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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Thanks Linda and CB
    Hoping Padme likes it.

    I'm in mood today and it has to do with tonight's eppy...
    IDK if it is anticipation or dread!!!!


      Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
      Uh i'm not familiar with Aladdin,i didn't watch that one......Beauty and the Beast is my all time favourite Disney movie EVER!!!!!
      My fave disney movie is Pirates of the Caribbean.

      don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

      facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


        Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
        I love Aladdin!! I haven't watched it in soooo long though! disney movies always have the best love/sappy songs

        "A whole new world,
        a new fantastic point of view
        No one to tell us no or where to go
        Or say we're only dreaming..."
        Jess | he/his/him | future ruler of the universe
        "Roger that. Remind me to underachieve twice as hard from now on."
        dA | tumblr | twitter


          There are a lot of people viewing this thread.

          J/T art for the recent birthdays. Sorry if its too dark.


          my ships


            Another pic ...can't think of any suitable words...umm




              sig by Sci!

              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                Originally posted by wraithlord View Post
                I made some JT sigs they're actually both the same sig but one is in black and white and the other is not and i hope you all like them

                Wow!! WL these are so awesome.

                Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                I meant it's from the trailer on MGM.

                I'm not going to argue with anyone over this. We'll just need to see what happens. I don't NOT want her to be
                a mother
                I'm just saying what I think will happen. I'm just saying that in the most likely scenario if Teyla's baby is fine
                she wll go wherever her people are and stay with her child. She's a very traditional people and she feels she let them down by not being there when they were taken.

                She'll stay on Atlantis to get revenge with Michael.

                That's all I'm saying. I'm not saying "I want the baby dead" or whatever.
                OH Duh!
                I don't know why I didn't figure it out.

                It's ok to agree to disagree.
                NP hun


                  Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                  *laura gasps for breath but is defeated by evil entity*

                  I AM THE FLUFF MONSTER!
                  LLOL You??? Nooo, don't worry, you're still the Queen of Angst!

                  Originally posted by elephantgirl View Post
                  Some more animated icons from me:

                  For taffy rose:

                  And for the Teyla fans:

                  (trying to get some more animations done since my home computer which I use over the weekend doesn't have the software )
                  LOVE the second one!!! Amazing!

                  Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                  Welcome to the family. Don't worry about the language thing, we do have a few members from the Netherlands I beleive. The important thing is to have fun.

                  Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                  A belated birthday prez for Padme!!! Sorry it's late I was far from a computer yesterday...

                  It's awesome Maff!
                  *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                  “Because you can.”



                    Silly, you now have all three of those in my head. "A Whole New World" would work for JT too. After all, Atlantis is a new world for him.
                    Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                      Originally posted by sillyscipia View Post
                      It was a wonderful movie.

                      "Tale as old as time,
                      Song as old as rhyme,
                      Beauty and the beast..."
                      Yup,i love that song,i love everything about B & TB!!!

                      Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
                      I love Aladdin!! I haven't watched it in soooo long though! disney movies always have the best love/sappy songs
                      Yes they do,the best love songs out there!

                      Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                      My fave disney movie is Pirates of the Caribbean.

                      Why am i not surprised

                      Originally posted by sillyscipia View Post

                      "A whole new world,
                      a new fantastic point of view
                      No one to tell us no or where to go
                      Or say we're only dreaming..."
                      Oh i know that one!!!

                      Originally posted by girlinabox View Post
                      There are a lot of people viewing this thread.

                      J/T art for the recent birthdays. Sorry if its too dark.

                      Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                      Another pic ...can't think of any suitable words...umm


                      These are fab guys!!!

                      Oh wedj has updated needs of the body and soul...*runs off to read*


                        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post

                        Well i agree and disagree.......I myself do like the will they/won't they for a while but it gets rather tiresome eventually and i want to see them move past that to the next level...I'd like to see it grow and evolve....I think viewers nowadays are alot more harder to please,years ago they were quite happy with the UST in shows but now it gets rather tiresome quite quickly...

                        I've watched certain shows with the UST and it goes on for frickin years and in the end i got so fedup with it that i couldn't really care less if they got together in the end....If it's done right it can work,like Nina will probably tell ya if she hasn't already it worked in CSI New York with Danny/Lindsay,after a couple of years of flirting and stuff they finally got together and they aren't all over each other in every ep,we know it's there but we don't get it shoved in our faces at every opportunity so yes it works if done right but i don't think the writers on Atlantis have the capabilities to do it right,or they're too scared to do it....In the end they try to make evryone happy by giving us these little scenes between them and others happy by not getting them together but in the end they aren't makking anybody happy!!!

                        God i hope this makes sense,i really should just leave this kinda stuff to blue or Nina or Camy
                        That makes a lot of sense Linda and you pretty much sum up my feelings on it. I really don't agree that once a couple get together that fans loose interest. The relationship still has to evolve even when feelings are admitted. I found the idea that fans only want to see UST a bit outdated, and I'm not sure why JF and probably the ptb seem to think like this as well. Years of UST becomes boring fast and if goes on too long then I loose interest. This happened in JAG and it nearly put me off the show with all the "will they won't they" crap. I like to see growth in a relationship and as I said it doesn't have to suddenly stop when they finally become a couple.

                        I have no problem with tension and obstacles thrown in, but there has to be some continuity and growth as well. This is why I had such such a problem with Teyla's pregnancy because for me it didn't follow on with how the writers had previously portrayed Teyla and I think this is why a lot (even non shippers) are having a problem with the pregnancy storyline. Comments are that it is boring and uninteresting, and this is because we have no connection to Kanaan as he has been pulled out of a hat to fit the storyline. I know the writers had to incorporate Rachel's pregnancy but they need to stay true to her character as well. They should have introduced Kanaan much ealier in the season to allow us time to connect to him, and therefore made Teyla's "feelings" towards him more believable. Michael would have been a more believable scenario and Teyla's character wouldn't have been compromised as much imo...

                        I realise we have still had lovely moments between JT in season four, but I think the writers could have given us a lot more if they had Michael as the father. This would have given John and Teyla a lot more to work with, as the implications of Michael experimenting on Teyla could have brought about major angsty scenes, and given the writers a much better opportunity of bringing them closer. They didnt have to go as far as consumating anthing.. but this kind of scenario could have given us a wide range of feeling including hurt, comfort, anger and angst, but instead they took the easy way out, because they have this fixed notion that if JT come together or admitted any feelings then fans will immediately tire of it and loose interest. This really is a very black and white way of looking at things, and really only highlights a lack of imagination on their part. A relationship doesn't have to be all hand holding and lovey dovey scenes. It can be an evolution of feelings. If handled properly it can go through various stages and each stage should bring about new depth to the characters. Sure we can have the tension and the UST and the obstacles, but there also has to be some forward momentum, or fans do loose interest.

                        A relationship can be drawn out over time with little hints of feelings and changes to the relationship, but years of UST and "will they won't they", or the sudden appearance of other "love" interests just tend to frustate fans and if carried on too for too long ultimately turn fans of. If the writers are going to hint at a particular pairing then they need to be consistant. They cannot give definite hints of a relationship in one episode and almost completely contradict it in the next. This is what tptb seem to think holds fans attention, but they couldn't be more wrong IMO... they don't have to run head long into a full blown relationship and this is what they don't seem to realise. A relationship can be built up over time but you cannot just go off of rediculous tangents and expect to keep fans interested. This is not tension but total frustration. A strong friendship is better imo and a deepening of it, rather than hints of relationships one moment and then total denial the next, have some continunity and build on it.

                        Feelings can be admitted without entering into a full blown relationship. I don't think that any of us in fact really want that. We just need to know that there are feelings, and they do care about one another.. more than friends, but there are so many more ways of taking a relationship besides years of UST and no resolution, or full blown relationships with them skipping off into the sunset. ... give us all the in between moments. Throw obstacles in their way.. but no stupid love interests... Keep things subtle and in the background, throw in spanners occasionally into the mix to have us on the edge of our seats.. Explore the characters emotions through their relationship but keep it in the background. It only has to be touched on occasionally. A bad mission could cause them to hold each other once they had gotten back to their quarters. We could get to learn more about each of them as we would see them open up more to one another.

                        There are just so many possibilites but unfortunately the writers don't seem capable of exloring any of them, and intead they throw out the usual years of UST and flit between one pairing and another, and in the end never really allow any of them to show true and realistic emotions. We get the Kanaans and Larrins and unfortunately I don't think this trend is going to stop anytime soon.

                        ops.. sorry I seem to have rambled on..


                          Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                          A belated birthday prez for Padme!!! Sorry it's late I was far from a computer yesterday...

                          Thanks Maff. I can't green you since I gave out so much yesterday it won't let me. But Mental Green.

                          Off to dinner, BRB.
                          Icon by AceofHadeon Sig by TrueRomantic



                            Originally posted by girlinabox View Post
                            There are a lot of people viewing this thread.

                            J/T art for the recent birthdays. Sorry if its too dark.

                            Stunningly gorgeous!

                            Originally posted by sillyscipia View Post

                            "A whole new world,
                            a new fantastic point of view
                            No one to tell us no or where to go
                            Or say we're only dreaming..."
                            Keep it up Silly, I love Disney songs...

                            "Everbody look left,
                            everybody look right,
                            wherever you look I'm,
                            standing in the spotlight,
                            we can run around all day,
                            we can do it all our way,
                            Oh I just can't wait to be King"


                            Originally posted by maffieg View Post
                            Another pic ...can't think of any suitable words...umm

                            Nicely done Maff!

                            What we do in life echoes in eternity - Gladiator vghUp the Blades!


                              Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
                              Silly, you now have all three of those in my head. "A Whole New World" would work for JT too. After all, Atlantis is a new world for him.
                              I know more...

                              "Have you ever heard the wolf cry to the blue corn moon?
                              Or ask the grinning bobcat why he grinned?
                              Can you sing with all the voices of the mountain,
                              Can you paint with all the colors of the wind?"
                              Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                              Yup,i love that song,i love everything about B & TB!!!

                              Oh i know that one!!!
                              Beauty and the beast was fantastic. I loved it.

                              And that's from aladdin.
                              Jess | he/his/him | future ruler of the universe
                              "Roger that. Remind me to underachieve twice as hard from now on."
                              dA | tumblr | twitter


                                Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
                                Keep it up Silly, I love Disney songs...

                                "Everbody look left,
                                everybody look right,
                                wherever you look I'm,
                                standing in the spotlight,
                                we can run around all day,
                                we can do it all our way,
                                Oh I just can't wait to be King"

                                "How high does the sycamore grow?
                                If you cut it down, then you'll never know.
                                And you'll never hear the wolf cry to the blue corn moon
                                But whether we are white or copper-skinned,
                                We need to sing with all the voices of the mountain,
                                We need to paint with all the colors of the wind
                                You can own the Earth and all you'll own is Earth
                                Until you can paint with all the colors of the wind..."
                                Jess | he/his/him | future ruler of the universe
                                "Roger that. Remind me to underachieve twice as hard from now on."
                                dA | tumblr | twitter

