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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Hey Elife, what do you think of the Emotional Whump for Shep in my story?

    This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
    "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
    "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


      Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post

      Hey Elf! I can see Shep in my favorite scene!!! Thanks! I dont know how I can see it but I can lol
      Cause Sheppy Rocks! That's why you can see him! And, what better way than when he is feet and hands are bounds with a P-90 pointed at him by the woman he loves!....
      sig by Sci!

      Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


        Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
        Okay, what you do is you add one vote to your fave pairing, and then put a + sign next to it, and then you take one vote away from your least fave pairing and put a - sign next to them.

        I just had to go and correct it because somehow JT lost a point... keep your eyes peeled, because seriously - everyone hates us.

        The funniest H&H game was Best Hairdos... it got down to Vala and John and it was deadlocked for months... but John's hair prevailed in the end! All bow to teh hair!


        Lost Boys was our 21st on the list... you know, I really think we should in some way celebrate the fact that we're kicking everyone's butts on that game...
        LOL. Loved the MPs.

        What's your idea?


          Originally posted by Linda06 View Post
          Already voted...So is this like the other one,1 vote a day!
          Yes the game is vote once a day...
          Sigs by Scifan


            I see more squeeeeeing in the future of this thread...

            And here's the reason why:



              Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
              Okay, what you do is you add one vote to your fave pairing, and then put a + sign next to it, and then you take one vote away from your least fave pairing and put a - sign next to them.

              I just had to go and correct it because somehow JT lost a point... keep your eyes peeled, because seriously - everyone hates us.

              The funniest H&H game was Best Hairdos... it got down to Vala and John and it was deadlocked for months... but John's hair prevailed in the end! All bow to teh hair!
              I remember the one for Teyla vs Vala & Teal'c, that was deadlocked after Ronon was booted off deadlocked between Teyla and Teal'c for who knew or remembered how long, Teyla won though thanks to me!

              This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
              "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
              "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                Congrats MrsB on 3500 posts!!!



                  Originally posted by Teyilia View Post
                  When are we gonna do Siegfe III?! did we do either of the other two for that matter?!

                  oh and guys, what do you think of this story? I'm titling it, John Sheppard, Time Traveller
                  The year. . . 2007

                  John was getting ready for the mission, a simple trading mission to Belkan, "I just hope things work out this time around." he mubled to himself, so far things had gone pretty well, Kana was dead, killed by Michaels creatures for betraying him, working on his own, John hated the guy for what he did to Teyla, but then the child went missing shortly after he was born. John tried to not think about it. It was bad enough that Teyla was at the madmans mercy for well over a month.

                  But things were different now, he and Teyla were engaged to be married, and this trading trip would also be the one to which the ceremony would take place, and he knew things would be OK right from the start of the day.

                  But, knowing John and his never undercontrol gene, things snowballed right from the start, shortly after the wedding and return to Atlantis the team was called to Earth because of a problem inside the SGC and they need both John and Teylas help in finding out the trouble.

                  John and Teyla went one way, while Ronon and Rodney went the other, "I don't see how we are going to find what we need to find in this place, it is a maze." Rodney was once more complaining, "Sheppard, what are we looking for again?"

                  "A Asrak, a killer, it already killed Walter." John said into his radio to answer Rodney.

                  "Oh well, that's good to know." Rodney mumbled.

                  John peeked around a corner, looking towards where the jumper bay was, he didn't see anyone.

                  But Teyla did. "John" she cired out and opened fire on the killer, who fired his own weapon at the pair, Teyla dove and opulled John to the ground, as did she so she was hit in the side and crashed into the ground, hard. The Asrak ran off fast as he could.

                  "Teyla" John said softly going to his injured wife, he rolled her over, the color had drained from her face as she fought against the blackness, "Teyla stay with me please! Not now!" John said all but crying.

                  "I'm... sorry... John." Teyla said as she breathed her last, John had no idea how long he was in that position over Teyla. She was gone, there was nothing he could do for her.

                  John then sent in his resignation, and it was accepted, he then took a few things from Rodney's lab before leaving, the Files he took where the same files that Janus was told to destroy, only he didn't, and John knew what he was about to do was crazy, but he wanted Teyla, and he would do anything to get her back.
                  This is all I have so far of chapter one, working on chapter two now so it makes sense
                  Now, you know that the machine has to be built!! He has to go back through and kill the guy who shot and killed Teyla! It's a must! Great Start btw!
                  sig by Sci!

                  Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                    Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                    I have a new betting question for y'all:
                    When does Jennifer Keller shoot Sheppard and why?

                    In Trio she says she shot him... why would she shoot him?

                    maybe it's tonight, it would be quite funny if she shoots him by accident when he comes to rescue her and Ronon. And if it's Ronon's gun then maybe he's not hurt too badly...

                    Any ideas?
                    I thought it was Rodney that shoots Sheppard. So, it is Keller that shoots Sheppard? I haven't read about that! DISH!!
                    sig by Sci!

                    Toll Free..Available 24 HRS...Remember..It can never be too much..


                      Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                      Now, you know that the machine has to be built!! He has to go back through and kill the guy who shot and killed Teyla! It's a must! Great Start btw!
                      This next chapter is going to be SOOOOOO FUN, and this is also my first John Centered story too! So bare with me guys I'm only good at writing Teyla centric stories!

                      This is the Assassin's Way part 17 complete
                      "Elegant beauty is Nature. but only for the gentle and soft Flower" ~Hu Ge
                      "The one thing every new hairstylist must learn is how to do hair in a combat zone!" Bob; owner of Bob & Weave's Combat Salon in Red Dust Club, an original story currently in progress


                        Originally posted by Elflinn View Post
                        So, are saying the Elfie gets to hurt someone? I had no clue what H&H stood for.

                        Did you hurt someone for me? Or, do I have go do it?
                        You have to do it but you'll need to show it in the last post or it won't get counted.... you could have the privilage of voting Larrin/Shep out . Last time I looked they had one point..


                          Title: Go
                          Summary: He closed his eyes and let the breeze warm the chill in his bones.
                          Characters: John & Teyla
                          Pairing: John/Teyla, Teyla/Kanan
                          Rating: K

                          “I... I should go.”

                          And yet his body did not move; his feet betrayed his mind’s desire to leave; his hands won the battle against his rationale and touched her arm; he felt something inside of him wither as another part blossomed into life and spread almost as far as the outskirts of his heart. His eyes turned back to the horizon for a moment, losing another piece of himself to her. It had been something that had happened slowly and in small amounts that it had neither frightened nor startled him when the words had eventually tumbled out, even if there had been no one there to hear them. But seeing her there, beside him on a desolate section of pier, separated from the rest of the city highlighted just how wrong, how absurd their relationship had become.

                          She no longer sought him out and he no longer wanted her to. It hurt too much, knowing that she would leave and return to her husband and their child. It hurt because he never wanted her to leave; he wanted her to be with him, to stay with him... to love him. He was selfish and he was petty – he knew this but he’d tried the whole ‘love and let love’ approach and it hadn’t really worked out so well for him. No matter how they rationalised their night spent together, it meant something to them – to him -; something more than friendship, something that he couldn’t explain because when he tried to, whenever he tried to rationalise it now, his heart taunted him and he was pretty sure that if it was at all possible, the muscle would have pointed at him and laughed until tears spouted from its’ eyes.

                          The warm breeze whipped her hair into his face and he brushed it away, resisting the urge to tuck it behind her ear. His jacket bustled in the breeze but it wasn’t entirely unwelcome. His eyes found hers once more and he saw something there; something akin to what he knew must be in his. A longing, so deep and wonderful that it ached all the way down to his belly; an understanding that this was all they had and he felt his mind trampling all over his heart, stomping it into the ground, jumping with glee at its triumph. It hurt. It really hurt. He’d thought he could do it; thought he’d be able to survive her but he’d been wrong. She’d lynched him the day she’d pursed her lips at him and told him he did not look through her and, for a moment, he was glad.

                          He didn’t exactly regret falling for Teyla Emmagan, daughter of Tagan but he could find no joy in it now. Every time he looked upon her six month old child, whose hair was too dark to be in sync with hers and eyes that were too green to be Kanan’s, something inside of him pulled, something sharp and unnameable and irrepressible; the city whispered in his ears that he should look and see and know but he couldn’t.

                          He didn’t want to.

                          Because if he did, then he’d have to admit that the past two years had been a lie, that the basis of their friendship was a lie because there was no way that her child was his, there was no way she wouldn’t have told him. There was no way he wouldn’t have asked. And yet, a part of him knew. Had always known and he didn’t like it. Whenever he’d looked upon her swollen belly, he’d had the indomitable urge to touch her, to calm her, to let her know that she was there. Whenever they’d been together, the city had been at peace as though knowing its’ child was safe and loved and wanted.

                          He hated his new found connection with the city.

                          He wondered if the Ancients’ had had that problem too.

                          “It does not mean you must leave for Earth.”

                          He lowered his lids and felt the wind steal the air around him as he tried to suck in a calming breath. He licked his lips and looked across the horizon, to the sight that had awed him for nigh on six years. The sight that had calmed him, assured him, let him weep and he was saddened by the thought that he would never see it again, that in a few weeks time he’d glance upon the azure rays gracing the mirror like surface for the last time.

                          It had been hard, excruciatingly hard; the decision to leave Atlantis behind. But it was for the best. Not only for him but for the expedition. Ever since he’d been held captive by Neanderthal cannibals a year ago, he’d never really been the same. His leg ached when he walked on it for too long, his shoulder throbbed in pain from holding his weapon high for countless hours and his heart – well, he didn’t really want to think about that. Plus, he was getting old. He didn’t want to admit it, but it was true. And there was no place for him in Atlantis; there was already a military leader that was doing a far better job than John would ever be able to do. Not that he wanted to, anyway.

                          Carter had been surprised, to say the least and had called upon General O’Neill – who’d embarked on a two week journey aboard the Daedalus, though John held no allusions as to the real reason why - to try and make John reconsider but his months of thought and arguments had won and he’d been granted leave from Atlantis. Carter’d even offered him a post as a civilian consult but he’d declined. It wasn’t his post he was getting away from; it was the City itself.

                          Ever since Grae had been born, the city had not left him alone. He felt like he was in a really bad Sci-Fi movie, where an inanimate object spoke to him through his mind – it was either that or he was really going crazy. Rodney and Carter and Keller and Halcyon had poked and prodded at him since the day the city had responded to John’s whimsical – okay, erratic emotions six months ago but none had come up with conclusive evidence to prove the link that John seemed to have with the city.

                          He didn’t know how he knew that it was real – he just did.

                          There was something about the city that welcomed him home whenever he stepped through the ‘Gate and he didn’t know how he’d survive without that feeling – Atlantis was the only place he’d ever felt was home. And now more so than ever.

                          “We have not spoken in some time, John and now that we do, you find you have nothing to say.” John raised a cynical eyebrow to the horizon. Oh, there were plenty of things he had to say but not plenty of things he could say. So he said nothing. “Then I will leave you to your solitude.” She didn’t touch him before she walked away, and his fingers didn’t itch for her. His eyes turned to watch her retreating form but his feet did not follow. She didn’t turn back and he didn’t watch for long.

                          He sighed when he felt her entrance into the warm corridor and closed his eyes, letting the wind warm the chill that ached in his bones.

                          The city descended upon him, urging him in, pulling him in her footsteps. He resisted.

                          Sometimes, rationale told him, it was best to let sleeping dogs lie.
                          don't worry, soon we won't have to say goodbye.

                          facebook | Celebrate Scotland |livejournal


                            Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                            Title: Go
                            Summary: He closed his eyes and let the breeze warm the chill in his bones.
                            Characters: John & Teyla
                            Pairing: John/Teyla, Teyla/Kanan
                            Rating: K

                            “I... I should go.”

                            And yet his body did not move; his feet betrayed his mind’s desire to leave; his hands won the battle against his rationale and touched her arm; he felt something inside of him wither as another part blossomed into life and spread almost as far as the outskirts of his heart. His eyes turned back to the horizon for a moment, losing another piece of himself to her. It had been something that had happened slowly and in small amounts that it had neither frightened nor startled him when the words had eventually tumbled out, even if there had been no one there to hear them. But seeing her there, beside him on a desolate section of pier, separated from the rest of the city highlighted just how wrong, how absurd their relationship had become.

                            She no longer sought him out and he no longer wanted her to. It hurt too much, knowing that she would leave and return to her husband and their child. It hurt because he never wanted her to leave; he wanted her to be with him, to stay with him... to love him. He was selfish and he was petty – he knew this but he’d tried the whole ‘love and let love’ approach and it hadn’t really worked out so well for him. No matter how they rationalised their night spent together, it meant something to them – to him -; something more than friendship, something that he couldn’t explain because when he tried to, whenever he tried to rationalise it now, his heart taunted him and he was pretty sure that if it was at all possible, the muscle would have pointed at him and laughed until tears spouted from its’ eyes.

                            The warm breeze whipped her hair into his face and he brushed it away, resisting the urge to tuck it behind her ear. His jacket bustled in the breeze but it wasn’t entirely unwelcome. His eyes found hers once more and he saw something there; something akin to what he knew must be in his. A longing, so deep and wonderful that it ached all the way down to his belly; an understanding that this was all they had and he felt his mind trampling all over his heart, stomping it into the ground, jumping with glee at its triumph. It hurt. It really hurt. He’d thought he could do it; thought he’d be able to survive her but he’d been wrong. She’d lynched him the day she’d pursed her lips at him and told him he did not look through her and, for a moment, he was glad.

                            He didn’t exactly regret falling for Teyla Emmagan, daughter of Tagan but he could find no joy in it now. Every time he looked upon her six month old child, whose hair was too dark to be in sync with hers and eyes that were too green to be Kanan’s, something inside of him pulled, something sharp and unnameable and irrepressible; the city whispered in his ears that he should look and see and know but he couldn’t.

                            He didn’t want to.

                            Because if he did, then he’d have to admit that the past two years had been a lie, that the basis of their friendship was a lie because there was no way that her child was his, there was no way she wouldn’t have told him. There was no way he wouldn’t have asked. And yet, a part of him knew. Had always known and he didn’t like it. Whenever he’d looked upon her swollen belly, he’d had the indomitable urge to touch her, to calm her, to let her know that she was there. Whenever they’d been together, the city had been at peace as though knowing its’ child was safe and loved and wanted.

                            He hated his new found connection with the city.

                            He wondered if the Ancients’ had had that problem too.

                            “It does not mean you must leave for Earth.”

                            He lowered his lids and felt the wind steal the air around him as he tried to suck in a calming breath. He licked his lips and looked across the horizon, to the sight that had awed him for nigh on six years. The sight that had calmed him, assured him, let him weep and he was saddened by the thought that he would never see it again, that in a few weeks time he’d glance upon the azure rays gracing the mirror like surface for the last time.

                            It had been hard, excruciatingly hard; the decision to leave Atlantis behind. But it was for the best. Not only for him but for the expedition. Ever since he’d been held captive by Neanderthal cannibals a year ago, he’d never really been the same. His leg ached when he walked on it for too long, his shoulder throbbed in pain from holding his weapon high for countless hours and his heart – well, he didn’t really want to think about that. Plus, he was getting old. He didn’t want to admit it, but it was true. And there was no place for him in Atlantis; there was already a military leader that was doing a far better job than John would ever be able to do. Not that he wanted to, anyway.

                            Carter had been surprised, to say the least and had called upon General O’Neill – who’d embarked on a two week journey aboard the Daedalus, though John held no allusions as to the real reason why - to try and make John reconsider but his months of thought and arguments had won and he’d been granted leave from Atlantis. Carter’d even offered him a post as a civilian consult but he’d declined. It wasn’t his post he was getting away from; it was the City itself.

                            Ever since Grae had been born, the city had not left him alone. He felt like he was in a really bad Sci-Fi movie, where an inanimate object spoke to him through his mind – it was either that or he was really going crazy. Rodney and Carter and Keller and Halcyon had poked and prodded at him since the day the city had responded to John’s whimsical – okay, erratic emotions six months ago but none had come up with conclusive evidence to prove the link that John seemed to have with the city.

                            He didn’t know how he knew that it was real – he just did.

                            There was something about the city that welcomed him home whenever he stepped through the ‘Gate and he didn’t know how he’d survive without that feeling – Atlantis was the only place he’d ever felt was home. And now more so than ever.

                            “We have not spoken in some time, John and now that we do, you find you have nothing to say.” John raised a cynical eyebrow to the horizon. Oh, there were plenty of things he had to say but not plenty of things he could say. So he said nothing. “Then I will leave you to your solitude.” She didn’t touch him before she walked away, and his fingers didn’t itch for her. His eyes turned to watch her retreating form but his feet did not follow. She didn’t turn back and he didn’t watch for long.

                            He sighed when he felt her entrance into the warm corridor and closed his eyes, letting the wind warm the chill that ached in his bones.

                            The city descended upon him, urging him in, pulling him in her footsteps. He resisted.

                            Sometimes, rationale told him, it was best to let sleeping dogs lie.
                            Fabulous Gater
                            *Beautiful sig by Scifan!*

                            “Because you can.”



                              Originally posted by gater101 View Post
                              Title: Go
                              Summary: He closed his eyes and let the breeze warm the chill in his bones.
                              Characters: John & Teyla
                              Pairing: John/Teyla, Teyla/Kanan
                              Rating: K

                              “I... I should go.”

                              And yet his body did not move; his feet betrayed his mind’s desire to leave; his hands won the battle against his rationale and touched her arm; he felt something inside of him wither as another part blossomed into life and spread almost as far as the outskirts of his heart. His eyes turned back to the horizon for a moment, losing another piece of himself to her. It had been something that had happened slowly and in small amounts that it had neither frightened nor startled him when the words had eventually tumbled out, even if there had been no one there to hear them. But seeing her there, beside him on a desolate section of pier, separated from the rest of the city highlighted just how wrong, how absurd their relationship had become.

                              She no longer sought him out and he no longer wanted her to. It hurt too much, knowing that she would leave and return to her husband and their child. It hurt because he never wanted her to leave; he wanted her to be with him, to stay with him... to love him. He was selfish and he was petty – he knew this but he’d tried the whole ‘love and let love’ approach and it hadn’t really worked out so well for him. No matter how they rationalised their night spent together, it meant something to them – to him -; something more than friendship, something that he couldn’t explain because when he tried to, whenever he tried to rationalise it now, his heart taunted him and he was pretty sure that if it was at all possible, the muscle would have pointed at him and laughed until tears spouted from its’ eyes.

                              The warm breeze whipped her hair into his face and he brushed it away, resisting the urge to tuck it behind her ear. His jacket bustled in the breeze but it wasn’t entirely unwelcome. His eyes found hers once more and he saw something there; something akin to what he knew must be in his. A longing, so deep and wonderful that it ached all the way down to his belly; an understanding that this was all they had and he felt his mind trampling all over his heart, stomping it into the ground, jumping with glee at its triumph. It hurt. It really hurt. He’d thought he could do it; thought he’d be able to survive her but he’d been wrong. She’d lynched him the day she’d pursed her lips at him and told him he did not look through her and, for a moment, he was glad.

                              He didn’t exactly regret falling for Teyla Emmagan, daughter of Tagan but he could find no joy in it now. Every time he looked upon her six month old child, whose hair was too dark to be in sync with hers and eyes that were too green to be Kanan’s, something inside of him pulled, something sharp and unnameable and irrepressible; the city whispered in his ears that he should look and see and know but he couldn’t.

                              He didn’t want to.

                              Because if he did, then he’d have to admit that the past two years had been a lie, that the basis of their friendship was a lie because there was no way that her child was his, there was no way she wouldn’t have told him. There was no way he wouldn’t have asked. And yet, a part of him knew. Had always known and he didn’t like it. Whenever he’d looked upon her swollen belly, he’d had the indomitable urge to touch her, to calm her, to let her know that she was there. Whenever they’d been together, the city had been at peace as though knowing its’ child was safe and loved and wanted.

                              He hated his new found connection with the city.

                              He wondered if the Ancients’ had had that problem too.

                              “It does not mean you must leave for Earth.”

                              He lowered his lids and felt the wind steal the air around him as he tried to suck in a calming breath. He licked his lips and looked across the horizon, to the sight that had awed him for nigh on six years. The sight that had calmed him, assured him, let him weep and he was saddened by the thought that he would never see it again, that in a few weeks time he’d glance upon the azure rays gracing the mirror like surface for the last time.

                              It had been hard, excruciatingly hard; the decision to leave Atlantis behind. But it was for the best. Not only for him but for the expedition. Ever since he’d been held captive by Neanderthal cannibals a year ago, he’d never really been the same. His leg ached when he walked on it for too long, his shoulder throbbed in pain from holding his weapon high for countless hours and his heart – well, he didn’t really want to think about that. Plus, he was getting old. He didn’t want to admit it, but it was true. And there was no place for him in Atlantis; there was already a military leader that was doing a far better job than John would ever be able to do. Not that he wanted to, anyway.

                              Carter had been surprised, to say the least and had called upon General O’Neill – who’d embarked on a two week journey aboard the Daedalus, though John held no allusions as to the real reason why - to try and make John reconsider but his months of thought and arguments had won and he’d been granted leave from Atlantis. Carter’d even offered him a post as a civilian consult but he’d declined. It wasn’t his post he was getting away from; it was the City itself.

                              Ever since Grae had been born, the city had not left him alone. He felt like he was in a really bad Sci-Fi movie, where an inanimate object spoke to him through his mind – it was either that or he was really going crazy. Rodney and Carter and Keller and Halcyon had poked and prodded at him since the day the city had responded to John’s whimsical – okay, erratic emotions six months ago but none had come up with conclusive evidence to prove the link that John seemed to have with the city.

                              He didn’t know how he knew that it was real – he just did.

                              There was something about the city that welcomed him home whenever he stepped through the ‘Gate and he didn’t know how he’d survive without that feeling – Atlantis was the only place he’d ever felt was home. And now more so than ever.

                              “We have not spoken in some time, John and now that we do, you find you have nothing to say.” John raised a cynical eyebrow to the horizon. Oh, there were plenty of things he had to say but not plenty of things he could say. So he said nothing. “Then I will leave you to your solitude.” She didn’t touch him before she walked away, and his fingers didn’t itch for her. His eyes turned to watch her retreating form but his feet did not follow. She didn’t turn back and he didn’t watch for long.

                              He sighed when he felt her entrance into the warm corridor and closed his eyes, letting the wind warm the chill that ached in his bones.

                              The city descended upon him, urging him in, pulling him in her footsteps. He resisted.

                              Sometimes, rationale told him, it was best to let sleeping dogs lie.

                              Oh the angst.. poor John.... his heart has well and truely been stomped on. What does Teyla expect from him... the baby is John's and she still goes back to her husband, WHY!!

                              I'm not liking Teyla here and I really want John to find some happiness..he really deserves it.. he's not only loosing the woman he loves but his own son.. How much more can he take.. .. how much more can I take


                                Originally posted by ruby_caspar View Post
                                I have a new betting question for y'all:
                                When does Jennifer Keller shoot Sheppard and why?

                                In Trio she says she shot him... why would she shoot him?

                                maybe it's tonight, it would be quite funny if she shoots him by accident when he comes to rescue her and Ronon. And if it's Ronon's gun then maybe he's not hurt too badly...

                                Any ideas?
                                Well, I doubt it's Outcast or Harmony. Maybe Midway? It's going to deal with the Wraith, so maybe she's at the station and not on Atlantis when it happens. She gets scared because she thinks it's a Wraith and tahdah!

                                Originally posted by NinaM View Post
                                A great ending... happy yet sad...

                                Darn how much control she had... and Ronon looking smug at Michael..hrmm freakhead something wrong?? *lol*
                                Couldn't been easy either for John finding out he lost a child he didn't even think for one second was his... but I'm glad he supported Teyla in every way,,, Teyla got her people back, and both her and John confessed their feelings for one another... wish that would happen on the show
                                and hey who knows since they seems to have stepped forward with their feelings who knows what the future might bring,,
                                So a great ending to a great story...
                                LOL. Awww. Thanks Nina. I am so glad you liked the whole story.

                                Originally posted by elephantgirl View Post
                                I see more squeeeeeing in the future of this thread...

                                And here's the reason why:


                                Like I said in Galleria. Awesome.

