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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by AthosianGirl
    The wierdest thing...I had a whole month off and couldn't write a thing...I'm back in schools and tada the plot bunnies start between classes and in classes I'm scribbling away!
    I know right! That's why I consider myself an evil fic writer because I can go awol sometimes for months.


      Originally posted by xkawaiix
      I know right! That's why I consider myself an evil fic writer because I can go awol sometimes for months.
      *looks around with a guilty expression* I have a couple stories in limbo and one I may never get back to...bad me...why oh why don't I finish one fic before moving onto another...plot bunnies stay in order...there are too many I'm being overrun!


        I can't wait until everyone gets the chance to see TLG because I'm sure it's going to generate a lot of fanfic. There seemed to be something to spark the imagination of several different ships.

        I also want to comment on what several posters noted earlier about how the Teyla/John and Elizabeth/John shippers mirror each other. I wasn't an SGA fan the first time Conversion aired, but I read enough to figure that a lot of what we're reading about TLG now mirrors what was being posted then.

        I remember reading that many E/J shippers dreaded Conversion just as much as many T/J shippers dreaded TLG. Before TLG aired, I read many posts stating that this would be the episode that would solidify E/J as the canon ship, and I wouldn't be surprised if T/J shippers believed the same about Conversion before it aired.

        However, in both cases, the ship that was believed dead, found shipper moments to build on in those dreaded episodes. In fact, Conversion and TLG mirror each other so clearly that I expect that this is the way ship will be handled on SGA for the duration. TPTB will go back and forth between T/J and E/J ship (in between John's Kirking) and maybe they'll toss in a bit Teyla/Ronon and Elizabeth/Rodney ship... just because they can.
        Sig by Luciana


          I see this as teasing us until they can decide what they want to do for sure.


            Originally posted by xkawaiix
            I know right! That's why I consider myself an evil fic writer because I can go awol sometimes for months.
            I try not too, but it happens... ohh well, I've written so much that I'm surprised I can keep going. Let's say that SGA keeps me writing.

            Wait, xkawaiix, is that a DDR pad that your bunnies are dancing on?
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              Originally posted by AthosianGirl
              Master Mel takes you step by you a couple of me...I'm no techno-savy person myself but Mel makes it easy!

              Plus the more Shep/Teyla videos out there..the better...I love them!
              *blushes* Well I'm just passing on what I've learned. I'm awful with numbers myself green_eyed_lady and I know there are people who adjust bitrates and all kinds of stuff, but I've managed so far with basics and default settings. Doing it the easy way If you ever want to learn just PM me and we'll see if you have the hardware

              I seem to be doing better at finishing vids than fics. Which is odd because writing is about my favorite thing to do.


                Yeah, I'm the one who... if I wanted to, could make a program that would do all kinds of fun things, but I still owe it to Mel for getting me started on my vids. Which I now make lots of now. Another one is on the way soon.
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                  Originally posted by green_eyed_lady
                  Hate to burst your buble camy but........
                  no.....they do not really give each other sad looks, because the whole time it's Thalan....shep cannot commuinicate anything while his body is taken over. But Teyla does say "I will not let her hurt you" and after that.....proves just how well she does know our sheppy.
                  Ah, don't worry..again I think I read that somewhere that after he came through, he had some kind of sad look..but that's could never burst my bubble! I have the shield, pink if I may add, that AG so ingeniously whipped up for me...I knew I could count on you, girl!

                  And yes, I am back....I just saw the Hive...but I will discuss this's amazing cause I don't think I read any reviews that I can say now wrote how I took the episode...well, maybe a couple...


                    Dang, let my bubbles stay... but hey, we are all free to interpret it anyway we want. I'll be sure to have some blessed fanfic from that episode.
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                      Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                      Wait, xkawaiix, is that a DDR pad that your bunnies are dancing on?
                      Yup! DDR rocks!


                        Originally posted by Cpt. Ritter
                        Dang, let my bubbles stay... but hey, we are all free to interpret it anyway we want. I'll be sure to have some blessed fanfic from that episode.
                        Ritter...where are you?


                          Omega Camy, that's where we can post freely.
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                            Originally posted by Camy
                            Ah, don't worry..again I think I read that somewhere that after he came through, he had some kind of sad look..but that's could never burst my bubble! I have the shield, pink if I may add, that AG so ingeniously whipped up for me...I knew I could count on you, girl!
                            Everything is great in pink...did you see the hearts floating across your vision everytime you saw John and Teyla together?


                              Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                              Everything is great in pink...did you see the hearts floating across your vision everytime you saw John and Teyla together?
                              Oh, I saw everything in Pink...yes saw those..and are mines especially made to see through Sheppies pink heart boxers with Teyla's pic on them?


                                Careful Camy, Teyla might get jealous.
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