luciana View Post
                            scifan - Don't know! Noone asked I'm not sure.
                            So you can if you want to.


                            Wohhon Gobsmacked you are one Talented Artist
                            Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
                            Ok thank you

                            Cool thank you so much for the links and great music choice

                            I find it awesome really cool

                            It's really too good and JF is perfect in this pic

                            I hope not because I really feel the same I hate it and his actions and yet I can't help to be fascinated perhaps by pity after all it's our fault

                            Thank you for the link I didn't known this song. She's great

                            Really cool

                            I really love it awesome

                            Ok I really love this spec. I cross my fingers

                            No problem. I am no good at speculation but I have to say that I really want Kanaan to discover something between JT and for instance Teyla call John name and Kanaan understanding this let her go and ask Shep for her protection. Without JT I would have never believed that I was a romantic lol

                            They are awesome and I'm in love (can we say this lol) with the first one really I love it

                            My poor Rodney it's awesome

                            I love your thoughts I didn't quote them all but you have such great idea. Really I keep my fingers crossed
                            Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                              I made these Toady one is Off topic but i thought i wouild post it anyway

                              Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


                                Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                                I made these Toady one is Off topic but i thought i wouild post it anyway

                                Oh i soooooooooooo love that Teyla one and that Docor/Rose one is awesome

