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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by pigletpie View Post
    i agree
    Welcome pigletpie!!
    *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

    “Because you can.”



      Welcome pigletpie...

      Morning peeps........

      I know you've already heard but....

      Dead Kanan

      Wraith Ultrasound

      Mrs.B108 writes: “Have you considered severing Atlantis from Earth permanently, therefore changing the entire basis of storyline from exploration to survival?”

      Answer: Unfortunately, the existence of ships like the Apollo and the Daedalus make this highly unlikely.



        Vote for J/T on Spoils Of War in the Favorite Ship Episode Picture Game

        Pics to follow for use in game: (Under spoiler tags since it's season 4)

        Vote for Favorite Sheppard Episode
        (If one of your favorite John episode isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

        Vote for Favorite Teyla Episode
        (If one of your favorite Teyla episode isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

        Vote for Favorite Teyla & John Moment
        (If one of your favorite J/T moment isn't on the list, simply add it to the list)

        (Voting once a day)

        Do you want to see Larrin back in season 5 opposite John???
        The poll is kinda confusing but.. it's set up like this..for example
        Female,Sheppard shipper with someone else - no
        Simply means, that you are a female, you ship Sheppard with someone, and then no to Larrin in season 5...


        Well The Lost Boys has now made it into the list,,, and can you all believe it ,,The Lost Boys is our 21st JT episode on the list...



        Check out a preview for the back half of season 4......
        *Be aware of major spoilers*


        Check out the preview for the next episode of Atlantis airing January 25 named Harmony.

        BEST OF 2007
        Over at you can vote for different categories, and Atlantis is nominated for Best In Genre Show - SciFi so head on over and VOTE
        So far Atlantis is on 1st place


        Watch part 3 of Joe answering fans spoilers for unaired episodes.


        Check out Rachel's official site.. she has updated with a note to her fans, in the form of a little video message!!
        Keep showing her your support and write her a comment to show our love for her.


        Check out Jewel's official website for latest news and projects and send Jewel a note if you like to show her your support as well.


        Support Teyla in the poll of who is your favorite beauty in Stargate universe.


        Head over and sugguest some prompts for other people to write or you can also sign up and write one of the prompts, for details check this post from Seldear


        Vote for JT as your favorite couple on this survey;title;18


        A huge congrats for the cast and crew for winning the Best SciFi Show award on People's Choice Award

        GW post about the win

        Video of the cast accepting the award (Thanks to Prion for vid)

        Longer video of the cast accepting the award, thanking alot of people
        Scroll until you get to Atlantis (PCA site)

        Video with the cast answering a fan question (at the PCA site)
        Further down on the page is a video section, scroll until you find the cast of Atlantis.

        Pics from PCA posted by Kangamoo on her blog


        The John & Teyla Awards are prepping for 2008 and they need your help.
        Read more in this post by Devine27

        Voting is now open at the 2007 Stargate Fan Awards...
        You can vote on your favorite until March 3, 2008

        So go on over and check out the work and vote for your favorites...


        I would like to say a big congrats to LoveConquers who rounded up a couple awards on Stargate Music Video Award 2007 ...

        She managed to place herself in 5 categories .... AWESOME GIRL
        2nd Place for Teyla's Fight in the Teyla Emmagen category

        1st place for A Breaking Heart and also 2nd place for Finding Home in the Sheppard/Teyla category

        1st place for In The Morning in the Episode category

        2nd place for A Roaring Silence in the Editing category

        And she rounded up snatching also 1st place in the Best Overall Artist category

        If there is anyone here that has a username that I don't know of then I say congrats to them as I also give congrats to all that has won in all the different categories

        If you wanna see all the winners then check them out here.
        Last edited by NinaM; 25 January 2008, 09:59 AM.
        Sigs by Scifan


          About the spoiler for Kindred

          Hrmm I know we have read that Teyla would find some Athosians in Kindred...might Kannan or Kanan what ever he spells it now..oh well.. might he be one of them that she finds... or might it even be him that grabs Teyla before the beam..maybe knowing something and taking her to some of her people.. well who knows... have to say with this spoiler I didn't think Kannan (gonna spell it since that's what was written on the pic) (got to say though that it's a swedish name for something else *lol* ) where was I ..oh yes... I didn't think he would bite the dust this quick..basically in the same epi she might see him again... even though I knew pretty much that would happen... I just couldn't see them getting Teyla to settle down all together...then I wouldn't see the point really to either have her on the team,, since who the heck knows what the traditions are when a woman marries and have babies... or to have Kannan there for just that reason,,,to be seen with a baby on his arm saying bye to Teyla at the gate... waste of space ... so no I kinda knew this was going to happen...he wouldn't be there for long,,just thought it would be longer then one epi... JM said Teyla would be pretty much attached for this season making JT not to be moved forward in that sense...but what if he didn't mean Kannan,,,what if he ment more that her mind and priorites are with her child,, and I don't know maybe out of respect for Kannan,,, I mean what do we really know about the Athosian's background... how they deal with deaths of someone they were involved with...

          Got to wonder though how the reaction on Teyla will be...and how will John takes this fact..getting to know that Kannan was the one she was with, who is the babys father and then seeing Teyla lose him... and yet again will this be another of those moments that Teyla seeks comfort from John ... or will she go missing herself somewhere in the middle of it,,making it crucial to John to find her... I actually can't wait to see the reaction on John when Teyla goes missing...we all know how he reacts when she is in danger or when she has been will we see him when she is taken... this guy goes pretty much above and beyond for her,, I know he would do pretty much anything for the ones he cares for on his team...he doesn't give up easily...I just feel there is way more reaction and a lot for stronger mindset from him when concerning Teyla...might be because of his more personal feelings for her..
          Sigs by Scifan


            Originally posted by seldear View Post
            There's a fairly major spoiler out on JM's blog today for Kindred and Teyla and Kanan:
            a production diagram from Kindred that features Kanan's funeral pyre.

            I'm rather saddened, actually. I was hoping for some longer-term interaction between Teyla and Kanan, and Kanan and the guys - even an opportunity for John to be terse and short with Kanan for "no apparent reason" to anyone who doesn't ship John/Teyla, and "a bloody obvious reason" to anyone who does.

            Unfortunately, it seems it wasn't to be.

            Wow Sel!
            I'm actually surprised he did that.
            I am shocked too. I thought maybe something in 2 or even S5, but wow. Maybe it's in a dream Teyla has. Who knows. JM must have done it for a reason.

            Originally posted by pigletpie View Post
            i agree
            Welcome to the thread Welcome!!!

            Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
            So, I wasn't going to come on today. But I was looking at JM's blog and noticed something pretty important - all this time we've been saying 'Kanan'. It's actually spelt 'Kannan'.

            That's it.

            Oh, and
            according to the picture, he dies. Now, this is what I've always suspected would happen - I never expected him to survive for long. Still though, I didn't think it would happen as soon as The Kindred Part One.

            Like Sel said, I was hoping for a little bit of JT angst regarding him. And poor Teyla. Wow. I also thought he'd die doing something really heroic, like saving Teyla's life or something. Maybe he does.

            Though, I have to say, this seems like a really really big spoiler to give away by JM... it might not be what we think, in some way... I don't know.

            Anyway, the second picture on the blog was on a 'wraith ultrasound device' for Kindred Part Two. Looks like Michael's gonna have some fun.

            Ok, I'm gonna go actually read the blog now.

            Read it. Not much else said except these little tidbits about the first 3 eps of series 5:

            Production Designer James Robbins swung by the offices to show us some of the concept art for the first three episodes. Marty G. weighed in on Search and Destroy (He thought the roof should be lower, the construction a little more “reined in”), Paul commented on The Seed (The wraith walls are a light brown but we light them purple. All the same, he thought the shading was too light.) And I offered my thoughts on Broken Ties (At first I thought Rodney might have had a bathtub shipped over from Earth but, ultimately, decided to go with one of Lantian design).

            I'm really going now. Laters guys!
            Like I said to Sel. I am shocked too.
            And you know Mike is going to be up to no good.
            That JM is a nut. Funny about the bathtub.

            Thanks MrsB about blog and Yeah he answered another question.

            OT about Hubby:
            Some of you may know that hubby is in the hospital. He has a fibulation in his heart and right now they are monitoring him, giving him meds and they will be doing a stress test and an ecocardiogram. He didn't have a heart attack or anything, but luckily he has a awesome boss that he listens too.
            I thank everyone for your prayers, I really appreciate it. I'm trying to stay positive and I know God will watch over my hubby. He did it when he had Open heart surgery almost 5 yrs ago and I know he'll do it now. That's what I need to clinge too. Thanks again.
            Love you guys.



              Keep your spirits up...and we are all here for you whenever you need us...
              Sigs by Scifan


                Originally posted by NinaM View Post

                Keep your spirits up...and we are all here for you whenever you need us...
                Absolutely sci, I wish your hubby much luck, and I will pray for him! Hope everything will be better soon.
                *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                “Because you can.”



                  Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                  About the spoiler for Kindred

                  Hrmm I know we have read that Teyla would find some Athosians in Kindred...might Kannan or Kanan what ever he spells it now..oh well.. might he be one of them that she finds... or might it even be him that grabs Teyla before the beam..maybe knowing something and taking her to some of her people.. well who knows... have to say with this spoiler I didn't think Kannan (gonna spell it since that's what was written on the pic) (got to say though that it's a swedish name for something else *lol* ) where was I ..oh yes... I didn't think he would bite the dust this quick..basically in the same epi she might see him again... even though I knew pretty much that would happen... I just couldn't see them getting Teyla to settle down all together...then I wouldn't see the point really to either have her on the team,, since who the heck knows what the traditions are when a woman marries and have babies... or to have Kannan there for just that reason,,,to be seen with a baby on his arm saying bye to Teyla at the gate... waste of space ... so no I kinda knew this was going to happen...he wouldn't be there for long,,just thought it would be longer then one epi... JM said Teyla would be pretty much attached for this season making JT not to be moved forward in that sense...but what if he didn't mean Kannan,,,what if he ment more that her mind and priorites are with her child,, and I don't know maybe out of respect for Kannan,,, I mean what do we really know about the Athosian's background... how they deal with deaths of someone they were involved with...

                  Got to wonder though how the reaction on Teyla will be...and how will John takes this fact..getting to know that Kannan was the one she was with, who is the babys father and then seeing Teyla lose him... and yet again will this be another of those moments that Teyla seeks comfort from John ... or will she go missing herself somewhere in the middle of it,,making it crucial to John to find her... I actually can't wait to see the reaction on John when Teyla goes missing...we all know how he reacts when she is in danger or when she has been will we see him when she is taken... this guy goes pretty much above and beyond for her,, I know he would do pretty much anything for the ones he cares for on his team...he doesn't give up easily...I just feel there is way more reaction and a lot for stronger mindset from him when concerning Teyla...might be because of his more personal feelings for her..
                  About this new news.
                  I'm think with that of a funeral that it's an honorable one. So, I'm thinking that he doesn't betray Teyla and her people. And hopefully John will be around to comfort her, unlike Critical Mass.
                  I also wonder if this means they find some of her people before she get taking be Mike. I just keep feeling that there is something else. Maybe Mike use K to somehow reach out to Teyla( her dream ) and then kills him.
                  Who knows, but we'll know in 5 weeks.

                  Originally posted by NinaM View Post

                  Keep your spirits up...and we are all here for you whenever you need us...
                  Thanks Nina. That means alot.


                    Originally posted by pigletpie View Post
                    i agree
                    WELCOME PIGLETPIE!

                    sig by Sci!

                    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                      Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                      Ok, seriously, it's been bugging the heck out of me! Here is a new improved version:


                      You know i had to stare at it for a few minutes to figure out what you done to it!!!

                      Originally posted by seldear View Post
                      There's a fairly major spoiler out on JM's blog today for Kindred and Teyla and Kanan:
                      a production diagram from Kindred that features Kanan's funeral pyre.

                      I'm rather saddened, actually. I was hoping for some longer-term interaction between Teyla and Kanan, and Kanan and the guys - even an opportunity for John to be terse and short with Kanan for "no apparent reason" to anyone who doesn't ship John/Teyla, and "a bloody obvious reason" to anyone who does.

                      Unfortunately, it seems it wasn't to be.

                      Wellllll.....That's a rather large spoiler......I'm happy and sad at the same time,is that even possible...I'm happy that he's not hanging around so Teyla doesn't get tied down to him and i'm sad cause i'd have liked to see some angst that's sure to have been there on John's part and possibly Teyla's as well,and it have liked to have seen John's reaction to him when he found out he was the Father of Teyla's Baby plus what the other teamjs reaction to him would have been!!!

                      Man i hope that made sense,i know what i mean but it kinda loses something when i write it down!

                      Originally posted by pigletpie View Post
                      i agree
                      Welcome pigletpie....Come in anytime and don't be afraid to join in the discussions at any time!

                      Originally posted by scifan View Post
                      Wow Sel!
                      I'm actually surprised he did that.
                      I am shocked too. I thought maybe something in 2 or even S5, but wow. Maybe it's in a dream Teyla has. Who knows. JM must have done it for a reason.

                      Welcome to the thread Welcome!!!

                      Like I said to Sel. I am shocked too.
                      And you know Mike is going to be up to no good.
                      That JM is a nut. Funny about the bathtub.

                      Thanks MrsB about blog and Yeah he answered another question.

                      OT about Hubby:
                      Some of you may know that hubby is in the hospital. He has a fibulation in his heart and right now they are monitoring him, giving him meds and they will be doing a stress test and an ecocardiogram. He didn't have a heart attack or anything, but luckily he has a awesome boss that he listens too.
                      I thank everyone for your prayers, I really appreciate it. I'm trying to stay positive and I know God will watch over my hubby. He did it when he had Open heart surgery almost 5 yrs ago and I know he'll do it now. That's what I need to clinge too. Thanks again.
                      Love you guys.
                      Hey sci,he's in the best place possible and i'm sure he'll be as right as rain in no time but um....What is a fibulation?

                      Anywho we're all her for you,oh and tell Pete we're asking for him!


                        Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                        Absolutely sci, I wish your hubby much luck, and I will pray for him! Hope everything will be better soon.
                        Thanks so much hun.
                        Right now the docs say they will be treating him with meds.

                        Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                        You know i had to stare at it for a few minutes to figure out what you done to it!!!

                        Wellllll.....That's a rather large spoiler......I'm happy and sad at the same time,is that even possible...I'm happy that he's not hanging around so Teyla doesn't get tied down to him and i'm sad cause i'd have liked to see some angst that's sure to have been there on John's part and possibly Teyla's as well,and it have liked to have seen John's reaction to him when he found out he was the Father of Teyla's Baby plus what the other teamjs reaction to him would have been!!!

                        Man i hope that made sense,i know what i mean but it kinda loses something when i write it down!

                        Welcome pigletpie....Come in anytime and don't be afraid to join in the discussions at any time!

                        Hey sci,he's in the best place possible and i'm sure he'll be as right as rain in no time but um....What is a fibulation?

                        Anywho we're all her for you,oh and tell Pete we're asking for him!
                        Yes, I did make sense.
                        I was kinda thinking the same thing. The other week I was kinda joking around that just as Teyla sees K that he get killed and John is there to comfort her. Who knew I'd might be close to the mark.

                        Thanks Linda.
                        Here's a definition of Atrial fibrillation:
                        Atrial fibrillation/flutter is a heart rhythm disorder (arrhythmia). It usually involves a rapid heart rate, in which the upper heart chambers (atria) are stimulated to contract in a very disorganized and abnormal manner.

                        I hope that helps.
                        And jokingly call the hospital "They Kill 'im" In stead of Day Kimbal.
                        I guess they are doing better, but they've been known to not be the best hospital.
                        But I didn't have a problem when I had the boys.
                        They even have a vegetarian menu for hubby. I was shocked.


                          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
                          You know i had to stare at it for a few minutes to figure out what you done to it!!!
                          Hehe yeah! me too..
                          *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                          “Because you can.”



                            Sci -OT~ Hope all turns out well man. Let us know if theres anything we can do....

                            Imagine if
                            Kannan dies at the hands of Shep though....Now that'd be cool.....


                              Originally posted by scifan View Post
                              Thanks so much hun.
                              Right now the docs say they will be treating him with meds.

                              Yes, I did make sense.
                              I was kinda thinking the same thing. The other week I was kinda joking around that just as Teyla sees K that he get killed and John is there to comfort her. Who knew I'd might be close to the mark.

                              Thanks Linda.
                              Here's a definition of Atrial fibrillation:
                              Atrial fibrillation/flutter is a heart rhythm disorder (arrhythmia). It usually involves a rapid heart rate, in which the upper heart chambers (atria) are stimulated to contract in a very disorganized and abnormal manner.

                              I hope that helps.
                              And jokingly call the hospital "They Kill 'im" In stead of Day Kimbal.
                              I guess they are doing better, but they've been known to not be the best hospital.
                              But I didn't have a problem when I had the boys.
                              They even have a vegetarian menu for hubby. I was shocked.
                              sciiiiiiiiii,are you psychic and never told us

                              Oh right..Kinda sounds a little like a Heart murmur....I think that's essencially a Heart flutter...Not sure if it's anything like an irregular Heartbeat,that's what my Dad's got but he just takes pills for that....Once they tried using the panels on him to try and get his Heartbeat to regulate and it just about killed him,after a few days his Heartrate plummeted so low and he was very lucky he was already in ther Doctors Surgery at the time it happened,they were gonna do it again but he said no way....He doesn't really feel it all that much!

                              And what MrsB said,we're here for ye always!!

                              Originally posted by TeylaFan View Post
                              Hehe yeah! me too..
                              Yeah i was like staring and starging and staring and i'm like ok what's different,i was looking over the whole Bat and i even looked at the Name on the Bat and still didn't see it then i'm like oh yeah,that's the difference!!!

                              Aie aie aie...I gotta pay more attention!

                              Man it's a Dreich day the day!


                                Ruby - I see you....What times the con at?

                                Oh i've figured out how to take the Audio out of the eps for when i make a Sheyla Music Video so i won't hear talking or Music over the Music i'm using

