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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by elephantgirl View Post
    I so agree with you, Elf, I'm worried now about the future of Atlantis.

    On a happier note:

    Good Morning/Afternoon, everyone!
    Good morning/Afternoon to you too

    I am not necessarily nervous about the 'future' of Atlantis, b/c the show will stick around, I am more nervous about how Woosley's character will fit in with the story and structure of Atlantis.

    I really hope the writers weren't hoping to get a positive reaction out of their choice; cuz it seems that the negativity is flying!!! LOL
    Last edited by cabouse18; 05 February 2008, 06:59 AM.
    Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
    &=AWESOME &Forever
    No SGA fics yet....but ya never know


      Hey Elf!, you writing the 5th part for the RRfic??
      *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

      “Because you can.”



        Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
        Good morning/Afternoon to you too

        I am not necessarily nervous about the 'future' of Atlantis, b/c the show will stick around, I am more nervous about how Woosley's character will fit in with the story and structure of Atlantis.

        I really hope the writers weren't hoping to get a positive reaction out of their choice; cuz it seems that the negativity is flying!!! LOL

        SPOILER TAGS PLEASE, cabouse!!! (added them in my post, please add them in yours). Thanks.

        I'm worried that if the character doesn't fit and makes people not watch the show, that would be disastrous!


          Originally posted by NinaM View Post
          Oh crap...

          He was a speculation...hrmmm well if he handles himself like he did in The me John will railroad him...

          Michael Shanks to appear in well how many epi we don't know... isn't it ENOUGH with 1... we have enough SGA cast to give screetime to..we don't need to give it to old SG1 people... stop trying to please SG1 fans..and give love to the SGA fans who doesn't care for having our show being a dumping ground

          Paul was waited pretty much that he would appear in some epis... it was pretty much give...

          other then that no other news... if that the major announment.. then that wasn't much.. but I'm glad though that JM shot down those other rumours...

          I have one thing to say... Woosley will have one heck of a hard time with Shep especially if he panics like he did in The Seer making an almost fatal error... then I will enjoy watching John railroad him as hard has he possible can
          I think Woolsey needs be to captured and held by the wraith for a while. That is what I think! Maybe Sheppy will arrange with Todd to invite Woolsey out to lunch for a possible alliance or something. I just can't see this as a good thing for our show! The next thing you know is Jack is back and ready for action! Give me a break! Do they really think they can get more viewers and higher ratings? I don't think so!!! IF they keep nutsing around and keep bringing back SG-1 folks, I am so going to stop watching SGA!! I want to see our guys not the others. I didn't even really like the SG-1 in the first place! I love SGA better!!! I like the actors better in SGA!!! Having MS and AT in eps, that is even less time with our folks. MS and alone is way to much money as it is....that would leave Shep with hardly being able to smirk!! It cost to much money!!
          sig by Sci!

          Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


            Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
            Hey Elf!, you writing the 5th part for the RRfic??
            I'm trying! I so don't write fic so, this is beyond nerve racking to me. But, I am willing to give it a try, it is going to be a while.
            sig by Sci!

            Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


              Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
              I think Woolsey needs be to captured and held by the wraith for a while. That is what I think! Maybe Sheppy will arrange with Todd to invite Woolsey out to lunch for a possible alliance or something. I just can't see this as a good thing for our show! The next thing you know is Jack is back and ready for action! Give me a break! Do they really think they can get more viewers and higher ratings? I don't think so!!! IF they keep nutsing around and keep bringing back SG-1 folks, I am so going to stop watching SGA!! I want to see our guys not the others. I didn't even really like the SG-1 in the first place! I love SGA better!!! I like the actors better in SGA!!! Having MS and AT in eps, that is even less time with our folks. MS and alone is way to much money as it is....that would leave Shep with hardly being able to smirk!! It cost to much money!!
              I'm taking an wait and see the last time..I didn't like the choice really then either,,, and sure I'm not really now either..but I'll still wait and see...

              Hopefully his scenes wont be any major things... he is a pushing paper kind of a guy...

              I can see conflict with John and Woosley and hopefully John will show he isn't a guy you mess with...

              Let's just wait and see...our team is still intact... Teyla is still being there,,important to the team...Shep is still team leader..and I'm sure he will as he has ,,have control over the military fraction on Atlantis... We had Weir going over John's head to many times... and he gave up way to easy for someone like him...I really can't see him do the same with Woosley...we have seen John's reaction to Woosley before... so I'm sure he will railroad him at some point...

              do I need to make an appointment for you Elf for our JT get you on a slight better mood,,, don't worry we are going to face Season 5 are not alone in this... think happy Shep whump thoughts and happy JT thoughts...
              Sigs by Scifan


                Originally posted by elephantgirl View Post
                SPOILER TAGS PLEASE, cabouse!!! (added them in my post, please add them in yours). Thanks.
                My bad...edited my original post!

                I can agree with the waiting and the seeing approach; the only problem is, I am NOT good at waiting!!
                Sigs made by EG & Teylafan
                &=AWESOME &Forever
                No SGA fics yet....but ya never know


                  Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                  This is who they said...(massive spoilers for S5!)
                  Woolsey!! That IOA weasel Woolsey! That so sucks! They really do want to get rid of SGA for good!!! So, this will definitely our JT, too! I am so not happy!!! He's a freaking cochroach!! This SO BITES! And, of course, the golden boy Daniel is going to be in S5 in more than one ep too!! Give me a break!! That show is over! Just leave our SGA team and cast alone and quit making crappy changes!!!!!!
                  ok, leaving aside Woolsey for a moment, what's with the Daniel negativity? Daniel is the leading expert in the Ancients and it's just weird that he hasn't been in an ep since the pilot, so I'm not surprised by this announcement, nor am I in the least bit upset. Just because he's gonna be in the episode doesn't mean he's gonna take over the episode or the series. I can't wait to see him.

                  About Woolsey - I think it's great. Watching the team react to him as their leader will be very interesting, as will seeing his character continue to grow. I think he has changed a lot from the IOA weasel we first saw in Heroes Part Two, and I think this will just mean further growth for him. It's indicaive of the IOA wanting more control over Atlantis, but Woolsey has never been the lapdog of the IOA, and so it will be cool to see him struggling between loyalty to his new command and his old job. I think it's great that they're using a character that's a little harder to like - this will cause a lot of friction, and that makes great television.

                  Plus, Robert Picardo is one of my favourite actors, so I'll never be upset to see him in anything.

                  Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                  Oh crap...

                  He was a speculation...hrmmm well if he handles himself like he did in The me John will railroad him...

                  Michael Shanks to appear in well how many epi we don't know... isn't it ENOUGH with 1... we have enough SGA cast to give screetime to..we don't need to give it to old SG1 people... stop trying to please SG1 fans..and give love to the SGA fans who doesn't care for having our show being a dumping ground

                  Paul was waited pretty much that he would appear in some epis... it was pretty much give...

                  other then that no other news... if that the major announment.. then that wasn't much.. but I'm glad though that JM shot down those other rumours...

                  I have one thing to say... Woosley will have one heck of a hard time with Shep especially if he panics like he did in The Seer making an almost fatal error... then I will enjoy watching John railroad him as hard has he possible can
                  Once again with the Daniel negativity... I understand that you want Atlantis to be its own show, and I do too, but the way I see it - it is, and bringing in Daniel just makes for a great storyline.

                  Besides, by 'unspecified number' they probably mean like 2.

                  See, I'm looking forward to seeing how John reacts to Woolsey as well. I think it will make for some great friction and fantastic character development for everyone.

                  Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                    Originally posted by cabouse18 View Post
                    Good morning/Afternoon to you too

                    I am not necessarily nervous about the 'future' of Atlantis, b/c the show will stick around, I am more nervous about how Woosley's character will fit in with the story and structure of Atlantis.

                    I really hope the writers weren't hoping to get a positive reaction out of their choice; cuz it seems that the negativity is flying!!! LOL
                    Not with me. I'm as happy as a bug in a cake shop.

                    Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                      Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                      I'm trying! I so don't write fic so, this is beyond nerve racking to me. But, I am willing to give it a try, it is going to be a while.
                      Alright! I'm sure you'll do just fine!
                      And of course you can take all the time you need, and if you need help you can always ask!
                      *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                      “Because you can.”



                        Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                        I think Woolsey needs be to captured and held by the wraith for a while. That is what I think! Maybe Sheppy will arrange with Todd to invite Woolsey out to lunch for a possible alliance or something. I just can't see this as a good thing for our show! The next thing you know is Jack is back and ready for action! Give me a break! Do they really think they can get more viewers and higher ratings? I don't think so!!! IF they keep nutsing around and keep bringing back SG-1 folks, I am so going to stop watching SGA!! I want to see our guys not the others. I didn't even really like the SG-1 in the first place! I love SGA better!!! I like the actors better in SGA!!! Having MS and AT in eps, that is even less time with our folks. MS and alone is way to much money as it is....that would leave Shep with hardly being able to smirk!! It cost to much money!!
                        I think you're over-reacting.
                        AT came to Atlantis and everyone was worried she would take over the show... she hasn't at all. Like I said to Nina MS will probably be in like 2, maybe 3 episodes, and I think it will be very interesting to see him there because as a character Daniel is totally fitted for Atlantis.

                        I love Atlantis, and I love how it's grown into its own, but there's no point trying to forget the fact that it is a spin-off. that doesn't mean I want SG-1 characters guest starring every week - far from it - but having no overlap with SG-1 is completely ridiculous and unbelievable.

                        Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                          Thanks Ruby

                          Sci - Lemme know when/where I can find your new ficlets man

                          Well normally I have a very whateverish attitude with casting and episodes, but I am definitely a little "HUH?"-ish of
                          Woolsey. He's a definite in comic relief and has alot more room to be an immediate antagonist, but I wonder if they'll have to completely transform his character so that every move and every mission made by the team is not a big argument each time, know what I mean.....


                            Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                            I'm trying! I so don't write fic so, this is beyond nerve racking to me. But, I am willing to give it a try, it is going to be a while.
                            I'm sure it will be great!

                            Thanks to YappiChick for the lovely sig


                              Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                              I'm taking an wait and see the last time..I didn't like the choice really then either,,, and sure I'm not really now either..but I'll still wait and see...

                              Hopefully his scenes wont be any major things... he is a pushing paper kind of a guy...

                              I can see conflict with John and Woosley and hopefully John will show he isn't a guy you mess with...

                              Let's just wait and see...our team is still intact... Teyla is still being there,,important to the team...Shep is still team leader..and I'm sure he will as he has ,,have control over the military fraction on Atlantis... We had Weir going over John's head to many times... and he gave up way to easy for someone like him...I really can't see him do the same with Woosley...we have seen John's reaction to Woosley before... so I'm sure he will railroad him at some point...

                              do I need to make an appointment for you Elf for our JT get you on a slight better mood,,, don't worry we are going to face Season 5 are not alone in this... think happy Shep whump thoughts and happy JT thoughts...
                              I just need massive amounts of chocolate! I am trying to get a better attitude,honestly! Ok, that is so a lie, but, I still need massive amounts of chocolate!!
                              sig by Sci!

                              Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                                Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                                No I think he was just trying to calm people down... but we still don't know who the new leader is and who's regular/recurring etc... that's what I wanna know!

                                And by blob I'm guessing you mean blog...
                                Yeah. Yeah. That's what I meant.

                                Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                                You're so good Sci! Always beating us to waving and welcoming folks!
                                Thanks Elf and Good morning.
                                And AHHHHHH!!!! to the news of you know who. My Ears Hurt!!
                                You called Elf.
                                I'm happy to hear about everyone elses roles.
                                I guess there wont be any problems with Shep finding conflicts with Woosley.

                                Originally posted by elephantgirl View Post
                                I so agree with you, Elf, I'm worried now about the future of Atlantis.

                                On a happier note:

                                Good Morning/Afternoon, everyone!
                                Good Morning EG

                                OK. Here what I made for the Fanfic Link.
                                For those who were here yesterday, This is for links to all our authors, fic recs and daily/weekly posts. PM me if you have questions. I was Hopes idea. And Everlovin was the inspiration. We had tons of fics posted and tons of pages to filter through. Between TF and me we got alot up.

