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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
    That's not bad at all! Enjoy Kindred.
    It is for me.
    Yes I did enjoy it. I just watched it again with the family this time.

    Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post

    Man there are a lot of pages to catch up on Better get started huh?
    Thanks Cabouse

    Originally posted by girlinabox View Post
    The scene heartbreaking. Poor Rodney, poor everybody!
    IMO from the look on Sam's face, she was having flashbacks to when she had to watch someone close to her freeze years ago.
    I know!! That was my same thought!!!

    Originally posted by gater101 View Post
    Yes, I know what you mean.

    OT and kindred spoilers
    When I saw she was sad, I was like... "Huh? You didn't know Carson." Then the last scene of Lost City popped into my head... Everyone had to relive horrible memories here!
    I totally agree.

    Originally posted by maffieg View Post

    Alright your a JT fan because when you see these kinds of JT vids you squee really loud.
    vid rec

    this is reason I'm a JT fan...
    Thanks Maff.

    Originally posted by CazzBlade View Post
    Thanx Sci, it was my pleaasure! Do you know any preferences of Padme's?
    No, sorry I don't know. I was wondering too.

    Originally posted by maffieg View Post
    Did some touch up to the Trapped fic cover...I swear my input was just the idea but Teylafan did most of the work and gave my idea wings...Thanks Teylafan!!!

    and I hope you enjoyed the fic Scifan
    WOW!! That so rocks. Thanks Maff.
    I'm gonna have to try to take time to update my LJ to show off all my pretties.

    Originally posted by Mayra View Post
    Not very good??? came out great Steph!. You definitely have talent for making vids and if this is supposed to be a rushed job, dang girl, you rock!. Love the song and the clips you used!. I know Scifan must be jumping up and down for joy!. Once again, great vid!
    I was. I was. I was Sqeeeeing very happily.

    Originally posted by maffieg View Post
    Now I don't know what you guys will make of this but it just something that happened today

    Now within my family, I am the only diehard SGA fan. Whenever SGA starts they all mostly groan and say let's get outta here. They know some of the characters and such but they have no real interest in it. It just so happens that my sister decided to watch Kindred pt1&2 and today she came up to me and said....
    I quote:
    "OMG what did he do to Teyla?, Is he crazy? I felt I could jump through the TV and beat him up. He better not mess with her and her child. They better go rescue her" Isn't the colonel going to save her?
    this was followed by a rant about Carson and I was told to tell my online friend that she will kick Mikeys butt if he harms Teyla...
    Needless to say she enjoyed the eppy and badgered me today but I thought it was interesting to get the view of someone who was completely spoilerfree and not even close to being a shipper.

    Oh yep my sis is quite the bada$$ type
    Hee hee. She's hooked I bet.

    Originally posted by Camy View Post
    Okay very good with Angst..I recommend Anger!

    This is her profile in

    Nytel is another good one....

    She has two that are very angsty...

    The latter is my personal favorite.

    Here's Ryan C. Charles..I haven't read her recent ones...she's really heavily into John but she has two that are very angsty that I love...

    My personal favorite is the Crystal Room. But if you want real Dark Matter.

    Crescere also has good angts...

    I would recommend A Song Without Words and The Fate of Waterfalls.

    Our very own Mrs. B...has some of the best angst that I know as well.

    Yogo has awesome Angst stories....I'd recommend any of her works.

    Devine has her series that I LOVE!!!!
    In the Blink of an Eye!
    Duty or Love is a favorite...

    Nicole has Prisoner of Fate...

    Gosh, I know I"m missing a lot more but this is a good start!
    Thanks for all the fic recs Camy.
    I am so behind on fic reading.

    Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post

    I hope ya had a great day! you're one amazing gal, and we love ya!!!

    Here's your prezzie....
    (it's a new style for me, so I hope it turned out ok!)

    Yikes, i got a lot of pages to catch up on.
    Oh Thank you hun.

    Originally posted by LoveConquers View Post

    LOL, that's awesome! Thanks Lea! Happy Birthday again!!!! And thanks for adding my little fics too.
    NP and thanks again too.

    Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
    Hi all,

    Saw Kindred II and loved it. Poor Ronon, he looked so sad. Anywho, if you guys haven't swung by the JT Awards site to see it's beautiful new design, I highly suggest you do so. I also wanted to thank everyone for participating in the Banner Contest and for helping us pick such a lovely banner.


    Happy Birthday Scifan!
    Thanks Dee.


      Originally posted by Padme18 View Post
      My thoughts on "Kindred 2".

      I knew that was a clone of Carson, but I thought the clone was the one that died in "Sunday". If I was Teyla I think I would have ran with Carson when I had the chance, regardless of how I felt about Kannan. The safety of my child would be more important to me, especially after seeing what Micheal did to Kannan and most of the others, and concidering whatever he injected her with. I think it was something to induce labor. I would want to get myself as far away from him as possible so that my child wouldn't serve his casue. Although we know John will find her.
      I think that if they are going down the mutant baby route, this is where Michael changed the baby's DNA.

      Click here daily to give free mammograms

      It is better to be crazy for Jesus than a wise man for Satan. Laters, Misi


        Originally posted by Everlovin View Post
        I think that if they are going down the mutant baby route, this is where Michael changed the baby's DNA.
        Believe me, at this point, I would be surprised if they went down that road!
        Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
        &=AWESOME &Forever
        No SGA fics yet....but ya never know


          We've finished another wonderful Beya Challenge and it was a huge success..come and check out the master list with all the entries for the challenges...WOHOOOO!

          Valentine's Beya Challenges Masterlist


            Can I throw out a weird idea for the TLM preview?

            We see that there is a war with the Pheonix and two wraith ships. I asuming that one of them is Mikes. What if what John has to change is the death of Teyla. What if they didn't have a choice, but to destroy Mike's ship. I notice that Rodney looked said and it look they observing out of one of the windows in the Pheonix. It could be for John or it could be for Teyla. I'm sure I totally wrong, but I was a crazy thought.


              Originally posted by Camy View Post
              We've finished another wonderful Beya Challenge and it was a huge success..come and check out the master list with all the entries for the challenges...WOHOOOO!

              Valentine's Beya Challenges Masterlist
              Oh man! I forgot to post my last two manips. Sorry Camy.


                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                Can I throw out a weird idea for the TLM preview?

                We see that there is a war with the Pheonix and two wraith ships. I asuming that one of them is Mikes. What if what John has to change is the death of Teyla. What if they didn't have a choice, but to destroy Mike's ship. I notice that Rodney looked said and it look they observing out of one of the windows in the Pheonix. It could be for John or it could be for Teyla. I'm sure I totally wrong, but I was a crazy thought.
                I'm not sure if I mentioned it here but Sci you and I are thinking similar, I thought too that Teyla might die in this episode as well. We definetly know that there will be some major things occuring and didn't JM mentioned that this would be tear jerker too...or something like that!


                  Originally posted by scifan View Post
                  Oh man! I forgot to post my last two manips. Sorry Camy.
                  Post them in the comment section or send them to me and I"ll add them in...


                    Originally posted by scifan View Post
                    Can I throw out a weird idea for the TLM preview?

                    We see that there is a war with the Pheonix and two wraith ships. I asuming that one of them is Mikes. What if what John has to change is the death of Teyla. What if they didn't have a choice, but to destroy Mike's ship. I notice that Rodney looked said and it look they observing out of one of the windows in the Pheonix. It could be for John or it could be for Teyla. I'm sure I totally wrong, but I was a crazy thought.
                    Uh, stupid question here...the Pheonix is which ship again...and did you see Larrin's ship anywhere?


                      Originally posted by Camy View Post
                      Uh, stupid question here...the Pheonix is which ship again...and did you see Larrin's ship anywhere?
                      New Earth ship.


                        Originally posted by Devine27 View Post
                        Hi all,

                        Saw Kindred II and loved it. Poor Ronon, he looked so sad. Anywho, if you guys haven't swung by the JT Awards site to see it's beautiful new design, I highly suggest you do so. I also wanted to thank everyone for participating in the Banner Contest and for helping us pick such a lovely banner.


                        Happy Birthday Scifan!
                        Thank you Maddie...Nina did post it earlier and I LOVE IT!

                        Thank you for all your hard work and dedication to this....HUGS!


                          Concerning Teyla and John :

                          I doubt Teyla is going to die since from all indications is not the whole Teyla being
                          pregnant a story arc continuing in season 5 . ? I do think John's still going to be looking for Teyla but isn't McKay supposed to be delivering he rbaby ? I could see where the Hive ship blows up and John may think Teyla's dead but see her making a big comeback at the most unexpected moment.


                          sigs by Cazz,scifan,elephantgirl, john-and-teyla , Donna , Linda, maffieg, and wraithlord . I'm in AWE of your talent and J/T is the best


                            Guys....question..the JT Awards is considering posting a category for the MP's. But most likely it will be in the fanart category. How many JT MP's do you think we have in all?

                            I know you guys have done more than just JT. I stick with JT for the most part, but I want to know if there are enough JT related MP's to open a category of it's own or if simply put it as part of the fanart sub-categories...let me know!


                              Originally posted by taffy rose View Post
                              I doubt Teyla is going to die since from all indications is not the whole Teyla being pregnant a story arc continuing in season 5 . ? I do think John's still going to be looking for Teyla but isn't McKay supposed to be delivering he rbaby ?


                              but remember that John is going to somehow change the past in the future...maybe Rodney shows him that Teyla was indeed killed by the Phoenix or something like that...

                              I think it's plausible!


                                Originally posted by scifan View Post
                                New Earth ship.
                                DANGIT! I want to know now in what capacity she's going to play in TLM...I want her to be EVIL!

