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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Hi all How are you ?
    Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
    i made this its terrible it didnt turn out as i wanted it to
    Oh no please don't say this. It's fabulous I like the colors, I like it a lot really great
    Originally posted by maffieg View Post
    Thanks asgard for your kindness and support of teyla.

    Of course she rocks... I'll have you know I had you in mind when I did the memorial. I know how you felt cuz I felt so too.


    Good story and good man for looking out for Rachel

    Thanks Mayra
    Oh thank you so much. You make me a real compliment I try my best Really thank you so much
    Originally posted by LandJrule View Post
    And, hey- if I thought I was gonna screw it up, but didn't, it's gonna be the same with you! <----Teyla's showing her support too!!!

    And thanks for all the comments left by all re my bit.

    Slightly OT:
    ON GW's main page, there's a new article about pre-ordering "The Ark Of Truth" soundtrack, which has a link to where you can buy it online in the pre-order thingy.
    Anyway, I went to check it out, & I found a few things:

    Atlantis music (includes Theme Song, The Rising (which I think is the music from the scene where the city rises to the top of the ocean.....<---dramatic music in that one!), Weir Speaks, & O'Neill Inbound- I'm sure the last 2 are backing music to scenes.....):

    SG-1 Page:
    [Features songs: Children of the Gods, Acension (ref to Danny's one???), Camelot & End Credits]

    Fact: Site is Joel Goldsmith's Official Site, so that's how its there......
    Plus there's galleries for both SG1 & SGA.
    SGA Gallery: (all s1 pics- including 2 promo pics of the city before the design that they've ended up using (one's hidden behind the cast in one)
    SG1: Gallery 1:
    Gallery 2:
    There's no pics of Mitchell or Vala in there......
    And, you can listen to the stages they went through to come up with the Atlantis theme!!!
    Thanks for all the links
    Originally posted by scifan View Post
    I just posted this in galleria. I tried something new.

    Ruby are you up really late or really early.

    Well, it's really late for me. Catch ya tomorrow.... I hope.

    Donna will probably have her part soon.
    It's really beautiful, soft and really I like too the colors and the text. Great job
    Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
    RR FIC PT 6
    But Koyla had already disappeared through a hidden door at the back of the cell. John and Teyla looked around in desperation for any kind of weapon, all there appeared to be in the tiny room was a few barrels and such.

    Then, out of the corner of her eye, Teyla noticed something by the door. Kolya had escaped out of it, she couldn’t make out the shape of what it was at first. She nudged John and told him to look to his right side. At her insistence he did, he noticed the object more clearly as he was nearer and his instincts were telling him exactly what it was but getting to it was another problem.

    He took a deep breath and turned to Teyla to ask her if she was okay. She tried her best not to show her fear but John could see it in her eyes. She replied, “I'm okay, I'll try to distract them."

    At a time like this she really needed to get over her fear so her warrior instinct could take over but it was so hard to concentrate on doing that.

    Bakla, whom they thought was dead was very much alive, and some of his men had started moving toward her. She stepped back as much as she could in what little space she and John had between them Bakla and his men. She tripped over something beneath her, she couldn’t bend down as she would have liked. She needed to keep one eye on the Bakla but as she managed to kneel down she looked closely at the object below her. She realized it was the piece of wood that had been used on the back of John's head, she swiftly picked it up.

    As she was doing so she caught a glimpse of how John was doing; he had managed to get across the room and picked up the shiny metal object. It was as he suspected Kolya had dropped his weapon during his escape. She prayed and hoped they were still a few rounds left.

    Okay im not sure but i think your up next TeylaFan
    Wow and you fear to write really it's interesting and well done.
    Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post

    David writes: “Are you guys planning on having Vala make a guest appearance on Atlantis?”

    Answer: Sorry. No plans for Vala in Atlantis.

    Dignan50yp writes: “…why the sudden desperate need to pair up our characters in romantic situations?”

    Answer: 1. I would hardly call it a romantic situation. 2. I think both “sudden” and “desperate” are the wrong words.

    Great job DONNA!!!!
    Thanks a lot for this
    Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
    RR Part 7:

    Part 7:

    Teyla tightened her grip on the piece of wood in her hand, preparing for a fight. Her other, free hand, moved to her stomach. The pain had increased, because she was standing up. She was almost certain that she was bleeding internally. Lying down, and curling up on the floor was tempting, but now was not the time to do so.

    John took another step forwards, his stance told her that he too was ready to fight the men advancing upon them.

    The cell they were in right now was even smaller than the previous ones. Leaving barely enough room for Teyla to recover for only a moment, because if the men took another 3 steps, they would be right in front of her.

    John cast a quick glance at her, warning her.

    He attached swiftly, a metal pipe in his hand, to use as a bantos rod. He had learned much, using all of the techniques that she had taught him.

    He could be an excellent student when he chose to be.

    John kept three of the men busy, leaving only one of them for her to deal with. Teyla raised her arm, the long piece of wood in front of her.

    She gritted her teeth, using all of her will power to not double over in pain. It all happened in a matter of seconds, the guard attacked high, and she barely managed to block his stick from contacting with her head.

    Kolya was nowhere to be seen, caring only for himself. He was probably watching from somewhere, taking pleasure in seeing them suffer.

    She vaguely remembered Kolya saying that he was going to kill her, in front of John. He knew that they were married, though how he knew, was a mystery to her.

    Teyla focused on the fight, switching from defence, to offence. Her attack caught the man off guard, and she managed to land a hit on his leg.

    He stepped back, limping slightly. Teyla tried to hit him again, but he was too far away, and she stumbled forwards, leaving her vulnerable to an attack.

    The guard recovered quickly, and she felt his weapon connect sharply with her head.

    The world seemed to tip over, everything in slow–motion. She groaned when she landed on the cold, and hard floor, adding bruises to her already sore body.

    She heard John calling to her, desperate for a response.

    She tried to answer him, but he voice seemed to have vanished.

    John, her lover, her husband… He still fought, for her, for them. She wanted to help him, and fight, but she was so tired… Her eyelids drooped, and closed eventually. The pain faded, her head stopped throbbing. Darkness surrounded her, and the world silenced.


    poor Teyla it's really interesting and the poor it has to hurt
    Sig by the Great Linda06


      Made Hope a siggie

      *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

      “Because you can.”



        Originally posted by asgard30 View Post
        poor Teyla it's really interesting and the poor it has to hurt
        Thanks! Well, gotta love some whump!
        *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

        “Because you can.”



          Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
          RR Part 7:

          Part 7:

          Teyla tightened her grip on the piece of wood in her hand, preparing for a fight. Her other, free hand, moved to her stomach. The pain had increased, because she was standing up. She was almost certain that she was bleeding internally. Lying down, and curling up on the floor was tempting, but now was not the time to do so.

          John took another step forwards, his stance told her that he too was ready to fight the men advancing upon them.

          The cell they were in right now was even smaller than the previous ones. Leaving barely enough room for Teyla to recover for only a moment, because if the men took another 3 steps, they would be right in front of her.

          John cast a quick glance at her, warning her.

          He attached swiftly, a metal pipe in his hand, to use as a bantos rod. He had learned much, using all of the techniques that she had taught him.

          He could be an excellent student when he chose to be.

          John kept three of the men busy, leaving only one of them for her to deal with. Teyla raised her arm, the long piece of wood in front of her.

          She gritted her teeth, using all of her will power to not double over in pain. It all happened in a matter of seconds, the guard attacked high, and she barely managed to block his stick from contacting with her head.

          Kolya was nowhere to be seen, caring only for himself. He was probably watching from somewhere, taking pleasure in seeing them suffer.

          She vaguely remembered Kolya saying that he was going to kill her, in front of John. He knew that they were married, though how he knew, was a mystery to her.

          Teyla focused on the fight, switching from defence, to offence. Her attack caught the man off guard, and she managed to land a hit on his leg.

          He stepped back, limping slightly. Teyla tried to hit him again, but he was too far away, and she stumbled forwards, leaving her vulnerable to an attack.

          The guard recovered quickly, and she felt his weapon connect sharply with her head.

          The world seemed to tip over, everything in slow–motion. She groaned when she landed on the cold, and hard floor, adding bruises to her already sore body.

          She heard John calling to her, desperate for a response.

          She tried to answer him, but he voice seemed to have vanished.

          John, her lover, her husband… He still fought, for her, for them. She wanted to help him, and fight, but she was so tired… Her eyelids drooped, and closed eventually. The pain faded, her head stopped throbbing. Darkness surrounded her, and the world silenced.


          Originally posted by scifan View Post
          Thanks Cabouse.

          Poor thing. It's not moving.
          And Thanks

          You didn't suck and I really like you're update. I'm also glad you had fun. That's the whole point.
          I like how you put in that Bokla is still alive.

          Great update hun.

          TeylaFan is next!

          Thanks for update MrsB
          Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
          Wow! I think it's fabulous!


          Yeah! Lots

          Thanks! Yeah - I agree!

          Nahh - Not me!


          Woohoo! I saved it for a while too Because you wait for it - what feels like forever, and then suddenly you there!

          *gulp* That is so beautiful! *closes mouth* Wonderful!

          Wow! That was very good Donna!! Seriously, well done!! *MENTAL GREEN*

          I am? Uh-oh..

          Ah, thanks sci. Will get started then...
          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
          You wrote very well Donna!

          Tell me you watched the new preview I have up! Its insane!!!

          Sci - Morning dude
          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
          I love it......It's awesome Donna!!!

          awwww,well thanks Maff,that's why i love you guys so much....You guys are always so kind and nice and always think about others and make us feel better when we're down

          We've missed ya tooo JT4L......Good luck on the tests and the Football tryouts!

          WOW....I....That's.......I'm speechless..... *picks jaw up from floor.......And i saved it onto my computer!!!

          WOOHOO.....Great part Donna!!
          Thanks everyone
          Sig Bye Me and Avi bye Luciana


            Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
            RR FIC PT 6
            But Koyla had already disappeared through a hidden door at the back of the cell. John and Teyla looked around in desperation for any kind of weapon, all there appeared to be in the tiny room was a few barrels and such.

            Then, out of the corner of her eye, Teyla noticed something by the door. Kolya had escaped out of it, she couldn’t make out the shape of what it was at first. She nudged John and told him to look to his right side. At her insistence he did, he noticed the object more clearly as he was nearer and his instincts were telling him exactly what it was but getting to it was another problem.

            He took a deep breath and turned to Teyla to ask her if she was okay. She tried her best not to show her fear but John could see it in her eyes. She replied, “I'm okay, I'll try to distract them."

            At a time like this she really needed to get over her fear so her warrior instinct could take over but it was so hard to concentrate on doing that.

            Bakla, whom they thought was dead was very much alive, and some of his men had started moving toward her. She stepped back as much as she could in what little space she and John had between them Bakla and his men. She tripped over something beneath her, she couldn’t bend down as she would have liked. She needed to keep one eye on the Bakla but as she managed to kneel down she looked closely at the object below her. She realized it was the piece of wood that had been used on the back of John's head, she swiftly picked it up.

            As she was doing so she caught a glimpse of how John was doing; he had managed to get across the room and picked up the shiny metal object. It was as he suspected Kolya had dropped his weapon during his escape. She prayed and hoped they were still a few rounds left.

            Okay im not sure but i think your up next TeylaFan
            Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
            RR Part 7:

            Part 7:

            Teyla tightened her grip on the piece of wood in her hand, preparing for a fight. Her other, free hand, moved to her stomach. The pain had increased, because she was standing up. She was almost certain that she was bleeding internally. Lying down, and curling up on the floor was tempting, but now was not the time to do so.

            John took another step forwards, his stance told her that he too was ready to fight the men advancing upon them.

            The cell they were in right now was even smaller than the previous ones. Leaving barely enough room for Teyla to recover for only a moment, because if the men took another 3 steps, they would be right in front of her.

            John cast a quick glance at her, warning her.

            He attached swiftly, a metal pipe in his hand, to use as a bantos rod. He had learned much, using all of the techniques that she had taught him.

            He could be an excellent student when he chose to be.

            John kept three of the men busy, leaving only one of them for her to deal with. Teyla raised her arm, the long piece of wood in front of her.

            She gritted her teeth, using all of her will power to not double over in pain. It all happened in a matter of seconds, the guard attacked high, and she barely managed to block his stick from contacting with her head.

            Kolya was nowhere to be seen, caring only for himself. He was probably watching from somewhere, taking pleasure in seeing them suffer.

            She vaguely remembered Kolya saying that he was going to kill her, in front of John. He knew that they were married, though how he knew, was a mystery to her.

            Teyla focused on the fight, switching from defence, to offence. Her attack caught the man off guard, and she managed to land a hit on his leg.

            He stepped back, limping slightly. Teyla tried to hit him again, but he was too far away, and she stumbled forwards, leaving her vulnerable to an attack.

            The guard recovered quickly, and she felt his weapon connect sharply with her head.

            The world seemed to tip over, everything in slow–motion. She groaned when she landed on the cold, and hard floor, adding bruises to her already sore body.

            She heard John calling to her, desperate for a response.

            She tried to answer him, but he voice seemed to have vanished.

            John, her lover, her husband… He still fought, for her, for them. She wanted to help him, and fight, but she was so tired… Her eyelids drooped, and closed eventually. The pain faded, her head stopped throbbing. Darkness surrounded her, and the world silenced.


            Awesome updates you guys can't wait to see how this will work out...
            Sigs by Scifan


              DAILY VOTING

              Vote for J/T on Lifeline in the Favorite Ship Episode Picture Game

              Pics to follow for use in game: (Under spoiler tags since it's season 4)

              Vote for John And Teyla Favorite Moment Picture Game
              (If one of your favorite J/T moment isn't on the list, simply add it to the list, don't forget to add a pic)

              Vote for Favorite Sheppard Episode
              (If one of your favorite John episode isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

              Vote for Favorite Teyla Episode
              (If one of your favorite Teyla episode isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

              Vote for Favorite Teyla & John Moment
              (If one of your favorite J/T moment isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

              Feed The Wraith
              Vote for your least favorite character to be fed to a Wraith.
              Vote for one character, once a day!!

              H&H Atlantis Members
              Give one point to you favorite member, and take away one point for a member you might not like. VOTE ONCE A DAY!!

              H&H SG-1 & SGA Female Friendships
              Give one point to your favorite friendship and take one point from your least favorite friendship. Vote once a day!

              H&H Atlantis Season 1 Episodes
              Give one point to your favorite episode, take one point from your least favorite episode. Vote once a day!

              H&H Atlantis Season 2 Episodes
              Give one point to your favorite episode, take one point from your least favorite episode. Vote once a day!

              H&H Atlantis Season 3 Episodes
              Give one point to your favorite episode, take one point from your least favorite episode. Vote once a day!

              H&H Atlantis Season 4 Episodes
              Give one point to your favorite episode, take one point from your least favorite episode. Vote once a day!

              VOTING UPDATE

              Well This Mortal Coil has now made it into the list,,, and can you all believe it ,,This Mortal Coil is our 25th JT episode on the list... Only two more for Lifeline so I'm gonna need to find the next epi

              LET THE VOTING BEGIN!!!


              Alright it's voting time in the John & Teyla Awards 2008.
              So go on over and check all the nominations and vote for you favorite.
              Voting will end on Sunday 20th April!!!


              Check out Rachel's official site.. updated with a little message and a pic of her and Caden..awwww
              Keep showing her your support and write her a comment to show our love for her.


              Check out Jewel's official website for latest news and projects and send Jewel a note if you like to show her your support as well.

              FIC BATTLE
              SG_rarepairings LJ community is having a Fic Battle.
              Would you like to write a little fic for some of the different prompts that has been suggested..
              Check out the prompts and post the fic at this link as well,, you may give a link to the story over here at GW.

              JT NEWSLETTER

              Go check out the JT Newsletter over at LiveJournal... there you will find intresting things found on JT...
              Challanges, ficathons, fics, videos, artwork,, and much head on over and check it out.

              *NEW*BEYA CHALLENGE
              There is a new challenge on Beya, for more info check this post.


              A short little segment from EXTRA about SGA, they go behind the scenes on Harmony.
              As usual Joe likes to goof up, telling the guy pretty much he has to fall more manly *lol* then again I don't think anyone really does the falling after being stunned as Joe does...

              HYPASPACE WEEKLY

              A little video of some behind the scenes for season 3, interview with David H, Jason M & Joe F and also a little about the action figures.. and yeah David likes to be funny about the Sheppard action figure *lol*


              The video with Joe on Extra is now up on MGM's site... and as usual he is his charming self and funny... gosh do I love his relaxed style and down to earth personality
              Sigs by Scifan


                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                Awesome updates you guys can't wait to see how this will work out...
                Thanks Nina
                *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                “Because you can.”



                  Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                  RR FIC PT 6
                  But Koyla had already disappeared through a hidden door at the back of the cell. John and Teyla looked around in desperation for any kind of weapon, all there appeared to be in the tiny room was a few barrels and such.

                  Then, out of the corner of her eye, Teyla noticed something by the door. Kolya had escaped out of it, she couldn’t make out the shape of what it was at first. She nudged John and told him to look to his right side. At her insistence he did, he noticed the object more clearly as he was nearer and his instincts were telling him exactly what it was but getting to it was another problem.

                  He took a deep breath and turned to Teyla to ask her if she was okay. She tried her best not to show her fear but John could see it in her eyes. She replied, “I'm okay, I'll try to distract them."

                  At a time like this she really needed to get over her fear so her warrior instinct could take over but it was so hard to concentrate on doing that.

                  Bakla, whom they thought was dead was very much alive, and some of his men had started moving toward her. She stepped back as much as she could in what little space she and John had between them Bakla and his men. She tripped over something beneath her, she couldn’t bend down as she would have liked. She needed to keep one eye on the Bakla but as she managed to kneel down she looked closely at the object below her. She realized it was the piece of wood that had been used on the back of John's head, she swiftly picked it up.

                  As she was doing so she caught a glimpse of how John was doing; he had managed to get across the room and picked up the shiny metal object. It was as he suspected Kolya had dropped his weapon during his escape. She prayed and hoped they were still a few rounds left.

                  Okay im not sure but i think your up next TeylaFan

                  Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                  RR Part 7:

                  Part 7:

                  Teyla tightened her grip on the piece of wood in her hand, preparing for a fight. Her other, free hand, moved to her stomach. The pain had increased, because she was standing up. She was almost certain that she was bleeding internally. Lying down, and curling up on the floor was tempting, but now was not the time to do so.

                  John took another step forwards, his stance told her that he too was ready to fight the men advancing upon them.

                  The cell they were in right now was even smaller than the previous ones. Leaving barely enough room for Teyla to recover for only a moment, because if the men took another 3 steps, they would be right in front of her.

                  John cast a quick glance at her, warning her.

                  He attached swiftly, a metal pipe in his hand, to use as a bantos rod. He had learned much, using all of the techniques that she had taught him.

                  He could be an excellent student when he chose to be.

                  John kept three of the men busy, leaving only one of them for her to deal with. Teyla raised her arm, the long piece of wood in front of her.

                  She gritted her teeth, using all of her will power to not double over in pain. It all happened in a matter of seconds, the guard attacked high, and she barely managed to block his stick from contacting with her head.

                  Kolya was nowhere to be seen, caring only for himself. He was probably watching from somewhere, taking pleasure in seeing them suffer.

                  She vaguely remembered Kolya saying that he was going to kill her, in front of John. He knew that they were married, though how he knew, was a mystery to her.

                  Teyla focused on the fight, switching from defence, to offence. Her attack caught the man off guard, and she managed to land a hit on his leg.

                  He stepped back, limping slightly. Teyla tried to hit him again, but he was too far away, and she stumbled forwards, leaving her vulnerable to an attack.

                  The guard recovered quickly, and she felt his weapon connect sharply with her head.

                  The world seemed to tip over, everything in slow–motion. She groaned when she landed on the cold, and hard floor, adding bruises to her already sore body.

                  She heard John calling to her, desperate for a response.

                  She tried to answer him, but he voice seemed to have vanished.

                  John, her lover, her husband… He still fought, for her, for them. She wanted to help him, and fight, but she was so tired… Her eyelids drooped, and closed eventually. The pain faded, her head stopped throbbing. Darkness surrounded her, and the world silenced.


                  Totally sweet updates guys!!! This fic is getting good....who is next??
                  Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
                  &=AWESOME &Forever
                  No SGA fics yet....but ya never know


                    Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
                    Totally sweet updates guys!!! This fic is getting good....who is next??

                    *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                    “Because you can.”



                      Hello mu JT lovelies....I'm back!

                      Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                      RR Part 7:

                      Part 7:

                      Teyla tightened her grip on the piece of wood in her hand, preparing for a fight. Her other, free hand, moved to her stomach. The pain had increased, because she was standing up. She was almost certain that she was bleeding internally. Lying down, and curling up on the floor was tempting, but now was not the time to do so.

                      John took another step forwards, his stance told her that he too was ready to fight the men advancing upon them.

                      The cell they were in right now was even smaller than the previous ones. Leaving barely enough room for Teyla to recover for only a moment, because if the men took another 3 steps, they would be right in front of her.

                      John cast a quick glance at her, warning her.

                      He attached swiftly, a metal pipe in his hand, to use as a bantos rod. He had learned much, using all of the techniques that she had taught him.

                      He could be an excellent student when he chose to be.

                      John kept three of the men busy, leaving only one of them for her to deal with. Teyla raised her arm, the long piece of wood in front of her.

                      She gritted her teeth, using all of her will power to not double over in pain. It all happened in a matter of seconds, the guard attacked high, and she barely managed to block his stick from contacting with her head.

                      Kolya was nowhere to be seen, caring only for himself. He was probably watching from somewhere, taking pleasure in seeing them suffer.

                      She vaguely remembered Kolya saying that he was going to kill her, in front of John. He knew that they were married, though how he knew, was a mystery to her.

                      Teyla focused on the fight, switching from defence, to offence. Her attack caught the man off guard, and she managed to land a hit on his leg.

                      He stepped back, limping slightly. Teyla tried to hit him again, but he was too far away, and she stumbled forwards, leaving her vulnerable to an attack.

                      The guard recovered quickly, and she felt his weapon connect sharply with her head.

                      The world seemed to tip over, everything in slow–motion. She groaned when she landed on the cold, and hard floor, adding bruises to her already sore body.

                      She heard John calling to her, desperate for a response.

                      She tried to answer him, but he voice seemed to have vanished.

                      John, her lover, her husband… He still fought, for her, for them. She wanted to help him, and fight, but she was so tired… Her eyelids drooped, and closed eventually. The pain faded, her head stopped throbbing. Darkness surrounded her, and the world silenced.


                      Great part TF...And some Teyla whump too....Well i did read it before everyone else,hehe......OH CRAP.......It's my ....I've started but i'm stuck ...Um are you guys in a hurry for it

                      Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                      Made Hope a siggie

                      Very nice TF!


                        Originally posted by DONNA BOOTH View Post
                        RR FIC PT 6
                        But Koyla had already disappeared through a hidden door at the back of the cell. John and Teyla looked around in desperation for any kind of weapon, all there appeared to be in the tiny room was a few barrels and such.

                        Then, out of the corner of her eye, Teyla noticed something by the door. Kolya had escaped out of it, she couldn’t make out the shape of what it was at first. She nudged John and told him to look to his right side. At her insistence he did, he noticed the object more clearly as he was nearer and his instincts were telling him exactly what it was but getting to it was another problem.

                        He took a deep breath and turned to Teyla to ask her if she was okay. She tried her best not to show her fear but John could see it in her eyes. She replied, “I'm okay, I'll try to distract them."

                        At a time like this she really needed to get over her fear so her warrior instinct could take over but it was so hard to concentrate on doing that.

                        Bakla, whom they thought was dead was very much alive, and some of his men had started moving toward her. She stepped back as much as she could in what little space she and John had between them Bakla and his men. She tripped over something beneath her, she couldn’t bend down as she would have liked. She needed to keep one eye on the Bakla but as she managed to kneel down she looked closely at the object below her. She realized it was the piece of wood that had been used on the back of John's head, she swiftly picked it up.

                        As she was doing so she caught a glimpse of how John was doing; he had managed to get across the room and picked up the shiny metal object. It was as he suspected Kolya had dropped his weapon during his escape. She prayed and hoped they were still a few rounds left.

                        Okay im not sure but i think your up next TeylaFan
                        Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                        RR Part 7:

                        Part 7:

                        Teyla tightened her grip on the piece of wood in her hand, preparing for a fight. Her other, free hand, moved to her stomach. The pain had increased, because she was standing up. She was almost certain that she was bleeding internally. Lying down, and curling up on the floor was tempting, but now was not the time to do so.

                        John took another step forwards, his stance told her that he too was ready to fight the men advancing upon them.

                        The cell they were in right now was even smaller than the previous ones. Leaving barely enough room for Teyla to recover for only a moment, because if the men took another 3 steps, they would be right in front of her.

                        John cast a quick glance at her, warning her.

                        He attached swiftly, a metal pipe in his hand, to use as a bantos rod. He had learned much, using all of the techniques that she had taught him.

                        He could be an excellent student when he chose to be.

                        John kept three of the men busy, leaving only one of them for her to deal with. Teyla raised her arm, the long piece of wood in front of her.

                        She gritted her teeth, using all of her will power to not double over in pain. It all happened in a matter of seconds, the guard attacked high, and she barely managed to block his stick from contacting with her head.

                        Kolya was nowhere to be seen, caring only for himself. He was probably watching from somewhere, taking pleasure in seeing them suffer.

                        She vaguely remembered Kolya saying that he was going to kill her, in front of John. He knew that they were married, though how he knew, was a mystery to her.

                        Teyla focused on the fight, switching from defence, to offence. Her attack caught the man off guard, and she managed to land a hit on his leg.

                        He stepped back, limping slightly. Teyla tried to hit him again, but he was too far away, and she stumbled forwards, leaving her vulnerable to an attack.

                        The guard recovered quickly, and she felt his weapon connect sharply with her head.

                        The world seemed to tip over, everything in slow–motion. She groaned when she landed on the cold, and hard floor, adding bruises to her already sore body.

                        She heard John calling to her, desperate for a response.

                        She tried to answer him, but he voice seemed to have vanished.

                        John, her lover, her husband… He still fought, for her, for them. She wanted to help him, and fight, but she was so tired… Her eyelids drooped, and closed eventually. The pain faded, her head stopped throbbing. Darkness surrounded her, and the world silenced.


                        Woohoo! Great Job Donna and TF!

                        Donna! I am so proud of you for your first piece of fic! Now, you are involuntary a part of the RR fics forever! No excuses! Yappi will not let you get away! She will hunt you down and break ya until you take part!
                        sig by Sci!

                        Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                          Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                          Woohoo! Great Job Donna and TF!

                          Donna! I am so proud of you for your first piece of fic! Now, you are involuntary a part of the RR fics forever! No excuses! Yappi will not let you get away! She will hunt you down and break ya until you take part!
                          ROFL, I'm like the mob boss of the thread. No really, I'm not!! I just think everyone should at least *try* to write something. Then once they fall for the trap BAM!!! They are a writer for life!!
                          Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                            Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                            Hello mu JT lovelies....I'm back!

                            Great part TF...And some Teyla whump too....Well i did read it before everyone else,hehe......OH CRAP.......It's my ....I've started but i'm stuck ...Um are you guys in a hurry for it

                            Very nice TF!
                            Take your time with it, Linda. And if need a pair of eyes to look it over, don't hesistate to ask or send it to me. You're going to do great!
                            Humor is the great thing, the saving thing after all. The minute it crops up, all our hardnesses yield, all our irritations, and resentments flit away, and a sunny spirit takes their place. --Mark Twain


                              I've just posted my 50th story on - not much when compared with some authors, but I'm happy It's not my 50th SGA fic, but still...

                              Anyways, it's a oneshot, and it's told from Nancy's POV, and it's about her meeting Teyla. I hope you like it - tell me what you really think, because I was totally unsure of how to write her!


                              BTW, this fic is not at all angsty. In case you were wondering. I ain't no Gater or MrsB...

                              Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                                Originally posted by YappiChick View Post
                                ROFL, I'm like the mob boss of the thread. No really, I'm not!! I just think everyone should at least *try* to write something. Then once they fall for the trap BAM!!! They are a writer for life!!
                                Yeah right. Soon you'll be asking why we never invited you round for coffee and why we're bothering you on your daughter's wedding day...

                                Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig

