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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by AthosianGirl
    I hereby dub Cpt. Ritter Defender of the Royal Shippy Guard! *clap, clap*

    Hold applause please...

    AG since Lord Shiva is incognito...raises the magic quill and taps Cpt. on either of his shoulders," You are now knight apparent of our shipperdom!"

    I have always seen John and Teyla as two people who know how to deal with responsibility. That either would let personal feelings interfere with their duty...well I can't see it. Both on several occasions are willinging to place the saftey of others above their own...(John in earlier missions that had him disobeying orders to save his comrades & Teyla risking her own life to try to save one of her people from the wraith in the 'Rising'). Even if these two start a relationship, the core of their personalities is not going to change and they will always seek to help others. Mel posted a great poem, have to go and find it, where she stated that those who understand the same need to fight, are better for it. They can be a source of strength instead of weakness. Teyla and Shep are both warriors and can draw strength from their similar desires. These two are leaders, fighters and will always try to help another out. These traits are why I see John and Teyla as a plausible relationship.

    Okay that's all for know...

    Starfox- do you prefer pink or blue shipper glasses...I do try to be accomadating...(Smiles with a glint in her eyes as she walks closer (wearing her Shepmagan ShipperGirl outfit of course!)

    Suspicion it is for episode...glad to!
    Not only do I love this thread because I love John and Teyla..but mostly because I love the people here..we can be so silly at times..and wonder where the heck we are from...and yet just like that, BANG! we have postings like this...

    AG...*bows down* you are Super!

    I tried to give you a rep and it gave me the you need to give out more here's some *squee*and some green jello going your way....

    Now, I have my thinking cap on! John and Teyla are great characters...they are both leaders, warriors and most importantly unselfish and always put others above themselves...constantly risking their lives, (John does it every other episode) to save others...I believe that this is in part the reason why they haven't gotten together...obvious reason, the writers aren't doing it yet, but other side to this is that the actors know that first the characters must be develop and secondly it would be difficult to continue an effective plot as Atlantis when you have a couple on the same team constantly risking their lives....I can see that it would affect has can you not be affected when you know that it may be the last time that you see your loved one? however, if anyone can pull it off is these two...They are strong, they are brave, they are committed to defending the cause...and they will risk everything to save their loved ones and not just each other...I can see them working together and not let it come between their responsibilities...that it will be difficult, yes! that it will be different for them, yeah! but that it can work, Yes....While caring and watching over each other, they will not stop to see what is right and what is wrong.....they have done it before, remember, LFP...they clearly understood each other's role and responsibilities and they respected each other enough to disagree and come to terms with their decisions...John chosed to risk it and stay with Teyla...did it affect him, yes...I think he realized what he risked in order to save Teyla and her friends, but I also think that in the end Teyla realized what she asked of John and what it could have meant for everyone's sake...Clearly, these two can have a powerful relationship, that can change to some degree the dynamic of the team, but in the end can be a great beginning in the story of survival, strength and love in the middle of chaos and death....


      Originally posted by AthosianGirl
      I hereby dub Cpt. Ritter Defender of the Royal Shippy Guard! *clap, clap*

      Hold applause please...

      AG since Lord Shiva is incognito...raises the magic quill and taps Cpt. on either of his shoulders," You are now knight apparent of our shipperdom!"
      I am not incognito! I spent time on my bootyful sig so I'm keeping it... plus I think Shep still thinks about Chaya

      BUT Teyla is with Sheppard all the time, so she needs to admit her love for him soon!


        Originally posted by Lord Shiva
        I am not incognito! I spent time on my bootyful sig so I'm keeping it... plus I think Shep still thinks about Chaya

        BUT Teyla is with Sheppard all the time, so she needs to admit her love for him soon!
        All right...all right...His royal Lordship has returned! *bows*

        Can you at least get a rotating siggy or something and do Shep/Teyla as well?


          Originally posted by Lord Shiva
          I am not incognito! I spent time on my bootyful sig so I'm keeping it... plus I think Shep still thinks about Chaya

          BUT Teyla is with Sheppard all the time, so she needs to admit her love for him soon!
          Lord Shiva..Welcome back..we missed you!

          Nah, don't worry...I am actually kind of liking this just shows the passion and the commitment and the powerful connection between these two...Oh, yeah, Shep is thinking about Chaya...let's see when he kissed Teyla, and when he kissed that new chick in Critical Mass...he is thinking about her all the time...

          So, keep the sig...You did a great job at it...really...

          *AG..this is called reverse psychology...let's see if this works..he is a tough one!*


            Originally posted by AthosianGirl
            All right...all right...His royal Lordship has returned! *bows*

            Can you at least get a rotating siggy or something and do Shep/Teyla as well?
            Hrm... I could do that, but I have no idea how to... if you know how to do a rotating sig, PM me. I'm done with classes Friday so I can work on a really good Teyla/Shep sig as well


              Originally posted by Lord Shiva
              Hrm... I could do that, but I have no idea how to... if you know how to do a rotating sig, PM me. I'm done with classes Friday so I can work on a really good Teyla/Shep sig as well

              Yea our Lord Shiva is back!

              Follow the link my lord and you will see the path...



                Seriously, Lord Shiva..We still think you are Awesome....Chaya and all!...

                See how nice I am when I am not on a sugar high!

                night'all! Mommy's calling!

                hey...two more things...
                did I mentioned my friends live journal that I want you to go and check out!


                It's Nicole's and she really wants to hear from people...

                Also, there is a new website called Stargate was started by a professor who apparently is an avid follower of Stargate and who is currently in the process of going under surgery very soon...A group of followers are trying to surprise the professor by recruiting people to join the website and hopefully get 100 members before he/she goes under the far, I just received an email that they have 91 please, Dr. Elizabeth Weir is on a mission and I joined and looks very similar to the layout of GW and we could always meet there once in awhile as a group just to change the scenery...I will be back with the link...but just thought I should give you a head's up...Thanks....SP and I have already joined....


                  Originally posted by Camy
                  Seriously, Lord Shiva..We still think you are Awesome....Chaya and all!...

                  See how nice I am when I am not on a sugar high!

                  night'all! Mommy's calling!

                  hey...two more things...
                  did I mentioned my friends live journal that I want you to go and check out!


                  It's Nicole's and she really wants to hear from people...

                  Also, there is a new website called Stargate was started by a professor who apparently is an avid follower of Stargate and who is currently in the process of going under surgery very soon...A group of followers are trying to surprise the professor by recruiting people to join the website and hopefully get 100 members before he/she goes under the far, I just received an email that they have 91 please, Dr. Elizabeth Weir is on a mission and I joined and looks very similar to the layout of GW and we could always meet there once in awhile as a group just to change the scenery...I will be back with the link...but just thought I should give you a head's up...Thanks....SP and I have already joined....
                  here it is...



                    Show me the way Camy....

                    I'll check out the livejournal link also...

                    Hey I'm member number 94...ah you did register as Camy right Camy? They asked who refered me to the link and I put you.


                      Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                      Show me the way Camy....

                      I'll check out the livejournal link also...
                      just posted both links..thanks're the of the best...


                        Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                        Show me the way Camy....

                        I'll check out the livejournal link also...
                        Hey, AG...any good fanfic out there lately...?


                          Originally posted by Camy
                          Hey, AG...any good fanfic out there lately...?
                          No one's updated anything yet...that I know of...

                          I'm almost finished with the second chapter of my story, "Remember Me"

                          It kinda got pushed in the background once I started writing my other John/Teyla story 'You're With Me'. This is what happens when you start to many things at one time...

                          Hey Camy when are you going to update your story?


                            Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                            Yea our Lord Shiva is back!

                            Follow the link my lord and you will see the path...

                            I don't want to sign up to a site... there's no way to do something that will randomly switch pics off of my own server?


                              Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                              No one's updated anything yet...that I know of...

                              I'm almost finished with the second chapter of my story, "Remember Me"

                              It kinda got pushed in the background once I started writing my other John/Teyla story 'You're With Me'. This is what happens when you start to many things at one time...

                              Hey Camy when are you going to update your story?
                              Have you read Tielan...To Serve A Queen...pretty out there..some slight John/Teyla..but pretty good!

                              I did update mines...I'm just waiting for my girls to review it and send it back to me...I'm already half way through the next one, too....

                              But, now with the holidays and traveling...I might have to wait awhile before I post again...but certainly and hopefully this weekend you will have Chapter 5...lots of J/T squee...and before Christmas...Chapter 6...I'm having so much fun experimenting with this...of course, with the exception of loosing Chapter 5 to a computer breakdown! Ahhhh...I'm still traumatized by that one! but in the end, I think my new one came out slightly better...we'll see...alright, guys...I think this will really be it for me...I just read some more stuff on TLG..and now I am depressed again...this is such an emotional roller coaster series...I don't know...I'm really not liking the way the writers are playing with us...they should really just make up their minds...I know that we have shared that they are really not ready for any serious ship, then why don't they just not do this whole playing thing..not too mention that they are using the same theme...alien possessed...Toaster on Fire stated a great point in the episode thread under "Did I saw what I think I saw.." or something like that...go and check it out...I posted something...cause really, not to do anything against the Shep/'s not about you's about the writers and how they are not only playing with us...I think, but also, they are really demeaning our favorite characters with foolish plot lines that aren't even original stories anymore and guess what? We are falling for it simply because we get to see our ship...I don't know maybe I really need to go to sleep and stop taking this too seriously...Ya think?! Night all...



                                30 days

                                Until SciFi airs new episodes

