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John Sheppard/Teyla Emmagan Appreciation/Ship/Discussion Thread

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    Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
    *raises hand* But then, I have no self-control. I click the spoilers.


      Originally posted by Spectrum View Post

      John was completely shocked and angry when Teyla told him she was pregnant! I can understand why he relieved her from duty, but he was totally unsympathetic to poor Teyla! He was concerned for the baby though! Poor John, he must be soooo confused!

      I loved how Ronon was the one who congratulated her and was understanding and supportive though. What a great friendship between the two! Cute how he went with her to the infirmary too. As a bonus he gets to see Keller again too.

      I hated the whole Larin(sp?) bit. And it seems like John is falling for her. Definitely not liking that!

      I totally did not see the evil Weir thing coming!! Is this the real Weir or the other replicated Weir we saw a few eps ago?
      I do agree that John
      was shocked and pissed off. I think his decision to ground her was born out of that. His reactions to Larin had to be colored by that I think.

      As for this Weir we're seeing. I'm of the opinion that it's the Weir that was left behind, but that in an attempt to completely convert her to total nanite/replicator form something happened they didn't expect. I think she went completely dark and could even have been behind the resistance for her own ends to topple Oberoth- her long time nemesis. There is nothing left of the human Weir at this point- Which I gotta say is WAY cool.


        Originally posted by john_and_teyla_for_life View Post
        JUST DON'T TELL ME!!!!!
        Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
        *raises hand* But then, I have no self-control. I click the spoilers.
        You two will LOVE it! Great ep!
        Sig by Cazzblade


          Originally posted by MrsB108 View Post
          Ok can I just say WTH????

          Spoilers for BAMSR:

          Elizabeth is alive???? Or her Replicator self but I think its the real one. She seems like she's going to be the "big bad" or something. I definitely did not see THAT coming.

          The reveal of Teylas pregnancy to Shep and Ronon was done well I thought. And each of the guys reactions I thought was done well. Shep being confused and denial-ish at first and then going right for anger relieving her from duty while Ronon offered congratulations and then apologies for the missing father.

          Funny how though Ronon knew who the father was right away while Sheppard had no clue and didnt care to ask either. He was too hurt and blindsided.

          I liked how Carter told Ellis off about his mistreatment of McKay and the battle scene was fantastic. Really, the effects were the bomb.

          Larrin was fine. Her and her peoples presence didnt seem out of place what with everyone in the world teaming up against the Replicator blob from hell.

          Though it will be interesting to see whats up with Todd, since we see on the preview he will not be gone for too long since we see him asking Sheppard for help.

          Anyway, awesome awesome ep with a great surprise ending concerning Elizabeth. Wonder where that will go and if her being in only 4 eps was only a ruse.
          TOTALLY agree with you Mrs. B on John's reaction to Teyla's news! It was great!!!! And very similar to a lot of the fanfic being written lately. LOL!
          His range of emotions was excellent. Shock, disbelief, hurt, betrayal, and then anger. (AH! His tone on "You're what?" and "I-I didn't even know you were seeing someone.") He is upset for a reason that I suspect he doesn't understand himself yet. He jumped on two facts. That she hid it from him for almost a month and she let him put her in danger. Very, very interesting. And I loved how he was so morose with Carter, enough so that she asked him what was wrong and he told her glumly that Teyla was pregnant. And then when she asked who the father was, he was taken back yet again. I really loved his reaction.

          Compared to Ronon who was just like a good friend, sweet and supportive and not jealous or angry at all. Ask yourself why John showed so much emotion and what other times he's shown strong emotion by reacting in anger. I don't know if I'd say John showed jealousy yet in his initial reaction, perhaps a little, but I thought it was more shock and hurt and then anger in this, his initial reaction. I'll have to watch it again I think. But I can't wait to see what happens next!!!
          Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


            I'm going to go make some sigs... something...anything to take my mind off this waiting!!! Why oh why did my parents have to move our family to Canada from the States when I was little? WHY??? WHERE IS THE FAIRNESS IN THAT?!?!?! Seriously!!!


              Originally posted by sanssong View Post
              I do agree that John
              was shocked and pissed off. I think his decision to ground her was born out of that. His reactions to Larin had to be colored by that I think.

              As for this Weir we're seeing. I'm of the opinion that it's the Weir that was left behind, but that in an attempt to completely convert her to total nanite/replicator form something happened they didn't expect. I think she went completely dark and could even have been behind the resistance for her own ends to topple Oberoth- her long time nemesis. There is nothing left of the human Weir at this point- Which I gotta say is WAY cool.
              I really hope that John's reaction to Larrin was due to his anger over Teyla. I'm hoping that he'll calm down, talk to Teyla, and stay far away from Larrin. I have no idea what's happening with Weir, I'm just happy to see her on my tv. This was such a great episode for me. I got a lot of Sam ( I LOVED her backbone in this episode), a lot of team togetherness, J/T angst, a little bit of Elizabeth (but not nearly enough), and funny McKay and other interaction. All I needed was some S/J shippiness and it would have been perfect.
              sigpicsig by starlover1990 Thanks!
              I ship Sam/Jack because "always" is a very long time and he'll "always" be there for her.



                Originally posted by WingedPegasus View Post
                *raises hand* But then, I have no self-control. I click the spoilers.
                Your fault!

                Wow... THat kicked some serious @$$! The scene where she tells John and Ronon was GREAT! I wrote something earlier and didn't get a chance to post it.
                “I have something I must tell you all. I’m pregnant.” John spit out the coffee he was drinking. He stood up angrily, jealousy springing to life in him.

                “What? Who’s is it? You know what, I don’t want to know.” He paused. “I can’t believe you, Teyla. I wouldn’t think that you would just sleep with anybody. Clearly, I was wrong. Also, consider yourself relieved from active duty.” John stormed out of the room.

                Tears came to Teyla’s eyes at John’s harsh words. She couldn’t believe he was acting like this. Why was he being so cruel? She was lost in her thoughts and didn’t notice Ronon come up to her. “Hey. Just ignore him. He’ll get over himself and come back and apologize.” Teyla nodded at Ronon half-heartedly. She doubted that it would happen. The way he looked at her, it seemed like he… Well, he hated her.

                Teyla looked up at Ronon, sorrow in her voice and eyes. “I hope so, Ronon, but I fear he may not this time.” Ronon hugged her and she gave him a sad smile. He left and Rodney came over.

                He smiled and hugged her as well. “Sheppard will come around. Eventually.” Teyla nodded and walked to her quarters. Once there, she finally let the tears that she had been holding back go.
                Jess | he/his/him | future ruler of the universe
                "Roger that. Remind me to underachieve twice as hard from now on."
                dA | tumblr | twitter


                  Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                  I do agree that John
                  was shocked and pissed off. I think his decision to ground her was born out of that. His reactions to Larin had to be colored by that I think.

                  As for this Weir we're seeing. I'm of the opinion that it's the Weir that was left behind, but that in an attempt to completely convert her to total nanite/replicator form something happened they didn't expect. I think she went completely dark and could even have been behind the resistance for her own ends to topple Oberoth- her long time nemesis. There is nothing left of the human Weir at this point- Which I gotta say is WAY cool.
                  Agreed about

                  John's decision to ground Teyla and his reaction to Larrin being a result of his anger and confusion. I can't wait to see how he reacts when he and Teyla talk again. Should be interesting! He obviously cares about her and the baby, otherwise he wouldn't have freaked out like that about her being out on dangerous missions.

                  I like your theory about Weir. If it is the real Weir it makes for more will the team feel about destroying their friend? I love the twist with her being the leader of the replicators now! Can't wait to see how it all plays out.
                  Sig by Cazzblade


                    OMG!!! thanks everyone for the spoilers!!!. I still got a little over a hour and a half before it airs!!! UGH!!!. The episode sounds exciting and what!???
                    We are getting an evil Weir!!!...i didn't see that one coming but it does sound really promising!!!. As for John's reaction, i haven't seen the episode but from what i'm reading, it sounds like it made perfect sense by how he reacted but i have to wait and see it to really give my opinion on it. From the sound of it, they didn't have a talk about how he reacted so hopefully next episode, they can have that talk....although, was this the scene Rachle talked about with Teyla and John having an argument about him not wanting her to go out on missions????.

                    Quick questions for those who have seen the episode, how did you see John's reaction to Carter asking him about who is the father???. Did it seem like a blow to John???

                    Sig by Camy


                      Originally posted by vball2003_1999 View Post
                      I really hope that John's reaction to Larrin was due to his anger over Teyla. I'm hoping that he'll calm down, talk to Teyla, and stay far away from Larrin. I have no idea what's happening with Weir, I'm just happy to see her on my tv. This was such a great episode for me. I got a lot of Sam ( I LOVED her backbone in this episode), a lot of team togetherness, J/T angst, a little bit of Elizabeth (but not nearly enough), and funny McKay and other interaction. All I needed was some S/J shippiness and it would have been perfect.
                      Can't say that I share your excitement
                      over seeing Weir- I'm not exactly a fan- *snort*. But after several years of not liking her, for about 20 seconds - I did. She should have been evil from the very beginning.

                      As for John. I do think he's genuinely attracted to Larrin, but I also think he was willing to make more of a jerk of himself over that attraction because he's feeling a bit betrayed by Teyla right now. It was timing. I'm hoping as he comes to terms with what's going on with Teyla he's get over this- whatever it is with Larrin. She annoys me.


                        Okay, some people are mentioning how John acted around Larrin...
                        Was there a lot of that annoying flirting going on???

                        Sig by Camy


                          Ha! I'm so bored and totally NOT tired that I made this. I did say I was desperate, right???

                          BASMR vid


                            Originally posted by sanssong View Post
                            I do agree that John
                            was shocked and pissed off. I think his decision to ground her was born out of that. His reactions to Larin had to be colored by that I think.

                            As for this Weir we're seeing. I'm of the opinion that it's the Weir that was left behind, but that in an attempt to completely convert her to total nanite/replicator form something happened they didn't expect. I think she went completely dark and could even have been behind the resistance for her own ends to topple Oberoth- her long time nemesis. There is nothing left of the human Weir at this point- Which I gotta say is WAY cool.
                            Totally agree with you about John's reaction!
                            That felt pretty obvious to me, that he was hard on her out of his feelings of betrayal and anger. She really shook him up in that moment. His reactions to Larrin were like a 7th grade boy. I can't believe they had him actually look at her cleavage! *rolls eyes* and there were a few of the innuendos again, but overall, nothing really. Less than what we saw in Travelers at least, which I am grateful for. We really don't need to see John reduced to a drooling little boy, especially when they are in danger. UGH! So I wasn't too bothered by Larrin this time around. She was annoying again, but his reactions were slightly better than they were in Travelers at least. It's possible it was born out of Teyla's news as well, but I honestly don't know if that was the writer's intention.

                            As for Weir, I am not sure what to think! I think it's a great plot twist, that's for sure! And we have the unknown if she is a replicator or still human or what! I can't wait to see what they do next! Although if this was truly counts as her 4th ep, we won't know more until season five. That makes for a great twist though. I love the possibilities that can bring!
                            Sig by Mayra~many thanks!


                              Ok, this is getting stupid. Could someone just tell me what happened with Carter and the whumpage she dealt out??? I really gotta know that bit!!! But ONLY that bit! Nuttin' more!


                                Originally posted by Mayra View Post
                                OMG!!! thanks everyone for the spoilers!!!. I still got a little over a hour and a half before it airs!!! UGH!!!. The episode sounds exciting and what!???
                                We are getting an evil Weir!!!...i didn't see that one coming but it does sound really promising!!!. As for John's reaction, i haven't seen the episode but from what i'm reading, it sounds like it made perfect sense by how he reacted but i have to wait and see it to really give my opinion on it. From the sound of it, they didn't have a talk about how he reacted so hopefully next episode, they can have that talk....although, was this the scene Rachle talked about with Teyla and John having an argument about him not wanting her to go out on missions????.

                                Quick questions for those who have seen the episode, how did you see John's reaction to Carter asking him about who is the father???. Did it seem like a blow to John???
                                Yep, this was the ep that Rachel was talking about.
                                John's reaction to Carter's question was- interesting. To me it was as if he hadn't started to process how he felt or any of the real world implications till she asked him about the father. Honestly, John didn't want to know that Teyla was seeing someone else- let alone to the point that a baby might be the result. If he thought about that, he'd have to think about how he feels about her and he's not ready for that yet. So, the "head in the sand" method worked very well for him, till he had to face the reality that his decision to stay at arms length with Teyla had consequences. For him and for her. This is going to be hard for John and I hope JM loves us enough to let us see John grapple with some of these complex feelings.

