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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by melpomene
    And already I have a plan... The only question is whether to attempt it with season 1 or wait until 2 comes out... I should see critical mass first and then decide, but what do you think? Of course my first S1 vid is charted to be 'You and Me' at Camy's request, and now I have you interested too AG? The pressure is getting too much! If you want help with vidding feel free to PM me. Some of my pupils are doing better than others but I haven't driven any of them insane yet...At least, not completely...
    Yes oh great teacher..I will be your pupil also...something tells me I might be on the lower end of the spectrum on actually getting the hang of it though.

    I think you should reserve judgment on the Teyla song vid until you see Critical Mass, who's know what else you can think up after actually seeing Teyla sing.

    I'll be waiting for the new Shep/Teyla music vid!


      BAHAHAHA...i was waiting to see if anyone would get around to listing who everyone was in the this realm of are hilarious AG!!!!!!!
      Well back to my big, dark room, full of weird and wonderful ingredients...
      * strand of Teyla's hair + one of John's..interesting*
      -thanks Myn MacGeek, Third Sentinel

      Thanks Camy!!


        Originally posted by Camy
        Okay...SP...Mommy can't stand seeing those puppy eyes of yours weep...So, eat your chocolate cookies, give mommy a kiss goodnight and go have fun wherever you long as you don't listen to the bad little Whistler and her little friends over at the Shep/Weir thread...You may look but don't touch and don't let them veer you into bad things..Okay! Now, you be mommy's good little girl and be an example...
        ::sniff:: 'Kay. I promise I'll be careful -- Whistler's sneaky, but you always taught me to "just say no!" And I won't talk to strangers either.

        Here...put on your Shep/Teyla pink glasses..put on your Shep/Teyla shirt, put on your Shep/Teyla loves Trousers, and your Shep/Teyla scarf, hat and mittens...

        Wait, here your Shep/Teyla backpack along with Shep/Loves/Teyla hot pink boots...Now you are ready to tackle the Shep/Weir and any other threads out there trying to steal my baby girl...

        WAIT! I forgot...Here is your copy of The Atlantis Companion Book, A copy of the Season 1 DVD Set...A copy of some Shep/Teyla fanfic...A copy of Shep/Teyla vids....and a copy of Stargate Atlantis sound track...

        *helping SP lift up her back pack...and put over her shoulders*

        Now, my little girl is ready to tackle the world of non-Shep/Teyla shippers...You are ready! Go and Get Them...

        *zaps SP with a laser mind controllling Shep/Teyla thoughts*

        Ah..the joys of good parenting!
        Ooof. I think I'm forty pounds heavier! But I'm all snuggly and comfy under all those layers of Shep/Teyla protection. I don't think anyone could even find me under all this gear, so I think I'll be plenty safe! Thanks mommy!

        "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

        HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


          Originally posted by AthosianGirl
          Okay let's see:

          Inhabitants of the Shep/Teyla Thread

          Lord Shiva - Lord Master (under probation)

          Camy- 2nd in command also the Shepmagan heroine who can be seen in her wonder suit neon spandex suit (with grandma stockings ) Wields John Teyla Ship power...potent stuff just ask Lord Shiva!

          Snogging Picard - Under Camy's guidance as she tends to travel to unknown lands (Shep/Weir land)

          Melpomene- Our resident muse who if needed can be called upon to use the power of the muses for mind control purposes...very handy!

          Witchblade - Witchy, our local spell casting mistress, can be seen waving wand at unbelievers of the Shep/Teyla ship

          Spirited Chihiro- our dear brewer of flamable, shippifying potions...nasty concotions but what a bang!

          And AG - vendor who specializes in selling Shepmagan shippy glasses (who can also masquerade as Shepmagan Shippergirl should Camy need the assistance to conquer...ummm...persuade people of the power of Shep/Teyla!)

          And there so far is the superteam of the Shepmagan thread...

          OH, Sweetie, AG........That is an awesome synopse!

          SP...You are very well protected..that's what mommy's are for! You be thankful your not a boy...I'm extremely protected of my boys...Girls out there...You know...let's just say they are wild!

          I really think we are missing someone.....who are we missing?

          Seriously, know I love you..regardless..

          Lord Shiva...You may post around with a Chaya siggiy all you want...We know she ain't no threat to our lovey dovey shippy! So, you are still our favorite, um...what is he again, AG?

          Now, can someone bring up some serious discussion here about John and Teyla...?

          Oh, I heard it through the grapevine, but I did hear from some reliable sources that we are not going to be disappointed this second half as far as Teyla and John moments....YIPEE
          Last edited by Jeyla4ever; 07 December 2005, 04:25 AM.


            Originally posted by Camy
            OH, Sweetie...Don't forget my Wonder Power...ACTIVATE!

            I really think we are missing someone.....who are we missing?
            Cpt Ritter! Our token boy! Who's gonna come up with his title?

            "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

            HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


              Originally posted by SnoggingPicard
              Cpt Ritter! Our token boy! Who's gonna come up with his title?
              I knew it! How could we ever forget about him?

     are good at this...what should we officially call him?

              Wonderboy!? with super duper writing powers


                Originally posted by Camy
                SP...You are very well protected..that's what mommy's are for! You be thankful your not a boy...I'm extremely protected of my boys...Girls out there...You know...let's just say they are wild!
                Yup, and I thank you for watching out for me! But I'm not a wild kid, I swear! I promise I'll be good even if I do pout once in a while.

                Now can someone bring up some serious discussion here about John and Teyla...?
                Who's it going to be? Anyone out there with stuff you want to talk or speculate about? I'm up for either.

                Oh, I heard it through the grapevine, but I did hear from some reliable sources that we are not going to be disappointed this second half as far as Teyla and John moments....YIPEE
                Hubba, what?!? Okay Camy, now is the time that you need to spill your guts on everything you know shippy wise for the next half of the season! ::tugs at skirt:: Pretty please, mommy?

                "But that man who has known the immense unhappiness of losing a friend, by what name do we call him? Here every language is silent and holds its peace in impotence." ~In memory of Whistler84...loved and missed but never, never forgotten. Safe journey, my dear friend. Love you.

                HIC COMITAS REGIT How long until Shore Leave 29???


                  Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                  I agree...we need Aunt Trippy's opinion...
                  I think I do ship now...for Ronon and Shep

                  Ahem...Trippy's official opinion:

                  I think TPTB are screwing with shippers. Simple, yes, but that's my opinion. Look, there's been one kiss with Teyla, one kiss with Liz (to come). I hate triangles. I don't think they're doing this for Sheppard, they're doing this for fans who are looking for ship. Don't forget, in "The Tower" they give Shep another chic to flirt with.

                  As far as JF goes, he said, at Burbank, I think, that it will be years before Shep is shipped with anyone, if ever. Some people will say that the actors will say cryptic things regarding their possible ships because TPTB tell them to, but Joe has already said that he thinks the 'romance' aspect distracts from the dangerous situations the expedition find themselves in and that Sheppard is keeping his options open. That to me says that you all (and I mean all shippers) have a few more agonizing seasons to sit through and may be subjected to more Pegasus girls smooching Shep, and even a couple more lip-locks involving Teyla or Weir. Sorry I can't be more positive.

                  I think TPTB will give 'moments' between various ship camps. You can enjoy those as you wish. No one should tell you it's bad, wrong, stupid, etc. I just feel that as far as TLG goes, without acknowledgement or discussion between the characters, you're back at square one. I'm not sure I agree with some people's conclusions regarding the Shep/Teyla kiss, and I won't be able to form a real opinion about this other one until I see it with my own two eyes.

                  Some of you may have noticed my postings in the other ship thread. I don't feel like taking sides, but I like to have fun and post funny pics/caps. To be honest, I can't go wrong- my fave guy may get with either of two smart, beautiful, strong women. Yay for me!
                  Sig by Camy


                    Originally posted by Camy
                    I knew it! How could we ever forget about him?

           are good at this...what should we officially call him?

                    Wonderboy!? with super duper writing powers
                    Or some sort of defensive position. He did vow to same you from the grasp of Lord Shiva... Maybe we should ask him which of his noble quality's he shall be known for?


                      Majortrip, I agree with your assessment. I don't think TPTB are ever going to declare an obvious ship - they're having too much fun exploring all the possibilities. And, they run the risk of ticking off those who support the ships that didn't make it and those who hate all ships.

                      IMO, the best way to enjoy your favorite ship is to enjoy those on-screen possible ship moments between your favorites and try to convince the many talented fanfic writers to expand on those moments.

                      Unfortunately, for ship supporters, history has too often shown that when unresolved sexual tension between characters is realized, many former supporters lose interest. I still remember how viewership tanked for "Lois & Clark" and "Moonlighting" when those characters got together.

                      Some would probably argue that TPTB dragged things out too long and by the time those characters got together the thrill was gone, but I think it's more than that - when characters are officially shipped, the thrill of the anticpation of them getting together is gone and it becomes harder to keep their relationship fresh.

                      Originally posted by majortrip
                      I think I do ship now...for Ronon and Shep

                      Ahem...Trippy's official opinion:

                      I think TPTB are screwing with shippers. Simple, yes, but that's my opinion. Look, there's been one kiss with Teyla, one kiss with Liz (to come). I hate triangles. I don't think they're doing this for Sheppard, they're doing this for fans who are looking for ship. Don't forget, in "The Tower" they give Shep another chic to flirt with.

                      As far as JF goes, he said, at Burbank, I think, that it will be years before Shep is shipped with anyone, if ever. Some people will say that the actors will say cryptic things regarding their possible ships because TPTB tell them to, but Joe has already said that he thinks the 'romance' aspect distracts from the dangerous situations the expedition find themselves in and that Sheppard is keeping his options open. That to me says that you all (and I mean all shippers) have a few more agonizing seasons to sit through and may be subjected to more Pegasus girls smooching Shep, and even a couple more lip-locks involving Teyla or Weir. Sorry I can't be more positive.

                      I think TPTB will give 'moments' between various ship camps. You can enjoy those as you wish. No one should tell you it's bad, wrong, stupid, etc. I just feel that as far as TLG goes, without acknowledgement or discussion between the characters, you're back at square one. I'm not sure I agree with some people's conclusions regarding the Shep/Teyla kiss, and I won't be able to form a real opinion about this other one until I see it with my own two eyes.

                      Some of you may have noticed my postings in the other ship thread. I don't feel like taking sides, but I like to have fun and post funny pics/caps. To be honest, I can't go wrong- my fave guy may get with either of two smart, beautiful, strong women. Yay for me!
                      Sig by Luciana


                        Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                        I also caught the song Camy was talking about before, thanks to Mel I know the title...Lifehouse, "You and Me" I think that was it...

                        NOOOO!!!! "You and Me" has been claimed by the S/W shippers! Sorry, but dude, that vid by sache rocked! WE GOT IT FIRST!!! (Sorry for the screaming).

                        Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                        I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                        Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                          Originally posted by Whistler84
                          NOOOO!!!! "You and Me" has been claimed by the S/W shippers! Sorry, but dude, that vid by sache rocked! WE GOT IT FIRST!!! (Sorry for the screaming).

                          Ah we can'll be the first step for inter-shipper relations between us all. *pouts* pretty please?

                          I mean how many people have used 'Accidently in Love" I know there is a Shep/Teyla one and then I saw a Sam/Jack one....All good!

                          I'm still rooting for Mel!


                            Originally posted by AthosianGirl
                            Ah we can'll be the first step for inter-shipper relations between us all. *pouts* pretty please?

                            I mean how many people have used 'Accidently in Love" I know there is a Shep/Teyla one and then I saw a Sam/Jack one....All good!

                            I'm still rooting for Mel!
                            Oh, alright. I suppose we S/W shippers don't technically have "claim" over it. (Something about Lifehouse actually owning the song? *shrugs*) The things we do for shipper-harmony.

                            Wanna sig? Ask me. I'll probably make you one.
                            I would also like it noted that in The Long Goodbye,
                            Weir asked John to be her husband, and he said yes!! HA!!! LOL!


                              Originally posted by melpomene
                              Or some sort of defensive position. He did vow to same you from the grasp of Lord Shiva... Maybe we should ask him which of his noble quality's he shall be known for?
                              Good idea MEL!

                              Okay Cpt. Ritter...where areeee youuuu?

                              Input Cpt....well his name is Cpt... so maybe Cpt. of the defense/guard, head knight, scribe with a magical quill so everything he writes ends up coming true (I wish!).

                              Need ta know Cpt!

                              You're a part of this team also...ya just need an offical title!


                                Someone mind telling me why I was left out!?

                                NoDot: PK Power! It sits around all day watching everyone else do random, crazy stuff.
                                This poster has a Superiority Complex. Apologies in advance.

