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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    What! I did answer you PM..Uh, I think..anyways, that is something you don't need to ask...Girl...tell me everything...

    Nice to see some Shep/Weir fans here...Thanks for your comments and your opinion...I personally don't bite...but I think we do have some that "spank"....
    So...and we do have a Wraith..two..Steve and Bob..and let's see what else do we have..but overall, I am a very nice, down to earch kind of gal...right everyone..

    But seriously,..WELCOME!


      Thank you for bringing up an excellent discussion question...I will respond once I am home, and after I cook, clean, bathe and clean again...the house and the kids and then myself...Don't worry...I work pretty darn fast...

      Anyways, I think AG already shared this with you but since I couldn't open her link, I don't know if I am repeating hers or not...but here is someone's point of view from TLG..of course, I am not sure who the poster is but it was sent to me and I'm sharing it with you guys..I believe it comes from the Shep/Teyla LJ....enjoy..Major Spoilers...

      This episode was, of course, billed as the ‘be all, end all’ episode for S/W
      shippers everywhere in which J/T would be crushed under the passion that was
      to be revealed between John and Liz.

      I think they got the wrong memo.

      From the beginning, it was clear that from the time Weir was taken over by
      the alien, she was not in control of herself. The kiss that every S/Wer
      longed to see in context was nothing more than a ruse to convince the
      clueless men of Atlantis that the other alien was indeed her husband.
      Neither John nor the alien responded to said kiss. But the crew was
      convinced and the pair of them proceeded to take over the city and try to
      kill each other.

      One down one more to go…

      Next we poor J/T shippers were told that John as the alien would be telling
      Weir that John cared for her more than she knew. Again- these wacky memos!
      The tender message was instead given to our dear Teyla. :-)

      Was the alien lying to Teyla to keep her from killing him? Most definitely
      he was. But does that mean he wasn't telling the truth- or that he didn't
      know what effect his confession would have on Teyla? Of course not! In fact
      his words would only have been effective *if* they were true and *if* he had
      reason to believe that Teyla felt the same way. It worked too, because no
      sooner had the words left his mouth, than Teyla was pleading the other alien
      not to make her kill him. John's alien knew what buttons to push, because he
      knew John and how John felt about Teyla.

      Aside from being a fun well written ep, that moved well and was acted well-
      I found myself being more convinced that J/T is still in the cards as the
      canon ship for Atlantis. Here's what convinced me.

      First, as soon as Weir's alien learned that Teyla had captured John she said
      that she knew Teyla was the only one who would have gotten close enough to
      capture him. Obviously Teyla isn't the strongest of the warriors on
      Atlantis- so her edge had to come from somewhere. I maintain that it came
      from John's unspoken but very real feelings for her. Somewhere somehow,
      Weir/Alien knew that what was left of the real John would make him and the
      alien vulnerable to Teyla. She was right.

      Second were the very different reactions "post kiss" at end of Conversion
      and TLG. In Conversion, you have two people who are so obviously saying one
      thing with their words and quite another with their eyes and body language.
      Their words said the standard- 'lets just pretend this didn't happen' while
      at the same time, their body language said, 'we'll put it aside for now, but
      someday soon, we're going deal with it.'

      In the end of TLG- the only one who mentions the kiss was a third party and
      the reactions from the ones who actually participated were - I'm so
      embarrassed- let's *never* bring this up again. They looked away from each
      other and said not one word. Not exactly the reaction of two people who have
      burning UST and are just waiting for the chance to act on it.

      So ironic...what was thought to be a much Shep/Weir episode turned out not only to prove what great actresses Torri and Rachel are but it got to show us some additional character development for both girls and of us just how much this duo..our and love each other...YIPEE!

      I'll be back later to post my points of Shep/Teyla...

      Hey AG..are you still going to do 38 minutes for my buddy...Ritter....?


        I can see with my ultra vision Shep/Teyla glasses *yeah we have those too..* Green Eyed-Lady, Mel...*hi hon*...and SP...*smooch*

        Shout out to the lurkers...


          Oh my goodness, how the heck am I supposed to add to the great posts that are here? Geez, you guys make my job way too hard! It's great to see all of the Sparky shippers popping in here now -- we love visitors and it makes for good conversation. Keep up the inter-ship travel, guys and girls!

          What do I like about Shep/Teyla? That's a many things! I think first and foremost for me is the level of trust and immediate connection that they share. For me, it really set their friendship apart, even way back in the beginning. Everyone was still trying to work out their dynamics, who they could trust, and who they got along with, but for these two there didn't seem to be any lag time at all. They immediately connected and immediately felt safe and comfortable with each other for no reason that could be figured out by the others on the base. Their trust in each other is absolute and unwavering, even when it is baseless or being attacked by others. They trust each other as friends, as allies, as warriors, as teammates, and I could easily see this trust and understanding bleeding into something more, possibly without them even realizing it at first. I think they have come to depend a great deal on each other, both emotionally and while performing their duties on the team. I's hard to put into words, but I always get the feeling that even when they aren't speaking to each other, they are able to perfectly read the other person and know what they are feeling. I feel they complement each other so well that they have come to rely on the other's presence in any situation. Don't even know how to really explain it, but they just have some quality that makes them very appealing and very easy for me to imagine as a canon ship. Hope that helps a bit!

          "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

          HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


            Welcome to all the Shep/Weir shippers that have came to this thread...I love to see all the happy and smiling faces, just hopefully we can all play nice...


              Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
              Oh my goodness, how the heck am I supposed to add to the great posts that are here? Geez, you guys make my job way too hard! It's great to see all of the Sparky shippers popping in here now -- we love visitors and it makes for good conversation. Keep up the inter-ship travel, guys and girls!

              What do I like about Shep/Teyla? That's a many things! I think first and foremost for me is the level of trust and immediate connection that they share. For me, it really set their friendship apart, even way back in the beginning. Everyone was still trying to work out their dynamics, who they could trust, and who they got along with, but for these two there didn't seem to be any lag time at all. They immediately connected and immediately felt safe and comfortable with each other for no reason that could be figured out by the others on the base. Their trust in each other is absolute and unwavering, even when it is baseless or being attacked by others. They trust each other as friends, as allies, as warriors, as teammates, and I could easily see this trust and understanding bleeding into something more, possibly without them even realizing it at first. I think they have come to depend a great deal on each other, both emotionally and while performing their duties on the team. I's hard to put into words, but I always get the feeling that even when they aren't speaking to each other, they are able to perfectly read the other person and know what they are feeling. I feel they complement each other so well that they have come to rely on the other's presence in any situation. Don't even know how to really explain it, but they just have some quality that makes them very appealing and very easy for me to imagine as a canon ship. Hope that helps a bit!

              Oh yes!

              I so tried to say this but it didn't come out right...

              I love the immediate trust that is between them that others (Bates) just can't seem to understand.


                anybody in the US right now watching the SGA marathon on scifi...they are showing Conversion

                so forgive me for posting this piccy



                  Originally posted by Camy
                  I can see with my ultra vision Shep/Teyla glasses *yeah we have those too..* Green Eyed-Lady, Mel...*hi hon*...and SP...*smooch*

                  Shout out to the lurkers...
                  Hey Camy how're ya? TLG sounds good don't it?


                    Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                    Camy don't be is a link to a review of 'TLG" from a John/Teyla fan! (DANGER SPOILERS AHEAD!)

                    I hope you get some inspiration...I was stuck and then once I got into my class at college I found my muse....Boredom!

                    I'm going to try to finish my story 'You're with me' before 'Hive' airs on Friday since the only reason I started writing the fic was because I wasn't too thrilled with all the spoilers I had been reading

                    Hey Athosian girl thanks for the link!! The reviewer really had some excellent points there.
                    The reviewer said that the Alien would only have said the line about "he cares for you more than you know" if it would seem plausible for the character to feel such things, and if it would get a reaction out of Teyla that would prevent her from killing him.

                    And the reviewer was right! Those two exact things did in fact happen!

                    She also brought up points that the post kiss scenes for conversion and TLG were very different, and yet again her points were correct.

                    Now I am more than excited to see the episode Micheal! I really hope we get some more Sheyla goodness!
                    Last edited by green_eyed_lady; 04 January 2006, 01:51 PM.
                    Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


                      Originally posted by Camy
                      I can see with my ultra vision Shep/Teyla glasses *yeah we have those too..* Green Eyed-Lady, Mel...*hi hon*...and SP...*smooch*

                      Shout out to the lurkers...

                      LOL!! Hi *waves*

                      And I can see with my ultra vision shep/teyla glasses..............More Shep/Teyla-ness in the future....
                      Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


                        Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
                        Oh my goodness, how the heck am I supposed to add to the great posts that are here? Geez, you guys make my job way too hard! It's great to see all of the Sparky shippers popping in here now -- we love visitors and it makes for good conversation. Keep up the inter-ship travel, guys and girls!

                        What do I like about Shep/Teyla? That's a many things! I think first and foremost for me is the level of trust and immediate connection that they share. For me, it really set their friendship apart, even way back in the beginning. Everyone was still trying to work out their dynamics, who they could trust, and who they got along with, but for these two there didn't seem to be any lag time at all. They immediately connected and immediately felt safe and comfortable with each other for no reason that could be figured out by the others on the base. Their trust in each other is absolute and unwavering, even when it is baseless or being attacked by others. They trust each other as friends, as allies, as warriors, as teammates, and I could easily see this trust and understanding bleeding into something more, possibly without them even realizing it at first. I think they have come to depend a great deal on each other, both emotionally and while performing their duties on the team. I's hard to put into words, but I always get the feeling that even when they aren't speaking to each other, they are able to perfectly read the other person and know what they are feeling. I feel they complement each other so well that they have come to rely on the other's presence in any situation. Don't even know how to really explain it, but they just have some quality that makes them very appealing and very easy for me to imagine as a canon ship. Hope that helps a bit!

                        Exactly!!!! Awesome points Snogging Picard!! I also tend to find that the most timeless ships have these traits.... or at least IMHO
                        Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


                          Originally posted by Potions_Mistress
                          anybody in the US right now watching the SGA marathon on scifi...they are showing Conversion

                          so forgive me for posting this piccy

                          No forgivness neccesary! That was the most timeless Sheppard/Teyla moment!

                          The first time I saw it, you know the part when her arm moves? To me it looked like she was rubbing his chest..... but on second view I realised she wasn't. But that woulda been awesome if she had.... it would have added to the passion of the moment, althought... with all the passion in the moment, that may have been a passion overload.
                          Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


                            Sorry for all the posts I am posting folks! But I had a brain wave not too long ago!

                            Remember how in conversion
                            at the final scene when they are talking about the kiss? After Teyla leaves, you can see John pick up the sparring sticks.... (they are called Tonfas are they not?) and twirling them around. Almost as if he was going to start practising.
                            Maybe he was trying to impress her??
                            Made By Snogging Piccard- Thank you


                              Originally posted by Cpn. Chris(tine) Bowman
                              Hullo! Shweir shipper here *ducks*
                              Ah, I see you've met the hammer I put up at the top of the thread. It's to teach newbies to duck with they enter Ship Threads. (I hear it's a good thing to have such reactions.)

                              I am going to say this once: I will NOT take it down.
                              This poster has a Superiority Complex. Apologies in advance.


                                Originally posted by Camy
                                This episode was, of course, billed as the ‘be all, end all’ episode for S/W
                                shippers everywhere in which J/T would be crushed under the passion that was
                                to be revealed between John and Liz.

                                I think they got the wrong memo.

                                Next we poor J/T shippers were told that John as the alien would be telling
                                Weir that John cared for her more than she knew. Again- these wacky memos!
                                The tender message was instead given to our dear Teyla. :-)

                                In the end of TLG- the only one who mentions the kiss was a third party and
                                the reactions from the ones who actually participated were - I'm so
                                embarrassed- let's *never* bring this up again. They looked away from each
                                other and said not one word. Not exactly the reaction of two people who have
                                burning UST and are just waiting for the chance to act on it.

                                So ironic...what was thought to be a much Shep/Weir episode turned out not only to prove what great actresses Torri and Rachel are but it got to show us some additional character development for both girls and of us just how much this duo..our and love each other...YIPEE!
                                I've condensed your excellent post for clarity on the issues i'm addressing. (once again I sneak in to undermine the enemy from within

                                1. Yes indeed this episode did prove relatively (and I emphasize relatively) dissapointing for Sparky shippers, as the line was indeed not delivered at Weir. Personally I was more excited about the line than the
                                so imagine how i felt.

                                2. I feel it is only fair to point out that if the line had been directed at Weir, then (spoilers just to be safe)
                                all the sheyla shippers would have undermined it with exactly the same arguments we are now using, and the same argument that you can use against our kiss (which is also the same as the argument against the thing in conversion) ie it was an alien looking to manipulate the situation. Halan could have just been trying to stay alive, and with no other obvious options, a little bit of begging seemed appropriate.

                                3. Finally, on the embarrassment front...Let me put it this way. Have you ever gotten drunk and accidentally said something/ done something with someone you are attracted to but aren't ready to make a move on yet? I haven't, but I've seen my friends do it, and oh boy were they embarrassed when it was mentioned. This didn't change the fact that they were attracted to that person. There aren't many shippers, even in the shep/weir thread, who are expecting a relationship between major characters to be springing up this early in a show (it did take sg-1 between 9 years and infinity), but surely u will admit that it is possible that the embarassment was caused due to a "Oh crap I've given it away" scenario rather than a "Oh my god that was awful" scenario. Right?
                                Don't you want to look beyond the horizon?

                                In the 2 hours and 14 minutes that Torri Higginson was online, there were 272 posts in the Elizabeth Weir Wow Thread. I was responsible for 2 of them. (Oh yeah and Gateworld crashed, but that's not important)

                                Please click here to feed the hungry, protect endangered land, and help fight breast cancer without spending a penny (inspired by the Whistler 84 in Memoriam thread)

