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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    That got me thinking too, Teyla has been in the position of possibly having to shoot John twice this season. I'd love to see an episode of how this effects her, maybe even a fanfic... my brain is shipping. Anyway, on someone saying tha Conversion put the nail in our coffin, HELL NO!!!! Conversion was a good for Shep/Weir as it was for us, maybe even moreso for us because of that one heated moment where Teyla couldn't shoot John. Wish I could match you guys on this stuff, but I just can't
    Will post vid soon.
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      OH AG, that is the picture i was thinking of for the 'Can i take you home'....can i snag the siggy ?......Your conversion siggy is awesome also nice quote too...

      {{{Hey Mel!!!}}}

      R.I.P Wraithlord

      Awesome sig by SciFan


        New Vid by me... its obviously Sheyla. It's to We Have All the Time In the World, by Louis Armstrong, enjoy.
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          Fly by hello. My french essay is in, so it's german next up. Hope you're all well. I miss you all loads xxx
          Yepp, it's blank down here.


            [AG's Old Lab]

            [In the little light that could be seen though the cracks in the boards blocking the entrance to AG's old lab, an odd cloud-like being enters the room, distorting the light as seen through the cracks. It floats to the middle of the room and hovers there, stationary.]

            [AG's New Lab]

            [AG is busy working on some equations when the alarm goes off.]

            AG: [looking up; confused] What's goin' on? [realizing] [--curse removed]

            [AG runs over to check the security camera's feed. She doesn't see anything on the screen.]

            AG: That's odd...

            [AG switches the camera to infrared and notices something.]

            AG: What is that?

            [AG continues to stare at the screen, purplexed.]

            [AG's Old Lab]

            [The being continues to hover, contemplating. Then, the darkness begins to come together and become more solid.]

            [AG's New Lab]

            [AG watches this, still purplexed. Then, getting a bad feeling, AG ducks down.]

            [The being burts through the four-foot thick stell door to the lab. AG, in rightful panic, decides to get out of there.]

            [Outside AG's Old Lab]

            [NoDot stands in the hall, waiting.]

            [AG bursts out of the lab.]

            AG: [in panic] A

            NoDot: [firm] Shut up. [points into lab] Watch. Shadow beings sacrifice themselves at the end of their lives. The energy release it astounding.

            [AG turns to look into the old lab. Then, a sudden explosion rocks the entire forum. NoDot uses telekinesis to keep the explosion contained for a moment. NoDot then produces a flask, and moves the explosion into the flask. NoDot then corks the flask and walks off.]

            NoDot: [muttering to self; no one hears] That's one down, however many there are left to go.
            This poster has a Superiority Complex. Apologies in advance.


              Okay, really quick:

              TJ -- ::hugs:: Miss you soooo much! Good luck on all the homework. Multiple languages? In-sane...and I say that with all of the love and respect possible.

              Ritter -- fantabulous vid! Check it out guys! And that definitely is a great idea for a fic. ::grumbles:: I have ideas, but time is definitely not treating me well. I have a few I want to start/finish, so someone should adopt that plot bunny...someone with more time and talent than me. :okes the other writers in this thread::

              Camy -- yeah...I definitely caved. It looks soooo good! Weir kicks butt, and the S/T stuff? Squee! I'm spineless, what can I say? Beta-reading your fic, and may I just say, holy crap!

              Mel -- ::hugs back:: Miss ya! Yup, we've been getting some great stuff here lately. Great work guys.

              NoDot -- Geez, I missed your sense of humor. Just as odd and twisted as mine. You need to come around here more often.

              "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

              HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                Originally posted by Camy
                Are you really, OH, come here, John....

                *John moves closer to Camy and extends his arms to give Camy a squeeee..*


                Don't think your getting of that easy, you still hurt our girl and it's goonna cost you!

                John: But Camy...I've learned my lesson...Scouts' honor!

                Teyla: Go ahead and slap him again just for good meaure...

                Originally posted by Camy
                Hey, AG...did you cave in and watch the french vid...? IT IS TOTALLY AWESOME! haven't had the chance to see the others ones that you have posted here, though...probably tonight!
                Not yet but I saved it to my laptop

                Originally posted by Tracy Jane
                Fly by hello. My french essay is in, so it's german next up. Hope you're all well. I miss you all loads xxx
                Hi back to you! French...German? Ack!

                Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                New Vid by me... its obviously Sheyla. It's to We Have All the Time In the World, by Louis Armstrong, enjoy.
                Go Ritter..I'm downloading!

                Originally posted by WitchBlade007
                OH AG, that is the picture i was thinking of for the 'Can i take you home'....can i snag the siggy ?......Your conversion siggy is awesome also nice quote too...
                Go ahead...I'm going siggy crazy!


                  Okay I'm trying to figure out how to do wallpapers...and post them but here is what I did so far...

                  And here is another sig..but my rotating sig is I'm using only one right now...


                    Originally posted by NoDot

                    NoDot: [muttering to self; no one hears] That's one down, however many there are left to go.

                    *AG stares at the area that use to be her lab, hands on her hips*

                    AG- "Well...there goes another lab"

                    *AG looks around to make sure NoDot isn't floating around nearby and then pulls out of her back pocket a folded piece of paper. AG unfolds it and the words, "New Secret Underground Lab" are splayed across the top. AG hears something and quickly stuffs the paper in her pocket before walking away in a relaxed gait...when she thinks she is far enough away she pulls out her radio and calls for some back-up...*

                    AG- "Steve...Bob...I'm opening up a new lab...yes another one...NoDot is proving to be a considerable foe but I will prevail in the end...Noone can stop me..NO ONE...Not even a floating around telekinetic NoDot!"

                    *AG puts away her radio and starts to think up ways to better secure her new facility against shadowy creatures and other unknown entities*

                    AG (mumbling under her breath) - "Electric fence...cloaking of wraith to guard door..."


                      *Camy peeks into AG's Old's completely destroyed....As tears roll down her cheeks, she remembers the good times shared here...Witchy's flying around, SP's doggy dog moments, Caz humming a new tune in Dukebox, John and Teyla making out on the sofa, Camy prancing around in her macarena skirt, Trippy tripping over Camy's skirt while trying to spank her, Mel busily making videos of J/T for Camy, AG whipping up a new batch of J/T gadgets with Steve, TJ teaching Bob how to speak German, Cpt. Ritter working on the Puddle Jumper installing a new hyperdrive for maximum speed performance..and all the other J/T shippers as they come and go with all their fun stories and props of J/T....AHHHH...the good old days...NOW, she was furious at NODOT...he comes here once in a blue moon and dares to come and destroy what we've worked for so hard!* Not with this crowd..Not while I am around...*

                      So, dubiously and cunningly, Camy twirls around faster than the speed of light and when she stops she has transformed into CAMY SUPER Wonder POWER...(okay, lame but I couldn't think of another name) Quickly, she grabs her wand and gets a hold of Witchy's old broom(still working) flies over the lab and sprinkles lots of John and Teyla pixie it falls on the ground everything turns as it was...when suddenly Steve and Bob are walking by and sprinkles fall on them transforming them into little tinker Wraith fairies......and when NoDot comes out to see what is happening, fairy dust falls on him as well...and as he tries to shake off the particles, he can't help but gaze at the sight in front of him! A very upset Camy is right above his head with her wand....Soon, she shakes lots of J/T fairy dust and is transformed into a tiny little meeny nodot!

                      When Bob and Steve Wraith fairies see this...they began to chase little teeny meeny nodot all over the lab trying to suck the life out of him! Soon they catch up to him, grab him and stare at him and say in their eeny beety tiny voice,

                      Oh, forget that, let's just eat him whole...he is sooo tiny we could split him in half...

                      Yes, it's been another heroic day for Camy....She smiles, flies around, sways her macarena skirt from side to side and thinks happy J/T thoughts...
                      Yes, are old stomping ground is BACK!

                      Camy walks over to the new improve AG lab and is amazed at the sight! WOW! I'm impress! Oh, well maybe we can donate our old lab to another shipper thread! YIKES!


                        Originally posted by Camy
                        Yes, it's been another heroic day for Camy....She smiles, flies around, sways her macarena skirt from side to side and thinks happy J/T thoughts...
                        Yes, are old stomping ground is BACK!
                        Darn straight it's back!

                        I did some my new digs are all spiffy and Shepmagan pretty.

                        Does John and Teyla proud...I may just have to organize a whole new picture party complete with Steve, Bob, Witchy's broom, pizza and macarena dancin'!!!

                        Ya Hoo!

                        Camy walks over to the new improve AG lab and is amazed at the sight! WOW! I'm impress! Oh, well maybe we can donate our old lab to another shipper thread! YIKES!
                        Face it NoDot...when it comes to Shepmagan can't beat Camy... *AG goes to dig out her Shepmagan ShipperGirl outfit*

                        This new lab is state of the art with all the lates ancient thingamabobs I could get Rodney and Zelenka to install...

                        Now all I need to do is paint the walls with John/Teyla pictures and it'll be just like old time...

                        *AG goes to dig out her pics*

                        are inviting you to the reopening of AG's place (was temporarily out of order due to an investation of shadowy unknowns but all is better)


                          Okay, Cpt parks his Puddle Jumper in the super secret hanger bay in AG's new new lab. He then hooks his jumper's cloaking device into AG's new shield and has a moment of brilliance that defeats even McKay and Zelenka combined and managed to get the shield and the cloak working at the same time... just as Camy accidently flies into the shield. Cpt swears to himself and shuts down the contraption. He still has to figure out a way to guide people in without them crashing into a now invisible shield......

                          I don't want to ruin to fun, but the mods will be over us like hawks if we don't somehow jump back on topic. So I'll set one. Just going with the first date idea for now with Shep and Teyla, how would it go... good, bad, some good conflict for beautiful shipping romance. Personally, I think it would go great, up until John says something stupid, or the subject of his current run of babes comes up. Then Teyla will get angry and storm out (or maybe not angry but upset in her own way) Then John will have to hustle after her and try and explain himself... but in the end he'll realize its his own fault and Teyla will forgive him... then they'll all live happily ever after.
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                            Okay first date with illustrations!

                            They could go for a ride in a limo...

                            Maybe visit John's home...

                            Share a drink and a toast to the future...

                            Have some friends over...(just like a hubby and wife)

                            But no matter what they do...Shep would find the courage to tell Teyla how he feels...

                            But under NO CIRCUMSTANCES will the wraith be allowed to tag along on their date...that means you Steve and your posse!


                              Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                              I don't want to ruin to fun, but the mods will be over us like hawks if we don't somehow jump back on topic
                              I'm aware. We need to move the Roleplay into another thread. Should it be the OT Chatters thread?

                              PS: Do you know why I only come by once in a blue moon? Because you'd kill me if I came by any more often!

                              PPS: Camy, you do know none of what you can do will actually hurt me, right? Thor was kind enough to let me have access to the Asgard cloning technology.

                              I'm off to continue the Roleplay in the Chatters thread. If anyone makes a Poleplay thread for this place, let me know. (I don't think we should make one, though.)
                              This poster has a Superiority Complex. Apologies in advance.


                                Originally posted by NoDot
                                PPS: Camy, you do know none of what you can do will actually hurt me, right? Thor was kind enough to let me have access to the Asgard cloning technology.

                                What's this? There's more than one NoDot? Oh Dear!

                                Okay first date idea....if they somehow made it back to earth...Shep takes Teyla to game!

