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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Title: Belonging to Night
    Summary: He doesn’t say anything but he’s there. He only hopes it is enough.
    Characters: John, Teyla [Kanan]
    Pairing: John/Teyla, Teyla/Kanan?
    Spoilers: Kindred pt 1 & 2.
    Rating: K

    He can see the sadness stealing the smile from her face, despite her efforts and it saddens him. They were supposed to be here to celebrate the lives of those who’d been lost and yet. He could understand her mourning this loss because it hadn’t had a chance to live. He felt her pain like a heavy weight on his own heart, unshiftable and unchangeable. She looked up, no doubt feeling the weight of his stare and the smile she sends in his direction is almost honest. She looks away before he can return it but he continues to watch her, to try and store every nuance of her face in his memory because he thinks that maybe this time she won’t be coming back to Atlantis.

    The fire was dwindling away, though the flames still licked at the oxygen in the atmosphere, burning orange in the dark night. They highlighted her golden skin and it shimmered under the warm attention, her dark eyes glittered despite her maudlin mood, her hair glinting perfectly in the night. Her cheekbones are more prominent than he’s ever seen them and he knows it’s no trick of the light. The past month has been on them all, especially her. The memory of her son that never got to see the morning sunrise is still fresh in her mind, the pain still new to her heart and it shows. He’s not sure it shows to everyone but it shows to them. Ronon had come to him concerned as had Rodney but John didn’t know what to do. She’d retreated into herself and no matter what John said or did, she remained distant, shut off, pained and it hurt him to see her so.

    As the fire burns low, he watches her bid farewell to one of the last awake of her people before she stood and began moving about, touching tables and plates, chairs and bowls. He doesn’t move as he watches her, knowing that she needs this time to herself. She knows he’s there and for now, it’s enough. Through the darkness he can hear her sigh, watches as she closes her eyes as she leans heavily against the chair in front of her. Still, he watches her, quiet but there.

    The moon light that cools her face is a stark contrast to the warm glow of the firelight from moments before and as she angles her head in his direction, John gasps at the transformation. She looks pale and ill, cold and lost and he is about to stand up and go to her because he knows that she’s ready for him now but there is a rustle from one of the tents and John sinks back into the darkness. Kanan approaches and she starts slightly when he touches her shoulder and John narrows his eyes as that sensation rips across his heart again. He’s concerned by the fact that she didn’t hear him approach. She turns to Kanan then, the smile slow to form on her face and John is almost glad. He can hear the quiet murmurs between them, carefully quiet so as not to rouse those on the brink of slumber. When Kanan tilts his head, John can see the lingering remnants of what Michael turned him into, despite Carson’s assurances that they would one day finally disappear completely. It’s a site he can’t quite get used to.

    He lowers his eyes to the dry leave scattered around his feet as Kanan reaches out and touches her arm. It’s a gesture John is familiar with because he’s done is far too often over the past couple of months. The stillness of the night chills him and he shivers, his body shuddering with more intensity than perhaps it should. He glances up again and frowns when he sees her paused mid-step, her hand still lingering on the chair supporting her. He finds her eyes instantly, staring into his and he’s almost sure he sees remorse there but it – and she – is gone before he can be totally sure.

    He sighs painfully, covers his face with his hands and closes his eyes. He doesn’t quite know what it is he feels when he sees her with Kanan; the only thing he has to compare it to is the way he felt when she told him she was pregnant and that’s not something he wants to compare anything else to. The stars above shine harshly in the inky blue sky and it’s not long before their icy eyes herd him indoors, out of reach of their scathing gaze.

    The visitors tent is smaller than the others, though no less comfortable. There are thick quilts covering the not-quite-double bed and he smiles thankfully at them, relishing in the thought of wrapping himself up in them. The walls flicker with the light of several fat candles placed strategically around the room. The fire at the end of the bed kindles lowly, enough to emit heat and light and John sighs. She’s thoughtful like that.

    He strips down to his boxers and tee shirt, before sliding beneath the covers and immersing himself in their warmth. He sighs and closes his eyes but he knows sleep is far off for him. He can see the flicker of the candles on his eyelids and he tucks his head further into the pillows on the bed, trying to block out their light. John admires the Athosians’ traditions, he realises as he flops onto his back and watches the shadows twist about the ceiling. He admires that, after everything they have been through, they just buckle down and try to rebuild what they lost. He admires that, even though they’ve seen what Atlantis can offer them, they choose to live in tents with candles and basins of water they heat over fires. He can’t ever imagine living like that again but he knows that he would, if he had to. The close knit family unit of the Athosians startles John because he can’t imagine knowing everyone on Earth by name though he supposes it’s not a fair comparison because he knows everyone on Atlantis by name, as well as the remaining Athosians. He’s closer to those he considers friends more now than he ever has been. Seeing what happened to the Athosians startled them all into realising they needed to care about one another more. He made more of an effort to spar, drink and immerse Ronon in human culture, while learning more about the traditions of Sateda. He and Rodney spent more time playing chess and the scientist had even taken an interest in golf, while John had taken an interest in experiments he’d never understand. He enjoyed beating Rodney to the answer with his math equations, much to the scientist dismay.

    And Teyla... well, he’d not really done anything that seemed to make a difference. He ferried her from Atlantis to the settlement far, far away from the Stargate as often as she wanted – and even when she didn’t. He spent time with her people, had helped rebuild some of their settlement and even joined in their evening meals. Whenever he’d sat down at the table, stew in hand, she’d turn her eyes to him, study him and smile in that sad way that tugged at the string of his heart. He hated seeing her hurting – especially when he couldn’t do anything about it.

    He turns his head when he feels a cool draft hit him and sees Teyla hovering inside his tent, her hands ringing uncertainly around one another. He closes his eyes, pretending he doesn’t see her and gives her the choice to leave. He listens intently as her feet move across the floor and he cracks an eye open when she stops. She lingers beside his bed, uncertainty tinting her features and he pulls his arm out from under the quilt and reaches out to her hand. She jerks slightly but smiles down at him tiredly.

    He searches her eyes as she wraps her slender fingers around his. The loaded stare makes something inside of him quiver and he shuffles over in the bed, drops her hand and holds the quilt back. She hesitates only for a moment before shedding her long coat and sliding in beside him. He waits until she situates herself on her back, her shoulder brushing his chest before he lowers the quilt, tucks it around her shoulders and wraps his arm around her waist.

    She turns away from him as the first tears leak out of her eyes and he doesn’t say anything. She reaches for his hand and he gives it to her willingly, feeling something inside of him tear as she wraps herself around his arm. He moves closer to her back, crushing her to him as he slides his other arm under neck, wrapping around her from underneath. The sob catches him off guard and he tucks his head into her neck, trying to ward off his own tears.

    He doesn’t say anything but he’s there.

    He only hopes that it’s enough.
    don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

    facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


      Originally posted by gater101 View Post
      Title: Belonging to Night
      Summary: He doesn’t say anything but he’s there. He only hopes it is enough.
      Characters: John, Teyla [Kanan]
      Pairing: John/Teyla, Teyla/Kanan?
      Spoilers: Kindred pt 1 & 2.
      Rating: K

      He can see the sadness stealing the smile from her face, despite her efforts and it saddens him. They were supposed to be here to celebrate the lives of those who’d been lost and yet. He could understand her mourning this loss because it hadn’t had a chance to live. He felt her pain like a heavy weight on his own heart, unshiftable and unchangeable. She looked up, no doubt feeling the weight of his stare and the smile she sends in his direction is almost honest. She looks away before he can return it but he continues to watch her, to try and store every nuance of her face in his memory because he thinks that maybe this time she won’t be coming back to Atlantis.

      The fire was dwindling away, though the flames still licked at the oxygen in the atmosphere, burning orange in the dark night. They highlighted her golden skin and it shimmered under the warm attention, her dark eyes glittered despite her maudlin mood, her hair glinting perfectly in the night. Her cheekbones are more prominent than he’s ever seen them and he knows it’s no trick of the light. The past month has been on them all, especially her. The memory of her son that never got to see the morning sunrise is still fresh in her mind, the pain still new to her heart and it shows. He’s not sure it shows to everyone but it shows to them. Ronon had come to him concerned as had Rodney but John didn’t know what to do. She’d retreated into herself and no matter what John said or did, she remained distant, shut off, pained and it hurt him to see her so.

      As the fire burns low, he watches her bid farewell to one of the last awake of her people before she stood and began moving about, touching tables and plates, chairs and bowls. He doesn’t move as he watches her, knowing that she needs this time to herself. She knows he’s there and for now, it’s enough. Through the darkness he can hear her sigh, watches as she closes her eyes as she leans heavily against the chair in front of her. Still, he watches her, quiet but there.

      The moon light that cools her face is a stark contrast to the warm glow of the firelight from moments before and as she angles her head in his direction, John gasps at the transformation. She looks pale and ill, cold and lost and he is about to stand up and go to her because he knows that she’s ready for him now but there is a rustle from one of the tents and John sinks back into the darkness. Kanan approaches and she starts slightly when he touches her shoulder and John narrows his eyes as that sensation rips across his heart again. He’s concerned by the fact that she didn’t hear him approach. She turns to Kanan then, the smile slow to form on her face and John is almost glad. He can hear the quiet murmurs between them, carefully quiet so as not to rouse those on the brink of slumber. When Kanan tilts his head, John can see the lingering remnants of what Michael turned him into, despite Carson’s assurances that they would one day finally disappear completely. It’s a site he can’t quite get used to.

      He lowers his eyes to the dry leave scattered around his feet as Kanan reaches out and touches her arm. It’s a gesture John is familiar with because he’s done is far too often over the past couple of months. The stillness of the night chills him and he shivers, his body shuddering with more intensity than perhaps it should. He glances up again and frowns when he sees her paused mid-step, her hand still lingering on the chair supporting her. He finds her eyes instantly, staring into his and he’s almost sure he sees remorse there but it – and she – is gone before he can be totally sure.

      He sighs painfully, covers his face with his hands and closes his eyes. He doesn’t quite know what it is he feels when he sees her with Kanan; the only thing he has to compare it to is the way he felt when she told him she was pregnant and that’s not something he wants to compare anything else to. The stars above shine harshly in the inky blue sky and it’s not long before their icy eyes herd him indoors, out of reach of their scathing gaze.

      The visitors tent is smaller than the others, though no less comfortable. There are thick quilts covering the not-quite-double bed and he smiles thankfully at them, relishing in the thought of wrapping himself up in them. The walls flicker with the light of several fat candles placed strategically around the room. The fire at the end of the bed kindles lowly, enough to emit heat and light and John sighs. She’s thoughtful like that.

      He strips down to his boxers and tee shirt, before sliding beneath the covers and immersing himself in their warmth. He sighs and closes his eyes but he knows sleep is far off for him. He can see the flicker of the candles on his eyelids and he tucks his head further into the pillows on the bed, trying to block out their light. John admires the Athosians’ traditions, he realises as he flops onto his back and watches the shadows twist about the ceiling. He admires that, after everything they have been through, they just buckle down and try to rebuild what they lost. He admires that, even though they’ve seen what Atlantis can offer them, they choose to live in tents with candles and basins of water they heat over fires. He can’t ever imagine living like that again but he knows that he would, if he had to. The close knit family unit of the Athosians startles John because he can’t imagine knowing everyone on Earth by name though he supposes it’s not a fair comparison because he knows everyone on Atlantis by name, as well as the remaining Athosians. He’s closer to those he considers friends more now than he ever has been. Seeing what happened to the Athosians startled them all into realising they needed to care about one another more. He made more of an effort to spar, drink and immerse Ronon in human culture, while learning more about the traditions of Sateda. He and Rodney spent more time playing chess and the scientist had even taken an interest in golf, while John had taken an interest in experiments he’d never understand. He enjoyed beating Rodney to the answer with his math equations, much to the scientist dismay.

      And Teyla... well, he’d not really done anything that seemed to make a difference. He ferried her from Atlantis to the settlement far, far away from the Stargate as often as she wanted – and even when she didn’t. He spent time with her people, had helped rebuild some of their settlement and even joined in their evening meals. Whenever he’d sat down at the table, stew in hand, she’d turn her eyes to him, study him and smile in that sad way that tugged at the string of his heart. He hated seeing her hurting – especially when he couldn’t do anything about it.

      He turns his head when he feels a cool draft hit him and sees Teyla hovering inside his tent, her hands ringing uncertainly around one another. He closes his eyes, pretending he doesn’t see her and gives her the choice to leave. He listens intently as her feet move across the floor and he cracks an eye open when she stops. She lingers beside his bed, uncertainty tinting her features and he pulls his arm out from under the quilt and reaches out to her hand. She jerks slightly but smiles down at him tiredly.

      He searches her eyes as she wraps her slender fingers around his. The loaded stare makes something inside of him quiver and he shuffles over in the bed, drops her hand and holds the quilt back. She hesitates only for a moment before shedding her long coat and sliding in beside him. He waits until she situates herself on her back, her shoulder brushing his chest before he lowers the quilt, tucks it around her shoulders and wraps his arm around her waist.

      She turns away from him as the first tears leak out of her eyes and he doesn’t say anything. She reaches for his hand and he gives it to her willingly, feeling something inside of him tear as she wraps herself around his arm. He moves closer to her back, crushing her to him as he slides his other arm under neck, wrapping around her from underneath. The sob catches him off guard and he tucks his head into her neck, trying to ward off his own tears.

      He doesn’t say anything but he’s there.

      He only hopes that it’s enough.
      Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
      &=AWESOME &Forever
      No SGA fics yet....but ya never know


        Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
        Damn but you're a quick reader! Is that more to your liking?
        don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

        facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


          Originally posted by gater101 View Post
          Okay, this is a response to Doxymom's challenge

          You took the words right out of my mouth; it must have been while you were kissing me. Include down day at work and marbles.

          It was harder than it looked, I tell ya.

          Title: Of Marbles, Down Time and Cheesy Chat Up Lines
          Summary: Yes, John thought, it was most definitely interesting.

          (Any time post Conversion, before s4)

          Rodney scoffed around a mouthful of popcorn, his laugh spraying some crumbs across the floor in front of him.

          “I told you it was bad!” John admonished him with a glare before turning back to the game in front of him. Somehow, someone (for some reason) had decided to bring a bag of marbles with them on the Daedalus and John and Rodney had decided to show Ronon and Teyla how to play them on their only down day in about a month.

          Rodney laughed again, his face turning almost red and John tried to hide his own rose tinted cheeks.

          “I know but... God, even I wouldn’t use something like that!”

          John closed his eyes and grumbled when Teyla’s hand reached out and touched his shoulder in what he supposed was meant to be a soothing gesture. It didn’t help and he opened his eyes and playfully glared at her.

          “I did not think it so bad,” she told him with a gentle smile, which he returned.

          Rodney laughed again as Ronon chuckled and John rolled his eyes, knowing he was now never going to live this one down. Ever.

          “You’re trying to tell me if someone said ‘You took the words right out of my mouth; it must've been while you were kissing me’ you wouldn’t turn around and kick their ass?”

          John watched her carefully as she considered the question, her eyes flicking to John as she did so. He narrowed his eyes at her when he saw the mischievous glint in her dark eyes and he sighed once again, looking away trying not to let the secret smile cross his lips.

          “I have experienced something similar to this...” John frowned and turned to her, almost giving himself whiplash. She raised an eyebrow in his direction and John was convinced that she flirting with him. “Although I did not proceed to ‘kick his ass’ – that day at least.”

          He narrowed his eyes at her as he considered her, pursing his lips as he did so. She smirked back at him and flicked a marble to the other side of the room.

          “And what did he say?” Rodney asked, shocked, his hand poised half way to his mouth.

          Teyla’s eyes flicked to John’s again before she turned back to Rodney, a smile stealing across her features.

          “I believe his words were ‘That was interesting’.”

          John turned away to hide the grin that spread over his face but he caught Ronon staring at him, an amused (questioning) eyebrow raised high as his own knowing smirk stretched his features. He scowled at the Satedan, even as his cheeks began to tingle again.

          “And it was.”

          He turned back to her at her words and saw her watching him intently, a small – almost pleased – smile touching her lips. They stared at one another for a moment and John felt a glimmer of something akin to hopeful butterflies in his stomach and he smiled shyly at her, ducking his head.

          Yes, John thought, it was most definitely interesting.
          heeeheee!!! love it, dude!

          Originally posted by Anlaria Onyx View Post
          Hey Ladies! I've been outta the loop for a bit, anyone wanna catch me up on spoilers? Pretty please?

          My mom is in the hospital for a minor heart attack, her fourth one. Four heart attacks by 37, I think she made a world record or something. But if I don't respond I'm at the hospital with her.
          oh gosh, i'm so sorry! i'll keep her in my prayers, ok?

          Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
          That's a great siggie JT4L! And Yay! Today is the day Well for you guys!
          Thanks big sis!

          EG!!! I just loooove your Andromeda sigs! Especially the Star-Crossed one. That's gotta be my fav ep of the whole dang series

          1 hour and a half left!!!!!(for y'all who don't have to wait for iTunes...)


            Originally posted by gater101 View Post
            Damn but you're a quick reader! Is that more to your liking?
            Yes I am a quick reader And yes it was more to my liking....although, where was the nooky?

            Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
            1 hour and a half left!!!!!(for y'all who don't have to wait for iTunes...)
            THAT'S ME!!!!! I am soooo excited
            Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
            &=AWESOME &Forever
            No SGA fics yet....but ya never know


              Originally posted by Anlaria Onyx View Post
              Hey Ladies! I've been outta the loop for a bit, anyone wanna catch me up on spoilers? Pretty please?

              My mom is in the hospital for a minor heart attack, her fourth one. Four heart attacks by 37, I think she made a world record or something. But if I don't respond I'm at the hospital with her.
              I'm sooo sorry to hear that. You guys are definately in my prayers
              Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
              &=AWESOME &Forever
              No SGA fics yet....but ya never know


                Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
                Yes I am a quick reader And yes it was more to my liking....although, where was the nooky?

                THAT'S ME!!!!! I am soooo excited
                That's you what? Never mind 8-)

                I think this fic is great without the nooky. But the question is... what does her coming to him mean? We don't really get the "I'm in love with you" vibe from John... just that he'd do anything for her. And what of Teyla/Kanan.

                I tried to write it to get you thinking...
                don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                  Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                  Title: Belonging to Night
                  Summary: He doesn’t say anything but he’s there. He only hopes it is enough.
                  Characters: John, Teyla [Kanan]
                  Pairing: John/Teyla, Teyla/Kanan?
                  Spoilers: Kindred pt 1 & 2.
                  Rating: K

                  He can see the sadness stealing the smile from her face, despite her efforts and it saddens him. They were supposed to be here to celebrate the lives of those who’d been lost and yet. He could understand her mourning this loss because it hadn’t had a chance to live. He felt her pain like a heavy weight on his own heart, unshiftable and unchangeable. She looked up, no doubt feeling the weight of his stare and the smile she sends in his direction is almost honest. She looks away before he can return it but he continues to watch her, to try and store every nuance of her face in his memory because he thinks that maybe this time she won’t be coming back to Atlantis.

                  The fire was dwindling away, though the flames still licked at the oxygen in the atmosphere, burning orange in the dark night. They highlighted her golden skin and it shimmered under the warm attention, her dark eyes glittered despite her maudlin mood, her hair glinting perfectly in the night. Her cheekbones are more prominent than he’s ever seen them and he knows it’s no trick of the light. The past month has been on them all, especially her. The memory of her son that never got to see the morning sunrise is still fresh in her mind, the pain still new to her heart and it shows. He’s not sure it shows to everyone but it shows to them. Ronon had come to him concerned as had Rodney but John didn’t know what to do. She’d retreated into herself and no matter what John said or did, she remained distant, shut off, pained and it hurt him to see her so.

                  As the fire burns low, he watches her bid farewell to one of the last awake of her people before she stood and began moving about, touching tables and plates, chairs and bowls. He doesn’t move as he watches her, knowing that she needs this time to herself. She knows he’s there and for now, it’s enough. Through the darkness he can hear her sigh, watches as she closes her eyes as she leans heavily against the chair in front of her. Still, he watches her, quiet but there.

                  The moon light that cools her face is a stark contrast to the warm glow of the firelight from moments before and as she angles her head in his direction, John gasps at the transformation. She looks pale and ill, cold and lost and he is about to stand up and go to her because he knows that she’s ready for him now but there is a rustle from one of the tents and John sinks back into the darkness. Kanan approaches and she starts slightly when he touches her shoulder and John narrows his eyes as that sensation rips across his heart again. He’s concerned by the fact that she didn’t hear him approach. She turns to Kanan then, the smile slow to form on her face and John is almost glad. He can hear the quiet murmurs between them, carefully quiet so as not to rouse those on the brink of slumber. When Kanan tilts his head, John can see the lingering remnants of what Michael turned him into, despite Carson’s assurances that they would one day finally disappear completely. It’s a site he can’t quite get used to.

                  He lowers his eyes to the dry leave scattered around his feet as Kanan reaches out and touches her arm. It’s a gesture John is familiar with because he’s done is far too often over the past couple of months. The stillness of the night chills him and he shivers, his body shuddering with more intensity than perhaps it should. He glances up again and frowns when he sees her paused mid-step, her hand still lingering on the chair supporting her. He finds her eyes instantly, staring into his and he’s almost sure he sees remorse there but it – and she – is gone before he can be totally sure.

                  He sighs painfully, covers his face with his hands and closes his eyes. He doesn’t quite know what it is he feels when he sees her with Kanan; the only thing he has to compare it to is the way he felt when she told him she was pregnant and that’s not something he wants to compare anything else to. The stars above shine harshly in the inky blue sky and it’s not long before their icy eyes herd him indoors, out of reach of their scathing gaze.

                  The visitors tent is smaller than the others, though no less comfortable. There are thick quilts covering the not-quite-double bed and he smiles thankfully at them, relishing in the thought of wrapping himself up in them. The walls flicker with the light of several fat candles placed strategically around the room. The fire at the end of the bed kindles lowly, enough to emit heat and light and John sighs. She’s thoughtful like that.

                  He strips down to his boxers and tee shirt, before sliding beneath the covers and immersing himself in their warmth. He sighs and closes his eyes but he knows sleep is far off for him. He can see the flicker of the candles on his eyelids and he tucks his head further into the pillows on the bed, trying to block out their light. John admires the Athosians’ traditions, he realises as he flops onto his back and watches the shadows twist about the ceiling. He admires that, after everything they have been through, they just buckle down and try to rebuild what they lost. He admires that, even though they’ve seen what Atlantis can offer them, they choose to live in tents with candles and basins of water they heat over fires. He can’t ever imagine living like that again but he knows that he would, if he had to. The close knit family unit of the Athosians startles John because he can’t imagine knowing everyone on Earth by name though he supposes it’s not a fair comparison because he knows everyone on Atlantis by name, as well as the remaining Athosians. He’s closer to those he considers friends more now than he ever has been. Seeing what happened to the Athosians startled them all into realising they needed to care about one another more. He made more of an effort to spar, drink and immerse Ronon in human culture, while learning more about the traditions of Sateda. He and Rodney spent more time playing chess and the scientist had even taken an interest in golf, while John had taken an interest in experiments he’d never understand. He enjoyed beating Rodney to the answer with his math equations, much to the scientist dismay.

                  And Teyla... well, he’d not really done anything that seemed to make a difference. He ferried her from Atlantis to the settlement far, far away from the Stargate as often as she wanted – and even when she didn’t. He spent time with her people, had helped rebuild some of their settlement and even joined in their evening meals. Whenever he’d sat down at the table, stew in hand, she’d turn her eyes to him, study him and smile in that sad way that tugged at the string of his heart. He hated seeing her hurting – especially when he couldn’t do anything about it.

                  He turns his head when he feels a cool draft hit him and sees Teyla hovering inside his tent, her hands ringing uncertainly around one another. He closes his eyes, pretending he doesn’t see her and gives her the choice to leave. He listens intently as her feet move across the floor and he cracks an eye open when she stops. She lingers beside his bed, uncertainty tinting her features and he pulls his arm out from under the quilt and reaches out to her hand. She jerks slightly but smiles down at him tiredly.

                  He searches her eyes as she wraps her slender fingers around his. The loaded stare makes something inside of him quiver and he shuffles over in the bed, drops her hand and holds the quilt back. She hesitates only for a moment before shedding her long coat and sliding in beside him. He waits until she situates herself on her back, her shoulder brushing his chest before he lowers the quilt, tucks it around her shoulders and wraps his arm around her waist.

                  She turns away from him as the first tears leak out of her eyes and he doesn’t say anything. She reaches for his hand and he gives it to her willingly, feeling something inside of him tear as she wraps herself around his arm. He moves closer to her back, crushing her to him as he slides his other arm under neck, wrapping around her from underneath. The sob catches him off guard and he tucks his head into her neck, trying to ward off his own tears.

                  He doesn’t say anything but he’s there.

                  He only hopes that it’s enough.
                  oh, wow, i'm speechless gater..... that was... just... AMAZING doesn't seem to cut it...! I loved the angst, and especially the ending was great
                  just a little thing that John did for her.... letting her sleep with him... awwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!


                    Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                    heeeheee!!! love it, dude!

                    Thanks love! It's totally random for me... Hope you like the others I wrote, too
                    don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                    facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                      Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
                      oh, wow, i'm speechless gater..... that was... just... AMAZING doesn't seem to cut it...! I loved the angst, and especially the ending was great
                      just a little thing that John did for her.... letting her sleep with him... awwwwwwwwww!!!!!!!!!!

                      Thanks. Like I said, I wanted it to be not so obvious that he "wanted" her. He's kind of not understanding his emotions right now but he knows he'd do anything for her. And she needed him.

                      don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                      facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                        Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
                        THAT'S ME!!!!! I am soooo excited
                        Humph, it's not me... All I'm sayin is that itunes BETTER DARN WELL get that ep up FIRST THING tomorrow... or else Jus kidding!
                        Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                        That's you what? Never mind 8-)

                        I think this fic is great without the nooky. But the question is... what does her coming to him mean? We don't really get the "I'm in love with you" vibe from John... just that he'd do anything for her. And what of Teyla/Kanan.

                        I tried to write it to get you thinking...
                        Ya sure got me thinking!

                        Originally posted by gater101 View Post

                        Thanks. Like I said, I wanted it to be not so obvious that he "wanted" her. He's kind of not understanding his emotions right now but he knows he'd do anything for her. And she needed him.

                        Yeah, that's why i liked it. Not total fluff, but not totally angst either. A nice balance, let's say! Just goes to show how much they really care for each other, and how that'll never change no matter how the ship turns out in the end.

                        You're welcome.


                          Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                          That's you what? Never mind 8-)

                          I think this fic is great without the nooky. But the question is... what does her coming to him mean? We don't really get the "I'm in love with you" vibe from John... just that he'd do anything for her. And what of Teyla/Kanan.

                          I tried to write it to get you thinking...
                          I am just yanking your chain

                          The story was excellent and I definately got what you were throwing out there....

                          About him needing her and her somehow knowing this and going to him. All these two ever need is body words (as you made apparent) are needed

                          I don't know what is up with Itunes lately. They either get the ep wrong, put it out early or take their sweet time getting out. WTF?? I know I get the see the ep live and all but I like to dl it from them so I can put it on my Ipod.
                          Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
                          &=AWESOME &Forever
                          No SGA fics yet....but ya never know


                            Since our hotel has free internet, I thought I'd pop in to say that our team is currently ranked 3rd out of more than 30 teams after a short stint at 1st!! A position that we're looking to reclaim . . .
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                              Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
                              I am just yanking your chain

                              The story was excellent and I definately got what you were throwing out there....

                              About him needing her and her somehow knowing this and going to him. All these two ever need is body words (as you made apparent) are needed
                              ahhhh, so romantic!!


                                Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                                Since our hotel has free internet, I thought I'd pop in to say that our team is currently ranked 3rd out of more than 30 teams after a short stint at 1st!! A position that we're looking to reclaim . . .

